paoi rooM x, axmhim IB, IBM, THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MMMAMMWWAMPWWNMVWVVMMMMAVWWMVVVMVVMVWWVVVVVVMVVVVVSAMAMAA OASSfnEDAWERnSEMENTS 0i000Amm0nm0mm0mnimmwm MISCELLANEOUS FOR BALE Good paring buitnoss tor man and wife. P. O. Dox G42. 13-15 FOR SALE Dodge ear, first class mechanical condition. Inqulro lis? Weinuat. 13-16 FOR BALB 1 ton truck and other ear,' Wlu trade, what a Dick. th and Klamath Ave. I3-15 WANTED 2 ton truclcl Will trndo Dodge and pay difference. Soo DUk, eth and Klamath Ave. 13-1G FOU"-EJATCM A-l paying business, New and Second Ilaad goods. night Bam snap. Must sell. Boo Dick 8th and Klamath Ave. 13-15 The Tamer Apartments, 812 Oak St. 3 room furnished apartments with wood, light and water, 125.00; Single $18.00. W hare a new housekeopor. Com and Investigate. 13-19 FURNITURE FOR SALE For 4 room house. 1150, also house for rant Phono 353W, 280 N. 9th St. . . 13-18 WANTED Painters Two good roof and scaffold men apply at once. B. O. Tuthlll, Dorrlt, Calif. 13-19 FOR RENT Sleeping room with hath for one or two. 1160 Pine. 13-19 FOR BALE A leather, bed Daren port. Inquire Room 203, Winters Apartment. 13-16 DRESSMAKING First claw work. Mr. Jefferson No. 2 Main, f-18 LECTURER TAKEN FOR ID RMN PORTLAND, Aug. 15 R. Weyh. lecturer for the Union Pacific ajyateaa waa mistaken for a wild man near Crater lake a few day ago. Mr. Weyh took many picture of the lake and Its surroundings and he lo swapped wild flowers. Thore had bee a o-eailed wild .man in Ik neighborhood of the lake for Tral day. It developed later that the wUd man, emaciated and arm ed with rerolrer, waa suffering from appendicitis, and was taken to hoeeltal at Klamath Falls. How- Tr, when Mr. Weyh waa at the laka th stranger had not been cap- tared. With his camera Mr. Weyh wandered to cow camp where a woman saw blm approaching and picked nps butcher knife. He asked the direction of a awamp, where he said he was told he coald find wild flowers. The woman di rected him but still kept the knlfo exposed. After photographing the flower, Mr. Weyh returned to the hotel, where he learned that the wild man had appeared at the cow eemp, crazy as a loon, for the con- lacing proof of Insanity was that demented creature waa taking picture of wild flowers, and no one bit a crazy man would, do a thing like that Yesterday forenoon Mr. Weyh gathered photos on the ColambI rtrer highway. i Bradtret$ Says Tide i$ Turned NEW TORK, "Aug. 16. Prelim! nary returns on July building indi cate that the long-expected expan sion of th building industry Is closo at hand, Brsdstreeta announced to- tfr. Reports from 147 cities, It was stated showed that the value of structures for which permits were granted In that month were $141, 88,015, gain of 32.6 per cent over July year ago and 4.2 per cent In excess of the total In the erne cities in June this year. Tho report said the July aggregate will t least be the sixth largest In the last 1C years, DOINGS Or tHE DUFFS" HAVING A FINE TIME I UP TO VOOB aPWWWPWBB AREN'T VOO? MCLL. VOU I ROOM AHO STAY F8 ' ? ' 1 SET RIGHT UPTO 1 I T4EREl ,-J FUimrrtmn for sale, ioic itoso St. 13-16 FOR, BALK Pasture and hay, good fattening grass, sufficient tor 300 head of cattle also 200 tons mlxoil rej top timothy and wild hay. Ap ply Mrs. Cantrnll, Shlpplngton, phono 3GC or Dr. Uaddls, Knglo Rldgo Tavern. 11-22 ! Taxi and Transfor. I'hono E17. 2-16 WANTED To bur of owner a four or flro room bouse on largo lot or with vacant lot besldo. In edgo of cltr. Need not bo strictly modern but comfortable, and welt built, for Sept. 1, Address Dox U 8., Herald Office. 9-1 G FOR RENT N'owly furnlehod rooms. 