Hrrald A Class Ad Will ' Do It Todmy Member of the Associated Press Fifteenth Vmr, No. OOIHI. KLAMATH FAI .LB, ORKOON, WKDNKHDAY, AUGUHT 17, int. PRICK FIVR O-DHt TWO BUSINESS HOUSES GUTTED BY BID DIM rrompt netton or inn nro iiepirri-j ment, coupled with ibo fire-proof t barrier formed by Ihn adjoining i i . . , n ... i .I.. i Arcade Hotel, probably aavod thn I . ! block on Main street bctwoon Ninth I lid Tenth streets from destruction by a tiro that started nt 3:60 o'clock I thla morning. A It wa thnJiulldlng owned by Fred Dueling and occupied by tho Mara Confectionery and tho electrical ahop of Coburn and Uhllg, 1012 and 1014 Main ntreol boro tho brunt of tho Iom. Tho damaice. Including the build lot and contonta of both store la atlmatod at 113,000. covered by about 10,000 Innuranco. Thla dooa not Include tho Inaurance on thn building, which Mr. llunslng did not reTMt. The caUMi of thn flro bna not been au-nriBlnml lint frnnt an Insunctlon of the Interior of thn bultdlnici, Itj. in thouxht that tho tlrontnrtcd In tba j VI'II.MH VI 11." ...... m vw.....w..., , proadlnie to tbo electrical ahop. Tho Arcade hotel, a three atory brick bulldlnR, checked tho flameu from apreadlnR eaitward nnd two room on the third floor wcrn da maged by amoko and flame. Kle wlndowa In thn hotel were burned out. Chris lllanaa state that hla loss will total about $"200. In con nection with thla fire, report of by Blander thla mornlnR who were In Dunuimulr, California, a few weeks oro nay that a similar brick hotel aved that city from total destruc tion. The electrical ahop of Coburn and Uhllg waa complelelly gutted ami practically nothing iwaa saved from lt Mr. and Mr. K. 1). HoaR and ion Leo. of Tillamook, arrived late lait nlRhL to visit tbolr dauRhtor, Mm, W. U. Coburn, and wero asleep In onn of the rooms In thn roar of tho shop, a wern Mr. and Mr. Coburn. Wlion aomnono poundod on the erar door warning them of tbn fire, both fami lies escapn Juet an a bank of nmokn and flame burnt into tbn room. Mr. Hos'g grabbod an armload of elothna oft thn .wall and ran out tho back wu.. Mr. and Mm. Coburn were unablo to aave any wearing apparel and thla morning, Mr. Coburn worn a pair of gom boota and bunting clothe whllo Mr. Coburn had only her hiking cos turn loft of all her wardrobe. Tho famllle alept the balance of tbo night In a tent which Mr. Hoag had brought along with him. Travelera' chock, amounting to $39, wcrn doatroyod. Mr. IBoag la auperlntondont of thn municipal water work at Tillamoek: and had planned on a hunting trip In thla auction. Thn handtomn innrblo fountain a -well an two new pool tabic In tbo Mar Confoctlonory wero burned. Tho pool table am a complotn loas. Tho back bar of tho fountain vraa ruined but tho marblo front, and top wero undamaged. Tho nod a charger wo loat aa wan a lot of now atock Juat received. Tho Mam waa owned by John Ilmnn nnd Jalmnr Knhkonen; llman conducting tho confectionery and Kahkonon, tho barber ahop, Kah konen bought n partnership about four montha ngo. Tho partnora stated that tholr loa was about $10, 000, with Inauronco about $6,500. , llman ha been In business about ono Tar. Tho oloctrlcal ahop of Coburn and Uhllg was noarlng complotlon from an expensive remodeling nnd laat night tho plan for oponlng business waa discussed by thn partner. Mr. Uhllg bought In only last week. Pro vlou to coming hero, Mr. Coburn wa In tho oloctrlcal business nt Hobo burg. Klamath Fall cltltena can bo proud of the mannor In which this flro was checked by tho prompt act ion of Flro Chlof Kolth Ambrose Tho department was at tho cono of tho btaxo within flvo minutes of tho tlrao It was roportod nnd Ambrose had two llnea of hoso playing on tbo front f tbo. building and one in tho rear within flvo minute nftor nrrlvlng on thn' scene. At ono tlmo tho hoso waa ULIJIJ LU u 1 1" r r ' I I ' ' ' """" (Continued on Page 6) Elk Herds From Nnrth Ave ah tnm Way to Marsh(ield PORTLAND. Auk. 17. Wpoelal train bearing Klkn to llio Matshflold Ittto ronrnntlon startod today. Org-, unixing ni mcminnvino ui iihi will move down tho valley, pIoWiik up carn at Corvnllls and Altieny. ntid i uddlnjc n cacr from Itoaclnirr.niul