PAOHXHIUUS THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MO.IDAT, AVOCBT IS, JMl. The Office Cat fsssssssssflPIM UV JCNIUfci I'nlnlfNH I'lnHer Puller Wild mul dlshovolml, wnlory of nvu, nnd trembling of llmb,t tin burnt Into llio dentist's tomult', uiul addressed tho molar merchant In gasping tones! ' "Do you glvo gas liaro?" "Yes," replied Ihu itontlxt. "Doc It put a man to sloop" "Of course." 'Nothing would wnli o him?" "Nothlntf. I jut" "Wiilt a bit; you could break lit Jaw or black hW oyn without bl in feeling It?" "My donr nfr. of courso, I ' "It lant bout ibnlf a mlnuta, docin't ttT" "Yes." WJth n war whoop of Joy ccj n llof the ojcltetl man throw oft his coat and waistcoat. "Now," bo yollod, as ho tunuod at bin ehlrt, "(lot your gas engine ready. I want,1 to pull a porous-phut or off my backi" Joffre Pays a Call SSSSSSWrs,tJ 't ') tiaJsssssssssBJsBJBJBfl Ib vffjy yT 'rSKBSMsssssssssssSM LtssssEVrS.laaMsEssssssssR w lsH ls. oSaJi i tsasslBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBj B nsvUstisssssssssssssssHi H "" FFFFFFFFFFFB HhFFF'SIBFMl s1saFjaVB)sTar BIFFjf Whtn th oldMt woman of nor. Franc, reached hr lOJnd birthday Marshal Jofrrt railed to congratulate bar Look at bar amlte! Llfa la till mlfbly iwmi to bar Hob Robertson nays knowlodgn of! right nnd wrong won't net jnu any whoro unless you nlao have imnso enough to choosu tlio rlRh. I'omn "Now I am a tin whlMln Through which flod blows; Hut' I wish to (!od I waro a trumpet Hut why, nod only knos. Tlio following were among qul replies nt a New York tinlvernltjr: Tlio allmutnary canal In locntod In thu northern nnrt of Indlsnn. A blizzard In tho Inside" of n hen. Tlio purpomi of tlio skultoti- something to hitch the meat to. A rlrclo Isrough straight lino with a hole In thp llllorH, Sixty gallons mako n hodgo-bog. Tho government or l.n?luud Is n limited mockery. A mountain pats Ism-pasa given by the railroad to Its employe so thoy can spend tbolr vacation In tho mountains. Make Profit of $1600 on Small Flock of Turkeys . SALEM. Or., Aug. 16. A total of $1600 In onrnlnKS from 300 tur keys was tho phenomenal record ...,. .,..... ... , ,, ,,. ... ifutvunatuil t MIVVIV tVUM high altltudo. posn nnd can bo grnrwn successful ly In tbnt part of tho ntato. Sun flowers nlao can bo mado Into on sllagM nnd fed to tho livestock. Oregon Senators Join in Denial of Legion Allegations HAM.M, Aug. IB. Accusations of Capital Tout, No, 9, American Log Ion, tbut thoy repudiated tholr pledges to tho Legion In voting for tlm recommlttmunt of tho votcrans aid bill wa denied by Senators Hlunflnld nnd McNory In tolograms Better Vision aFsLHsW aMsBSBsssB rocolrod a wook ago but withhold by tho Legion. Tho senators do clnro thomsolros favornblo to sol dlor Joglslntion but any it' must be logical, practicable and timely. For having boon a faithful ser vant In tho Darno family for a por ted of CC years, Mmo Euphemlo Ulonsoant has been awarded a sil ver modal by tha French government. Make that Idlo dollar work! Pat It In tho bank. 111 This new catcher's mask doaa away with tha vertical bars that ob struct tha vision of tha man behind) tha bat. Prank Snyder, catcher of' tha New York Qlaata, la trying out; .UtamaaK- NOTICB FOIt JUIILICATIOX (Publisher) tnadn lu 1920 by Mrs. HmHIv onoi 1 tv lu.rriti.ti rtt Dm or tn settlers in tho ocnoco irrl- n,,... .... ,t a.wnu.",, Riiiiiiunddi puiiu iiiu yvr- Crodlt Ir rapidly becoming normal to a lot of t fellowa who never could borrow a dollar, and can't uow, suys Doc I'owell. In a wedding nollco the odltor or the Krlo. Kan., Sentlnol wrltoa concerning tho bridegroem: "Ho la said to bo a aplendld young man." That's conservative, and playing It safe, oh perhaps should nlwnya bo un edltor'a courso In mentioning the bridegroom. Hut how -would It aound If thu puper said of the brlde: 'She Is alleged 'to bo a nlca girl." fOot In