SATURDAY, AUGUST 40, 1M1 PAOIQ FOUIt THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Tj! MAMMMAMMMMWMMMMVVMWMVVVWVVWWVMMM OASSIHEOADVERTISEMENTS wammmmmmmmmmmwwwmmmww MISCELLANEOUS HAVE 40 tons baled hoy; will trmlo for car. Call 1126 Main or phono 40I-J. 19-22 EWR , flAf.R K Mnm Imnon nl ftft Washington st., Prlco $2, COO. l'nrt casn, part torms. boo 11. a. Tnicuo, 3018 Oregon avenue. 19-32 FOR SALE Wicker baby buggy In good condition. Phono 10S. 19-22 Tennis shoes, $1.00 tho Evans Shoo Co. per pnlr nt 19-20 WANTED Woman to asslt with housowork and caro for child ren. Phono 265. 19-20 Agents Wanted. County Agents wanted, Big money maker agents can clear Ten dollars per day, wrlto at onco tor our agents proposition. A. J. Mollis, 123 H 1st Bt., Portland, Ore. 19 23 Seo Evans for Shoo repairing. 19-20 BUY MADE IN KLAMATH Alfalfa Meal, tor chlckons, rabbits and calves. Manufactured by Harry Tel ford. For salo at Murphy's Feed Store, Sunset Orocery and Anderson's Groceteria. 18-21 FOR RENT Now and modern rooms t tho "Clarice." 419 10th St. ' 18-20 FOR SALE My 1125 equity In a 1300 brand new 8onora and good records at a sacrifice Terms. Bal ance still due on machlno at easy .terms. Seo Mrs. Holden at First Nauonai bank. 18-20 A pleasant afternoon was passed by the 'ladles of the Elks club Tuesday at tho templo on Main and Third streets. Mrs. H. N. Moe and Mrs. Charles Martin were hostesses for 'the afternoon. Mrs. Frank Robinson was hostess Thursday tor dinner and evening at her" home on Ninth street. Dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Leavltt, Arthur and Miss Maybelle Leavltt. Those who came In tor the evening wore Miss Minnie Walk er, Dr.' and Mrs, Truax and Miss Haxel Moorehouse. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Delrcll en tertained at dinner Thursday even ing at dinner for Rev. and Mrs. E. P. Lawrence, who are visiting here from Medford this week-end. Mrs. Guy Manning was hostess Wednesday afternoon for a number . of friends at a 600 party given in the Hall hotel annex. At the close of a delightful afternoon at cards light refreshments wero served by tbo hostess. Mrs. M. S. West was most successful in playing and tho prlxe went to her. Present were: Mesdames E. B. Hall, Henrietta Melhose, M. S. West, Clinton M. Brooklns, Jack Slater, Charles Mar tin, Fred Schallock, William Sand ham, Charles House, Ernest Bubb, Victor Palmer, H. N. Moe, J. 8. Elliott, Fred Dunbar, Hardin Cart er, Sid Evans, R. C. Grocsbeck, Orb Campbell, M. M. Obencholn, and Earl Whitlock. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. M, Worden entertained informally the Rer. and Mrs. E. P. Lawronco with a lawn supper, at their homo Paying off Its crew this wook prepa on Washington street. Rer. and Mrs. ' ratory to closing down operations for Lawrence are bero from Medford, tbo season, via Spring Creek, where they camp-' C. T. Madson, prominent Worden ed for a few days, .Invitations aro out for the grand Masonic ball and cntortalnmont to oe given September G, at tho Scandl- navlan ball. This will bo ono of tho biggest affairs of thn kind tn )n irivn liu -nrti. n , ! , this season and is one of tho very few balls to be given by Kfamath lodge No. 77, A. p. & A. Mi, during its lone oxlstoncn in tht ritv Thn long existence in this city. The DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Eel Tom, Now You CAREFUL WITH READrV NOW! ONE-TWO - HIM1. THREE- yk 3n& j? flH FOR SALE -17 laying heis. Phono G76-J, 325 w. lutn at., lT-au WANTED Dry shop grndor to bo- gln work Monday 'tho 22nd, Phono or wrlto. Nino Lumber Co., City. 17-20 FOR SALE Ford bug, llargalu tor cash. Seo Molby, Wlntors Jewelry Store. 