FAra toim- WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1M1. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FAilfcS, OREGON I' 1 1 M hi AAVVMVVWVWWVWMWVNAAAA'MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMWWMMAMMAAAAA ClASSinEDAWERnSEMENTS yWWMWWWWMMWiWWWWWWMMMWWMMw' MISCELLANEOUS MVVMVWWWXMtWMMMAMAM FOR RENT Furnished and unfur nished houses nnd rooms. Tho llyan Realty Co. 012 N. 9th St. 16-17 FOR RENT 3-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished. Mrs. Myrtla Anderson, Apt. 4, 028 Oak St. 16-22 LOOK! LOOK! How you con 'havo your carpets nnd rugs nnd painted walls cloancd at homo without being removed, rhono C6S. J, H. Mingo. 16-18 WANTED Experienced hnnd Iron- or. French Hand Laundry. 123 N. 4th St. 16-19 FOR SALE Dodge car A-l condi tion. Four ororslzo tires, on .ex tra. Call Liberty Rooms, 3rd and Mnln St. 16-17 FOR SALE A French sand laun dry In a good location and town. Light overhead expense. Business clears weekly from $115 to f ISO. No Indebtedness. Sickness causa ot sale. Terms strictly cash. Write "Box FHL, Herald,' 16-18 FOR SALE Oood milk Cow. Bert BellShlpptngtorf. P. o. Box 452. 16-18 FOR 8AL"Efor breeding purposes, yonng -Ancona roosters. H. E Royce, Midland.- 15-17 FOUND Frntornlty pin. Owner may havo snmo' by Identifying, pin and paying for this ad. L. C, Jlgoncy Office, Klamath Agency, Ore. 16-17 FOR SALE Ford bug. Bargain for cash. Sco Molby, Winters Jewelry Store. 15-20 FOR SALE Male "Canary bird and cage, reasonable, 2136 Wantland Avo. , 15-17 DRESSMAKING First claAs work. Mr. Jefferson No. 2 Main. '6-18 OREGON BREVITIES J ROSEBURO Two of Oregon's sturdy pioneers, Mr. and Mrs. Smith ' Balloy, celebrated their 66th wed-' ding anniversary Frlday.Thoy wero ' married in Newark. Ohio. August 12. : 1855, nnd moved to Oregon in 1875, settling in Roseburg. COCHRAN When W. W. Arnold and A. A. Feycraband rodo through Cochran, residents ot the town, which waa originally settled In 1913, saw, the first bicycles traverso Cochran's ' streets. Tho young men followed the I Southern Pacific right of way mnch of tho distance from the -coast, as tho raldroad is the only means of en tering this thriving town boasts. This railroad way completod through Cochran on its way to Tillamook in 191k PORTLAND Automobile travel to Crater lake national park had in creased 40 per cent and tho num ber ot visitors had increased 38 per rent up to August 1, according to advice received by George E, Good win, chief civil engineer of 'the na tional park service local offices. PENDLETON Tho body of Matt Jepson, bachelor-rancher ot Little Meaowg, about 15 miles east, of Mil ton, was discovered in an open well on his place. Investigation by Dep uty Coroner IBrady disclosed that tho man had been killed with an ax and apparently tho body had boon In the well for about tbreo weeks. SHERIDAN John Park, 66 years old, a widower, was killed by a bolt of lightning about 9 o'clock at his farm homo three miles west of Sher idan on Mill creek. Tho bolt shat tered Park's houso and stunned his son Robert, who was In an adjoin ing room. Tho son was not serious ly Injured. CORVALLIS William C. Wblta ker of tho bactorlology department at tho college, who was appointed ag ricultural missionary to India at the nauonai convention oi Northern Pap- DOINGS OF THE DUFFS J i, did! WHO RESCUED ME? I "' "li"-'1" . .. ' '" ill ' 11 li n ;.jli.l ill FURNITURE for 9-room houso for irtilo. Fluo locution (or roomltiK or boarding house A bargain, 805 Mnln St., , 15-30 FOR SALE Trndo in tho Old" Fllv vor nnd got ono of tho now light Velio Sixes. Will, have n carload in tho 18th. Terms to suit you.. Klam ath Garngo, Phono HO. 15-19 PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISH "WALL PAPER W. K. AND J. K. PATTERSON Phono 196-W. 127 N. 4th St. 1-31 CITY GARIIAOK When you want garbage removed, call IOP.23. SHOE Shines cut to 16c at 0. K. Parlors. Shines Just ns' good as eTor, work guaranteed. Wtn. Tlmms. Prop. 15-20 Blake that laie dollar work It U the bank. Put The Turner Apartments, 812 Oak St., 2 room furnished apartments with wood, light and wntor, $25.00: Single $15.00. Wo havo a new housokeoper Come and Investigate. 