I I'AOB HHVIW THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, AUGUST IB, 1MI. DENY CHARGE OF DISRESPECT TO 'S ( AHIIINOTON, Aug. 1(1- Willi referomo In Ilia loporl from Newark, N.' J., tliut I ho body of I'rlvn'n Hit vln'o lluffanlo, ruruiitly brought (nun Franco, wim liift linciiroiiionliiiiHly on I hn ilioi-Htui of hi father's. homo, lim olden nf llm riiiarlnrninwlor icnernt which linn clinrK.i of the run tlirii of I hi soldier iIpiiiI, gave o-l this titiit.'itiool teday: '.This body wan nsrorlnil to llio homo of Hi" father by it rorporul mill rlnvcn mun. ' "Tin- father, mother, hlhlm unit n linrbon wiii appeared In ho nn under tiihrr worn present. , '''It unit not' possible In tiikn Ihn remains upslulra to thy apartment of (hn father on llm iwcoiVl (lunr nn llm stair Worn narrow mid winding. "At (tin rm-,uutfnt Dm .liulrirUlior who wim apparently arlliu; niulur In n'trirtlon from'lho father, tlm rnskoi was lukun' nut of, llm shipping cnio, tlm hlppjiig' ruso jiitt in llio (rant porch' uml tlio casket taken Into I ho tront'tiall.' I ty;Th. Hohokmi Officii of tl.u Quir tormnnlnr Corp I In receipt of n lel Icr from tlio father, ntnt Ipn'thlif hi wtia thoroughly satis fied unit' v('r'y much picimMl will, llio way th n soldier tiiinilli'il llio iii.il ti'K Ho doe not know the niirro of tlio ii'pnrt.., . 1 .Major (Totirt II. I.. Hogor. Qunr IririiLixlii' Jloni'al of tho arm) iidiU.l tojlila,; ' ," i: 'Mn vlowof tliii great earn inn) ro vrWn'rV' Willi ' which tlm hmllcH of our Mildlcr iliiul nro troutd hy tlm Cometorlal Dhlslon iiersonnul, It In ii i oct regrettable that mirh it Unjust itiili'tiiunt should Iijq huon muilu. It.it.itlver of tlio dead from cvi'mi-.m hate wrltU'ii liiiiumeriihlo letters of thanks for tho loving earn which our olilliTit give their fallen romraihji niMhey return them Wmw Tlfl public ktiouhl know (hit everything In' lono to iniiko tlm Inn, journey what-the fnmllle would with It to be."'- I OREGON BREVITIES I f HAI.IIM - Mantinl trnluliii; will tt'it hn (llm'iinlcd hy tlm Hntuiu Jun'ir hlKh kcIiooI next yisir. Thin uiim hii ncunccil Iti-ro Imlay follow Ins, 'In rrpcrt tliut thlnioiirim wniiltl mtvn i'l In- fllmlnutuil. Ihiciiiiho of n lack of It nilii. ,.,' , IIAKKIt Another ovlilonco of m nnwcil Intort'at In onittnrn OruKon inlnlnn In thu arrival of Prank Dii prut uml ton 1.. V. Duprui from IViul Irton. Thoy wrq 'on thi-lr way to tho jlrlKht farbiinnto mining; property In I ln (Irci'iihorn imctlon I ' t'UATKH I.AKi: A l;lK event nt .Crater lake wait tlm (numbing of tho llrst real motor boat to ply Us waters from tlm th ore i of Wizard Island Owing to thdixtrumolyjiihort sc'nsoni unil h.ivlii(;jO'lraniport nil material jlown lflOO feet from trail In tho wn tnr'H edge, then by n hiiiiiII boat to llm island. It has taken four carn to, romplete It ronstructloii. The boat, which Is 10 foot In length, tins rnp.irlly of IT. pnHftengorH nml will lm chrli.te.ied "Tlm Sparrow" In hon or of Alex Sparrow, tniperiiitnml tut of Crater lako park. Tho MiiznnuiH lnivu Ik'cii kIvcii tho honor of niiiU )ng tho first trip around thu Uko. ' i . I'OHTIjANI) Confessing to havo jiinyed upon bootlegging 'Joints an a "Hiifo hot," three IK-yeiir-old youtliB, tlllbert Vlggers. Walter I'roudy and Cliuiilo RoreiiBon, nro In tho city Jail, 'tho first two on u charge of larcency mid Sorenson charged with vugrnncy l'lmy were nrrosled early this moni- Jug by Sergeant Million nml Inspoctorl 1'nwoll nt Second nnd llitrnaldo HtrentH. i POUT-LA!) A trial and convic tion over n long-dlstiinro tolopltono, Svlth tho principals stationed nt four Ropnrnto telephones, wus arranged nnd carried through recently hy K. 11. 