10-20 CITY GAItllAOE When you want garbngo removed, coll lOr.'JII. FOR RENT 3-room apartmonts, turnlshod and unfurnished. Mrs. Myrtto Anderson, Apt. 4, C2S Oak St. 1C-22 FURNITURE for 9-room homo for sale. Flno locntlon for rooming or boarding houso. A bargain, '80S Main St. 15-20 PAINTS, OIL3 AND VARNISH WALL PAPER W. E. AND J. E. PATTERSON Phono 196-W. 127 N. 4th St. 1-31 WOMAN wnnted to cook for small harvest crew at Maltn. Inquire Horald office. D. L. 17-23 SHOE Shines cut to lEc at O. K. Parlors. Shines Just as good as over, work guaranteed. Wm. Tlmms, Prop. 15-20 FOR SALE Pasture and hay, good fattening grass, sufflctont for 300 head of cnttlo also 200 tons mixed red top timothy and wild hay. Ap ply Mrs. Contrail, Shtpplngton, phono 356 or Dr. Qaddls. Englo Rldgo Tavern. 11-22 FOR RENT Nowly turnlshod rooms, cere a night. 13 a week at Hot Springs Hotel. C-20 managers of tbo ball and entertain ment aro tho past masters and past wardens and tho patronesses aro to bo tho past and present matrons, O. E. S. Tho Missionary society of tbo Presbyterian church met Thursday afternoon at tho church. Plans wero mado at this tlmo for a get-together luncheon noxt month and several other matters of entertain ment wero taken caro of. J. F. Magulro was tho honor guest at a birthday sinner given Tor him by members of his family Thursday evening. A wonderful chicken din ner was followed by a fine big birth day cake. Tho Happy Hour Sewing club will meot next week at tbo homo of Mrs. George Humphrey, on Pine street. Last week tho club was entertain ed at the homo of Mrs. O. M. Hec tor and a particularly ploasant af ternoon was enjoyed by tho mem bers and a number of guests. DORR1S PERSONALS. 'DORR1S, Cal., Aug.. 20 Hart W, Palmer, general manager of tbo Lum bcrmaijs Warohouso & Storago com pany of Portland, was In town yester- cordanco wlh tho plans and spocl h ,-,... ,.... u i flcatlons therefor on fllo with tho day conversing with local business men relative to tho lumber business and tho prospective outlook for the future. If. f!- Mftrrvmnn vrni n h, a ousinoss . :: '" "-' - -- " , visitor in town yestorday, having driven up from Bray whoro ho Is , connectod with tho Crater Lake Box ' ' l company, . I Tho IC & C. Lumber company Is farmer, spent yestorday in town on business. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. W. Mitchell of Mt Dome and Mrs. A. B. McDonald of tho J. F. Ranch spent yestorday after- noon in Dorris v n ,i,nr ,, ,. . Y'. : ,!u ,.pyV. - soclatod with W. E Samuols in tho operation of tho old Clark mill near town, has rotlrod from tho business nH hii ..,.,. t.i. i, . . . and will transfer his interests to Mr. SPIT IT 7CUKC Twenty-five Years .1-Tl srmuir PETTICOR03 trroRe oust Rccjnvcd A MEW SHIPMENT Of UP-TD-DATC rMINSJTAK-C..' Samuols. Although arrangements lor future conduct of tho mill hno not been mode, It Is thought that Mr. Samuols, who Is n practical mill man, will associate with him other rcspon slblo men of tho community In tho entorprlw. M, Evans has purchased n now Ford cor and Is busy learning to oporatc. Mr. Evans Is very ndept considering that ho Is In his eighties, having driven four of tho long oared , tribes across tho plains boforo Henry Ford over dreamed of Lizzie. -o WEATHER RECORD Hereafter Tho Iterate! will publish the mean and maximum tcrapora- ures and precipitation record as tak en by tho U. S. Reclamation service ttttlon. Publication Will COVor the day previous to the paper's Issuo, up to 5 o'clock of tbo day. Pre- 3ErsHf!s3E3 j BVt Url A R4w'l D nl f2nr mar rr V"M ' -& ' Max Mln. clpltatlon Aug. 1 ............ 