''r,MIrnir tVtUMMf, 0L'. j:. Vt ft... ', N . w: . ' . r ., H 0 iict Ije 4tumtuj wKfr M PtnUS i.-i., A CaM ,4d WW Do It Tedmy Member of the Associated Press, I''lf lntli Yiw. .Vo.flOOl. KLAMATH FALLS, OltKdON, FRIDAY, AUOUHT IV, 1021 HUCK I1VB Geologists Predict Oil Sea Under Klamath Basin 1 . sH I1 H - -" A a. H siraui WAREHOUSE PUN FOR HER H BE TRIED HERE II, W. I'd I m cr, gunurnt mnnngor nt tlm Lumbermen's Warehousing und HtuniKi) company, n corporntlon (lint proposes to take chnrgo of tlio lumber product In tlio pllo, Itsuo nPKuttnblu receipts nnil npply to lumber tlio riinio mothods of hand line nnd selling that now nppljr to gruln nnd othor commodities that uio warehouse facilities, Is back, from u trip throuKh northern Cnll-, furnla lumber districts ami will bo hero fur several day. If condl-! tlntiH seom to warrunt ho nald n' brnnch (ifflro might bo eitnbllshod hero. I Tlio warehousing plan Is said to' tin .nllrnlv nnw In tlm ltlmhnr In. I dustry .Anioni; othor features It In; claimed that It would provide n f. nunclnl method tor carrying tlio product of I hn Individual opnrator over periods of innrkot fluctuation and xrently stnbllliu tlm Industry. Tlio warehouse receipts, bnckod by tlio guarantee of tlio corporation nnd Issued on authority of com ptint grndor. would bo collatoml tlio worth ot which n hnnkor fa mullnr with market prices could o tlmnto jit n glume Thin, "ay tlio sponsors of Hi" plan, would ollm liinto. tlio prcwmt haphazard ways of financing operators mid practically do uwny with josses under tlio present hit and miss systom, Improvement of gnulcs would nlso follow, mtya ,Mr. Palmer, nnd thin foaturo upprnU to thn InrKo pro ducer, llo nald that tit Weed, for I nit unci', while tho question of fl- iinnro had no Interest for tho Wood' corporntlon, limy saw poiinlblllthw of Improvement In grading nud ap proved of tlm plan. Thorn la n brlakonlng In thn do mnnd for box shook at present. Tho llrny factory la working overllmo und plnnla nt Dorrls urn putting on Fi WITH L 0E IS ! PKTALUMA, Auk. 10. Kvclyn (Irani, 1 1 yonra old, daughter or John (lrnnt. was found dead, mutilated with nn ax, nnd lier victor, I.cona, la dylnK oa tho rosult of nn attack by Thoodojo Hoffer, nn ox-convlct, who later commlttod sulcldo. Tho fathor nnd Krnndmothor of tho girls nro nlBo sorlously Injured. INIH.l'KNnKNT MAKKKT TO ItWl'K.V TOMOIUtOW Tho Independent meat markot nt 113C Main ntrcot will reopen for Imsluona tomorrow morning under tho managomont of II. L. Ilr.own. fho ostablfslimnnt hns boon ontlroly ro modolod nnd mndo Into ono ot tho neat sanitary lunrkets ot tho city. Mr. Ilrown states that ho will carry n complato-tlno or fresh and smoked moats and that ho Invites tho at tention of tho public to tils confor mation of thn Intent Nnnltnry laws. ATTOUNKV MOVING INTO NKW OFFIOK BUITI. William Marx today Is moving from tho offices that ho occupied In 203 Odd Follows building to tho of fices formerly occupied by 12. I.. Ell iott In tho WtlllU building. Mr. Marx plaim on furnishing his now quarters In ImnilHomn stylo and roporta that owning to his prnctlco enlarging -within the hint few mo!it,hn. larger quarters were neceeaary, 1 TTICKEO I 1 Free Market Will Be Held Tomorrow At Central Hotel Tho free market tomorrow will bo held In tlio rear of tho Central hotel nnd n varied nnsiirtmutit of produce, from tho farms will bo on dlsplny Tho entrance Is from Klamath nvo n uc. Tho farmern find that u demand la hero for tho fresh j-kk nnd poultry direct from tho producer to tho con sumer nnd no difficulty la export encod In disponing or