nn-( othnr from Medford nl Kagine. jncy, -will roach Msrshfleld tomorrow. Tbo Inland delegation villi aart - tomorrow nlitht, picking up Dalom ... ,,, - -delegaton on tho way. n,.ii.rt tiulr c A. Ilayden. llavwr "W, fl. Wiley and Charles Riley toft I this morning at 10:30 o'clock, tor' Marabflold, whore this party will be Joined by lUrry I'oltr who left yoi tnrday by train, and by Charles Hull who I already at Marabflold on a -visit. Whllo thorn will be othor momtwr of tbo Klamath Kails Klk lorflgo present at thn ronvontton, thn soiloc tlon of official dolegato to roprnaont Klamath Falta will not bo mudo by tbn exalUid ruler until bin nrrlval at Maraliflold. BIC PRODUCER; NHTURES EARLY Kiivonty nlRht bushnls of wheat to the ucro I ftomothlng of a whwt crop, but thla la thn proportlonatn yield an a small plot planted bj- Cnpt. I O, C, ApploRatn to Ilurnank Quality wnnax inline went nun parte jonru wii nnly tho 122nd part of an cro plantsvl. owing to tbn rnr(lty of tho mod. "lint thla small area produord 38 &-K pound of whwtt from onn half pound ,of seed. Tho commlUuo iiBtlmates that had blrdn nnd rodants not carried away som aecd. thorn would have been five to ten per cent moro grain garncrod. Capt. O. C. Apploxnto, Incidentally, guessed closest to the poundage of tho Crop, hla eetimato being 31 pounds. Thn wheat waa distributed In prlmu to thoso making tbn first, ftocomt, third and fourth clonal guesses, under tho condition tbat tho recipients of tho whoo should plant It and. culutlvato It carofully next year, .In order that a sufficient sup ply nvay bo obtaiuo for commarclal purpoies. Thn big outstanding feature that Is exi-octod to mnkn it valuable to Klitmath famor la tho rapidity of maturity. Tho experimental crop mutltned In 120 dam, bolng planted on April 10 and harvested on August 10 nnd It was then n week or so over rlpo. Farmers In tho Tula Utko dis trict Vho lost thousands of dollars worth of grain Inst year by bolng caught inthrctihed In Soptonibor's heavy 'rains will approctato what this early Hponlng crop may mean to tho grain growing Industry or tbo future. Tho wheal Is tho result of long experimentation by I.uthor Ilurbnnk, tho California, plant wizard, and be sides narly nuiturlty it possosbos prlmo in UUng qualltlos. Tho o:prlmont wus wntchod from the outset by rnputnblo commlttous, who at tost tbo tlmo of maturing, (Continued to Igo ) jijumr -,--- --------.--- Miller Awarded School Contract W. D. Mfllor was awarded tho contract for building tho now Ship ptngton school at u meeting of tho Hchool board yostorday afternoon. HI bid. was $31,780. Othor bids woro a follews: R, 3, Wnttcnburg, $34,572; Cotor llroa., $34,200; E. S. Honry, $32, 444.40; McAboy Ilockman, $37,- S5C; Marchand & Lane $37,160. The, contract calls tor completion of tho school building by December 1. AUTHOR HUNTH 3IAT1-UAL SALEM. Aug. 17. Nelson, McKon na famoUH writer and contributor to ally known wrltor. and contributor to sovoral of the most Important. mata line In the United State, arrived In Salem In soarch of material fpr a sorlea of Industrial storing, urwiiiiitiTic iiiTFfiimnin 'Wi I I Li ISevllU COIINDSM EVIL! PROPHETS I'robably no nowa that Ira op poarod In Tlln Herald roently In terostod moro readers, or did moro to promotn a fooling of. 'confidence In tho comrrrunlty, thaj Tbo Her ald's announiccmont yr.storday thot thn Crator ()ll company had recov ered Its toils and resumed drill ing, llotwcon tho 11 1! tho average reader discovered, (be dotermlnatlcn of tho mon. who ro behind thi oil dovoloproeiit In. this countv-to r.i to tho lloetora. of tho oft posilblll ties, underterfod by temporary at bocks. II ol, i. nrpu-nt theT are dflcrmlmid l0 got It. If It U not rrcsont t;hfjr oro goln to bo tbor oMrhly 'lorivlnccd of thnt Met be- foro thy giro over tho quet. Tods.y Tho Herald la ablo to nn nuunc i (hut uork nt the Slomcui "welt will bo resumn.1 thla wenV. Cr iptaln Siemens staled today that a t degram was received Inst even ing anylng that tho'spoclal content for' concrotlng tho bottom, of his wi ill bad been shipped and should ai.rivo tonight. 