60c a night, $3 wcok at Hot Springs Hotol. C-20 PAINTS, OILS AND VAllMSH WALL PAPER W. E. AND J. E. PATTERSON Phono 138-W; 127 N. 4th St. 1-31 i FOR RENT DREAMLAND PAVILION Monday, Tuosday, Thursday and Friday nights. Terms reasonable ap ply to Bort McDonald. 12tt CITY GARBAGE When you want garbage removed, call 10K.23. LOST On the road to Olene. One handbag with Singer Sewing Ma chine Co. receipt book, lease book, etc Finder please leave samo nt Singer Sowing Machine offlco, 208 Main St. and receive reward. 12-18 Make that lfflo dollar work! Put It In thn bank. COUNTV TREASURER GLAD HE'S A GRANDFATHER The reason for Klpp Van Rlpor's big smile was explained this morn ing when he announced that ho was I "a grandfather and wanted tho (world to know it." Clarcnco Klpp (Richardson was -born Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, of Phoenix, Arizona, at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Van Riper horo. Tho baby weighed 10 pounds and according to Dr. George I. Wright both moth er and baby aro getting along fine. Mrs. Richardson was Miss Jose phine Van Riper beforo her mar riage. Medford Oil Co. . Drilling 25 ft. Dmy During the past week, tho Trl gonla well was direct reamed 150 feet, making a total of 330 feet re- drllled from 8 to 10-inch diameter. Some delay was caused by having some repairs to make on the band wheel shaft. Everything Is now In good working order, and the crows are making about 25 foot per day, which will get to the bottom soon. Considerable gas Is In evldonce when water is sttrrod by balling. Med ford Mall-Tribune. YOU ARE THE JURY Hear the Testimony of Klamath Falls People ana Decide the Cace Doan'a Kidney Pills are on trial are being tried every day for weak moneys lor exhausting kidney back aches. What la the verdict? Read Klamath Falls testimony personal experiences of Klamath Falls wit nesses. There can bo only one ver- aici a chorus of aDDroval. Henry Smith, carpenter, 106 Main til., mamatn Fails, says: "I bavo used Doan's Kidney Pills off and on for at long time and ,bavo always found them to be a reliable kidney remedy. My back ached and pained at times and I had a soreness just over my kidneys. My kidneys didn't act right, either. Doan's Kidney Pills always relieved the trouble; the backachea left and my kidneys wore put in good order." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan'a Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Smith had. Foster-MUburn Co.. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. The recent 1000 mile Nevada desert automobile raco was man aged by a woman, Mrs. Cannon Jewott Wllklo of Reno. Mrs. Wll- klo Is secretary of the Nevada high way association. NOTICU 1NV1TINO BIDS. Bids will bo recched by the Com mon Council up to and Including Monday August 23, 1921, at tlio hour of 8 o'clock I1. M. for thu repair of Sixth stroot from Klnlock Ayoiiuo to the Unllrond croBilntt on Sixth stroet, Tho ropalrH 'to bo mmlo consist In scarlfylug, knuMiik and rollliiK tho present wurftico. luylng ilmlns, lustnl ling cntch-b.tHlna and tnstnlllux pumps, nil In nccordtmcu with plans ami specifications of tho city en glnoor, on file In his offlco and In tho offlco of tho Pollen JiuIko. Illds to bo nccompnntod with a vortltluil chock for C per cent of tho amount of tho bid. Tho Common Council rosorvos tho right to reject any and nil bids. A. I.. LHAVITT, A-13-22 Pollen Judge. Orrccn'i llij'jcr Inslllulion ct rfti !.? nam n :WRaUffi fl I'icht School; Seventy Urpirlmrnli FALL TFUM OPUSa SFIT. IV, IMI tor i.irwtnuiii tu U lit Rrttttru Oregon College COilVALLIS BIDS WANTED. Bchoool District No. A vrlll rooolvo scaled bids up to Monday, August IS, at 3 o'clock, from contractors, tor tho erection of an uiTifltlon to tho Shtppluton School. All bids, must bo accompanied by either a certified check for 5 per cent of Amount of bid or a bidders' bond for G per cent nmount of bid. Address bids to Ida B. Momycr, Clerk. IDA B. MOMYER, 11-13 Clerk Dlst. No. 1 PELICAN BAY BUS Fare 2 So each way Leave Rex Cafo Leaves Pelican City 7:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 12:45 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. . 