13-19 WANTED Painters Two good roof and scaffold men apply at once. H. O. Tuthlll. Dorrls, Calif. 13-19 FOR RENT Sleeping room with bath for ono or two. 1150 Pine. 13-19 FOR SALE Pasture and hay, good fattening grass, sufficient for 300 head of cattlo also 200 tons mixed red top timothy and wild bay. Ap ply Mrs. Contrail, Shlpplngton, phone 356 or Dr. Oaddls, Eagle Rldgo Tavern. 11-22 FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms 50c a night, $3 a woek at Hoi Springs Hotel. 6-20 FOR RENT ' DREAMLAND PAVILION Monday. Tuesday. Thursday and Friday nights. Terms reasonable, ap piyiouert McDonald. I2tf rlcul'ture at Pvlnmana. Derma. wW. tho Baptists hnvo loosed 200 acres o' Ianfl rom tho nrl"h- government for 10 ycar8 and already havo cs tab"ll a grammar school and hlgl "" uer mo uirecuon oi uray ton C. Case SALEM Insuranco business writ tea by the 379 companies operatlnr in Oregon during 1920 aggregated $1,004,843,702.43 on which prem 'urns aggregating 824,678,018.29 wa collected a.ccordlng to annual re Port of the state Insuranco depart ment tor the year ending Decern bo 31 last, which has Just been com pleted by A. C. Barber, state insur anco commissioner. SALEM Ono ot the outstandln features of the Oregon sta'to fal this year will be the displays of thr bora' and girls' clubs. Interest li these Industrial contests baa growt yearly during the six seasons thn they havo been bold, and with thr increased premium fund through tb classltylny ot stock project this year It was anticipated that the big educa tlonnl building on the state fal' ground in Salem will bouse an ex hlblt the like of which has not here tofore been made. ASTORIA Tho scent of moon shine whiskey, apparently issulnr from a small bolo in tho ground greeted Sheriff Nolaon and bis dep uties, when they raided a farm at Columbia beach. Careful search ro voaled that tho floor of an outhouse was In reality a trap door, leadlnr Into an underground passago about 20 feet long,-at the end -of which thoy found a comploto still, while inside passages and storage chamber were supplies for the moonshine plant. The apparatus waa foul with filth and. tho officers said tho pro duct It waa turning out waa decide ly poisonous. Julius Bakk, who lives at the farm, and Otto Heine were arrested. No ono wants to put out tho fam- illy who is ablate with diamonds. WHO POLLED ME UP OH the: DOCK P Twenty-five Vears Ago In Linkville ' . - " a n UPTONOcHToeY TMfWwe fwmr wt NorrcHtggS5 TMT BOOT JACK- GRB PAVMrxC CCASM3 HE THRCW AT Gas Pressure in Humbolt Co. Well Shows Increase Forty feet havo been added to the depth ot the North Counties 01 1 Company's well since the first heavy flow of oil was encountered say the Humboldt Standard. Tho gas pros euro has Increased, and a darkor and heavier oil being sccurod, according to F. M. Reynolds, president of tho company, who returned Friday from tho Mattolo Valley. Fifteen feet ot brown shale wero encountered in which tboro was no oil, but gray sand and shale, next encountered, pro- Flfth glrict from' joffori)on t0 Un duced oil freely and gavo a heavy gas ,coln street nnd Lincoln street, Fifth pressure. street to Sixth street. Including In- A perforator Is expected in next tersectlonf. anil no. Intersection ot j . ...., i....i...,w n it. Lincoln and Sixth streets. Thn Im day or so, and Immediately upon ltsipoTomrnt to bo mado ,n nccordanco irrival tho casing from tho 1718 foot wth tho plans ami specifications lovol to within flvo feet on tho bot- therefor on Mo with tho City En- torn will boporforated. It Is expected "'nf'"' n" '".e office- of tho Police .l. . .vi -in i. i - v i Judge, for either of tho classes of iu. ... rv.u.L .u . B, '"hardsurfselng mentioned In tho plans flow of oil. If the flow comes ovnr Bt)d gpoclfleatlons and In Ordlnanco tho ton drilling will cease, othorwlso the six and' one-quartor inch casing will bo carried as far as producing 'trata Ig discovered. ODD AND INTERESTING. No other love Is ao Incurably blind . Each, proposal must bo aceompa .u .nir.ir.vn "I'd by a certified check on some is sen iovc. responsible banking Institution equal If you compliment some men thoy to 6 por Cint of tno Bmonnt 0f the vlll never forget you unless you proposal, to bo forfeited to tho city verdo tho thing by lending (hem noney. Tho official head of a syndicate operating a group of largo hotols In Vew York City began his career as i bell boy In one of them. Porcelain, a material generally dis tinguished from ordinary earthen varo by Its hardness, whiteness and translncency, was Invented la the course of a slow proses of evolu tion, by the Chlness. 