debt" Is tho aavlco of Louis K. Swift, head of tho Swift racking compnny. Ills advice might be much inoro appreciated If ho would only toll somo of us how to got out of It. t rioompf Tho caveman was n roughneck gent, And uncouth, lowbrow sort of dum; For flowora ho novor spent a cent IIo did his .wooing with a club. A Now York hotel has built a glass houso on tho root In which slngor-guostB may practice. Doing on tbn root It will, of courso, bo Imposulblu for other guests to drop anything on tho vacalltors. I Krod. English says prohibition has brought forth many Amorlcan in voutors ospoclally In tho homo brow lino. "Orooku Shorten Front as Turks Tako Two Towns," Holshovlsts Re port (Jains In Ituls," "Fighting on tho Incronso In Ituhr Valley," ""Oal kan Uprlslug Qrows." Kandom headlines from tho paporB. That loaguo of nations thing Booma to bo working flue. I Who romombbra tho old-fash-r lonpd girl who lookod all around bpforo nho boardedfit stroot 'carT, crlnnrlon bellnvos she has been as sucrmtiful with those as with the lurfiun. nun lias noi lounu II nee- llr-uirtmmt of tln Tntrlm- essnry t( buy food otid consequent-. U. 8. I-and Office, Lttkovlovr, Ore. ly has been nbln to fatten her llvc-I.Vot Coal Ijuid. July 27, 1021. stock nnd turkeys on u profit basis." " Whllo corn In considered excel-1 NOTICE Is hereby given that Mln- lent turknv food It rnnnnt tin nm..n' Arnnt whoso postofflco, address ihh luriioy iooii, u cannot oo pro- . n. n-nnn ,im r,n ih s?-. day of Novombor, 1920, file In this office Sworn Statomcnt and Appli cation, No. 011C28, to-fiurchase the SBMSBVi, Section 20, Township 38S. Itange 11 HE. Wlllnmotto Mer idian, and tho Umber thereon, under tho provisions of tho act of Juno 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as tho "Timber nnd Btono Law," at such vntue as might bo fixed by ap pralsomcnt, and that, pursuant to such application, tho land and tim ber thereon have been appraised, One Hundred Twenty Dollars, tho timber estimated 60M board foot at $1.60 per M, and tho land $30.00: that said atinllcant will offer final proof In aupport of his application.1 and sworn statement on tno 7 in aay or October, 1021, beroro Bert C. Thomas. U. S. Commissioner, at Kla math Falls, Oregon. Anr ncrson Is nt liberty to protest this purchase beforo entry, or Initiate a contest at nny time beforo patent corroborated at' HEM BLADDER BOTHER Tnkn Snlts to Ilush Kidneys sd Neutralise Irritating Adds gatlon district of Crook county, ac cording to Dr. W. It. Lytle, state' veterinarian, who recently has re turned after an official visit. Into that part of tho state. Dr. Lytlo la of tho opinion thnt the livestock and poultry business ran bu mado a big thing In thnt dis trict, an well as In others In Ore Son, If tlio settlors "will apply thom selves to work In out. Crook coun ty, says tho veterinarian, Is partic ularly fortunate In huvlng ns coun ty nill'lll. W. It. wtm lin been liglhly successful In working! ,K,,'ne3r nJ ,,lai'ller weakness re- v: u 8pmurnvf rrt '& " s .r.s; A rs. Smith, whoso Initials Dr., from ,lu lIo0ll nnd pailg ,t on t0 tuo Lytlo does not remember, Is offer-' bladder, where- It often remains to lr- od OS an oxaniDlo of what can bn rltntn anil Inflnmn. nmlnr n hum. I ....... nin- accomplished. 8ho also has hogs, Inc. scalding sensation, or sotting up ' ridovlt In this offlco. alleging facts sheep nnd cows, nnd tho stato vet- an irritation nt the neck of tho blad- ucr, obliging you to seek relief two or three tlmos during tho night. Th sufferer Is In constant dread, tho wa ter passes Homotlmcs with a scald ing sensation and Is cry protuso; again, thoro Is difficulty In avoiding It. Hladder woakness, most folks call It. bocauso thoy can't control urin ation. While It Is oxtrcmoly annoy ing nnd somotlmcs very painful, this Is really ono of tho most slmplo ail ments to overcome Got about four