6:30 p. m. Reckard Rent Service Phono 77 26-tf 'Klamath Falls Cyclery We aro horo to serve you, and aim to servo you right. Motorcycles and Blrycloa, Parts and Acotsorles. Tires and Tubes, that will stand your inspection, as wo carry the best in our lino. Repair shop In connection -Ith Harloy-Davldson Service. Phono S72 1B10 Main .St. KUmnth FalU C. E. DIHMARK j wNiwyvi Coe9 Auto Service Hudson, Buick, and Dodge Cars Country Trips a Specialty PHONE 108 United Cigar Store 620 SLUN STREET eAAaAeAeeeAeAAeVeVWV NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY 'Tut Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 154 Corner Mnln and Conger FRED WESTERFELD DENTIBT Phone 434W. X-Itay Labcrator Loomis Bldg Klama'h VaUa DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. O. O. P. Temple IIUNBANDH AIIE AN AXTVUh CAR VMWWVMVWMMMMMMWMMIMMMnMMM DR. O, A. RAMSO Dantbt i. o. o. r. PHONE SI anijWfctiAAarfAiMiiayl J. O. CLKCMOHN CIVIL ENGINEER AND ' SURVEYOR Phone 1IJ 111 S. -Riverside Klamath Lodge No. 3.? I. O. O. F. Moots Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, 5th and Main streets Chns. Newman ...... ....N. O, W. C. Wells V. O. O. B. Mangup ................Hccy. W. D. Coter ...........-...-.........Troas. ENCAXtrMENT II. V. Brown C. P. J. V Browbakcr. 8. W. L. J. Meciur ,-, ..,,, ...flfrlb Nnto Ottcrbeln ..... ...... Treasurer L. D. Gast, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND. THROAT GLASSES FURNISHED Warren Hunt Hospital Phoae 497 Ilea. White Pelican Head. Psoas B Klamath Falls Plumb ing & Heating Co. 1173 MAIN ST. PnONB B48-W WILL- Take out Cellar or Fill la Lota CON MURPHY H17 Mortimer Bt. Phone S4I-W 1'ILZ' SCHOOL OP POPULAR MUSIC I have constructed thro years of experience the only course that teaches you to play tho piano by NOTE and by EAR In 10 to 20 les sons. Write for particulars, 701 11th St., Klamath Falls, Ore. Phone 87R. r- DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wtsacarrar PBOITB 8B4 Dr. P. M NtMl non Breath Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 OCR CLEANING, P&K8SINO AJTU RCPAIlttN'O WILL UAKB XOCB CLOTHK8 LOOK LIKE NEW HATH IlKBLOCKKD Good Called for and Delivered 481 Mala Street Klamath Vmlls DR. J. G. GOBLE The well-known Optician now located in K. D. Block, 1313 Main. Phone 3II-M. EX-SERVICB MEN. ATTENTION ' Klamath Post No. 8, Amorlcan Legion meets at tho City Hall on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Ex-service men aro invited to at tend the meetlnga. For membership cards or Informa tion oz-servlce men are requested to see or, wrlte'tbe following efficers: J. 11. Carnation, Commandor. Roy N. Pouch, Post Adjutant. For relief of employment see or write the Chairman of The Relief and Employment Committee, Francia Olds, care Lakeilde Lumber com pany. IS MRS. DUFF, DID WOO EVER CATCH YOUR. HU5BAND FlIRTINGr ' LI" - - -- W tKtixxtattCKaxmm pMjMmMmm)U Hot Water Each Puts Roses in Your A J, i. ! mil i, . i.lm'i',,. . Jmmmmmm7iT?lT'?,VTii!7T',VV $ MW T :nmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmS:BmmiK h .CsmmmSaTtjJtJBmmmmm7 mmmmmmlBmmmHmmmlu 5 BmHPFKV 7:lmmmmmCTmnnmmammmml ? ' wcN5amTr" r v "mmf'.'H ' SammmmmHBrmmwlmmmi S IBmHammByWamall :vl'' RLjOmHOmW ffmnw vBmmamBmmBnaiaB9.r Aii'f9meammmmmBffmmmmiic mmmWwmmmmmUfc fX K V ammmmmKKmml ? ammmmmt mmmmmmlsfr 'VSHs ammmmmWJk.' mmmmmmmmmvJmmmnr k 'i ' -i tVirm 5 