88 55 Aug. 2 ..... 86 51 Aug. 3 ... 89 56 Aug. 4 89 50 Aug. 6 . . 90 oti Aug 6 94 57 Aug. 7 ........... 9C 61 Aug. 8 37 56 Aug. 9 .... 88 60 Aug. 10 91 51 Aug. 11 .: 90 60 Aug. 12 87 53 Aug.' 12 87 51 ' - Aug. 14 75 49 Aug. 15 79 44 Aug. 16 87 60 Aug, 17 . 81 43 Aug. IS 78 42 ' Aug. 19 .. . 88 61 clpltatlon NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS TO bo mado contingent upon tho sale IMPROVE WABIIINGTONlf the bonds lo be nuthnrlzed for STREET FROM THIRD STREET, financing tho proposed Improvement TO FIFTH STREET. INCLUDING i INTERSECTIONS. Proposals will be received by the Common Council of the City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for making thn improvement of Washington street from Third street to Fifth strcot In cluding Intersections. Tho Improvement to bo mado In City Englncor and tho Pollco Judgo, for cither of tbo classes of hnrdsur faclng mentioned In tbo plans and specifications and In tho Odlnanco, 'N'0, CC7, "fdorlng tho Improvement.' jho making of tho Improvomont will i no maKing or tun Improvomont will ay, jjuvjuBiOO let in ono contract. l'roposals bo let In one contract. Pronnsals mu't he filed with tho Pollco Judgo "ot .,ator, tJ,nn.'i! o'clock P. M., of W A 1abb laV iflTi -hA i.A.IbI. ..!. -! WVIUUUI OIU, A, Uf, Yl lllch (lute and !.. .. .1.. ,-, II 1 i , , tuuv, m uu v,uuncii uuamuur in imiu racitic Torraco. including intoracc clty, all proposals will bo opened tlonn. fo consideration, I Tho Improvement to bo mndo In Each proposal must bo nccomp-'occordnnco wllh tho plans nnd Hpocl- onled by a certified check on somo flrntlmm ttx.n.fnr nn fin, hn frellablo banking Institution equal to uvo percent or mo amount or. tno proposal to be .forfoltcd to tho city upon failure of tho successful bid- der to onter into contract nnd bond for the faithful completion of tho improvement. Tne ngnt to rojoct nny nd nil proposals being hereby reserved in tho common council. Tho Inward to tho successful bidder will b0 md0' cont'nBcnt upon tho snlo of the bonds to bo authorized for financing tho proposed improvomont. Tl Improvement to consist of grading to full width, hnrdsurfaclng 2C fcet fa width with cither Bltull- Tom, Difln't Stay Long I ' i s OUT! .-, Hi-tKlvin i ; Ff " m asrrJKsTi 1 1 J . L ,b r"" ' Ago In Linkvillc thlc, Concrete or Wlllltn, curbing, "'' In'"B f concrete nlkB. i 'Voll'co Judge. y order of tho Common Council. NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE .!i:riT.!t.HON STREET PROM THIRD STREW TO FIFTH STREET, AMI FIFTH HTREirr FROM .II.YTEHSO.N TO LINCOLN KTHEET. AND LINCOLN HTREirr FROM FIFTH KTUIlirr T HIXTII STRHET INCLUDING INTKRHEC TIONS AND THE INTERSECTION OF LINCOLN A .VI) SIXTH STIIE171. Propnali will bo received by tbo Common Council of tho City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, for 'making tho Impovemont of Jefferson street from Third street, tn Fifth street and Fifth street from Jefforsou to Lin coln street and Lincoln street. Fifth stroct to Sixth street, Including In tersections, and the Intenertlon at l.lnrntn nn.l RIyHi Tho lm- ,,0vomcnt to bo madn In nccordanco with tho nlnns and sncclflratlons Minrnfnr nn flln Willi Mm Pltv Kn. ginpor and In the office of the Police I Judge, for either of tbo clashes of , hardsurfaclng mentioned In tho plana nnd specifications nnd In Ordinance !No. GCO, ordortng the Improvement. Tlio ranking of the Improvement tf 111 bo let In one contract. Proposal must bo filed with the Pollco Judge not later than 8 o'clock P. M., of October 3rd, 1921, nt which 'tlmo nnd dntn nt tho Council Cham tber In sold city nil proposals will bo opened for consideration. Each