1 . S3SSS a BB3 ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Beware! Unless you ae tb name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer package for Colds, Headache, Nouralgla, Rhoumatlsm, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago, and for Pain Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayor Tablets of Aspirin cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin is tho trado mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldester I of Saltcyllcacld. adv. Wilbur I. I did! A MWMl u - There may be plentr of room at the top, but victims of that tired teullug uoror reach It. NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS TO LMPHOYE JEFFERSON STREET FROM THIRD STREET TO FIFTH NTJIEET, AND FIFTH STREET FROM JEFFERSON TO LINCOLN RTnRET. AND IJNCOLN STREET FROM FIFTH HTnEET TO SIXTH STREET INCLUDING INTERSEO TIONB AND THE INTERSECTION OF LINCOLN AND SIXTH STREET. Proposals will bo rocalved by the i Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, for making the tmpovement of Jefferson street No. 560. ordering tho Improvement Tho making of the .improvement will do ioi in ono lumruti. Proposals must bo filed with tho Police Judge not Ir.ter than 8 o'clock P.M.. of October 3rd.-1931. at which time and date at tho Council Cham- jber In said city all proposals will be (opened for consideration. uPn failure of tho successful bid- uur io onier iniu coninrci nnu oonu for tho faithful completion of the Improvement. Tho right to reject any nnd all bids botng horoby re served' in tbo Common Council. Tho award to tho successful bidder will bo mado contingent upon tho sale of tho bonds to bo authorized for financing tbo proposed Improvpment. Tho Improvement Is to consist of grading to full width, bars'surfactng 26 feet in wtdth with either Bltull thlc, Concrete or Wllllte, with curb ing and six foot cement sidewalks on both sides, all Intersections to be paved full width. A. L. LEAV1TT, Police Judge. By order of the Common Council. NOTICE INVITINO ITtOPOHALS TO IMPROVE HLDORADO STREET FROM ESPLANADE TO MEL ROSE, AND MELROSE FROM EL DORADO TO PACIFIC TERRAOH. Proposals will bo rocolved by tb Common Council of the City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for making the Improvement of Eldorojlo Street, from Eeplanodo to Melrose Street, and Melrose Street from Eldorado to Pacific Torraco, Including Intersec tions. The Improvement to bo made In accordance with the plans and speci fications therefor on filo with the City Engineer nnd in the Office of tbo Police Judgo, for either ot the classos of hardsurfaclng roontlonod In tho plans nnd specifications and In Ordlnanco No, CCC, ordering tho improvement. Tbo making of tho Improvement will bo lot In one con tract. Proposals must bo filed with tho Police Judgo not later than 8 o'clock P. M of October 3rd., 1921, at which dato and time at tho city hall In sold city, all proposals will be opened for consideration. Each proposal must bo accompa nied by a cortlfled check on some responsible banking Institution equal Full of Jokes VHO PUSHED ME OFF rs THE DOCK? 1 M " - . isWr-, 1 1 J, .iJ.i. ,- msii" irMlsiMjiMjsiiiiiniTM niimjlm to 5 por rent qt the' amount ot the proposal iu no lorieiiau io mo cuy upon failure of, thn successful hid dor to enter Into contract and bond for tho faithful completion of thn Im pravemnnt. Tho right to reject any ami nil bids Doing hereby reserved in tho common council, Tho award to tho successful bidder will be made contingent upon tho sale of tho bonds to bo authorised tor financing tho proposed Improvement. Thn Improvement to consist of grading etroot to full width, hard surfnolng to the width of 25 feet with olther llltullthlc, Concrete, nnd curbing, A. U LHAVITT. Pollen Judco. Jly