tho supply brought In. Fresh vegotublos aro always In demand nnd small assorted, Tho ouunltiK hour for tho market I la ant for 8 o'clock nnd It will last all day. ll Is said that tho arrange merits for tho market tomorrow wllf ho butter than last Halurady. when thorn was such confusion. FOR THE FAIR A question which It causlnn n lit tlo concern to tho fnlr bonrd aa well oa to thn lodlca of tho Wom en's Auxiliary of tho chamber of commerce la tho coming display of (hrwers nt tho county, fair on Oc-t- her C, 6 nnd 7. Bomn fours havo heelf e'xprcssvd thnl ft Reed showing will not ho posslblu uwlue to tlio luteui'S'i of tho season nnd that' many irtho women In tho coun-l-try districts will full to take up' prlio plants nnd keep them In their tinmen. Tho nmo fenr Is express ed for the many boniitltul ipeclmnnti which aro In tho city. ' Tho season for frost is uourlnR nnd ahould u heavy ono occur with in two weeks, many phinta would bo ruined. However, "word Is bo liiK sent out by tho fair board, urK InK thd ladles In tho country to novo the plants which havo dono well this season and to put thorn and keep them In tho homes. One lady resldlnc near .Merrill, Mrs. Fred McKcndroo. hns been very successful this season with mnny vnrlctles of geraniums and with varied cactus plants nnd n lot tor wilt bo sent hor asking that sho tako particular caro with hor flora so that thoy wilt bo avallnhlo for display nt tho fair. Tho ladlos of this county, nc- cording to tho fnlr board cnii rond or valuublo aid for tho coming show ir they will try to fiavo their plants for exhibition purposoH and no ono Is to fool that oven n lonoly entry Is too nmnll. U 100 slnglo oniric nro mado, qulto n showing Is posslblo undnr such circumstances. Word "111 bo approclntod by both tho Women's Auxiliary and thn fair board from any lady who has oxhlblts for tho fair. , i. o. o. r. mi:bt tp.nkuit. , Tonight at 8 o'clock, tho mombors ot tho I. O. O. V. lodgo will meet In rogulur sosslon tor routine work, tho attendance nt tho Tuosdny and Fri day night mootlngs havo plckod up nicely Blnca tho coolor wonthcr haB tot In. IOIIU CCItZOV HA'H KNOIiAND HAS OVFKRKD AXXi POSHIUI.K LONDON, Aug. 19. Addrosslng tho bouso ot lords today, Lord Cur son said tho government bad otter ed Iroland all that could bo given without compromising tho safety ot tha ronlm, tho sovorolgnty of tho crown nnd tho dignity ot tho em pire. Lloyd (leorgo, In tho houso 'of commons, aatd that tho wholo ot England's torms had boon contain? od In tho lottor to Do Vnloru nnd uothtng had boon kept buck. MKIU.KL1. IN HWlTZKItLAM.. OKNEVA.Aug. 19. Orovor Clovo land tllergdoll Is reported to bo nt at hotel In Contsauca. Ho has an Amorlcnn passport nnd U Bafo from oxtrudltlou,, l wt Irs Nationally Famed Expert Says This Territory May Become Field of Gushers The Herald is in receipt of a special mes sage from E. J. Murray, publisher, now in San Francisco, in which he says that he has learned from an authoritative source that geologists of unquestioned reputation bagjn ft poMible oil field tUfaC Mr. Murray, aa a nowspnpor mnn u ,, hg op)n,on tnftt , 0 K0(J,. of lone experience. Is not llkoly to'w,cn, fftull ,, occurr0(1 ,0 draln havo been misled In obtaining the o ,ho o) ml ,h0 ,,, w b? Information contained In tho dln-; jk onc Thoro Qr(J nQ mtua ,n(,. patch, the text of which follews: , catoni of guch ft fnuIt- HAN KItANCIHCO, Aug. 111. ' M.lf .. . T l.nwj. Ilia, iMflV.la.jl' a - 1 I'. III.", HMir jlia. ..u...vu from n source that I bellcvo Is tlb solutoly rollablo that tho Klamath basin Is looked upon us almost