The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 20, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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I'aoh Timion
j The Office Cat
Outbursts of Everett True By Condon
! aZsz- W" A'- THQ3C
-- i , " . 1 ivtsfLtvi Triw-ii .nir nun
. T' SBiMPn-oveMtrMT
'mmL JL , m .wa mmsssm W i i s is i m"m"",i"""'"'"m,mw"' MW""MMM"'"''"MMM'MM T
iBfeJJ.idtPts?TggL'... ' '"gsmm M
r '
I"""" WV L yqP i i I
A Malrlmnnliil mill Hplrlliuit Unit -- -T (JISj
l.ourhvlllii Ark ('russet. I
Thn IM nltil wife look dinner with
Hon. Jolmnoii mill wlfo mi last Him-'
ilny. Ami u flim dinner wo Inul.
llro. Johnson mul wlfo Im oiiu of our
lirnt rhrlritliiiiii In Urn church.
Tlio propoiod Sunday Mim law
will niiiko It unUwful to ilo liny
ItiliiK on Hiimlny except wult for
' "I wmit Hoiiut desk Mocking," u
lady milil nt tho Htyln Shop yestor
Uny. "Desk stockings."
"Von, Hull tops."
Kor thu. first tlmo Hlnco 1904 tho
United States In coining silver dol
lars. Tho prnctlfn was suspended,
wo understand, brcnusti for such n
long tlmo thorn worn no fow things
n dollar would buy.
It Is Imrd to unplckln n rtiruw
her. Hotter not Im sour, says (K-o,
(Irlzzlo. '
WAIT 4fcc You a ftA RsvcnuS Office;
rgyonuc ormctsic f fizljf' Nu t
THCN tumC vCou'Rfi TAl-KiMGl WITH . FCR30N
DON'T HOLD xouh Nose so CtOMa To r
Hl IACC3. '.'.' t i"
' ' ,
" j!2?vdr rV7tl?l s-si-i
The Sisters of Charity
Without Cost or Expense to the City or County
Oh, Well, One M "' I'"'"
DiM-kll't One
(Ail In tho Uiilontown,. Pit. Now
Tho beauty nliont iiport flannel
nklrtn In that nothing hut knickers
In tiocensary beneath thorn.
"Hoy, McCarthy.'- yritml Casey,
"Diignn Just hiimc hllmsolf with
hnlter strap" "lllil you cut him
down." Inquired McCarthy. "01 ilhl
not," replied Casey. "Ho wasn't
dead yet."
Inniinnninr III
Nr ruM U
'UUI1I lULloUl- llu
Jack Thompson says" III" reason
why i bnby In iw much llko lt
mother In bocnuno when It got whnt
It -wants It wants something ttlso.
Inspoctor "Do you touch obser
vation!" Tonchor "Yon."
Inspector "Tlion 1 will test tho
class. Now. clilhlrou nhut your oyo
and nil rtlll." Following thin tho
Innpoclor nimlii n nlow whlitllnR nort
of nolnn mul follnwiMl with: "Now
chllilroii. What illil I ilo?")
Kor nomo tlmo thoro wan no
nnnwor, but ultimately olio llttlo boy
plpoil eut: "Klnncil toarhor."
flonK hltn of tho Hoanon aro "Wlion
you Look Into thu Kuco of A Mulo,"
nna "Dollrlun Tromun lllitwi." Nev
er let It bo trnlil that America han
no proper appreciation of tho hlch
or thliiKH of life. '
Trylm; to flml n now Job uvcry
few monthn Is u kooiI ileal llko
chatiBltiK Heats In it row boat. Tho
man who iloen It mont In unually tho
follow who finally fnlln ovorboaril.
Wo havo hail Junt ono month of
muniner ncronlliiB t Ho nlmnnnc.
Thero Un't much to bo nalil for thu
quality, but thorn wh surely plenty
of It.
I , i -, i i ir
Junt oh every utile ban Uh pant
no ovory collar ban Its future.
A contrlb fiiula tho followInK In
n Kokomo, Iml. mlvortlsument:
3Gc UJorkUa Talcum, 17c
(Limit 10 ynrtlft to tho cuntomor.)
Ho euro you'ro wroiiB, boforo you
Solf-mndo men aro nenrco,
BOlf-mnilo fooln aro ptontlful.
Wood Can't Take
P. I. Governorship'
And Hold Army Job
WASHINGTON, Auk., 19 An ad
ministration bill ilcnlRncil to pormlt
MnJorOenorol I.oonaril"Wooil to bo
coma Bovornor Ronoral of tho Philip
plnon, without retiring from tho
army, was tabled by tho Iioiibo com
mlttou on military uffiilrH. Tho com
mitteemen aro mild to hold It to bo
a dnnBoroui) procodont to ctitabllsh.
