THURSDAY, AUGUST IB, 1931 I. " flmOMMMNR nAruvuAAAriAririiririri-i-rr -rr"rr - MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Position as cook on ranch or in camp, by 3 .woraon. Call Herald office. 17-18 FOR 8ALB 17 laying bona. 576iJ, 325 N. 10th St., rhono 17-20 FOR SALE Phonograph nnd piano. Inqulro 416 Tlno. Phono C1GM. 17-19 FOR SALE Dabys' whlto enamel bed. .rood go-cart and wlckor high chair, also Vacuum, carpet sweeper. eloctrlo vibrator, wash tub and scnooi books. 824 Lincoln. 17-18 8ELLINQ OUT Many good things. We can show you just what you want. Sco Dick. 6th nnd Klamath Ave. Hurry- Hurry I All goods roust go at sacrifice prices. . 17-19 FOR RENT Furnished Cabin. $7.00 per month. See Dick, 6th and Klamath Ato. 17-19 WOMAN wanted to cook for small h arrest crew at Malln. Inqulro Herald office. D. L. 17-23 WANTED Dry shop grader to be gin work Monday the 2Ind. Phono or write. Nino Lumber Co.. City. 17-20 TOR RENT 3-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished. Mrs. Myrtle Anderson, Apt. 4, 628 Oak 6L 16-22 WANTED Kipcrienccd hand Iron- er. French Hand Laundry. 123 N. 4th St. 16-19 FOR SALE A French nand laun dry In a good location and town. Light overhead expense. Business clears weekly from $125 to $150. No Indebtedness. Sickness cause of aalo. Terms strictly cash. Wrlto "Box FHL, Herald.' 16-18 FOR SALE Good milk cow. Bert Bell, Shlpplngton. P. O. Box 452. 16-18 FOR SALE Ford bug, Bargain far cash. Sco Molby, Winters Jowclry Storo. 15-20 DRESSMAKING First class work. Mrs. Jefferson No. 2 Main. ' C-18 NEWS FROM THE STATE CAPITAL Governor Olcott nas appointed tho following newspapermen to repre sent Oregon at toe world press con gress to be held at Honolulu Oc tober-4 to 14: W. J. Hofmann, Oro gonlan; C. E. IngalU, Corvallls,, edi tor Corrallls Gazotto-Times; E. E. Brodle, editor, Oregon City Enter prise and president of tho National Editorial association; S. C. Morton, editor St. Helens Mist; L. R. Wheel er,' Portland, associate editor Tho Portland Telegram. Bids for the Improvement of about ninety-four miles of highways and for the construction of a num ber of bridges will be opened by the state highway commission at a meeting In Portland, August 30. In a letter to J E. Forges of Springfield,' Governor Olcott ex presses the opinion that' the sound aenco of the people of Oregon will forestall any extended activity of the Ku Klux Klan in this state. The letter Is 'In reply to a com munication' from the people of Springfield asking tho governor to take steps to curb the Klan in O'ro gon. , To solve the problem of disposing of their alfalfa hay (or -which there Is no market this year, set tlers of tho Ochoco irrigation dls trlct in Crook county will buy 100 ' head, of registered Jersey cattle from the Willlamette valley, and ex pect to move them to Crook county about Septembor 1. I OREGON BREVITIES I . PORTLAND "From Plymouth's Rock to Portland's Roses." This will be tho motto of the cam paign to be 'waged by the Progressive DOINGS OF THE DUFFS 3HlwcrvoivlA0)I OAMMV, COME OUT OF I WT'sWjH THREE To, DAY I THEREI 'V 6EEM LOOKJHGl C2 54JM ALREADV - VOO J ALU OVER FOgVPu! Jjgfc ICE CREAM CONE:! 'M vt) 'ATS HhE- j Ay jrtTl mtjiMmiM ii "uii-tiujuu" '"wtirafc "" - --- ---' LOOK! 1XH)K! How you can hnvo your cnrpota ami rugs and painted walls cleaned at homo without bolng rcmoTed. Phone 558." J. It. Mingo. 1-18 FURN'lTURi: for 9-room houso for salo. Flno location (or rooming or boarding houso. A bargain, 805 Main St. 15-20 FOR SALE Trado In tho Old Fliv ver nnd got ono of tho now light Velio Sixes. Will havo n carload In tho 18th. Terms to suit you. klam nth Oarago, Phono 140. 