'McDanlols nuporvlsorof tho Siski you national forest. i POUTI.AND A resumption' of tlm eruption of hot sands nnd Btream from Orator rook on. thq. Bouthwost slopo of Mount Hood, wnH noted hy porHons nt government camp hotol, 'according to n long-dlstanco tolo- Jphono report from L. V. l'rldomoro, jiroprlotor of tho liostolry, , i xin j HAUUlsnulia Many complaints jarxaado, oror tho non-ontorcoment of tho thlstlo law. Several ranch era havo gono to tho expound of hlr- MMAMAMVWW Outbursts of Everett True By Condon .Y'l,V.V a--'' Give Me Tcw.j TUI5M "TO A HALPWrzeNOf THeBl5iC3eT4f &o'vts qcnrl I'M goino. to reeBjsvr "G.VX5aT' TQWW.J to TrWlK wai a UTTto II, It I I - I . I I U V N!i vt-tsir?' TW i iiii '" i .-.- -j. IMJI ,.rl l r H1IO. V - "7 rrZl JIjS TMrn. I lii: mon to cut out Ihlltlon that nro I'olho JuilK" not Inlir than 8 o'rlnrk llkoly to :o to ih-uiI whllu ntliiTw ' M of Onohcp 3nl . 1921, n which 'i.,.v.. 1...1 ,.v.... in'i.t t.r n,..i, ,,m" 1""1 ,lnl'' nt "'" Council Chain hnvo not i..-t. lookc.l orr their jp , ,,,, fly pp,, wl ,,0 itrotuiil to Bi'o whothor nny weniU nro'(,nP, fr rondlileratloil. Kach pro- Krowlni;. TIiqko who are cninli.-ttliic poknl muji hi ncconipanlcd.hy n enr- llm pi-rll iloclarr thnl all Unlr work1"10'1 ,l""'k on. ""i" rniponnlhlo .... ....... ,in i .i...... ,..,... i. hankliiK Institution qual to B por uml money will lm il.ran away If tiil ()f (,l( amilnt ()f ((, pr0 0w, othom allott th-ir thiMlpi to ko to to bi forfeltml to tho city upon fall- icnl. urn of t tin microiful bidder to enter a 'Into rontrnrt nnd bond for the faith- M..ko tliat Idlo Hollar rk! I'... L'rZXlXh ll In llm limit Tlm r,Rht ,0 rJtct nn nni' n" u'll', "-!--- -r- . heliig lmrrhy ronorvod In tho Com- I'lKM'I.AMfATlOV OP M WOlt I, W. K. Wllny, .Mayor of the city of Klamath I'alK On-Kon, by vlr- liio of tho nuthorlty In mo vented by Ruction IT. of Ordlnanco Nn. r.r.t, lt..l fi lliA nlrlit nt llin nnllun ItidfVA on .luly IS. 1921. entitle I. "An oMI.,",Uuflfc,"' ",Iecl ln, w,lU!:ll7l"h nan... proMdliiK for the mi.nt.er of J".1" ! Vnii, -JLr,SJ"fi ..xerclnliiK In llm city of Klamath , n-rln curblnK. nml ulilowalk flvo rail, or.r 'nil. (rr.on. the lnltlntle n, ref- erendiini pouurH i.-iierved to tin' li'Kal volern of ..wry municipality, by roc tlou 1 and section In of article of tint I'ouiitltutlon of the Mate of Ore gon, do hereby proclaim Dial tho pro- posed amendment to the charter of ,,.,.-.,,, n'n.,.,ii tho city of Klamath KalH. Orcrt.ii.'11 ort"'r of th" fommon Council the nauio beliiK denoniliiate.l section 309. MihmltU'd to the lcual oteri. of I kald ill) nt n peclal elucllon held on " Friday, the 12th day of AiiRiist. A ltldn will bo received hy the Com I).. 1921. received the ronuUltr ma-'nipn Council up to nnd Including Jurlty vote entitling the aforesaid Monday Atlgukt 22, 1921, nt the hour iiiien.iment to lm nnd yie samo nere- hy Is, proclaimed us. having been adopted. 