The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 20, 1921, Image 1

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Today's News
Member of the Associated Press.
Fifteenth Vcnr. N. (Mint.
Alhort II. Fall, Hocrntnry of tho
Interior, Stephen T. Matlior, huporln
tomlmil of national parks, W. N
llcod, cliltif miRlnror fiftho bureau
of Inillnn affairs, A. I Davis, director
of tlm reclamation Mtrvlcn, II. 0, Mo
Cormlck, vlro prerlilont (if tint South
urn I'nclflc railroad ami tholr necrn
tnrk'ii, arrived tlilu morning tit jfio
o'clock by mieclal trnln on tholr wost
cm limpuiilon of government work
undor way and propound, Tlio govern
mont party worn tlm guentn of Vlco
Proslilont McCormlck, who linn vjilt
ed till section n number of time In
pant years.
. Hvrcry Out lry.
Till mornltiK In linn with thn
policy adoptod earlier In tlio trip,
Secretary Kail nrnnn early and made
ready for nn limpectlon trip of tlin
roclamntlun work which li umlorway
horo. Tlin Henley fluino and the
hond Rated of tlin Link Itlver dam
wore to bo Impeded today an wall
as other recUnmtlon work In the
counio of construction, Ilecrotury
Kail In bin Itupoctlon d6ilrui to vis
uallio tin work which In under tlin
department of the Interior In n way
that whan matters are brouKbt up
In tlin commltteo roomi at Waihlng
tot U, C, hn can supply tlio neces
sary knowledge at onco without re
rourto to correspondence, Thn tour
tartud thin morning will very like
ly koep the party out until Into till"
Stoplim T. M.iiher. nuporlntomlonl
of national park ntatod that tlio ro
'sults of hU western visit worn" vary
satisfactory mid that lit) found tlm
Yellowstone nattonul park and tlio
Yosomlto In fine condition. Nino day
wnro spent In thn Ynncmlle and part
of thn tlmo tlio party ramped out In
tbo open, "roughing It " A complete
tudy of the park wai niado and
many v.ilmlilo features for future
roilsldoratlon ero oblnlnod. While
In thn park, n dinner at (llacler
1'olnt wait temlerod tlio party by n
delegation of between 30 and 40 San
Kranclsco citizens.
Full ix OkmI Shot
Hotch Hatchy water supply )
turn for San Frnnclsco was thorough
ly Inspected by tbo entire party oven
to entering and completing a tour
of tlio ,000 foot tunnel through
which wntor In Tarried on Hn west
ward Journey. Thn T co projoct wan
also (imported and It wan hero that
n bit of western realism was Imlulg
cd In by Socorlury Fall. A largo rat
tlesnake tln thn path prevented iho
party from precicdlnr: nnd tbo kc
rotary with n well directed shot from
horseback ended tbo "varmlntn' ox
Istonro," .Many Project Visited
IMiolumno Canon' with Hn gigantic
water whcols and" tbo tmmonso pow
er possibilities, nnd the Bpectacular
display of wntor. Iiiiprwnud tbo party
wonderfully, Tlio visit lit LnUo Ta
boo nnd tbo joint uso of wator by
Nevada and California parties was
ono which Secrotnry Fall doflnltoly
stated would bo scttlod satisfactorily.
In Truckoo at u dlnnor, the socro
tury uiialn ronuBurod tbo Interested
parties ot bin Iramodlato attention to
tho rosorvolr site thoro nnd a solu
tion as to equitable distribution of
wator front It.
. Tho Sacrnmonto valley was favor-
jed with Inspections of tho Orlund
reclamation projoct, and ..tho Iron
Canon projoct cant ot Hod Ittuff. In
Redding, at a dlnnor last night, tho
.Lasson Volcanic national park wan
dwolt upon In n sponch by Bocrctnry
Fall and tbo neodH of n good roa'd
'loading to It, ns well nn through It,
brought out. V '
Future- of Crater 1mw
'V'Thn problem dealing wlth'tho fu
turo ot Crater lnko,,from tho stand
point of Suporlntondont Matlior, lino
'its development on tbo samo broad
(guago plan which has mado Yellow
jstono nnd Yosomlto national parka
nfio wonderful roabrts they n'ro today.