order of tho Common Council. i i NOTICE INVITING TODS. Bids will bo received by the Com mon Council up to and Including Monday August 22, 1921, at thn hour of H o'clock P. M. for the repair of Sixth street from Kinlock Avenue to tho Railroad crossing on Sixth street. The repairs to be mado consist In scarifying, grading and rolling tho present surface, laying drains, Instal ling calsh-baalua and installing pumps, all In accordance with plana and specifications of the city en gineer, on file in hU office and lu the office of the Police Judge. Bids to bo aceompanled with a certified chock for t per cent ot tho amount ot tho bid. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. A. L. LkUVITT, A-13-32 Police Judge. NOTICE INVITING PROI'OBALB TO IMPROVE HIGH STRKKT FROM THIRD STREET TO CEDAH STREET. AND CEDAJl STREET FROM HIGH STREET TO PINE HTRKET. Proposals will bo received by the Common Council of the City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for making the Improvement of High Street from Third stroet to westerly line ot High slroot and Cedar street from High street to Pine street Including Inter sections. Tho Improvement to be mnde In accordance with the plans and specifications therefore -on fllo with lUa City Engineer and In tho offlco of tho Police Judge, for either ot tho classes ot hardsurfaclng men tioned In tho Dions nnd specifications nnd In Ordlnanco No. 668, ordering tho Improvement. The making ot tho Improvement will be let In ono contract. Proposals must be filed with thn Pollen Judgo not later. than 8 o'clock P. M of October 3rd, 1931. at which tlmn and dato at tho city hall In said city all proposals will bo opined for consideration. Each proposal must bo accompa nied by a cortlfled mock on some res ponsible banking Institution equal to '5 per cent of thn amount of tho proposal, to bo forfeited to tho city upon failure ot tho successful bidder to enter Into contact and bond for tho faithful completion of thn Im provement. The right to reject any and all bid being hereby reserved In tho Common Council. Tho award to tho successful bidder will bo mado contingent upon the sain of tbo bonds to be authorized for financing the proposed Improvement, Tho Improvement to consist In gra ding to full width, hardsurfaclng to tho width of 25 feet with either llltu llthlc. Concrete or Wllllte, with curb ing and cement sldowalks, A. L. LEAVITT. Police Judge. By order of the Common Council. NOTICE INVITINO PHOI'OSALS TO IMIIIOVE IHGH STREET FROM THIRD STREET TO SIXTH STREET AND FOURTH STREET FROM PLNE TO JEFFEHSO.V STREET. IVoposals will be received by tb Common Council ot the City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for making th Improvement of High street from Third stroet to Sixth street and Fourth street from Pin street to Jefferson stroet, Including Intersec tions. Tho Improvement to be made In. accordance with the plana and specifications thorofor on fllo with tbo City Englneor and in tbo office of tbo Police Judgo, for either of tbe classos of hardsurfaclng mentioned In tbo plan and specifications and In Ordinance No. 661, ordering the im provement. Tbo making ot tho Im provement win bo let in one contract. Propoaala must bo filed with tb Pollco Judgo not later than 8 o clock P. K., of October 3rd.. 1931. at which time and dato at tho Council Chamber In said city' all proposals will be opened for consideration. Each proposals must bo accompan ied by a cortlfled chock on some res ponsible banking Institution equal to 5 por cont of tho amount of the proposal, to bo forfeited to 'tho city upon failure of tbn successful bid dor to ontor Into contract and bond for the faithful completion ot the Improvement. Tho right to reject any and all bids being hereby reservod in tne common Council. Tho award to tho successful bldrinr will bo mado contingent upon tho salo of tho bonds to tm authorised for financing tat) proposed Improvement. The Improve ment to consist ot grading to full width, hnrdsurfaclng Twenty tiro feet In width with olther Ultullthlo, Concrete or other hardourfaoq pave ment, with curbing and cement aide walks, A. h. LHAVITT, Folio Judge. By order ot tho Common Council. l' ' j