15-19 PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISH "WALL PAPKK W. T. AND J. E. PATTERSON Phono 196-W. 127 N. 4th St. 1-31 CITY GARBAGE When you want garbage removed, call 10F.28. SHOE Shines cut to 16c at O. K. Parlors. Shines just as good ns over, work guaranteed. Wm. Tlmms, Prop. 15-20 Slako that Idle dollar work! Put It la Uio bank. Tho Turner ApartmonU. 812 Oak St., 2 room furnished apartments with wood, light and water, $25.00: Single $15.00. Wo havo a new housekeeper. Como and Investigate. 13-19 WANTED Palntors Two good root and scaffold men apply at once. H. C. Tuthlll. Dorrls, Calif. 13-19 FOR RENT Sleeping room with bath for ono or two. 1150 Pine. 13-19 FOR SALE Pasturo and hay, good fattonlng grass, sufficient for 300 hoad oT cattle also 200 tons mixed red top timothy and wild hay. Ap ply Mrs. Cantrall, Shlpplngton, phone 356 or Dr. Caddis, Eaglo Rldgo Tavern. H-22 FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms. DOc a nignt, 3 a wees ui no. Springs Hotel. 6-20 for rent dreamland pavilion Monday. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights. Terms reasonable, ap ply to Bert McDonald. 12tt Iluslneiu Men's club to got tho Colum bia River highway and the Orogon metropolis on tho map of the Ycllow stono trail. SEASIDE A largo crowd visited this resort over tho weekend and Sergeant Ivan J. DeVelllers thrilled the visitors with his drop in a para chute from an airplane Ho landed In the surf near Twelfth avenue and was brought in by four life-savers. PORTLAND Broomfleld aviation field In Eastmore Is to be made Into a golf course within the next month or more, accordng to present plans of tho cty bureau of parks. PORTLAND James Morglson, 60 a logger, Jumped up from a bench In the North park blocks to got out of the way of water from a hose wielded by an attondant In washing the side walk, and dropped dead. Death was duo to heart dleose, from which he had been suffering for some time. ALBANY That Halsey was not destroyed by 71re Is attributed to the absenco of wind which enabled tho Halsey, Brownsvlllo, Corvallls and Harrlsburg fire departments to con fine tho blazo that consumod tho O. W. Fum warehouse situated In tho center of tho town on the Southern Pacific railway to the building. HARRISBURG A 1 b a n y post, American Legion has taken steps to obtain rollof for Wilbur Hoyt, ox service man who rocently waB given a government grant of 40 acres near here. Tho only way Hoyt can tako his produco to market is over tho pro perty of Frank Lynch, who refused to permit him the use of his place. Captain Coates, commander of tho post, demanded that Lynch put hls'thlc, Concrete or Wllllto, curbing, reasons In writing, which ho pro- and laying of concreto sidewalks. mlsod to do. The matter will be taken before tho counuty cout. THE EVENING HERALD, Twenty-five Years Samuel Jackaon i State Chairman of Wilson Foundation NEW YORK, Aug.. 18 Appoint ment of Hon. Samuel Jackson of Portland, publlshor of tho Orogon Journal, to servo ns vhcalrman In Oro gon for tho Woodrow Wilson Foundn- dation, was announced today by Franklin D. Roosevelt. Mr. Roose velt In national chairman of tho com mittee In chargo of raising a popu lar fund for endowing on annual award In ex-Prrsldent Wilson's name. Tho appointment was said to havo been among tho first for tho forty- eighth stato organizations which nro to present an appeal to tho public lain In Octobor late in uctonor , Mr. Roosevelt also announced that tho specific purpose of tho Founda- Hon and tho award, had boen defined by tho executive commute. In tho following terras! "Created by public subscription In rrcoenltlon of tho national nnd Intor- national services of Woodrow Wilson. twlco