i flood roads nro ono moans of nink-
Tng any national park n visitation
point for tourists nnd In this re's-
fpect, Crater lako will food It, ono ot
ine mosyamaoio tuciorsiu contupu-
Cabinet Officer
Who is Here Today
w yJkm
x w&smti&rfr
v 'liSwSS&j!'?i
&J t . . ,HsSW?T:l
A gnnoral rally of tbo Industrial
clubs ot tbo county will tako placo
tomorrow at I'lnq Orovo, announc
es Frank Boxton county club load
er. It In posslblo that I'aul V. Mar
In, director ot extension work for
thu Oregon agricultural eollegu and
II, C floymour, stato club luador.
will bo present, nn they am ox-
pneted hero tonight. It they nrrlro
on schedule they will attend tho
I'lnn Orovn gathering. '
I'aronU ot tho boy and girl club
worker are gWIng unltod support
to tho club work and tomorrow's af
fair Is expected to be a gdnoral
gntherlng of all pnrson In tbo coun
ty Interested In club work.
A picnic dinner will ba torvud at
1 o clerk. There will bo Ice croam
for everybody, addreoK by lenders
or the club work and a baseball
guino to conclude thu nftcrnoon.
Wireless Operator
Hears S. F. Concert
J. II. Rccs, a mombor of the high
re boo I f.ictulty and tho posuMor of
onn ot tbo most efficient wlrclenn
iVBtoni in tho county roportcd yes
tordny that bo listened Thurkdny
night for an hour nnd n half to a
musical concert which was cclng on
In Ran Francisco, Thn high school
ban a wireless equipment also which
waa not up by Mr. Roes to yearn igo
but MieranKos cannot be ho.irj si
clearly over It nn a general thing,
Mr. Rccj said.
Mistakes Home for
Lodgings, Arrested
Illdwpll Rlddlo, a Klnmnth Indlnn,
nought to gain ontranco Into the
homo ot Stnnloy, Ilodkey at 221
Boutli Third street yesterday morn
ing about daybroak nnd no amount
of pornunslon on thn part of Red
key would convince thn Indian that
ho was In tho wrong placo.
Rlddlo becamo co actlvo In hln do
sires to enter tho placo thnt'Rodkoy
was compelled to shoot out of tbo
window to ncnro tbo Invader nwny.
Patrolman Durham gathorol Rli'dla
in and nftor settling tbo damago
dono to tho door of tho Rodkoy place.
Rlddlo was pormlttod to go. Rlddlo
mistook tbo Rodkoy home for a place
whoro ho bad paid a night's lodg
ing. ting to Its growth. Roports receiv
ed, Mr. Mnthor said, from CratAr
lako thin year woro vory satisfac
tory, In that first class accomodations
woro avallablo for tourists. I'rossed
for a ntatomont Iniprovo
montn contemplated, Mr. Mather nta
tod that until after ho had given It
a. tnroful porsonal Inspoctlon, hn
could mnko nono ns bin rocommon
dnttona would follow his 'tour.
l'urty hem c TomornnV' ,
Tho govprnment party will re
main horo until tomorrow nftornobn
.when thoy will loavo for Pollcnn Hay
lodgo. Thoy will mako Inspection of
thn ngoncy, nnd u visit at Crater
lako Just what tlmo would bo
spent thoro'' doiymdod on tho tlmo
consuniod in ranking a thorough In
Bpoctlbn. Aftr tlin visit thoro, (lip
jmrty will go to Medford nnd bo pick
ed up ngnln. by thb Southern Pnclflo
car .'Hunsot" nr.u mo journey io
Portland resumed. "" "' .-
DOIIRIH, Cn1 Aug. 20. At leant
temporary relief from thn stato ot
depression that has for somo
montbn characterized tho box shook
nnd lumbor business In gonoral U
beginning to bo roallzcd locally and
Is ovldunced by tbo fact thai both
factories In Dorrls aro running day
and night shifts to tako caro ot In
coming orders,
This Is tho first tlmo In many
months that tbeso concerns baro
felt Juntlflod In putting nlgbt shifts
to work, In fact, tholr ordors havo
barely kopt a medium slzod day
shift busy until rocontly when or
ders picked up to such an oxtont
that tho plants were operated two
hours orortlmo.
Tho Associated Lumbor nnd Uox
company, owned by Tartar & wob
stcr of Htockton, manufactures local
lumber nearly exclusively, purchas
ing tho cut from various smalt milts
In tho Immediate environment. At
in iiiij iiiiuii'uiuiu ciiviruuiijuiii. ail
present lumbor In coming to this!
concern from the George Carter mill!