i i tm I SI" MAKE STREET IMI'ItOVKMUNT Proposals will bo rocolved by tb Common Council of tho City ot Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for making th Imurovomont ddrigned tor Fourth stroot from Klamath avenu to th southerly lino of Oak avenue) Ftftfc stroet from Klamath avenu to the southerly linn of Willow avenue; Walnut avenue from th northerly lino ot Fourth stroet to tb southerly linn of Sixth street: Oak avenue from thn northerly line or Fourth street to ihe southerly line ot Seventh street Willow nvenun from th northerly lino ot Fifth street to tb southerly lino of Sixth street together with all Intersections between in reepectlro termini not already Im proved, Sold proposed Improvement to be made In accordance with lb plan and specification of th city engineer for either of th el of Improvement mentioned in said plan and specification and1 th ordlonn ordering th proposed lmprovm)t, which said ordlnanco ta nasbr4 540, adopted on tb 21st day of February 1911, and by th mayor approved on th JIrd day of Fhrms ry, 1912. Tb plana and spcirioatioa tor uch Improvement being on til iwttk the Police Judge and with tb city ongtneer. . The contract for making th de posed Improvement will be 1st raon contract Proposal must b filed with tho police Judge for submission to tho council not later than I o'clock P. M on October 3rd, 1921, at wbleh time and date, at tb council chamber In eld city, all proposals will b Opened nnd considered. Koch proposni to be accompanied by n certified chock on some respon sible bank equal to 6 pr cent of tho proposal, same to be forfeited to th city upon failure ot tb se- cessful bidder to ontor Into bond and contract for tho faithful completion of tho improvement. Tho right to reject any and nil bids and proposal la hereby reserved In th city. Tb award to the surcessful bidder will b madn contingent upon th sale of thn bonds to be authorised for pro viding funds for financing the pro posed improvement. Bids am respectfully Invited on Bltultthlc, Oil Macadam and coneret. In addition to grading, curbing, drain ago and cement walk. Dated at Klamath Falls, Aug 12th, 1921. A'. L. LBAVITT. Police Judg. II y Order ot the Common Council. "-" Trm NOTICE INVITING PROPOSAL TO IMPROVE SOUTH RIVKRMIDB STREET FROM WEST MAIN TO CITY LIMITS. AND WEST MAIN FROM END ov PAVEMENT AT CONGER AVENUE TO WsWTElV LY LINE OF SOUTH RIVKHAUHft. Proposals will bo received by tb Common Council of tho City ot Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for making tb Improvement ot South Rtverald street, from West Main to tbe city limits, and West Main street from end of pavement at Conger avenu to westerly line of South Rlvarsld stroet Including Intersections. Tb Improvement to be mad In accord ance with th plan and specification therefor on til with tb City en gineer and In the office of the Polio Judge for either of tbe class of hardsurfaclng mentioned In tb plan and specifications and In OrdUaae No. 659, ordering tbe improvement Tb making of the Improvement will. uo iu uuv cumraci. Proposals must be filed with th Pollco Judgo not later than I o'clock P. M. ot October 3rd.. 1911. at which tlmo and dato at tbo Council Cham ber In said city all proposal will b opened for consideration. Each pro posal must be accompanied by n ear tlflod check on somo reapoaslbl banking Institution equal to 6 por cont of the amount of the proposal to bo forfeited to the city upon fail ure of the succeasfut bidder to enter into contract and bond for tbe faith ful completion of tb ImprovomerH. The right to reject any and all bid being boreby reserved In tb Com mon Council. The award to tbe suc cessful bidder will bo mado conting ent upon tho salo of tbo bonds to b authorized for financing tho propos ed Improvement. Tbe Improvement to consist ot grading to full width, hardsurfaclng 36 feet In width, with olthor llltullthlc, Concreto or Wllllte. ' concroto curbing, and sldawslks fir foot wldo en west aide of South Rlvr- hiuu a true i ana irom aiain to souin lino of park on oast side, and on southerly line of Main to easterly lino of South Riverside. A. L. LEAVITT, Polloe Judge. By order of th Common Council 7 BY ALLMAN