car tain to bo ono of tho biggest oil flolds on tho coast. A goologlst ot national reputation roccntly vlsltod thoro to chock up tho "work ot sovon assistants who havo boon Investigating tho field tor two months, nnd ha states that tho for mation la freakish and likely to bo turned down unless a cnrotul and ex tended examination Is mado. HOSKIU ItO. Aug.. 19 Dr. Ilrum field was pluced In thu local Jail at 11 o'clock last night. Ha was taken from tho truln n mllo north of thn city und brought hero In nn auto mobile. There was no demonstration nnd fow persons wero awaro of his arrival. Tho prisoner said thnt ho was-glnd to ho homo ngaln nnd expressed hopo that everything connected with his nbeenen would soon bo cleared up. Ho slept woll. Sheriff Stnrmor Is hooping him closoly gunrded. Mrs. ,llrumflold visited hor hus band this morning. Tho greeting bo twocn tho couplo wnn nffcctlonnto but thorn woro no tears. Only financial matters worn discussed. Object to Attorney For "Drya" Sitting At Senate Hearing WA8HINQTON, Aug. 10. Bona- tor Ashurst of Arizona has announc ed that ho will rofuso to participate in turthor conferences on tho ant!- beer hill bocAUso ot tho evident In tention ot tho conforoos to wonkon nnd dostroy tho offoct of tho Stan loy nmondmont, unanimously adopt ed by tho sonato llo said ho would not confer on any nmondment which would pormlt tho manufacture ot liquor In homes or olsowhoro. Son ator Hood, In tho Bouato, donounc od tho prosonco of Wnyno n. Whool or, nntl-Baloon longua attorney, at tho couteroucoa. SKKKINti TO UMTK GEHMAX FACTIONS ON l'EACK TREATY BERLIN, Aug 19. Chancolor Wlrth Is endoavorlng to unito all factions ot tho RoIcliBtng on tho plans tor tho negotiations of tho poaco treaty with tho Unltod Btatoe. CUT UOAU AVMIOI'WATIO.V. WASHINGTON, Aug., 19 Tho Fodornl Aid Ronds 1)111 with an ap propriation cut from $100,000,000 to 175,000,000 passed tho sunnto to day. - i WKATHKR UKl'OUT OREti ON Tonight nnd Saturday, fair uud warmer) modernta westerly winds. BRUMFIELDIN 1L, ROSEBURG consider the Klamath of the greatest ITiagni- It oil Is struck it will bo ot very high grndo and tho woll will bo a gusbor. Tho Information Is so startling as to lead ino to bollovo That no effort should bo spurod to rush tho develop ment work on all three wells. The Information checks up with tho exporlcnoo encountorod In co .wonting tho Siemens well, the fall uro ot tho comont to set and Its ele vation In the woil being attributed to gas that exports say will ra'ako tbo .flold ono ot gushers. tyVC , E. J. MUMtAY. T l.orenr brothers report that they expect to begin work on tho sower construction In the Mills nddltlon Tuesday morning providing tho bonds for tho work nro disposed of nccord Ing to tho contract. Tbo bonds must bo sold at par and should no blddors tako thorn, It will dorolva upon tho Loroni company to bid thorn In nt par. Mombors of tho city council state that should tho bonds go nt moro thmi par, tho city would rccolvo much bcnoflt, In the futuro issues. The Loronz company say that they can begin work Tuosdny morntng on tho oxcnvatlon nnd that thoy tlgnro on using at tho beginning ot tho work nt lenst 25 men. Thoy will uso every offort to havo tho sower sys tem In before cold woathor sots in. Complaint Against Traffic Officer is Secured by Twombly Complaint was Issued this after noon by City Attornoy Duncan, on roquest of Porcy Twombly, local Inundry drlvor, ngninst J J. Mc Mnhon, stnto trnfflo officer, charg ing McMnhon with turning hlamo torcyclo nnd sldo car nt a point on Mala streot othor than nn Intersec