THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'AOK MVR THUH8DAY, AUOUflT IB, 1931 3 W-M .y T Death Claims Local Man At Parents' Home In Stockton Harold I) (Intuit, woll mul fu vorniily known In Kluiniiln 1'iiIIh whnrn tin ti tin tloiililml llio punt fuw yiilirn, ill ml In Hlnrkloii, Ciillfornlit Insd Monday, An Kimt 1G. 1 Id whs (itirloil In I'nrk Vliiw comotory near Hlocktuti Tuustlny uftiirnonti. Ho wns thn lo v In K liunliiinil of Ailu Cuziul of llifn rlty ' Mr. tiorsil hint lini'ii with r (du ll vim III HlllCklOII tllll (IIIHt fow moulds, I'nklni; tnmtinunlH In mi uf furt In regain Khl hiiillh. Ilo itrow ruplilly woriiit nlioiit u wcok prior to li in" limit h Alt IioukIi uvnrythliiK Hxit InyltiK (rloiiilii iiinlil do wun ilonii in 'Stuy tint illiicmiiii, I Iln wlfo liniil t'lii'il to liln bmltltln, iirrtvlnit u frw linurs lull to mio hlui nllvn lint in limit to hulp, to iirrniiKo fur mul iittimil tlm fiintirnl. Mr. ('nuiit wiih n nnflVo of Kim min, liorn Juno 20, IH84. Ilo ciilini tiiX'allfiirnln 12 yearn iiko. Ilo wiih inurrli'il to Ail a Dlsnry llm wlilow wlio mirvlvrn him, In Moilnsln, Cullf. Nnv. 1. I9H Ills fnthiir mul moth or. 'Mr n nil Mm. J I) Coziul, Ills lirotlmr ClmrloH II eotnil, anil slstor Jiuuiltn Cosml llvo In Hlockton. J I). Coiiiil, Jr. oiintlinr brother, lives lit Minliiitn. Mr. Coit wus n momluir o( thu Metlinillnt Kplscopnl church, which ho lorrd with nil hln henrt. Iln win u rood neighbor, n Invlnc roninn Ion, ii kind mul loving son nml lirnibur, mid n r.ood cltlion. IIOItltlH I'lIllHO.VAKS UOIUU8. Cut , Auk 18 II. IC Cnlllrr. attorney lit Vrckn, wm In limn Tuesday on u sho'l business trip ' lititii lloldlnchnr, rnrhler of tlm Miilln Hlnto hank, p.Kiod through Itorrln ypnlnriloy livening liy unto iinrntito from Ban J'rancljco where ho 'wnnt to Rot his inothrr who Junt urrlffil from Kuropn via Now York. Mr. lloMlsehnr wan acrnuipiiulPtl to thu city nml return liy Mr. mul Mm (lourgo Voclintmr of Kliiiimth I'llUl. Mm Hoy TnluT uuil family, who liiiyi) been visiting In Klnmnth KallM, n to mpitctiil homo onn duy thin uuiik-entl. Another hlg dnnco In being plan in d' liy tlm Dorrln Imsuhiill club for Hatunlny ovonlne, August 20. Tho club ban heretofore furnished an exiting of enjoyment "north tho prlri' nnd Kiurnnlcrn to keep up to llm htntiiUril established Hnturilny nvrklnR Alli'ntlon han heroine, noiunwhnt dltirli'il from sago'lion hunting ow ing lo thn apparent nnirclty of theso hlrdi ilurliiR tho pant weok. Trout fishing In tho prlnclpnl mothoil yf HpunilliiiT tho Hiinduy now liul uftor Huptomlinr first nil omirity will Imi exerted In ijiiunt of ttm nntlorod trlho, V. V, Patrick, Kliiiimth F.iIIh tli on tru proprlotor, nml J. I lloun tin of Klnmnlh Fulls worn busl uiiHH vlnllorii In Dorrls Tuesday. II, Long In finishing up tho front of hln thunlrn building mid will noon hitvo tho placo coiiiplutod nml ready for occupation, Messrs TnrwIlllRor nnd rntrlck of Klmmith KnllH will movo tliflr dhow Into tho mrw hulldliiK iihout tkiptamhor 1. Mr, mul Mm, Chnrlm Twohy nro hnrk In town nflor npoiidlnn u fow dnyB nt tho Hillo'iulii l.nmhor com puny plant ul Chlloituln. Mr. Twohy In inannKor of Ihn Dorrln I.umlxir and llox rompnuy. ' V i; Rniinmlii, who him hci-n con flni'd to (ho Dorrln hoiipltnl for hov (irnl iIiih with a hrokun Ipr, In aliout onrn tuoro. Mr. Humuuln In iinnmlatfil with (', Mnlinnoy In (ho lumljor inllllni: hunlnonn nrar DorrlH. (li'orRii I.miR, hrodior to Hurt I.iiiik of Dorrln, In vlnltlui; huro from Kmi Prnnclnco, Mr. nnd Mm. If. W. MltchH! anil Mr nnd Mm. A. II. McDonald wnro In DorYlx Tunnday ovniiltii; from thulr rimportlvo ranches In thu Ok liihoma country. i Charlfn Itolmrtn of tho Mi'dford Oroci-ry compntiy dnwo down from hln hundauartftrn at KUuinth Pnlln yiinturdiiy hoIIcIHiir orders. Mr nml Mrs. J. P Itowman nnd ttto ilaiiRhtiirH, nccoiupaiilnil liy J. K. U'Ihd, npi-iit Hiindny mid Monday nt t'rutnr l.ako. Thuy wuro much 1m pronnod hy thu mnny Improvements In hlRhways mul accoiiiodatlnns that liavo huuii lidded to thu park nlnco thtdr lam vlnll many yoors uro, Clnrcnci) Motsclioiihurhur, proprlo tor of thn Dorrln stonm laundry, ilrovn to Klumath Kails Tuomlay on hunlnuHs M'lRr SEEKS I FOR WHEAT MEN OF OREGON $60 Tuition Fee For Non-Residents j.f? FREEZONE jn? j I V Com"uitOff J j !; J