In thy Sams Neck locality and from
tbo Samuols and Mabonoy mill
northwest ot town.
Tho Dorrls Lumbor & Dox com
pany, owned by E. A. Dlockllngcr ot
San Francisco, hns a mill. at Cbllo
quln which turnlsbos material for
tho local plant.
Tho sudden spurt in business at
this season was not anticipated but
Is highly wolcomo. Dorrls 'wilt
greatly profit by tbo Increased pay
roll. Get an Operator
License is Advice
Of Traffic Officer
In an Intorvlow with J. J. mc-
Mnhon. stato deputy traffic officer,!
this morning, tho officer said, "It
tho pooplo who oporato motor vehi
cles -would consider that an officer
sworn to onfnrco tho laws tholr leg
islators mako, must enforce ttrem
Impartially on ovory ono, part ot
our difficulties would ceaso. Peoplo
with sound Judgment uso hand sig
nals whon driving. Tho hand
atrotcbod out straight from tho
shouldor means, "Turning to tho
left," ralnod straight up, "Turning
to tho right," and lowered down
towards tho running board, "Stop
ping." '
"A chnuffour's license can only
bo sccurod by a porson 18 years ot
ago or ovor and no operators' II-
censo can bo Issued to n person un-
dor 10 years of ago. Tho best way
to keep out ot troublo, If a person!
has no operator's license is to get
a poutal raonoy order mado out to
tho secretary of stato, for tbo 35
cont llcenso and sond It to him.
Koip tbo stub so that whon T stop
nnd nek for It. tho recolpt can bo
shown. Approach crossings slowly
not only for your own satoty but
for tho sako ot tho other follow
coming down tho strcot. Uso tho
doldon Ruin, 'Do unto others ns you
oxpect to bo dono by. "
"Tho campaign "will go on hero
and I hope that all autolsts will
comply without bolug- forced to pay
flnos. Why not savo that money by
complying "with tbo rules autolsts
will bo dollars ahead?"
Many Buyers and ,
" Sellers at Market
Tho froo markot' hold today In
thn Control Hotel building on Kla
math avonuo was woll pntronlzod by
buyers and mnny farmers sold ou
tholr stockH boforo noon. ,
iMoroispaco was nvnllnblo for dis
play of produco In tbo now quartors
and this fouturo enabled tho patrons
toB0Curo their assortment qulckor
than in tho formor location. Fresh
Jollies, at ralnod honey, chlckona,
eggs, smid fresh vegotnblos woro
plontitul but. disappeared rapidly as
Boon ns displayed on tbo counters.
At Inst nights mooting ot tho
labor council, tho membors. placed
thoniBolvos on rocord ns favor(lng
tho froo markot and urged support
ot It by union men's families, ,
In nn Intnrvlow this morning with
K. O. McCormlck, vlco president of
tho (Southern Pacific railroad, rela
tive to thn completion of tho Natron
cutoff from Kirk to Oak Rldgo It de
veloped that no action will bo takon
on this '.nalte for sono tlmo. The
reason advanced fo'r tho delay of tho
proju.t win non-nlo ol railroad
bonds In tho money markets ot the i
now and rid world.
"I know that this cutoff s nc
rhlch orury rorson In Klamath Falls
li Interested In and not only nro thoy
nnxlous 'or Its completion but ro ur? ,
wo. Hut what can a raid road u
when thoy aro placing practically all
tbelr revenues In maintenance
chirgosf Tho groat world war ban
rotinod n situation to arlic In tho fl-
(innclal world which has not b'ion
adjusted to permit tbo cantompla-
lion or construction of any railroads
In the United States for a number of
. ......
Jr"n,..jrct T"o was lew building
o( railroads In tho year of 1920 than
at any tlmo provlous In tho history
ot railroad dovolopmont In America.
As proof ot that, tho blgb rate bonds
put out by borrowers aro not even
taken, nnd 7 per cont Intorost 1 not
to bo turned down every day."
"V.'hllo wo ron11zotho citizens ot
Klamath county aro desirous of bar
ing tho branch completed as a fac
tor In tho futuro growth cf yru'r
community, tho Soutborn Pacific sys
tem cannot glvo any assurances un
til thoro Is an adjustment in flnrnclal
conditions and tho country has com
plotoly reccvercd from It depression
following In-the wdio of tbo war.".
Mr. McCormlck said.