1, tho said mayor, hereby f.irthnrlThn repairs to, bo mndo consist In proclaim that tlm proposed amend ment Hiibmltled to tlm qualified elo torn of said city as said election, to wn, . , , An At To nmoiid tho charier of the city of Klamath I'll I M, Oregon, k.ijno be ing nn net submitted 16 nn approv ed by thu voters of suld city ut a spe cial election hold therein on March', 10. 1913, nn sulnoiliipiitlr nmeniled at tho special election hold therein J on Novum her H, 19H',, and to amend: all other uiiiendmeiitH hy milling see-1 tlon 309. nro lillm: for nn Issue of sewer bonds In llul sum of fiO,000.- .MAKKKTItllKT l.MIMIOVKMI'.NTS. 00, and for n tax levy to pay prlnol-j Proposals wll lie re elved by tho pal nnd Interest thereon, received Common CoimcM of the City of Klnm 20n otos for. nnd 33 votos against, nth Falls! Oregon for making tho That said amendment having re-. Improvement ili.lgticil for Fourth celled n majority of all voles cast street from Klnmutli nveniiu to tho ittlsnld election for nnd ngalnst udop-i southerly line of Oak avenuo; Fifth tlqii, and 'It further appearing fronijstroct from Klnmutli avenuo to tho silbh ciinvosp. that s.ild uiiu'iidmeiit southerly lino of Willow nvonuo; received a total of 20R nfflrmntlvo' Wnlntit .nvonuo from tho northerly votes. I, tlm mayor aforesaid, here-, lino of Fourth street to the southerly by proclaim, in view of tho fact that lino of Sixth street; Oak avenuo from from thn canvass duly mndo, whore- tho northerly Hun or Fourth street In l( appear that p;ily 33 negative' to tho southerly line of Seventh votes wero enst for said amendment, 'Htreot; Willow nvonuo from tho Hint snld amendment hns been duly ; northerly line of Fifth street to tlio adopted hy tho ntinllflod voters of .southerly lino of Sixth street together the cltv of'Klnmutli Falls, Oregon ' "Wllnoss ,'niy. hand nnd seal of snld city thtxlCtu day of August, 1921, W 8. WIIiKY, Mayor of tUo Rt' pt Klamnth Falls XOTICI1 INVlTIXtl PIlOPOSALS TO IMI-ltOYK SOUTH IHVF.HSIDM HTHi:i'.T VMU).H WIIST MAIN TOwll,ch Bntl ordinance Is numbered CITY I.1.MITH. AND WKST SIAIN KUOM liND of iMVtai .t at OONOI'jH AVIlNUIl TO ,W;TKH- 111 I,l,.. Ml' M'MJ 111 III r.liniin.iry 1JH3 Pronosnls will ho received hy tho Common Council of tho City of Klnm nth. Falls, Oregon, for making tho Improvement of, South Ulversldo Btreet, from West Main to tho city limits, mid West .Main stroot from ontl of pnvomonti nt Congor nvonuo to wostorly lino of South Ulvorsldo Btreot IncludliiB Intersections. Tho lmprqvomcnt to bo mndo Jn accord niico with tho plans nnd specifications therefor on fllo with tho City En gineer nnd In tho office of tho Pollen Judgo for either of tho classes of hnrdsurfacing montionoii in ttio pinna nnd specifications mid In Ordlnanco Nn. nno. ordorlnt; tho Imnrovoment Tho' making of tho Improvement will bo In ono contract. Proposals must bo fllod with the (am, He's seed tup.' - (Vi HWUTt V.M'MiV CWAtkHh to.vim urvc.li -. AW . -' eARjU.' mion uouncu. inn nwnm to inn tuc nNiful bidder will ho mnile rontlr.K nut upon tho nalu of tho bouiU to bo ntttlinrlted for fluanclnc tho propos ed Improvement. Tho Improvement to cotikUt of grading to full width; 'V " " "" ' l""l ' "',",""." .i ' . ,; kldi Rireet and from Main to noulh i"" ."'