tion. After considerable Investigation of tho ordlnanco yosterday It "was found thnt a soctlon oxtstod, In conformance with tho stnto law, pro hibiting turning on a Btroot except nt tho Intersection. Trnfflo Officer McMnhon Bald to day that It ho wero nrrostod and tlnod, ho would servo his flno out in Jail and ask tho state to aond anothor ottlcor hero to onforco tho trnfflo regulations. Ho said that It was his opinion thnt n trnfflo officer might turn anywhere on n thoroughtnro In dls chargo ot his duty, providing bo did not joopardlzo tho safety ot othor users of tho stroot. ' ItENKFIT AT MT. LAKI Continuing tholr benofits for n now church nt Mt Lnkl, tho pooplo In thnt soctlon nro sponsoring a con cert by tho Mt Lnkl orcheata to bo given on Sntuday ovenlng, August 27. In ordor to muko a success ot tho uf(alr thoro will be a sniull ad mission cburged. - SEIR TUESDAY West in Charge of The Stock Exhibit For County Fair One appointment hits been mado by tho fair board for tho coming October fair which meets with tho entlro approval of tho cattlo men of this soctlon, tho soloctlon of L. A. West as superintendent of tha boot cnltlo exhibit. Mr. West Is known all over tho county ns ono of tbo successful growors and his unqualified success In raising cholco stock has brought him Into promlncnco not only herb but In California as well. Mr. West will try to colloct ono ot tho fin est exhibits of stock that can bo to cured during tho short tlmo remain ing between now and tho opening of the fair. An effort, will bo mado by him to have Dr. Hawkins ot Keno enter a number of tho reg istered Ifolstcln dairy corwt which aro on tho Hawkins' ranch there. ME OF LAW Police Judgo A. L. Lcnvltt has bad n throng ot traffic law violators string ing Into bis oftlco this past week and as a result of their visit, $S10 has been turnod Into the city troasury. Tho list or offenses for which moit ot thn violators paid fines ; ranged from falluro to havo Operators' licenses to speeding, with a few for not displaying lights at night. Among tho depositors at the city "bank" woro tho follewing: Clayton Kirk, W. A. Koenlg, Agnes Lee. Oscar Shlve, Potor ReUel, II. O. Wortiey and L. J. Rean. Finos avoraged IE, Except for Hean, Wortlcy, Rottcl and Shlvo who left $10 aploco. Ed Dun ham paid 10 for speeding. Joe Mc Donald, Lawrence French, for forget ting to havo operators llccses. left HO each. Tboy forgot to tako out tho 25 cont permit . Emtio Moohettay paid $20 for em ploying a boy undor 16 years of ago to operato a motor vchlclo iwhllo a. U. Cako paid 25 for falluro to havo an operator's llccnso and a tall light burning on his auto. Peyton 'and Callman oporatcd a truck without llccnso plates attached, and also, attacked n trallor without a llccnso. They enriched the city 5r. Miller forgot to walk around his car boforo starting on a trip and had no tall light lit when picked up. Tho Judgo said, $10 plcaso." MUIor paid. Gcorgo Hyland paid ICO and costs for having an Improper llccnso num ber. John Slomons, Jr., was fined $10 for falling to dim his lights. O W, Robertson paid $1 for falluro to exhibit lights last night. In Robert son caso lenient fine was duo to a showing that the lights went out be cause ot dofectlvo wiring and had boon burning nil right a short tlmo boforo ho enmo under obtorvntlon ot the traffic 'officer. Trntflc officer McLaughlin mado most ot tbo arrests and stated that ovory auto driver must havo an operator's card. Every machine must display two whtto lights ot equal candlo powor and ono rod light on roar ot machlno at night tlmo. Auto lata nirst