Ho added that n practical applica
tion of tho "Golden Rule" In tho
condurt of business, and making tho
most or one-prcser.i ciri.unuuncos.
lotting the futuro grvJunlly tnko .Mro
of Itself, was tho best financial pan
ncca for tho business man as well
as tbo worker.
"Think good times ar.d mnko the
most of tho present, and good times
will co mo as sure as tho sun rises
and sets," was his parting injunction.
Counterfeit Auto
License Costs $100
Daniel WeoKs, a Klamath Indian,
win fined $100 and costs, for op-
orating a motor vehiclo displaying
an Improper llccnso pinto, yesterday
evening In Justlco Qagbahcn's court.
Weeks used n 1920 plato, paint
ed green to roprcsent a 1921 lssuo,
with thn numeral "O" altered and
mado Into'n "I," Wcoks-pald tbo
"n0- To lato was discovered by
Traffic Officer McLaughlin whllo
making Inspection of machlnos on
Main strcot.
Bill Establishes
Right to Search
Grips for Booze
. WASHINGTON.. Aug. 20. Tho
conforonco repprt on tho antt-beor
bill, doflnltoly agreed on and pre
sented to tho scnato exompts a
man's homo rrora search without a
warrant obtnlnod In duo courso ot
law, but roaulros no warrant to
search other proporty, proyldod the
otflcor acts without mallco and has
roasonablo cnuso to suspoct tbo
Prosonco ot liquor.
Animal stories, animal cookies and'
animal songs woro foaturod at the
Chlldrons Story' hour by Mrs. I.; O.
Van Qellen, Miss Margaret Worden
and Miss Marjorlo Dolzoll who woro
In charge ot tho hour this mornliig.-
A flattering number ot llttlo folk
gathered at the library at, 10 Vclock
'and grcete'd tho plans ot Miss Wor-
uloii and Miss Delzell tor their en-.
tortnlnmont with groat enthusiasm.
' Tbo combination of song and story
'proved most succosstul, us anyone
who witnessed tho happy laughing
Noxt Saturday will bo tho last" or
tho story hours.nnd.wlU.boJn. charge
ot Mrs. Arthur Rice and Mrs. Raid
ing, tor ' l . - - i -n i
Green Typewriter
Ribbon Undoing
Of Girl Forger
DORRIS, Cal Aug. 20. MIm
Mary Fucbes, tho 'young lady ar
rostod in Albany, Oregon on a for
gery charge corrrmlttod in ivlamath
Falls In -woll known In Dorrls whore
she has boon employed as nurso In
tho Dorrls hospital for moro than
a year.
The method employed by MIm
Kucnen in obtaining money on
worthless checks' wan unlquo yet
crudo and honeycombed with child
I ah blunders. Although gonorally
respected, sha wan thought by many
to bo extremely eccentric.
in preparing her bogus paper.
Miss" Fucbes used a typewriter in
the hospital with a well-known and
dlstlnctivo green ribbon. This mis
tako was her undoing. Samples
mado by officers corresponded Iden
tically with tbo forged originals.
Tho Wblto Pine Lumbor company's
mill at Swan Lake will. start Septem
ber 1 with a crow of 40 men, said
Marion Nino, -who was In town today
securing a crow. Ho will also put
a shipping crew of 15 men at work
Monday, shipping tho product ot tho
Nino Lumber company mill at Mea
dow lako.
The Moadow lako milt wa oper
ated this season, but tho Or an' like
plant has been Idle. Tboro Is a sup
ply of logs on hand to last through
tho season. Mr. Nino said the com
pany planned to get them sawud-And
hauled to tho railway, -two miles,
distant, Dcroro .wtntor.
He said that there appeared tob
a brlgbtor -tono to tho lumbor mar
kot. In hlsioptnlon the present stif
fened demasd for box shook is mere
than temporary and ho believes tho
whole market Is on a pormanont up
Thoro is about 800,000 feet ot fob
Nino lumber company's mill cut to
to bo shipped.
New Oil Field In
Arctic; Petroleum
Flowing From Hills
NOME, Aug. 20. DIccovcry of
new oil fields In tho vicinity ot Wain
wright inlet and Point Barrow on
tho Arctle coast is rcpor'i-d by Call
fofnlcns who havo been prospocting
Largo scopoxes ot oil havo occur
red in tho neighborhood of Capo
Simpson, springing from thn barren
mountains within a ntllo of tho ocean
and 'lowing for sivoral hundred
yards Into a lako ot oil.