HAN I'UANI'IHCO. Cliil . Aub . 20 -Confldunco
thut thn -imire will show
Improvement In tho ludunlrlol nltuu
tlim ban Ix-im tixprenw-d In OreRoti.
Win Illusion mid Callfoml.i. ocrord
ln to u report made publlr hero by
the eiiiployment service of Huj Unlt-
i'd 8Uiei iltparwnl of ,n',' r-
"Wlilenpread unnniplnyiniiiil lon
llnui'H. ilenplto hiiiiio lmirovement In
tho Indunlrlul nltuatlon mid IncreaH
ed relief afforded by Hoononul or
cupalloiin und public Improvementn."
., ...i.i "Mnnv workorn In
11111 H'l'tii "
nblppltiB ml bulldliiB trudin nro
Idlo un tho result of Industrial con
trovorslen Thoro In slow mid only
tmriini recovery In lumber. my
plautn oporntlliB with reduced fore
en and othorn ImlliR cloned 1'lnlilllK
fruit and vefiotablo Industries nro
moro uctlvo. HhlpbulldliiB Is ulacK
iinlnK. with further reduction ex
pected. Lower construction n1
have rovtved homo bulldliiB In Home
nectlons, but no preot momentum
h:m yet been Ruined. Knrm help N
plentiful for prt-sont needn "
Tho report for each of tho coast
rtuleH follews:
CAI.1KOKNIA Ileportn of tho
Htuto puUllo omploymciit bureau
a decreaso cf 20 from tho UIS.SOO
......1.1,,., fin,., I ilnrlni: tho fiscal
.ifninwiiw "
ymir 19-0. UirRom jincninrniH ro
i.. i t.infitiP vv'iirlfiirH In IioIoIh,
rostnuruntM, public Institutions nnd
tho bulldliiB trmlon. While- unem
nWiviufiit and nart-tlmo continue.
Improvement In uxinitlcd to follow
reductions In costB. Horticultural
commlkslnnH roport ndequato huji
ply of fiiTin labor, tho demalid bv
Iiib mot locally, tliouRh Santn Crux
mid Napa counllo nro exuectod to
need oxtnt fruit help at tho end of
August. Transput help nrrlliiR In
KfliKH county Is conildorcd sufficient
fur tho neacli harvest. Acllvltlon in
fruit and voRotablcH show Improve.
..,..! Whlln rnnHldurilUlo HOW
homo construction la In progrens,
thu housing Hliortiigo Is tlll largo.
indiiBlry Konorully hooiiih hopoltu
and oxpectant of continued Improve
OIIKOON Uonmployment Is stead
ily progressing, as an accompani
ment to Increased nctlvlty In tho
leadlnR Imlustrlal linos, Lumbar Is
Improving i other Industries uro
tieomliiRly mnrkliiB tlmo, awnltliiB
dovolopments, No serlotm housing
HhortnRo Is reported from any sec-
lion of tho ntnto. Now resldonco con
struction Is Increasing, mainly In tho
cities. Consorvatlvo optimism gon-
orally provnlls nmong btislnogu In-torosta..
ruiiih are noticeable, duo mainly to
noasonal nctlvllles nnd public "worKM.
I.iiiiiIht and nlllod Industries aro
still depressed, with many mlllM con-
tluuliii: on n restricted basis Lack or
ilomaml and high frelfilit rates aro
blamed for thu depression. Supply
of fnrm help Is nmple; In nil sec
tions tint demond In below tho av
eruRii Itiitnll trade Is moderately
i)iid. with further Iniprovomonl ex-
perted. Tendency to homo owning
hns mado building folrly uctlvo in
mil nectlons No great chango It
anticipated within tho next thrco
The Courses of Instruction are according to the
Oregon School Law, and are entirely without Religion
prejudice, and the advantages of training and educa
tion are accorded to pupils without regard to Creed
or Belief,
1 1
Tuition, Day Scholars ..
Hoard nnil Tuition ....- . - ,
This Includes board, laundry and ordinary medicine,
per month. For doctors' calls tie local fee is charged.
Music Lessons
J$ 8.00 per aaoalft
sse.00 per bmbUi
'For two children, Stt.00
7.00 per'seatb
Want Highway to
Link Scenic Spots
Of Three States
Uoys from G to 14 years, Boarding Department
Address or Apply to SISTER SUPERIOR for,
further information.
Tho rhnmber of commerro Is In
nvulpl of n commuiiloatlon from S.