prcsldont of tho United States. who furthered tho causo of human freedom and was Instrumental In pointing out effective methods for tho cooporatlon of tho liberal forces of mankind throughout tho world. fZ?lWj U-a .M3Mft3JsL--la i ' YyJV; JOHN TURNCW RUSH SCASCN IS OVEB- 'sjJHy HC WILL SPCNO HIS VACATION TAWNQ -w ORDERS PCf FALL WORK. "Tho Award or Awards from tho Each proposal must bo nccompa i,, nt . fnnnrintinn win hn "led by n certified check on some Income- of tho Foundat on will bo ,,, bnnknB institution equal mado from timo to tltno by a nation- to B ncr cont or tho ftmoant 0f tho ally constituted commlttco to tho In- dividual or group that has rendored vnrrrp ivvrnvn PROPOSILS TO wraovp ipabHI' flTOV Bxnmi TinmV STREET STREET FROM THIRD STREITT ,.";.Vt"i7i,',Vv' TO FIFTH STRE INTERSECTIONS fCVL-ncVAnvu Pronosals will bo received by the Common Council of the City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for making tho Improvement of Washington street from Third strcot to Fifth strcot In cluding Intersections. The improvement to bo mado in accordanco with tho plans and speci fications therefor on fllo witn tno City Engineer and the Police Judgo, for either or tno classes or narasur facing mentioned in tho plans and specifications and In tho Odlnanco, No. 557, ordering tho Improvement. Tho making of tho improvement will bo let In ono contract. Proposals must bo filed with tho Police Judgo not later than 8 o'clock P. M., of October 3rd, 1921, at which date and time, at tbe'Councll Chamber In said city, all proposals will bo opened 1 fo consideration. Each proposal must be accomp anied by a certified check on somo rellablo banking Institution equal to flvo percent of tho amount of the proposal to bo forfeited to tho elty upon failure of tho successful bid dor to enter Into contract and bond for the faithful complotlon of tho Improvement. Tho right to rojoct any and all proposals bolng horoby reservod In tho common council, Tho award to the successful bidder will bo mado, contingent upon tho salo of tho bonds to bo authorized for financing tho proposed Improvement. The improvement to consist of (grading to full-width, hardnurfaclng 25 feet in width with cither Bltull Police Judgo. - fly ordor of tho Common Council. Spoiling KLAMATH FALLS,V OREGON Ago In Linkvillo within a spoclflod period, meritorious sorlco to democracy, public welfare. Ilboral thought of pcuco though Justlcn. XOTICK INVITING PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE JKI'PI'IUMIN STRUCT FROM THIRD STREET TO FIFTH STREET, AND FIFTH BTIll'ITT FROM JEFFERSON TO LINCOLN STREirr. AND LINCOLN STREET FROM FIFTH STREET TO SIXTH STREirr INCLUDING INTERSEC TIONS AND THE INTERSECTION OF LINCOLN AND SIXTH STREITT. Proposals will bo received by tho Common Council of tho City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, for mnklng tho Irnpovcmont of Jefferson street rrnm Third street, to Fifth street and Fftj, mrcct from Jefferson to Lln coin street nnd Lincoln street. Fifth .street to Sixth strcot. Including In- 'tcrsectlons. and tho Intersection at UnMn nnd ,,, ,,, Tno m. povctumt to bn mado In accordanco with tho plans and specifications , therer on fllo with tho City En- i Judge, for either of tho classes of hnrdsurfaclng mentioned In tho plans' nnd specifications and In Ordinance No- SfiO. orterint: tho lmpronitnt bo ,,,, n conlract. Proposals must bo filed with tho Pollco Judge not latorthan 8 o'clock P;. of Octob or 3rd. 102.1. nt which b . )(. cltJ. n rropoMls wilt be opened for consideration. proposal, to bo forfeited to tho city upon roiiuro of tun succossrui niu- (lor to or.inr mm conmrci nnu uunii for tho faithful