4 This comen't la producod at Santa Crnz, California, and la used al- Taont ontlroly .In difficult oil well all over tho country to shut out tho water flow. As soon as it ar rlvca work of cementing tho wfll will start. Tho cement will bo given a surflcont ime to harden, tbW drilling wfll on resumes. When do Crater company'a cablo broke, Inarlnc tho drill (00 feet down In tho holo, and at tho same tlmo tho cement In the Siemens well refused to. bold,, public confidents. wan shaken. Thoro woro pleatly of ponsiinlstn to enlargo upon the bad tldlags nnd prophecy that oil de velopment hero had roaehod an Im pao. According to thoso jprophots of tho worm. It meant tho end of tbn search for oil. 1 Hut tho men who aro bearing the brunt of oil davolopment wero not dlshoartened. Thoso mishaps are of dally occurrence In tho oil fields. They aro mishaps that must bo rockonod upon aa likely to happen, and It Vakce more tbo probable ac cldont to daunt the mon who are back of dovelopmont In Klamath county. Iu(lng from tho comments on tho good now,' tho public has ro colvtd the full benoflu from this demonstration of. tho faith that the promoters havo In tholr enterprise OAd with tho removal of tho last viMllges of doubt created by the calamity prophets tho oil devolop mont Is on a firmer foundation than over before and tho ontlro com munity la a solid unit In support of tho men who nro directing tho drills. Klamath Indiana on tho reserva tion are $-150 rlchor apiece today as tho result of the division of $200, 000 from the government for prp cooda obtained by tho solo of tlmbor on unallotod lands. A fund of $37G, 000 waa uvallablo tor distribution last fall but now amounts from sales Of tlmbnr havo taken nlnco hrlnr. lng tbo 'fund up abovo tho $400,000 mark. This sum distributed today waa nbonl 60 por cent of tho money In tho Indian communal treasury. Four years ngo, about $400,000 waa distributed In cnttlo and this dis tribution carao undor tho heading ot "relmburseablo funds." This present disbursement comos under tho rul ing ot tho treaty ot 1910, after cou gross hadarbltrarlly stopped allot ment and authorized tho salo ot tlmbor on unallotod lands. ROAD CONTROL FlXKlt WASHINGTON, Aug. 17. By a voto of 36 to 14 the sonato struck from the .good roads bill tho pro vision1 iat croating a commission tcJ ndmlnlstor It and placed it undor the control ot tho secretary ot agrlcui turo. . INDIANS CUT A RICH MELON UN Mil 1LE0 ON BAD CHECK CHARGES Minn Mary Fuches, agod 26, for. tho past year a nurso at tho Dor rln hospital, is detained by author ities at Albany Oregon, on a charge of victimizing tho La Voguo atoro and Van Dollen's shoe atoro here with bad checks of $G0 each, Thla Is according to Rhorlff Lloyd Low. who ha been working on the caje alncn August 6, tho dato of tho al logod offense. Tho sheriff nald there was some doubt of the woman's san ity nnd that he was communicating with Albany authorltlei regarding tbo possibility of having her ex amined for lanlty thero, taring tho ox pen so of returning bar to Kla math county. If aho is proved moa tally competent sho will be brought I hi-ro for trial. Ja. m Miss Fuches tohjHkradi in Uor- .rlo that aho wa B homo. Her parenta live atanon, near 'Albany. Sho took the train ut Dor- rls Saturday, the sheriff dlicorivnd, after a leave talking with friends, but loft It nt Macdoel and in tbo afternoon took tho train for Kla math Falls. Sho purchased a dress at tho f, Voguo, giving a chock for ISO and receiving $6 in change. Shogave a $50 chock to Van DeIlen',for a pair, ot shoes and got $45 ;4n,'caah as cbango. The checks purportod to boar the signature "H. Burkovltch." Mr. Iturkovltch Is manager of the Dor rla Morcantllo company. Thoy were mado payabl to Carlotta Sly. Tbo Sly family is well-known around Dorrla and, polng aa.a member, the woman had no difficulty In pass ing tho chock. Tbo real Carlotta Sly, howover, Is now Mrs. W. D. Miller. Sunday morning Miss Fuches left. Sho had kept her identity well concealed throughout tho transac tion, but after reaching homo she wroto a letter back In -which she sold that it rained hard Sunday while bo waa traveling over the SIskiyous. As sho left Saturday morning sho should havo passed through tho