II. Vincent, of tho Oregon
rfnrnn.lnnt lift lllRMtlVCtl. OD thO
grounds of cruol and Inhuman treat
ment, nnd further on tho grounds of
... ... -- n Th, ,i,n riininiiiL iinvo But"
Tourist Information Huroau nl l'ort-1 (urlncr an,i 0ther relief as to equity
land, Inquiring whether n scenic and good consclcnco may appertain
rout,, from Klamath county to ,C. ...d i o tho Coun may seem mcot.
fornla and Nevada was possible d "g, tlmo prescribed in the ord-
Mr. Vincent stated that muny Call- cr for puullcntIon of tills Summons,
fornlans would go from tho Pacific n w),lch you may appear and nnsw
hlghway to Lake Tuhoo. then on or said Complaint, tho first publl
. .A. r.ii,min tiionro cat on thereof being July 20th. 1921.
down to Truckco. California, thenco Ust pubcatlon boln(. Sop.
to Itcno, Nevada nnd from thoro toko ,emuor gth( 192i.
a northern routo up Into Modoc This summons Is served by publl
county am, finally In,. KI.-.lh I AA'difoVXtt
KnlU and on through Orogon If It Co ..' . tho stat0 ot OreBon for
woro i)sslblo to arrange tor a guuu
nmd In Nouda nnd Modoc county,
1 That tho bonds of matrimony I tho I'ollco Judgo. for either of the I Improvement of Pine treet
i, iiiui i" """"" ..,.,., ., I . , hnr.Unrfarlnir mml niud 1 Eleventh St.. to EsDlanade.
now existing ueiwocii v """ ""- ",' ""T""VSJTr..: .;j m. U.
(ru:i: i-' filincj rirriTiox to
vaeati: a btin:kt
To whom It May Cencern:
Notice Is horoby given that the
undersigned will, at ti rogular moot
ing of tho Common Council of tho
'Ity of Ulamnth Kails. Orogon, to bo
iold on tho 4th Monday of August.
i'.i2l, tnwlt on tllo 22d day of Aug-
..... innt .. tlinlr DPtltlOIl tO
aid Common Council praying for tho
vacation of that portion of llokoy
itroet lying between Illocks 3 and
I ot Klamath Lake Aililition 10 uio
, ..i. r.A.... .1nA.l T.ili i?,ri
I liumuill v.uuiifcj, uisu wM, ....,
..'' viiirii nrnnr ri'uuirr i luul auui-
mons bo nubllshod onco a week for
air inirregHlvn weoks fsOVCn Inscr
lions), tho first publication being
July 29th, 1921.
w. ir a nEVNEn.
Plaintiff's nttornoy, whoso offlco
nnu I'Dsiyuiio nuuruas is mum
nth Falls, Klamath County, Oro
in dm nlftna nml rvrlf IrntlonB and
In Ordinance No. 553, ordorlng tho
Improvement. The making of the
Improvement will be dot In one con
tract. Proposals must be fUed with
tbo Police Judge not later than 8
o'clock P. M. of October 3rd. 1921,
at which tlmo and date nt tho city
hall In said city all proposals will bo
opened for consideration.
Each proposals must do nccom
r.nni,t hv n pArilflixl rheek on same
rn.nnnnlhlrt hanklnc Institution COUal
to 5 per cent of tho amount of tho
proposal, to bo forfeited to tne city
upon failure ot the successful bid
ilnr In nntor Into contract and bond
for tho faithful complotlon of tho
Improvement. Tbo right to reject
any and all bids Is hereby reserved
In ). rnmmnn Pminpll. TllO AVArd
TYin nrnnjvijifV ImnmmBnt til lui
.. In MnrAnji with (1m ttlttlu and
specifications ot the City Engineer.
on file wltn me Engineer ana in
office ot tho Police' Judge, for either
of the classes of hardsurfsclng men
tioned In the plans and specification
and in Ordinance No. 662, ordering
tho Improvement.
Tho making ot the improvement
wilt bo let In one contract. Propo
sals must be tiled with the Police
l.wtv. nni Inter than 8 nVtork P. If..
October 3rd. 1921, at' which date and
time, at tne council unamoer m
said City, all proposals will be open
ed for consideration.
, Each proposal must bo accompa
nied by a certified 'check Jn some
rellablo banking Institution equal to
C per cent ot tne amount 01 ins pro-
ill tiiu v.u... ....... --... .- .-r j, .)er Cni Ol mo UU1UUUI Ul Ml ""
to tho successful bidder will bo mado'pogal to D0 fortcAted to the city upon
contingent upon tbo salo of tho bonds I fulillro of tQ0 successful bid-
to bo authorized for financing thodCP .0 enter Unto contract
In tbo County Court of tho State ot
Orgon for tho County of Klamath.
In tbo matter of tho Kstato ot II.