proposal must be accompa nied by n certified check on somo responsible bnnklng Institution equal jtn 5 per cent of tho amount of tho proposal, to ho rorroltcd to tlio city upon failure of thn successful bid der to enter Into contnrct and bond for tho faithful completion of tho Improvement. The right to rojoct nny nnd nil 'ilrls being hereby ro- j served In the Common Council. Tho , nwnrd to tho successful bidder will Tho Improvement Is to consist of grading to full width, hnrdsurfaclng 26 feet In width with cither llltull thlc, Concroto or Wllllte. with curb ing and six font cement sldownllcs on both sides, nil Intersections to bo paved full width. A. L. LEAVITT. Pollco Judge, lly order of tho Common Council, NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE IJLIMHtADO STREET FROM ESPLANADE TO PORT LAND. AND MELROSE FROM ELDORADO TO PACIFIC TER RACE, Proposals will bo rocelvod by tho Common Council of tho City of Klam- Common Council of tho Cltv nth Falls. Oroirnn. for nmklnr dm ntii i."nii nrnn tnr vin ,i, imnrovnmnnt of Eldorado Street. trom Esplanndo to Portland Strcot, . ma a 1 unci Mnlnmn RtrnAt frnm FMilnrmln (n .. V '. -"""-" City Engineer and In tho office of tlio Pollco Judgo, for olthor of tho classes of hardmirfaclng montlonod In tho plana nnd spoclflcntlonH nnd In Ordlnanco No. 656, ordorlng tho Improvomont. Tho making of tho Improvomont will lio let In ono con- tract. Proposals must bo filed with tho Pollco Judgo not later than 8 o'clock P. M of Octnbor 3rd., 1921, nt -which dato nnd tlmo nt tho city hall In said city, nil proposals will bo opened for, consideration. Each proposal milst bo accompa- nlod by a certified chock on somo responsible banking Institution oqunl TT1E Wer ?N ITS A BUOY I 'TS A 6IR1. ! AW, t WA8 . I U1 : a, r- U: . . 1 FOOLIN'MEl to 5 per cent of thn amount nt tho proposal to bo forfoltod to tho city upon failure of tlio successful blddur to outer Into contract nml bond for tho faithful completion of tho Im provement. The right to reject any mid ntt bids being hereby rosorved In thu common council. Tho award to tho successful bidder will bu mndo contingent upon tho salo of thu bonds to bo authorised for fluouclug the proposed 'Improvement. Tim Improvement lo consist of grading street to full wldlh, hard surfacing to Iho width of 26 feet with olthor llltullthlc, Concrete, mid curbing, A. L. LHAV1TT. Pollen Judgo, lly order nt tho Common Council. NOTICE INVITING MRS. lllds will bo rocolved by thn Com mon Council up to mid Including Monday, August 22, 1921, nt Iho hour of S o'clock P. M. for tho repair of .Sixth street from Klnlock Aveniio to tho Railroad crooning on Sixth street. Tho repairs .to lm mado consist In scarifying, grndlng and rolling thu present surface, laying drains, Instal ling rntrh-baslns and Installing pumps, nil In accordance with plans anil specification!! of tho city en gineer, on file In his office and In the office of tho 1'ollco Judge, lllds to bo accompanied with n certified check for 5 per cent of tho amount i of tho bid. Tho Common Council reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. A. L. LEAVITT. A-13-23 Police Judgo. NOTICE INVITING PROPOSAIJ4 TO IMPROVE HIGH STREET FROM THIRD HTREirr TO CEDAR STREET. AND CEDAR STREET FROM HIGH STREET TO PINE STREET. Proposals will bo received by the Common Council of tho City of Klam nth Falls, Oregon, tor making tin Improvement of High Htrcot from Third street to westerly lino of High street nnd Codar street from High street to Pine street Including Inter sections. Tim Improvement to bo madu In nccordanco with tho plans nnd specifications therefore on file with tho City