with Fingers lJJ t'NIVKItSlTV OK OHIIOON. Kit- Ki'iic, Aur. 18. A tuition feo of CO will liorenfter ho chnrRed stu- limits from stuteH outsldo of Oro- Ron, In iiddlllon to tho feot now churRcd nil Htudents, followliiR a Joint action of committees of tho hunrds of reRcnts of tho two Insti tutions Tho tuition of tho Oregon Inxtl- lillloiiH liecoiues cffertlvo for all n i 'a- ri-RlntrantH from states other than OroKou, lyslnnlnR .Septomher next. Tho ICO will lio pnyahlo In 20 InnlallmoutN at tho heglnnliiR of each term. Men In tho service, of tho United Htutiw ilurliiR tho lato uar comliiR to the university or tho iiRrlcultural coIIpro from othor states will Im exempted from half tho roRUlnr non-ronldont fee Drop n llltli) "Krccxono" on an uchlnc orn, Instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift It rlnlit off with flnRors. It doesn't hurt n hit. Your druRRlsu soils a tiny bottlo of "Freezono" for u fow cents sufficient to remove every hard rprn, soft corn, or mm between tho toes, nml tho cat lu km, without a partlcla of pain. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine -real CoTee .served pipind hot with pure cream iVetoke $rer priie Coffe w serve &l if Tnko Aspirin only ns told In pnch packiiKo of Runulnn Mayor Tnhlots of Aspirin Thpn you will ho followlnR tho directions n'nu iIosiirq worked out by physicians ilurliiR 21 years, anil proved snfo by millions. Tuko no chances with substitutes. If you sco tho Ilnyer Cross on tablets, you can tnko thorn without fear for Colds, lloadacho, NournlRla, Ilhcumatlsm, Knrncho, Toothncho, I.umbaRo nnd for I'nlu. llnmly tin boxes of twolvo tablota cost fow contn. DrugRlsts also sell larRor packnRcs. Aspirin U tho trada mark of Ilayor Manufacture of Mouoacctlcacldestor of Bullcyllc-ncld, Ifcrnlil Washington Itiirrnu. WAHIIIN'dTO.V, aub., 18Honalor McNury, at tho Instance of 0. J. Hin 1 1 ti of I'ortlnnd, linn Intervened with KiiRono Meyer, chairman of tho war finance corporation, mul Chair man IlnrdliiR of tho federal reserve hoard, to relieve llio Northwestern Wheal Orowers' nmiorlatioii, which j linn Sn.OUO.OOO 1iimIioI.i of whent to market aud Is In ilangor of financial Ions IjccailKn of failure of thn bnnkt (o tnuko iidvnnceii except when tho wheat' In actually sold. Governor HitrdliiK teleRrnphcd to tho San Fran cisco rencrve linnk for n report nnd will urRe inery ponslhle relief, llennliir MiNury will c.lvo u lunch to dlnriiHs (he China trade no which (o Idncunn (ho Vvmn. tnido act, which tiomn tlmo ii co panned tho housn and wlildi has been for several months before the Judiciary comtiilttcn of tho seiuitn. The leRlnlntlon ouablen Atno rlenn rompunles In China to compete thoru for bunlncss on tho name basis us KiirIIsIi, French and DclRlan com panies nnd Is very tnuchc desired by tho I'ortlund Chnmbcr of t'omtnorco nnd thn rommcrclal Interests of tho I'nrlflc coast. Mr. and Mrs, Tom Hparku ro lurneil yesterday after n two weeks' trip to tho huckleberry patch. Quito a number of now famlllox nro moving Into Uonanza from tho country nnd from othor towns. Also a number of tho older residents aro plnntiluj; to return for tho ncliool term, Mr. und Mrs. M, Jninos left last wnok for an extended visit with rolallvcH nt Lakovlow nnd Silver lake They expect to bo away sev eral weeks. cal characters, Sam Do Orasao, Wal ter Long, A, D, Scnrs, Alfred I'agcnt, Augustus Carney, Juanlta Hanson nnd Ora Carow hnvo Important roles. Special streets of tho Alamo period woro constructor tor tha oxtorlor scones In order that tho truo atmo sphoro of thoso days will bo ovldont. ' An early crop a small boy'a first Tho Egyptians bollovo that croco diles bring luck, nnd ono of tho first lessons taught to thalr children Is that thoy shall gazo Intently upon every crocodlto that thoy aro forta nato enough to como across. Auxiliary Forms Bureau to Boost Culture of Flowers BONANZA NKVIH Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ikmnrco nnd family urn leaving Ilonania In a tow days to make their homo In Stock ton, California. ' Ilonanzn Is to have n now, meat market. Plans nro on foot to open In u few days. Mrs, LaiiRPlI nnd llttlo daughter, Mary Etta, hnvo returned to their homo hero after a three weeks' stay nt the ranch Tlm WoinnniT Auxlllory of tlm chamber of rommorco havo establish ed a