II. Kdmonds, deceased.
Notlco Is hereby glvon that Minn
l.l l. ft .1 ,,-. ft-l- n fth
I OT Klllinnin i.iiru uuii " r.uuionus, Aunnmiiumji m "
City of Klamnth Fnlls, Oregon, also nUovo entitled estnto, on tho 12th dny
ho nlleys running through inld ( August, 1921 filed her final ac
Ulocks 3 and 4 of snlrt nddljlon, ns COunt, nnd thnt Monday, tho 12th day
mid portion of llokoy Street Is shown I 0f Poptombor, 1921. nt tho hour ot
by tho official plat of said addition i " o'clock In tho nftornoon ot said
o Klamath Falls now on fllo In tho i Uay n tho Court Itoom of tho nbove
....i. tin MMr,la nf Klnmatli County, nntltlml Pnnrl In I tin Cnnnt' Court
'imrrnn. x llnune. In tbo Cltv of Klamath .Falls.
nt.nn..n,) ImnrnvAmnnl Thn Imnrnve
mont to' consist of grading full width
nnd hardsurfaclng 40 feet In width,
with cither bltulltblc. concroto, Wlll
Ito or asphaltlc concrete curbing nnd
ten foot cement sidewalk.
Police Judgo.
Hr order of tho Common Council
27, 1921, Klamnth
1, Klamath
' VA8HlNaTON--ll08trlcton In all
lines continues, but omploymont
Dated, July
i-'nlls. Oregon.
School District No.
'ounty, Oregon.
lly P. L. FOUNTAIN, Chairman,
llv IDA IL MOMYKR. Clork
"R. 1-1 1-1 8 l'otltlonor
hand for tho faithful completion
of the.improvemcnt. The right to re
ject any ana an oias neing uroo
reserved in the Common Council. Tho
award, to tho successful bidder will
be made contingent upon the sale
of the bonds to be authorlted. for
financing tbo proposed Improvement.
Thn Imnmvnrnnn, In mnalftl ftf md-
line to establish grade, hardsurfaclng
NOTICI. 1NVITIXO PROPOSAlnS TO with either Rltullthlc. Concrete or
IJIPllOVi: PINK STltnirr, nth Wllllto, and laying ot cement alde-
TO l2iPL.NAI)K. walks.
1 . ... ' . , ,. .fc I A. L. LEAVITT.
Proposals will bo recolvcd by thol pmi inrim
Common Council of tho City otKlam-1 jJn!,,f,i'
ath Falls, Oregon, for making tho, ny order of the Common Connucll.
nynnVWWnVnnVySnV wMn.MWWlln " O"'''
No. 1H.10 Fqulty
nl Klnmnlh fVilintV nml Stato Of
Oregon has boon fixed by tho Court J
as tno time nna pinco wnoru ti, win
hear objections to sold account nnd
8cttlo tho anmo and nil porsons desir
ing to object to said nccount shall
flla tltnl- nhlAPtlnna wltll Din Clflrk Of
said Court on or boforo said dnto, or
shall npponr at said lioarlng and per-
".J.:'. .I'lltiJJ, wv ivn sonally object thoroto.
IN THU CIRCUIT COURT I AN1, Dat'on AJU(? 13 192i.
Clmrles H. lUackman, rinlntlff, vs.
Mildred Rlnckmnn, Dofondnnt.
You nro horoby requlrod to npponr
nnd answer tho complaint fllod
against you In tho nbovo ontltlcd
suit, on or boforo Saturday tho 10th
day of Soptombor, 1921, nnd for fall
lira to npponr nnd answer' for want
thoroof, plaintiff will tnko Judgment
nnd docroo ngnlnst you ns follewa:
mima KnvnMns.
Administratrix of tho Kstato ot H. II,
EdmondB, dcroaseii,
Pronosala will bo recolvod by tho
Common Council of tho City of-
Klamnth Falls. Oregon, for matting
tho Improvement of Elovonth street
from Main strcot to Klamnth nvonuo.
Tho Improvement to bo mado In
nocordnnco with tho plans nnd spe
cifications thorofor on fllo with tho
City Engjneor, nnd In tho office of
Don't bo deceived on'a double load ot
Our wagons hold 192 cubic feet or 1H cords. Measure tna
load and bo suro. Wo guarantee 1H cords. Measure our wagons.
Duy of an ostabllshcd firm and bo suro. Our cheaper wood !
"Tho Poor Man's Wood"
10 cords for $35.00.
A year's supply for two stoves. i
0. Peyton & Co.
11 Q Mnln Rl I FD0M
( "' ' I
If It's Loose
We Will Move It
124 S. Sixth St.
Phone 87