.''"n ", "K ' ',,J- ""'' ." r,1U.,1".rIS... '. ?.P ,L?!? " ,0 cal,,crl lino of .South lllverslde. A. I. I.KAV1TT. Police JtldRP. Nena: ixviTi.vti inns. or s o'ciock r. .m, ror tno repair oi Sixth 'stroot from Klnlock Avcnuo to thu Ilallron.l crossing on Sixth street. scarlf)lng, grading nnd rolling tho present surface! laying drains, Instal ling catch-basins nnd Installing pumps, all In accordance with plans nnd specification:! of tho city en gineer, on fllo in his office nnd lu tho offlco of tho I'ollro Judge. Hlds to ho nccompanlod with it certified check for S per cent of tho amount of tho bid. Th Common Council resorves tho right to reject any and till bids A-13-22 A. L. I.KAVITT. Police Judge. wiiu nil imorsecuons noiwcen mo respective, tornilnl not nlrendy Im proved. Snld proposed Improvements to ho mndo In nccordanco with thn plans nnd specifications of tho city engineer for either of tho classes of Improvement mentioned in snld plans and specifications, nnd tho ordinance ordorlng thn proposod Improvement, r.40. ndoptod on tho 21st day of Fobruary 1921. and by tho mayor npprovod on tho 23rd day of Fobrua- Tho plans and specifications for Hitch Improvement being on fllo with tho Police Judgo nnd with the city englncor. Tho contract foi- pinking tho pro posed linprovomont will ho lot in ono contract. Proposals must bo fllod with' tho pollco Judgo for submission to tho council not Intor than 8 o'clock P. M.i on Octobor 3rd. 1921. nt which tlmo nnd (Into, nt tho council chamber In snld city, all proposals will bo opened and considered. Kach proposal' to bo nccompanlod oy a ccrtiiieu cnocK on some respon slblo hank equal to 5 por cent of tho proposal, same to bo forfeited to tho city upon failure of tho suc cessful blddor to onter Into bond nnd contract for tho faithful completion If, even though you always clean your rifle before putting it away, there is a tendency for rust to eat tiny "pits" in the bar rel, the trouble is caused by the ammunition you .use. The priming in such ammunition attracts rust All U S Rim-Fires (in Klamath Fnlli, Ore. J. I). Chambers Baldwin Udnte. Co. Klamath Hdwo. Co. of thu Improvement. The right to reject any and all bids and proposals Is hereby reserved In tho city. The award to the successful blddor will be made contingent upon tho sale of tho bonds to be authorized for pro viding funds for financing the pro posed Improvement. nida are respectfully Invited on Illtullthlc, Oil Macadam and concrete. In addition to grading, curbing, drain ago and cement walks. Dated at Klamath Falls, August 12th, 1921. A L. I.KAVITT. Police Judge xotiei: inviting: i-uoi-osaiiS to imimtovk high sthkkt vho.m Tllllll) STItl'.KT TO SIXTH RTItKKT ANT) FOUIlTH STHKI7T ntOM 1'lXi: TO .TKIT'KItSON STiiKirr. Proposals ill he received by tho Common Council of the City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for making the Jmprovement of High street from Third street to Sixth street and Fourth street from Pine street to Jefferson street. Including Intersec tions. Tho Improvement to bo made In nccordanco with tho plans and Hiieclflcatlnns therefor on fllo with the City Kuglneor and In tho office Of the Police Judge, for either of tho classes of hnrdsurfacing mentioned In tlio plans and specifications nml In Ordlnanco No. 5G1. ordorlng the Im provement. Tho making of tho Im provement will bo let In ono contract. Proposals must bo filed with tho Pollco Judgo not Inter than S o'clock P. M.. of October 3rd.. 1921. at which tlmo nnd dnto at tho Council Chamber In snld city nil proposals will bo opened for