SIskiyous Saturday night . Thla discrepancy gave the sheriff a clue and ho soon had a web of evidence on which he or dered her arrest. Shark Hunting Tp Entertain Press Congress (Special Correspondence.) HONOLULU, Hawaii. Aug. 1. Tho norvo thrlls occasonod by riding tho surf m outrigger can oe or on natlvo surf boards, or standing on tho rim ot tho contin uously active volcano of Kllauea and gazing down Into tbo roaring, tossing sea ot molten lava, havo an actlvo rival In tho kocn excitement that accompanies the hunting of the shark In tho watora outside tho cor al rceg that encircles tho Island ot Oabu. Newspaper men who aro coming to Honolulu In October as delegates to tho Press Congress ot the World will find that shark hunting goes hand In hand with othor sports, ami, although intensely exciting, Is In no way dangorous. Tho shark hunters go to sea In a launch or sampan which tows 'a dead white horso. When tho fishing grounds aro roached, tho boat boglna to clrclo about, and soon the fins ot tho sharks may bo cutting through tho water. If ono Is an expert, he may har poon a shark as It turn over to triko, or ho may try hi luck with a high-powored rlflo. The shark Is a furious fighter aud, once bar poonod or caught with hook and line, displays amazing strength. But ho finally tires and Is gradually hnlilod 'aboard and thon dispatched There are tow Hawailans living today who caro to meet a shark In tho open water and fight as his an cestors did. In(.tho olden days a Hawaiian armof himself with a hard, wooden double-pointed Javelin nbout 18 inches long, and with tho center portion large enough to per mit n good grip: He then 6 him- De Valera Asserts Ireland Will Not, Accept Gov't. Terms DUBLIN, Aug., 17 Tho public session of tbo Dall Klreann waa a Jourbed indefinitely this afternoon. Prlvato session wilt be held, howovor, beginning tomorrow. De Valera today declared ,tbat the Dall Klreann would not accept the terms of tho British government ex tending tbo dominion status to Ire land. IinLFABT, Aug., 17 Leaves of abaenco for all the Royal Irish consta bulary have bcn cancelled, dating from today. Officer and men of the military force were called back from loavo by an order Issuod yesterday. c. dfOolds : 1ST BIRTHDAY Tbo forum ot tho chamber of com merce celebrated Ht "first birthday" today and tho prcsenta It received woro figures of a yeares altedance ot 4,718 persons. Another present wa tbo board of director' attendance which gave Frod A. Baker a 1,000 percent attendance record. . Tho coming county fair on October C, 6 and 7 was the topic ot the forum and E. II. Thomas, county agricul turist, dwelt upon tbe value of m county fair this year. In the course ot his remarks, he said. "8eea of tbe permanent fair ft ifcer places somo of which are holding their Mth successful fair. U da to ewniax thcl'own ground and to" hating long time fair boards who started to work as soon aa a fair closed. In preparation for tho nc,xt year. They bold four or five day diversified pro grams, part educational, part amuse ment, for all classes. 'Why not hang up a trophy to bo competed for at lesst two or three seasons for both beef and dairy cattle? Klamath county this year has the greatest grain, forage and fruit crop In It history. Why not get up a display for the coming Portland exhibit this year? Whllo It will take $1,600 to $2000 to finance It, tho reaulta will re'urn many fold to KJamisth coun ty. But above ail lets push thla coming county fair now to a success ful conclusion." R. B. Bradbury, a member ot tbe county fair board spoke on ttio same subjoct and stated unles a fair waa held this year, Klamath county would lose Its appropriation, from thefetate. Ho said that Klamath county farm ers had tbo greatest crops of wheat and forago crops, within bis own knowlodpo, for tho seven years past, but thl wonderful harvest waa a bill ot cxpenso to tho farmers Instead of an asset because thero was over production and freight rates were prohibitive on tending produce out of hero. This county could support 35,000 dairy cow Instead ot the 4,000 now here; ho said, and this would do away with trpublos for tho farmer to a cortain extent. Ke urged the support of all business and prl-, CELEBRATION vate cltlzena ns well for tho" county-1 1 , ', ;"""' "u(u - , .i.t . 