complotlon of tho Improvement. Tho right to reject nr "! ' ''J"" being l.erel.y re- served In th(! Common Council. Tho ' award to tho successful blddoi or will bo mado contingent upon tho sale of tho bonds to bo nuthorlzcd for financing tho proposed Improvement. The Improvement is to consist of grading to full width, hardsurfaclng 25 feet in width vlth cither Bltull thtc, Concreto or Wllllte, with curb ing and six foot cement sidewalks on both sides, all Intersections to bo paved full width. A. L. LEAV1TT, Pollco Judgo. By order of thn Common Council. NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE IILIHWADO STREET FROM ESPLANADE TO PORT LAND. AND MELROSE KltOM ELDORADO TO PACIFIC TI7U RACE. ProposnU will bo rocolvod by tho Common Council of tho City of Klam- nth Falls. Oregon, for making tho Improvement or Kidnrauo utrcei, from Esplanado to Portland -Street, and Melrose Htroot from Eldorado to Pacific Terrnco, Including Intersec tions. Tho Improvement to bo mndo In accordanco with tho plans and speci fications tborcfor on fllo with tho City Engineer nnd in tho offlco of .... n1, T...t .Ilk.. A t. ma 1 uueu juuku, iur umiui wi mu classes of hardsurfaclng montloncd In tho plans and specifications nnd In Ordinance No. 656, ordorlng tho Improvement. Tho mnklng of the Improvement will bo lot In ono con tract. Proposals must bo filed with the Pollco Judgo not lator than 8 o'clock P. M.. of Octobor 3rd.. 1921, nt which duto and tlmo at tho city hall In said city, nil proposals will bo oponed for consideration. Each proposal mUBi do accompa- oled by a cortltied chock on somo rosponslblo banking Institution equal a Vacation I FOUND HIM i ' PUT lh03E CLOTHES J0M ; WHAT'S THE USE IN MV j BUT LOOK 1 ow HIM CLEAM N0T, Htl GETTING VOO CLEANED UP? fff AT MINI' r A AUF HOuR AG0 rsrr BEFORE I CAN TURN AROUND I -J' COME WTH X5! VOU'RE ALL DIRTY ACJAIN ! 'l I j $& V S'iLl me! 'm C NOW GET PUSVL. J hUlkA -H& ---- ss-A& 'tmki Lssiii f v - irrr"' to 5 per cent of tlm amount of Uio proposal to bo forfoltod to tho city upon failure- of tho successful bidder to outer Into contract mid bond )r tho faithful complotlon of tho Im provement. Tho right to rojact any ami nit bids lining horoby reserved lit Mm common council. Tho award to tho successful bidder wll bo made contingent upon tho salo of tho bonds to bo nuthorlrcd for financing tho proposed' Improvement, Tho Improvement to consist of grading Btroot to full width, hard surfacing to tho width or 25 foot with olthar Illtullthlr, Conrrnto, nnd curbing. A. L. LKAVITT, Pollen Judgo. By order of tho Common Council. NOTICE INVITING Ill8. Mils will bo received by the' Com mon Council up tn nnd Including Monday August 22, 1921', nt tho hour of 8 o'clock P. M. for tho repair of Sixth street from Klnlock Avonuo to tho ltullrnnd crossing on Sixth street. Tho repairs to bo mado consist In scarifying, grading and rolling tho present surface, laying drnlns, Instal ling catth-bnslnit nnd Installing pumps, all tn nccordonco with plans nnd specifications of tho city on glnoor, on fllo In his offlco nnd in tho office of tho Pollco Judgo. Bids to bo nccompnnled with n certified check for 6 per cent of tho amount of tho bid. Thn Common Council resorve tho right to rojocl any and all bids. A. L. LDAVITT. A-13-23 Police Judgo. NOTICE INVITING PHOPOSAI.H TO IMPROVE HIGH STREITT FROM THIRD STREET TO CEDAR STRFET. AND CEDAR STREET FROM HIGH STREET TO PINE STREET. Proposals will be received by tho Common Council of tho City of Klam nth Falls, Oregon, for making tho Improvement of High ,8troot from Third street to westerly lino of High street and Cedar street from High street to Pine street Including Inter sections. Tho 