uso hand signals when stop ping or turning. Tho spood limit on country road was 30 miles an hour whtlo In tho city, 20 miles was the limit except at Intersections when 12 mllos an hour was maximum, but a speod less than this was urged ot tlfa drivers ns n "snfoty first rule." A majority ot tho nutolsts of this city think when thoy havo taken out a license from tho state automobile dopartment that tholr troubles nre over but most of them havo torgotton than an operators' license, costing 25 cents, Is-also nocossnry. This license must bo kopt olther on tho Operators' person or pastod on tho (windshield ot tho car. , Trnf flq ofricor McLaugh lin Intonda to contlnuo chocking dp cars and drlvors- and his advlco is "Oat nn oporatora' license and snvo yourself embarassmenti" IS T TS FE0E1PEUMS FALL FOR MMir OREGON MEN PORTLAND, Aug. 1X ipeetel dispatch to tbe Omental tnm Washington says that Seaatora Me Nary and Btanfleld hare agraed upon tbo following Oregon appoint appeint ments: i Collector or Internal rereaae, Clyde O. Huntley or Oregon City. Collector or customt rer Ue WI1 llamotte' district, Oeorse-V. Piper for Portland. Customs appralsor for the Wll llamette district, E. N. Wheeler of Portland. United State marshal, Clarence R. Hotckklee. Prohibition director. Or. Jones A. Manvllle of Carlton. Rocelver for tbe Roeeburs land office, Fred W. Hayaea of Koee burg. ' Register for Tbe Dallea land of fice, J. W. Donnelley of Axllngtea; receiver, T. C. Queen of Dufur. Receiver for tha La Oraade laad oftlco, J. IT. Pear of La Oramaa;. register. Carl O. Helm ot Staatleld. Receiver for tbe Vale laad - flee, Frank P. Light of Lekerletr. Secretary for tha lam lean baak of tho 12th district, Aaa B. Thctnn- lon ot Ecao. Recommendation fee the aftlat mont.fnr aii rTeyac-geaeiai - W4';dw,-, ferred. E. E. D rod to ot Oreffoa City la said to be favored for mlnleUr to Slam and Dan V. Boyd of Enterpriee Is In line for a diplomatic appoint ment. Two Arrested for Alleged Distilling Matt Lowry and John Henderson, living midway botwven Ely and Real ty, were arrested Wednesday by W. O. West. Indian agent, for having liquor on Indian territory and for manufacturing and selling liquor to Indians. Indian agent West was transact ing business In connection with the distribution ot the Indian allotmiJ money and came across evidence' ot( Illegal liquor traffic among the In dians. An Investigation and raid 'on tho place ot Henderson resulted n tbo capture ot. 25 quarts ot alleged moonshine whiskey, a, coiper con dencor hidden In tbe sago brush and a gallon demijohn of liquor. The liquor was found burled on the prem ises. v Tho hoaring ot Honderson and & Lowry Is set for August 26 In Unit ed States Commissioner Thomas' of; flee. Labor Council to Consider Picnic Plans Tonight Tho Central Labor Council will meet tonight for a business session and one ot tbe matters which will bo brought up for consideration will bo the Labor Day picnic, September 5. Chairman Conklln earlier in the weok ttated that a fine location alz miles up tbo Upper Lake had been selected for tbe tceno of an old fashioned basket picnic with plenty1 ot eats for everybody and an abun dance of hot cottee, freo of charge. Tonight Mr. Conklln will outline the transportation features to. the coun cil and ask their cooperation. FIFTEEN YEAR OLD BRIDE WANTS DIVORCE, CRUELTX : r Mary Jane Eggsman, a 15 year old wlfo, tiled ault in the circuit court this afternoon against Wilbur Eggsman, alleging cruelty, ppth patv tloa to tbe suit are 'Indians and re side noar Chtloquln on thorcsorva" tlou. , R V "':i