Englncor nnd In tho offlcn of tho Pollco Judge, for cither of tho classes of hnrdsurfaclng men tioned In tho plans and specifications nnd In Ordinance No. 658, ordering thn Improvement. Tho making of tho Improvement will bo let In one I rontrnct. Proposals must bo filed with tho Pollco Judgo not later than H o'clock P M., of October 3rd, 1021. at which tlmo and dato at tho city hall In said city Jill proposals will be opened for consideration. Each proposal must lie accompa nied by a certified ctiock on somo res ponsible banking Institution equal to 5 per rent of the amount of the proposal, to bu forfeited tn tho city upon failure of tho successful bidder to enter Into contact And bond forj the faithful completion of tho Im provement. Tho right to reject nny and all bids bolng hcroby reserved In ,tho Common Council, Tho nward to 'the successful bidder will bo mndo contingent upon the sale of thn bonds to bo authorized for financing tho pronosed Improvement. Tho Improvement to consist In grn dlng to full width, bardsurfoclng to the width of 25 feet with either llltu llthlc, Concroto or Wllllle, with curb ing and content sidewalks. A. L. LEAVITT. Pollco Judgo, lly order of tbo Common Council. NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE HIGH STHEIIT FROM THIRD STREET TO SIXTH STREET AND FOURTH HTREirr FRO.M PINE TO JEFFERSON HTREirr. Proposals will bo received by tho Common Council of tho City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for making thn Improvement of High strcot from Third street lo Sixth street and Fourth street from Pine utreet to Jefferson street. Including IntorseC' tlnns. Tho Improvement to bo mado f her In said city all proposals will bo In occordnncn wllh tho plans andiopenod for consideration. Each pro specifications therefor on fllo wlth'posal must bo accompanied by a cor thn City Engineer nnd In tho offlcn , llflcil check on somo responsible of tho Pollco Judge, for either of thn, banking Institution equal to 6 per cIobscs of hardsurfaclng mentioned .cent of thn amount of tho proposal In tho plans and spoclflcntlonH and In 'to bo forfeited tn tho city upon fall Ordlnnnco Np, 661, ordorlng tho Im-.uro of tho liuccessful bidder lo ontor provoment, TJio'mnKing of tho im-nnio contract and bond for tho faith provomont will bo let in ono contract, iful completion of tho Improvement, Proposnls must bo filed with tlio. Mm right to reject any and all bids Pollco Judgo not lntor than 8 o'clock' being hereby resorved In tho Com-N I', M,.. ntOctpbor 3rd., 1921, nt which ion Council. Tho award to tho sue tlmo nnd dntn at tho Council Chnmbor ceBsful bidder will bo mndo contlr.g In said eity all proposals will bo out upon thn nolo of tho bonds to bo oponod for consideration. Inuthorlxed for financing tho propos- Ench proposain muiit bo nccompan-'ed Improvement. Tho Improvomont led by n cortlflod chock on somo rov to consist of grading to full width, ponslblo banking Institution equal hardsurfaclng 30 feet In width, with to 5 por rent of tho amount of tho either llltullthlc, Concroto or Wiltlto, propoiial, to bo forfoltod to tho city concrete curbing, nnd sidewalks flvo upon fnlluro of thu successful bid- feet wide ou west sldo of South Rlvor der lo ontor Into contract and bond sldo ntreot nnd from Main to south for tho fnlthful completion of tho Miio of park on onst Hldo, nnd on Improvomont. Tho right to rojoct nny southorly lino of Main to oastorly and nil IjIiIh helng hereby rosorved In . lino of South Rlvorsldo. tho Common Council. The award to A. L. LEAVITT. tho miccoHsriil bidder will bo mado I Pollco Judgo. contingent upon tho salo of the bonds By ordor of tho Common Council. to lm nuthorlsod for flnnnctng tho proposed Improvement, Tho Improve inont to consist of grndlug to full, width, hordsurfaclng Twenty flvo feet lit width with either llltullthlo, Concrete or other hnrdsurfaco pave ment, with curbing mid cmuant side- Wlllkll. A. L. LEAVITT, Pollen Judge, lly order of Iho Common Council. "JL- .