l'AflH TWO WnmSIMY, AV0U8T 18, 1021 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON T The Evening Herald t' J. MUniUV Eilllor VRUH SOULU . Clljr VMlor Published dally oxfopt Sunday, by ITfc Herald Publishing Company ot Klamath Kails, at 119 Eighth titrcot. - Bate red at tho postottlco at Klo Math Falls, Ore, for transmission through tho mallo as locond-class matter. KEMitUU OF THb ASSOCIATED l'llKSS. Tho Associated Pros is ozclastToly tttttlod to' tho uso tor republication ot all nowa dispatches crodltcd ,to It, er not otherwise crodltcd In , this twper, and also the local nowa pub lisher heroin. THURSDAY; AUOUST 1M, HlUt UI T CM IB LAKE ABOUT THIS TIME OF YEAR fM GOING TO EMTER'WORC CHARMED (Portland Telegram) A year ago tho Southern Pacific company ceased advertising Crater lako In Its pamphlets on western tours, owing to tho unsatisfactory hotel accommodation available This year It has resumed advertising And fa going to go stronger and stronger upon it, according to Charles S. Fco, passenger traffic manager ot the road, who Is- In, Portland from San Francisco for a short visit. The lmmciuo improvement in hotel accommodations, highways nnd oth er developments malco It In his opin ion, ono of tho "best bets" Oregon Iiaa In tho way ot tourist attrac tions. "1 visited Crater lako national park on my way north and found a wcry material Improvement not' only la tho highways but In tho trann yortatlcn and In tho hotel accom modations, especially In tho hotel at Orator lake, which Is now un der tho management ot progrcsslvo and enterprising people who havo Krcatly improved the service, and I am told by thoso In authority, will mako still further and moro mater ial Improvements," be said. "Mark Twain, It Is said, made tho statement that tho nbsenco of Jnnn Austin's novels mado a good library. Tboso who are familiar with tbo fcotol situation at tbo rim ot Crater lake will got my meaning. "I feel that Crater lake national park, with tho improvements already fpoN'T yooii I'm coin to mmW Wmm&M H THINK t WIN f ' ... .UT- W,7 4 WMtW iAPR.evATH Vl TAKE nc- W .j - M, bb1 r-vvATim ?Rcneon 2p in rA. km i X mwffi xptv f TAKE THE OU UMgk HMli' y. $irMK i.C UtCaHOHH ROOSTER? ) MIMmMM'' TA6A FEE 2k Klfcsrs HKr f couMty f air si ii mm t il imii I in ii - o . 01 NEW TODAY BUY MADE I.V KLAMATH Alfalfa Meal, tor chickens, rabbits and calves. Manufactured by Harry Tel ford. For salo at Murphy's Feed Store, Sunset Oroccry and Anderson's Orocotoria. 18-21 Colontat one-room cabins for housekeeping. 741 Walnut Avo. IS 11921 490-Chovrolc'.. fully equipped with accessories. Now car guarantee. 1 1918-Bulck Six., tires. Car A-l condition. Five now 1 1918-Bulck Four, guaranteed first class condition. Ileal bargain. Inquire ot J. C. WiUQIlT Oil 11UICK SALES AND SEIIVICE CO. 7TH. AND KLAMATH. AVE. tf FOR ItENT Nicely furnished four room apartment, also garage. No mado and Lhasa thnt will bo fjrth. children. 'Phono 192-M 18-19 coming. Is ,suro to enjoy a icry greatly increased travel both local and transcontinental. "I havo sent data to my offlco In San Francisco slnco leaving Crater lako that will bo put In folder form and distributed throughout the Unit ed States by means ot our own agents and these of connecting Una Tkla folder will Impress upon cast- ra tourists the wisdom of making tbo diverse route trip one way via Weed and Klamath Falls to Crater Uko. with return direct to Med ford. tko southbound travel to bo urged to go in by way of Mcdford, Cra ter lako national park and out by way of Klamath Falls and Weed. "The main lino portion of tickets reading northbound to Medford ot tickets reading southbound to Weed and points boyond, wlll.be honored ono way ovor tho branch lino be tween Weed and Klamath Falls, rhcro a connection is mado with Che boat 'lino which Is ono of tho moct attractive features on the en tire trip. i navo oecn ioiu mat a now boat with adoquato accommodations Is to bo provided for tho 30-mlIe trip across Klamath lake. This will prove a boon to tho traveler nnd la very much needed In order to complete the transportation line cov ered by tho Crater lako detour trip, Tiio rim drive around Crater lako Is proving a wonderful attrac tion, Bocond only to tho beauty of tho lako Itself. "Tho excollont hotel accommoda tions at Klamath Falls nnd Medford ore well known nnd will rapidly commend themselves to tho avorago traveler. "Tho now highway botwoen Mod fnrd and Crater lako is rapidly ap proaching completion, and especial ly that portion traversing tho Med ford orchard district and following along the banks of tho Itoguo rlvor nnd later tbq long stretches through tho wondorful plno forest of Ora tion, will giro tho oastorn traveler a better idea of what Oregon really means than it would bo otborwiso possible to obtain. "Tho sama may bo said of tho boat and rail between Rocky Point and Weed. Tho views of Mt. Mc EquhUn and Mt Shasta, together with the rapidly Bottling Dutto val lejr, are fotures la which tho trav eler and tourist, I am sure, will take the 'greatest interest." A good bed and a good bath at Colonial rooms, 11th near Main St., and at Colonial annex, 741 Walnut Ave. All outaldo rooms. 