'Improvement to bo mado In accordanco with tho plans and specifications thoreforo on fllo with tho City Engineer nnd In thn offlco of tho Pollen Judge, for ollher of tho classes of hardsurfaclng men tioned In tho plans nnd specifications and In Ordinance No, 6CS, ordering tho Improvement Tho mnklng of tho Improvement will bn lot In one contract. Proposals must bo filed with thn Pollco Judgo not later man 8 o'clock P. M., of October 3rd, 1921, nt which tlmo nnd dato at tho city linll In said city all proposals will bo opened for consideration. Enrh proposal must bo accompa nied by n cortlfloa caock on somo res ponslblo banking Institution equal to 5 per rent of tho amount of tho uronosal. to bo forfeited to tho elty upon failure of tbo successful bidder to cnior into contact ana uonti tor tho faithful complotlon of thn Im provement. Tho right to rojoct uny and all bids being hereby rosorvod In tho Common Council. Thn award to tho successful bidder will bo mado contingent upon tho salo of tho bonds to bo nuthorlted for financing tho proposed Improvement. Tho Improvement to consist In gra ding to full width, hnrdsurfaclng to tho width of 26 feet nlth either llltti llthlc, Concreto or Wllllte, with curb ing and cement sidewalks. A. L. LKAVITT, Pollco Judgo. Ilv order of the Common Council. NOTICE INVITING PROIOSAL8 TO IMPROVE HIGH STREET FROM THIRD STREET TO SIXTH STREITT AND rOURTII STREET FROM PINE TO JEFFERSON STREITT. Proposals will be received by tho Common Council of the City or Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for making tho Improvomont of High street from Third street to Blxth street and Fourth strcot from Pine stroot to Jefferson stroot, Including Intersec tions. Tho Improvomont to bo made In accordanco with tho plans nnd specifications thorofor on fllo with tho City Englnoor nnd In tho offlco of tho Pollco Judge, for either of tho classes of hardsurfaclng mentioned In tho plans and specifications and in Ordlnunco No. 561, ordorlng tho Im provement. Tho mnklng of tho Im provomont will bo lot In ono contrnct. Proposals must bo filed with the Pollco Judgo not lator than 8 o'clock P. M., of Octobor 3rd., 1921, at which tlmo and dato at tho Council Chambor In sold city nil proposals will bo oponed for consideration. Each proposals-must-bo accompan ied by a certified chock on somo ros ponslblo banking Institution equal to 5 per cont of tho amount of tho proposal, to bo forfoltod to tho city upon falluro of tbo successful bld dor to onter Into contract nnd bond for tho faithful completion of tho Improvomont. T)iq right to rojoct any mi nil bids bolng horoby rosorvod In tho Common Council. Tho award to tho buccoss.'uI blddor will bo mado contingent upon tho salo of the bonds PAQK FOB to bo iiutliorlxod for financing tho proposed Improvement. Tho Improvo moat to consist of grading to full width, hnrdsurfaclng Twonty flvo foot In width with ellhor llltulllhlc, Concroto ur other hnrdstirfaco pavo ment, with curbing, mid comont sldo- W",,tm A. I, LKAVITT. Pollco Judge. Iy ordor of tho Common Council. MAKE STREET IMI'HOVKMKNW. , ..iJ ...m 1... rt.iili,fl,l In thn ITi'l'linum yiii wu !" -'. -- Common Council of tho City of Klam- nth Falls, Oregon, ror maxing i Improvnmont dtotgnod for Fourth . 