- ' .-J1 1 .I1I.J..JJ .MAKE STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Proposals will bo received by the. Common Council of tlioTJIty of Klam- nth Falls, Oregon for making thn Improvement ilMgnod for Fourth street from Klamath nvonuo to thn southerly line of Oak avenue! Flflli street from Klamath nvonuo to thn noiitherly llnu of Willow nvonuo; Walnut aveniio from the northerly lino of Fourth street lo thn southerly line of Sixth utreet; Oak nvonuo from the northerly line or Fourth street to tho southerly linn of Seventh street: Willow nvonuo from tho northerly linn of Fifth street to thn southerly Hun of Hlxth ntreot together with all Intersections between tho respective termini not already Im proved. Held proposed Improvements to tin made In accordance with thn plans and specifications of the city engineer for either of thn classes of Improvement mentioned In said plans nnd specifications nml thn nrdlnancn ordering thn proposed Improvement, which said ordinance Is numbered run, adopted on thn 21st day of Fobrunry 1921, and by thn mayor approved on the 23rd day of Fobrun ry. 1912. Thn plans anil specifications for such Improvement being on fllo with the Pollen Judgo and with tho city engineer, Tho contract foi- making tho pro posed Improvement will bo let In nno rontrnct. Proposals must fin filed with thn pollco Judgo for submission to tho council not later tlinn 8 o'clock P M.. on October 3rd, 1921. at which tlmo and date, at tho council chamber In said city, all proposals will bo opened and considered. Knch proposal to bo nccompnnled by n certified check on some respon sible bank equal to 6 per cent of tho proposal, same to bo forfoltod to tho city upon fnllurn of thn suc cessful bidder to enter Into bond nnd contract for the faithful completion of tho Improvement. Tho right to reject any and all bids and proposals Is hereby reserved In thn city, Tho award to thn siicci'imfiil bidder will bo made contingent upon thn salo of thn bonds to tie nuthorltml for pro viding funds for financing tho pro posed Improvement. Rids am rospcrtfuly Invited on llltullthlc. Oil Macadam and concroto, In addition to grndlng, curbing, drain ago nnd commit walks. Dated at Ktamulh i:ia, August 12th, 1921. A. L. LEAVITT. Pollen Judgo. lly Order of the Common Council, NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE SOUTH RIVERSIDE HTRITT FltO.M WEST MAIN TO CITV 1 1'M-rs AND WEST MAIN FROM END Or PWEMENT AT CONGER AVENUE TO WESTER LY LINEOF SOUTH RIVERSIDE. Proposals will be received by tho Common Council of tho City of Klam nth Falls, Oregon, for making tho Improvement of South Riverside street, from West Main tn tho city limits, and West Mntn street from end of pavement nt Conger nvcnuo to westerly linn of South Rlvorsldo street Including Intersections. Tho Improvement to lm mndo In accord ance with thn plans nnd specifications therefor on fllo wllh the City En gineer and In thn office of thn Pollen Judgo for either of thn classes nt hurdnurfnclng mentioned In tho plans nnd specifications and In Ordlnnncn No, 6S9, ordering thn Improvomont, Tho making of thn Improvomont will lie in one contract. Proposals must bo fllod with the Pollco Judgo not Inter than 8 o'clock P. M. of October 3rd.. 1921. nt which tlmo and dato nt tho Council Cham- BY ALLMAN