18 FOR RENT Now and modem rooms ottho "Clarlco." 413 10th St. 18-20 FOR SALE My $t2fi equity In a 300 brand now Sonora nnd good records at a sacrifice. Terms. Dal anco still duo on machine at easy terms. Seo Mrs. Holden at First National bank. 18-20 FiETa Orrzon's Higher Institution of TECHNOLOGY tight Shoolt; Seventy UcptrtmenK 1 ALL TfcKM QrtfiS SEPT. 19, 1921 ' Tor tflformaifat nif 19 lk Rtztilrar OreRon ARricultural College COUVAI.I.IS CiOVEH.VMENT I'Ll.VS TO I Tho nvoVago doctor's prlrato op! AUAXno.V .MARCH MELIti 'on of lll medical fraternity wouldn't show up well In print i RIVERSIUK, Cttl., Aug. ISTrnln lng activities at March Field, govern men) aviation training post near Iiito, will be discontinued on 'or. about, August 19, following promotion of a present claw of 20 cadets and 4 of ficers, according to a statement mado hare by Major 11. I'cabody, post com mander. The crdvr, which was In sued h tho War Department, will htuiilly closo the field, said Major I'cabody. Tho post will not beab.indoncd, howevor, but will bo retained by tho government for possible future uso. It was nnnounuced. MWWWWMtWWWWVWWMrtMM' AN INVESTMENT I bnvc several blocks of -lots surrounding tbo Malln high school that I will sell for business and reildautlal pur poses, thus ffcrlng to tho people of Klamath county an opportunity to makj :i real In vestment. I will sell theso lota for $75 an up, on tho Installment plan, tho tonus to suit the purchaser. No Inter est will bo charged nnd I will pay tho taxes until deed Is de livered to buyer. Malln Is situated In tho con fer of ono of' the richost dis tricts in tho world. It' U back-' ed by progrcsslvo ind conser vative citizens. It has a futuro that assures development lo a dogToe that will make this property worth many times tho price I am selling It for. When oil Is discovered, Malln will bo. found to bo In tho very heart of tho flold and tho biggest producers will bo at its dour. If you aro looking for some thing that will pay you big roturns, you can mako no mis take In buying Malln proper ty. For further information, writo or see A. KALI.VA MAIJ.V, Ore. SLOW DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, difil cultv in urinating, often mean serious disorders. Tho world's ntandnrd remedy for kidney, liver, b'oddcr nnd uric ncid troubles COLD MEDAL i4MmyT bilne quick rtlhrf nd,cfttn wild off dMdly dltats. Known h nation! ftmtJr of Holland for mora than 20O yatt. All druggists, In tbraa ilita. latl lot U urn Cold Masai ea nr a -4tM M Irallalt Rex Hit a Ford, Tarrying a While PORTLAND, Aug., 18- If t hud not boon Unit Rex llord1 of Kliuimth county hud u collision the other iildlit out on KlKhty-Hccoml street ulth u Ford ho would lmvo been on lit wny homo oro this, after milking a trip through tho northwest. Tho I'onl broko up tils cur considerably mid hn will have to romnln In Portland a ton days for repairs, In (he meantime ho Is stopping at tun Imiwrinli enter taining l'lill Mctschau with stories of his many nnd varied oxpurlouros In this vnlo ot tours. McCluros Mogasltio, Incorporated, on complaint of Marcus 11. Ilolirman,' who claims ho has 12,WC0 duo oil,, uotos. Tho romplalnt statod that tho oumpnnyV lliilillllles amounted to fi2i0,00(), with nssiitii In excess of compiiny's llulillltlort iiimmntod to was uliurt of funds. McClurcs Magazine In Receivers Hands NEW YORK, In aqulty havo Aug. IS. rllocelvors licoii appointed for Advertising pays. Try It and Me. X ' T A - j 1 Z' l rortraus ana $ y Enlargehients Art frames mid framing. IIENLINE PHOTO SHOP OpNmlt roiirthomo 4- I'limio illi HUT Main T ? .).4"l" Mere Letter Writing is not enough You should add the atmosphere of good taste ns expressed in Qmnejs dnendwn the writing paper of quality, beauty and social correctness. A wide variety of new styles and tints is now on display. "V IVLATIAI n TALLd UFCLUUn Tr7fr7 V 7 WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLC UUj I PUHITvl tSUY TMtCIR DRUGS LftCtt'J.ft&xi MAAMAAAAAAMAMAAMAAAAAMy I THE SACRED HEART ACADEMY KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION CONDUCTED BY The Sisters of Charity Without Cost or Expense to the City or County ( i "Gee, hut it's hot! yy You won't say that if you visit the Maze, where it is cool and comfortable and where you can get those delicious ice cold drinks and ices that are so refreshing on warm days, . The MAZE 7th and Main Sts. Phone 177 The Courses of Instruction are according to the Oregon School Law, and are entirely without Religious prejudice, and the advantages of training and educa tion are accorded 'to pupils without regard to Creed or Belief. TF.ItMS Tuition, Day Scholars , j .oo per moiitli Hoard and Tuition f30.00 per nmntli This Include board, laundry nnd ordinary medicine. For two children, ,920.00 per month. For doctors' calls Uio local fco Is charged. Music Lcsftons $7,00 per monUi Hoys front O to 14 years, Hoarding Department SCHOOL REOPENS SEPTEMBER 6, 1921 Address or Apply to SISTER SUPERIOR for further information. Y