1 t0 tho information givon by tbe lo falr thla year, I -, .... t. ...... ,. n..-lil r Ikn r mnrVnl InJ HDVUUtllVU V. ..... . Hw..n - -etltutod by Chris Blanas. waa mad today at the forum and it waa nit nouced tbat tbe next ono. Saturdiy, August 20, would do held in tho t ear ot tbe Central Hotel on Main street. The rest of tho month tbe mi.rkots would be at this onw location., Chris Blanas, A. B. Coltina and R. B. Smith woro appointed to make Arrange ments for it. Mako that Idio dollar work! Put It ia the bank. Lnnnnir ' i" ------- .1 ...m... aelf down into the water. Aa tbe Bhark approached apd turned over to strike, its gToat Jaws open, to their full width, tha Hawaiian, with a quick movemont. thrust tbe Javelin between tho Jaws, ono point ponotrattng the room ot the mouth and the other the lower Jaw. The ebark, thua unablo to close his mouth, and helpless, waa cither speared or allowed to swim away ds tho Hawaiian chose. , MEIRf LAPSE IS DENSE OF PORTLAND, Aug. 17. Dr. H. M. Brnmfleld arrived here thla morn lb g In charge ot Sheriff Warmer and Deputy Webb. He waa taken by Starmer to the county Jail. The prisoner now admit bla his Identity but .claims that be re member Bothfar staoe the Sunday before 'hi altssjecl crime. District Attorney George Neuner met the officer here. BrumfUtd wa questioned by Neuner within the view ent at of hearing of newspaper reporter. After the In terview, Neuner told the reporters that "BrumfieM' ears that with the exception ot flabe In Portland, Seattle and Vancouver, hi mind was absolutely blank -from ftaaday, July 10, until ho awoke yesterday morning and found hlituelf hackled to Webb. Bnunfteia reeell that on July 10 hla boy skilled a lot of buckshot and BraafJaM had trou ble In picking; It p. He then be came HI and hie sai4 went blank. He ha a haxy recollection of some trouble at the boundary In Blaine." Neuner and Bruanfleld made no reference to the crime with which Brnmfleld Is changed. The district attorney refuse tie allow the pri soner to oe interviewed or photo graphed and alloum aobody to sen him. . Neaaer said ( BramfMd spoke of sufferhuc a fepee during hi collate dare, eliaHer to that Just experienced. Brumtleld told, Deputy,- Webb he suffered from fwtea la tho head whfte ,et a ad U', w'aeeiteat ' since he ha lived & Roeeburg. When tbe attaeka ..m,, he would have to quit work for .overal days. "Very obvloiur- hi defease will bo tbat ho waa suffering from a lafiso of memorr , Neuner told tha newspaper meay . ALLECa SAFE CRttER JAILED Joe SmJdl, 17. one of tbe men ac cused of cracking safes at Dorrisund Mi. Hebron, California. June 2, laat, is in Jail at Heppner, Oregop, according to a wire received "today by Sheriff Low from Sheriff MeDul fefe of llenraer. He Is held for the Bijikiyou county authorities. Allen Heujshln. alleged to bo Im plicated Ia. tho crime, wa arrest d shortly after its occurence and Is ia"Jil nttreka. Sanldl, according to Shorltf Low, canie to Klamath Falls after the rob bo :1c In a stolen auto. Tho car wr ditdied in the canal near the En terprise ranch. Smtdl prevailed upon a girl friend to take him to Ashland rH (temporarily, eluded the law. "JJorth from Ashland tbe officers i'aowsral times picked up the trail. Biuldl used the aliases ot Bob Mur uVhy and Bob McDonald. .He was !"- .,, ira aiiuunuiii '' no able to approhond him. Runaway Girl is Detained Here Lydla Bollls, aged 15, whose home J near Malln, was turned over to Sheriff Lloyd Low yesterday after sho had called upon Mrs. Sam Sum mers orf Seventh street and asked to bo taken In. Mrs. Bummers did not recognlzo tho girl, iwho.gave her name aa Lydla Landreth. Sheriff Low temporarily detained her at the county hospital and today got in communication with her father who said be would come for her. The father said that the girl ran away from her' mother'; who was vlaltln;: at Modoc, Cni. Monday. WKATHKB RKPOKT,, OREGON Tonight and Thursday probably, shower .. with' thunder atprma' in tho" hlh mountain tn the aVt portion;' fresh southerly wln.da . HE D