ronslderntlon. ' Kach proposals must' bo accompan ied by a cortlfled check on somo res ponsible banking Institution equal to K por cent of tho amount of tho proposal, to ho forfeited to tho city upon falluro of the successful bld dor to enter Into contract and bond for tho faithful completion of tho Improvement. Tho right to rojoct any ami all bids bolng hereby reserved In tho Common Council. Tho award to tho successrul bidder will bonnnde contingent upon tho sale of tho bonds to bo nuthorlzod for financing tho proposed linprovomont. Tho Improve in en t to consist of grading to full width, hnrdsurfacing Twenty flvo feet In wdth with either nitullthlc, Concroto or'othor hnrdsurface pavo mont, with curbing nml coraont stdo walks, A. L. IiEAVITT, Pollco, Judge, I)y or.lor of tho Common Council. NOTICK INVITING PKOl'OSAIiS TO IMI'IIOVK HIGH STUKKT FHOM THIItl) STUKKfT .TO CEDAR HTRKrTT, AND. OEDAlt STUKKT VltOM HIGH STUKKT TO PINH STREET. t Proposals will bo received by the Common Council of tho City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for making tho CARTRIDGES AND SHELLS Does your rifle barrel say to rust "Please come iii"? cluding the famous .22 N.R.A.) are now made with a special, non-fouling, non-erosive' priming that adds thousands of rounds to the life of a rifle. Be 'good to your rifle. Help it to fight rust Use' only US Cartridges. Money back if not satisfied. UNTTED STATES CARTRIDGE COMPANY, N.w York, Chlloqoln, Ore. Chlloquln Merc. Co. Malta, Ore. The KaUaaStoro Improvement of High Street from Third street to westerly line of High streot and Cedar street i from High street to Pine street Including inter sections. Tho Improvement to ho made In accordance with tho plans and specifications therefore on file with the City Engineer nnd ln the offlco of the Police Judge, for either of the classes of hardsurfaclng men tioned In the plans and specifications and la Ordlnanco No. 5S8, ordering tho improvement. Tho making of the improvement 'will bo let In ono contract. Proposals must bo filed with the Pollco Judgo nbt later than 8 o'clock P. M., of October 3rd, 1921, nt which tlmo and date at tho city hall In said city all proposals will bo opened for consideration. Kach proposal must bo accompa nied hy a certified cneck on somo res ponsible, banking Institution equal to S per cent of tho amount of the proposal, to .bo forfeited to tho city upon failure of tho successful bidder to entor Into contact and bond for tho faithful completion of tho Im provement. Tho right' to reject nny and nil bids being hereby reserved In the Common Council. Tho nward to tho successful bidder will bo made contingent Upon tho sale of tho bonds to bo authorized for flnnnclng tho proposed Improvement. Tho Improvement to consist In gra ding to full width, hnrdsurfacing to tho width of 2C feet with either Illtu llthlc, Concrete or Wllllto. with curb ing nnd cement sidewalks. A. h. I.EAVITT, Pollco Judge.' Hy ordor of the Common Council. "NOTICE INVITING I'HOPOSAI.S TO IMPROVE HliDORADO STHKKT FROSI ISPLANADK TO MKI, ROSK, AND MELROSE KHOH KI DORADO TO PACIFIC TERRACE. Proposals, will bo received by tho Common Council of tho City, of Klam nth Falls, Oregon, for making the Improvement of Eldorado Streot, from Esplanade to Melrose Street, and Melrose" Street from Eldorado to Pacific Torrace, including Intersec tions. Tho