seed burciu at the chamber fori tho purpono of enrournglng tho rals- Intr of flowers and shrubbery In this city. A committee composed of Mrs. Frank Ward, chairman, Mrs. W. 0. Smith nnd Mrs. floorgo drizzle will ncccpt nil packets donated for this purpoio, or tho donor may leavo It at tho chamber rooms. Tho ladles say thnt moro flowers hero will make a marked change In tho lawns of this city. Tho auxiliary decided not to hold a fall flower show but to dovoto their activities to tho coming fair program. At thin fair, a crcdltablo showing of flowers grown In tha city and county will bo displayed. TIIK STUAND Tho dramatic events of tho year 183C, when tho natives of Texas fought for their Independence from Mexico, form tho basis of tho Trl-anglc-Orlfflth spectacle, "Martyrs of tho Alamo." Tho tliemo deals with the lives of Santa Anna, dictator of Mexico, Da ld Crokott, Silent Smith, James Bowie, Colonel Travis, Captain Dick inson aud other historical characters. Much caro wag taken In selecting tho cast to portray tho famed hlstorl- N Kodak Work iLeayeYour Filtws fore 9 OclocK-Your A.M- rietUrflS are raclv ar o p.! nMcrwoors Pnarmacy V KLAMATH FALLS OREGON win I 3 Vr CS2lxED WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THtIR DRUGS uvw lACCUWACVl Hot Chocolate that's always smooth and rich Made the Carnation Way 6 even teaspoonfuls chocolate, 6 tcaspoonfuls sugar, 3 cups boiling water, I cup Carnation Milk, J4 teaspoonful salt. Mix chocolate and sugar in a cup Have water boiling. Heat chocolate riot by nllowing hot water to stand' in it for n. few minutes. Heat Carna tion Milk by standing cup of Car nation Milk in bnsin of hot water for five minutes or more. Pour a little boiling water into cup of chocolate nnd sugnr to dissolve them. Pour into chocolate pot, ndd remainder of water BOILING hot, then the hot Carnation Milk nnd salt. Serve nt once. I Send for Carnation Cook Book containing 1 00 practical tested reclpei. Carnation Milk Products Co., G22 Railway Exchange BUI., Tortland. If your eooltlng become a burden and you're tired of making the tame dithet all the time, try tome of thete Carna' Hon recipeiif it's only a differ ent way to make a familiar dith. All Grocers, "from Contented Coict" fclVAfOSAItO JU) TbIceHomeelkpen For Sale- Horses ! Scienty-Vlvo heavy locKing Iiorscw welj;tiluB from flflocii liunilrcil to eighteen hundred pounds. Ages from fivo to twelve yearn, mostly seven and olgtit "' '' yours. Also, ImrncsH and collars to fit. Opportunity to buy good horses nt very reasonable prices. Wrlto or cidl on tho WEED LUMBER CO. WEED, CALIFORNIA . In Earlier Days I In former times, when the town butcher or farmer himself dressed and cured the meat for the community, he could not always tell how it would turn out. His methods were crude; partly traditional, partly guesswork. His tests were few and inconclusive. Meat packing of today, as carried on by Swift & Company, has changed all that. It is scientific. Nothing is left to chance; nothing taken for granted. The most painstaking care and attention are given to every step. Processes are worked out on a large scale with minute exactness. Methods are continually revised and improved. Cleanliness is insisted upon. Drastic, incessant inspections are the order of the day. Swift products are uniform, graded accord ing to quality. Take bacon, for instance. Swift & Company set out. years ago to make a delicious, savory bacon which should be uniformly excellent. ihe result is Swift's Premium Bacon, always the same, always fa mously good. Today this bacon, wrapped, sealed and branded, has circled the world. Swift & Company's system of distribution car ries it to places which the "town butcher" or the farmer could not reach. I . t3 Tfeft SWIFT'S PREMIUM Swift & Company, U. S. A. Are You Prepared? Fly Time Is Here We have a large steck: of SCREEN DOORS in three designs, to fit all regular door openings. These doors are made of clear, kiln dried, California, white pine cov ered with the best grade of rust proof, galvanized wire, and put to gether with hardwood wedge dow els a patented process which makes an exceedingly rigid door. "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST BIG BASIN LUMBER CO. "Everything to Build With" Phone 107 Main & Spring Sts wmammmmmmmmmammmmmamammmmmm r