mmSr , v ammmmVV' 'TmlP'cJ'v "inftih Miff smmmc-LsmBBmWZtnrV AiBm)uiuwJi'''j To look one's brt ami feet ono'a best Is to niJot an ImlJo bsth each morning to hum irom tun tynira me prcuuui day's waste, sour ftrtntnttlon and pri Kjnous toxin before It Is abtotbnl into the blood. Just as coal, whfn It burm, karri behind a certain amount oi in. cumbustiblo material In the form ol athrs, o the food and drink taken each day leave In the sllmntarv organs certain amount of Imllgrttlblo mtrll, which If not eliminated, form toxins sml no! olons which are then nicked Into the blood through the very ducta which are Intended to nick In only nourishment to iuUln the body, If you want to see the glow of healthy bloom in your cheeks, to see your skin Set clearer and clearer, you are told to rink every morning upon arising, a glut of hit water with a teatpnonful of llmeatono phonpbate in It, which Is a hinnleaa means of washing the waata material and toxlnsjrom the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowele, thus eJeajis lag, sweetening and purifying the entire CHIROPRACTOR , Dr. Lola C. HrUlge Over Flrat Stale and Bavlnga Bank Rutin '106 Phone 101-J Let Your GLASS troubles bo Mine C. E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cbint Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine SAW MILL KlfOINKKRUfa A CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer end bnlfder of mod era saw mills, planing taUla and bos plants. Dredging. Pile driving. Phone 4e-W Office Corner Spring and Oak Near S. P. Depot E.D. LAMB PBTSICIAN AND SDROBON Phone 17W 17R Room 1 aad White BoUdlag DR. L. L. TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phone, 4S7 Night Pboae, S4M GLOVER MAKES Your Watch Keep Time. 511 Main St. Klamath FalU M jmlmQ&ilfflJIibiABtlirilLJmlJ " ' VES TfflM II L- VWHAT DIP VOU. WM ONCE ! IF W 1 DO TO HIM ? r MARRlEp m Morning Cheeks allmcnUry tract, Wore putting mor food Into tho atomsch. Girl and women with sallow skins, llwr pot, plmplea or pslIU cmnpUx Ion, h lhoe who wske up. with nmtnl tiinmie. bail taate. nasty breath. other who aro Imthcrrd with headaches. bllloua spell, aeiil totnach or omtl I na tion ahouM begin thl phoiphated hat water drinking and are autirrd of very tironounred rmult In one or '.wo week. A nusrter ixiund of limestone phos phate cot very little at the drug store but la suOlelent t demonitrste tbst lusa as soap and hot water cleanaea, purllee and freshens the skin on the nuUlds, a hot water and limestone, phosphate art on the Inside orgsn. We must araraya consider that Internal sanitation la vast ly more Important than ouUlda cleaaH riean, U-eaui the akin pores do Hoi ah aorb Impurities Into the blood, whlla Ue bowel pores do. Women who desire to enhaae tee hMutv of thulr eomnlexloo should las try this for a week and notice rssufte. Excavating Teaming Let ns make yon price ea glng that basement, or other eavatlng you contemplate. We'! do team work of every deserlsttea. Phone 426-J DR. G. A. MASSEY roorta aM Pta , In Warren Bant Hospital Off. Phone 417 Res. Phene KM OBce Phoa 177W Has 17TB Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and White Batldln Klamath rails OregM DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHTHICIAN AND 8DBOJKMI LO.O.r.3lld(ag Residence 4Bg Pfcae at. Phone 3IOO-R. CHIROPRACTORS DRS. MALLETT AND MALLETT OFFICE OVER UNDERWOOD Phone flaa-J. Seventh M Make. Household Furniture OOODB Or ALL KINDS OUR PRICES RIOHT We Buy, Sell and Exchange. Cor. Sixth and Klamath Ave. DICK'S a CO. 'Tho Best Insurance for Every Need' UAliHINM-DUNKUKlIf INSURANCE AOENOT WINTERS BUILDING Phone 0B0-W. We can serve you lnsurancawla. CLARA D. CALKINS, MOLLIS 8. DONBL80N. BY ALLMAN JJJUJJ. WHAT DIP VOU. WWTMm