Improvement to bo mndo ln accordnnco with tho plans and speci fications thorofor on fllo with tho City Knglnoor nnd in tho offlco of tho Pollco Judge, for olthor ot the classes ot hardsurfaclng mentioned ln tho plans and specifications and In Ordlnanco No. C56, ordering tho Improvement. Tho making ot the linprovomont will bo let In ono con tract. Proposals must bo filed with tho Pollco Judgo not later than 8 o'clock C. M.i of Octobor 3rd.. 1921, at iwhlch date mid tlmo at tho city hall In said city, all proposals will bo oponed for consideration. Each proposal must bo accompa nied by a certified check on some responsible banking institution equal to 5 per rent ot tho amount "ot the proposal to be 'forfeited to tho city upon failure ot tho successful bidder to enter Into contract and bond tor -tx Manufacturer Merrill, Ore. R. H. Anderson. Merrill Merc. Co. VonUt ValUt , Hoy Tber the faithful completion ot the Im provement. The right to reject any and all bids being hereby reserved ln tho common council. The award to the successful bidder will be made contingent upon the sale ot the bonda to bo authorized for financing the proposed Improvement. The Improvement to consist of grading street to full width, hard surfacing to the width of 25 feet with either nitullthlc. Concrete, and curbing. I A. U LEAVITT. Police Judg. Dy order ot tho Common Council. NOTICE INVITING PROPOSAW TO IMPROVE JEFFERSON STREET FROM THIRD STREET TO FIFTH STHKKT. AND FIFTH STREET FRO.M JEFFERSON TO MXOOfcN BTRKirr. AND LINCOLN STREET FROM FIFTH STREET TO SIXTH STREET INCLUDING INTERSEC TIONS AND THE INTERSECTION OF LINCOLN AND SIXTH STREW". Proposals will be rocelvcd by tho Common Council ot the City ot Klamath Falls. Oregon, for making tho Impovcmcnt of Jefferson street from Third street, to Fifth stroot and Fifth street from Jefferson to Lin; coin street and Lincoln street. Fifth street to Sixth street. Including In tersections, nnd tho Intersection at Lincoln mid Sixth streets, ' Tho Im povcmcnt to be mado In accordance with the plans and specifications therefor on file with the' City En gineer and In the offlco of tho Police Judge, for cither of tho classos ot hnrdsurfacing mentioned In tho plans and specifications and ln Ordlnanco No. SCQ, ordorlng tho Improvement. Tho making ot the Improvement will bo let In ono contract. . Proposals must bo filed with the Police Judgo not later than S o'clock P. M ot Octobor 3rd, 1921, nt which tlmo nnd dato nt the Council Cham ber In said city all proposals will be oponed, for consideration. Each proposal must be accompa nied by n certified check on somo ' responsible banking Institution equal to 5 per cent ot tho amount ot the proposal, to bo forfeited to the city upon failure ot tho successful bid-, dor to enter Into contarct and bond for the faithful completion ot, the Improvement. Tho right to reject any and all bias balng hereby re served In the Common Council. The award to tho successful bidder will bo mado contingent upon tho sale of tho bonds to be authorized for financing vtho proposed Improvement. The improvement Is to consult ot grading to full width, hardsurfaclng 25 toet In width with either nitull thlc. Concretoior-Wllllte, with curb ing and six' toot cement sidewalks on both sides, all Intersections to be paved full width, A. L. LEAVITT. Pollco Judge; Dy order ot the Common Council.