1 .... lfliinintli nvnniln to the southorly lino of Oak nvontio; K1M1 street from Klamath nvonuo to inn southerly lino of Willow avenue; Walnut nvntiuo from tho northorly lino of Fourth slreot to tho southerly lino of Sixth street; Oak nvonuo from tho northorly llnr or Fourth street to thn southerly lino of Hovonth street; Willow nvntiuo from the northerly lino of Fifth street to tho southerly linn of Sixth street together with all Intersections between the respective turmlnl not alrondy Im proved. Bald proposed Improvements to bo mado In nccordnnco with the ,in- .....I aiuixKlpiillnns nf thn cltV englnoer for olthor of thn classes of Improvement nmntioucu in sam piaiyi and specifications nnd tho ordinance ordering tho proposed Improvement, which said ordlnnnco Is numbored R40, adopted on tho 21st day of February 1921, and by tho mayor approved on tho 23rd day of Februa ry. 1912. Tho plans and specifications for such Improvement bolng on fllo with thn Pollco Judgo nnd with the city engineer. Tho contract for- making tho pro posed Improvement will bo let In one rnnlrnrt. Prnnftanla ntUlt bn filed with thn pollco judgo for submission to tho council not later man a o cioea P. M on October 3rd, 1921, at which H,m nml ilnln. nt thn rnnnrll chAEabsr tn said city, nil proposals will be opened nnu ronsiuoreu. Each proposnl to bo nccompsnled In. n ..MVIIflAtt rhnrk nn flnmn ruanon- slblo bnnk equal to C per cent of tun proposal, same 10 uo loneuau in Mm rltv nnan fittltirn nf thn sue- ,.f.fiit t.litilnr In nntnr lntn hond and contract for tho faithful complotlon or me improvement, tun urui iu reject nny nnd all bids and proposals l tmrnliv rnHnrvAft tn thn rltr. Thn nwnnl to the successful blddor will be mndo contingent upon mo saio or Ihn Itntttta in Ik. nut hnrlffntl fnr nro. vlillnir funds fnr financing the Pro- posnd Improvement. llhU arn rospociruny invitnu on Tlliiillllilr nit Mnrmlnm nml rnnrrnln. In addition to grndlng. curbing, drain ngn and coment walks. Dated nt Klamath Falls, August 12th, 1921. A. L. LEAVITT. Pollco Judge. Ily Order of thn Common Council. XOTirE INVITING PHOPOHALH TO IMPROVE SOUTH HIVKIUHDK STREET KltOM WEST MAIN TO riTY LIMITS. AND WEST-MAIN KltOM l' OF PAVIIMEXT AT CONGER AVISl E TO WESTER LY LINE OF SOUTH RIVERSIDE. Proposals will bo rccolvod by the Common Council of tho City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for making the Improvement of South Riverside street, from West Main to tbo city limits, and Wnst Main stroet from end of pavomont nt Conger avenue to westorly lino of South Riverside street Including Intersections. The Improvement to bo mado In accord ance with tho plans nnd specifications thorofor on fllo with the City En gineer and In thn office of the Police Judgo for ellhor of tho classes of hardsurfaclng mentioned In the plana nnd specifications and In Ordinance No. 669, ordorlng tho Improvomont. Tho making of tho Improvomont will bo In ono contract. . Proposals must bo filed with the Pollco Judgo not lator than V o'clock P. M. of October 3rd., 1921, at which tlmo and dato at tho Council Cham- , bor In said city all proposals will be . nnaniiil tnm Minalilnsa(lnn I.mmTh . posal must bo nccompunlod by a cer tified chock on soma responsible banking Institution equal to 5 par cent of (ho amount of tho proposal to bn forfeited to tho city upon fall uro of tho successful blddor to enter Into contract and bond for the faith ful complotlon of tho. Improvement. Tbo right to reject nny nnd all bids bolng heroby reserved In tho Com mon Council. The nward to tho suc cessful blddor will bo mado conting ent upon tho snlo of tho bonds to bo authorized for financing tho propos ed Improvement. Tho Improvomont to'.connlst of grading to full width, hardsurfaclng 30 root In width, with olthor Illtullthlc, Concreto or -Wllllto, concroto curbing, nnd sldownlkn five .foot wldo on west sldo or South River sldo strcot nnd from Main to south lino of park on onst sldo, nnd on southerly lino of Main to oostorly lino of south itivorsido. A. L. LHAVITT, Police Judge, nyordor of tho Common Council. BY ALLMAN H TC.