A Ford Story ThaVs
Warranted New
ELKINS, W. V., Aug., 20 Hero's
a now Henry Ford story. Jt is told
by Judgo William E. Bdkcr, ot todo
ral district court, and It Is a new ono,
for it happened when Mr. Ford, H. S.
FlreBtono'and Thomas Edison were In
Elktns the othor day on tholr mount
ain camping expedition.
Two negroes woro playing dlce
that Is. "shooting craps" In tho
street, and ono had taken about all
tbo money tho othor had. Tho win
ner played slowly nnd took plenty
of tlmo with tho dice boforo ho would
"roll" them. Tho losor was' Impa
"Nlggor," he said, "Ford thorn
"What yo' all means, Ford them
bones T i
"I means shakb, rattle and roll
dat's, what ,1 means."
'LOS ANGELES, Aug. '20, Undor
Sheriff Kolly o't Ventura county was
shot doad and Sheriff A. 1), Mc
Mart(n Borlously woundod while at
tompting to arrest an unidentified
man at Owonsmouth. Tho man es
OREaON TonlghT'nnd Sunday
fair; modorate westerly winds.
Although tho barricades wilt bo ro
movt'd form the Algoma stretch of
highway tomorrow morning b tho
Oskar Huber company, butlers ot thn
9.2 miles' stretch, a day or two of
smoothing np work remains to be
done. Tbo crew will work tomorrow
and motoritt If they.cttcmpt to unn
the road, will tlodga steam rollers and
sprinkling wagons on sovcral stret
ches. Br Tuesday the finishing
touches will have been applied and
the equipment will be moved to tho
Malta Job.
"We would baro liked to have kopt
thn road closed a day or two longer,"
said C. A. Dunn, general superintend
ent of the Huber company, today."
but n it had been announced that
thn road -would be open on August
20, wo decided to tako tho barriers
WJien the Huber construction crow
is withdrawn from th'o Algoma
stretch thoy will leave nine mllei of
macadamlxod highway that would be
a crodlt to any road system.
It is evident to the observer that
there han been no skimping on speci
fications, Jor a macadamised sur
faced road, Klamath county has, In
the Algoma strotcb, obtained a piece
ot highway that Is unsurpassed In'
Its class. ,
The grade Is even, well protected
by strong fences and the drainage
is well provided (or. If Klamath
county nsee the same care in main
taining the road that tho tmtldora
"put Into Its construction It should be
a good highway tor years. w. r
"Evcntiallr It V planned teAay f
bard surface on all the state high
way, and If tbo Algoma road Is main
tained in good condition there will do
a solid base In six or eight years for
thn surfacing matorlal that will rs
quiro but little repairing.
Work is now being concentrated
on tbo portion of the road over the
Algoma point, where tbo rock cruih
cr stands.
From this point It is said that the
view of mountain sconory Is one that
is unsurpassed in grandeur by but
cno or'two place on the coast. And
to "some persons the view appoals
ao ur.surpasMblo anywhere a wldo
expanse of lake, backed by a panora
ma ot mountains nxtendlng from ML
Shasta in California to Mt. Scott
on th'o north.
In order that tourists can get tho
boncflt ot this view; tbo Huber com
pany, before leaving tho Job, will
clear a parking place on tbo point,
macadamising it and protecting tho
embankment; with a stono barrier,
so that tourists may turn asldo from
tho dlroct lino of travol nnd enjoy
tho vlow as long as thoy wish.
American Held for
Ransom by Bandits
CHICAGO. Aug. 20.-Erlc Clarke,
on official of tbo International Land
nnd Livestock company, was, kidnap
pod yesterday and is hold for 1750P
ranspnt 'by Mexican bandits at Chi
huahua, prosldent ot tho company
was informed today. Washington
authorltlos and the govornor ot Cbt
huuhua havo been notified.
PORTLAND. Aug. 20. Circuit
Judgo John McCourt of Portland has
boon selected by Governor Olcott to
succeed Justlco Charles A. Johns
on tho su promo bench, when the lat
ter takes a place on the Phllltplnn
supremo bench. Judgo Robert
Tucker, first selected for tho Oregon
bench, declined the appointment.
MARSHFIELI),, Aug. '20. Davo
Shado ot San Francisco and Fronkle
Murphy ot Denver fought a ten
round' draw hern last- niclit. JJramy
Darcy ot Portland knocked out
"Ooafi Lavln ot- Oakland. Cal., In
the fourth round, r .. $ -