ouncos of Jad Salts from your phar macist and tnko a tablospoontul In a glass of water beforo breakfast. -con- NOTICE OF UMNO I'KTITION TO VACATK A HTflKtTt To Whom It May Cencern: Notlco Is beroby given that the undorslgned will, at a regular moot ing of tho county court of tho County ot Klamath, State of Oregon, to be held on the 4th Saturday of August, 1921, towlt on tho 28th day of August 1921, pre sent their petition to said county court praying forthe vacation ot that portion of Iflkey Street lying between Illocks 3 and 4 of Klamath Lake Addition to tho City of Kla math Falls, Oregon, also the alleys running through said blocks 3 and 4 of said addition, a said portion of Hnkoy Street Is shown by the official plat of said addition xo Klamath Falls now on rile In tho public records of Klamath County, Oregon. Dated August 1, 1921, Klamatn Falls, Oregon. School District No. 1, Klamath County. Orogon. By P. L. FOUNTALV. Chairman, By IDA B. MOMYEH, Clerk. The. world' record cow! 'i a Carnation "CjffiUnitd Cow' 1 8 1C 22. Petitioner. MAKE THAT IDLE DOLLAR, WORK. ' SPECIAL Crater Lake Picture for Sale at GEO. L. METZ, Jeweler 622 Main St. Phone 72 , l!LA ix ia, rOPAK WORK LeaYeYour Ftlttvs Before w9tfclocK-Your A.M Pictures are ready: at S 93v pa5 SUCPHUR SOOTHE ITCHKKm The First AppUoaUon Mukvm Bkln Cool nnd Oomfortiibtr. which would defeat tho entry. Notlco will bo published for nlno consecutive weeks In tbo Klamath Herald. JAS. T. BUnOE8S. Register. Aug. 1 8 15 22 29 G12192G. lltAA DUU ' V-7 I fruffy I KLAMATH FALLS OREGON lAEBiattfld WHERE PAJmcULAl KOPLC UY THEIR ORUGS w NOTICK FOK PUHUCATIO.V 1 (InbIUhcr) DEPAm3IST OF THK INTEIUOIt Not coal land Don't fail to read the Herald ttauified Ads. i.i'.iwyi-i-i-.-i-i-i'i'i-ri" --.------.-----... ................ ---,. -ri- -i.,.,-,-,. -r It you aro suffering from oexoma or somo other torturing, ombnrrass- Ing skin troublo you may quickly bo tlnuo this for two or thrco days. This rid of It by using Mentho-Sulphur, M" neutrnllzo the nclds In tho urlno declares a noted skin specialist. 80 u no lonBr ,s a aourco of Irrita- Thts sulphur preparation, because ,ltm ,0 J1',0 ,b'n,ll,or. nnd ur,1.nary ?r of it. ..r .i....i. I. BnnH which thon act normally again. m ? .doMr,nK ProPorHw. Jad Salts Is Inoxponslvo. harmless, seldom falls to quickly aubduo Itch- n.i Is mndn from tho act.i of .mM Ing, ovon of flory eczoma. Tho first and lemon Juice, comblnod with llth- Commissioner, nt Bonanza, Oregon, application makes tho skin cool nnd In, nnd Is usod by thousands of folks oni . Jru,any ot BoPtomuor, 1921. rnmfnrtnhln nn.h nn.l n. who nrn ulllllnrt In lirtnnrv l-Ialmant namCS HS WltnCSSOS: John h.i h.m. .... M.,..a..i....- .. caused bv urlo add Irritation. Jad ?.1" ?rV Ed Miller. M. T. Prince. Jay applied altll I M llAllfAAl 1l rk.trf..n Vrf. . M suiu in imiii.'Liii iiuiinirnn. s-jsis -. - . . if An UAII i niin n llAMBBf affAMlna. !. obtain a small Jar from nny good etiu. drugglsl. adv. iy relieves blnddor troublo. Adv. ' 2B-1-8-16-22 U. S. Iina orrico at Luxevlew, Ore gan, July 21 1921. NOTICE Is hereby given that Wil liam Thomas Osborn. or Lorella, Ore gon, who. on September 22, 1919,1 mado Additional Homestead Entry, No. 09608, for WH NBU.NWU SE-, . 8EU NAV, soctlon 27. Town-' ship 39S, Range 12 E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco ot Intention to mako final throo-ycar Proof, to establish claim to tho land aboro des cribed, beforo J. O. Ilamakcr, U. S. right' up. Mentho-Sulphur Is " Y ' 'rrltatlon. Jad wSlkoV. all rt SVoMaOrStTm 1 like any ploasant cold cream """" '" "' " Notlco will bo nubllshod In l""JU " ""' "" wimiover. I Klnmath Falls irrnlil for flvn rnn.A. the A Double Japanese Wedding in America sasasasasasaax& Hf UaslsV K KEKsMEl-.BmiiM ' fn i0 llin a.maS .....-. ....Ill . f l. QUAKyTAWU m waats tmmm m o F E N A L L N 1 G H f 7k CENTRAL HOTEL GUT GAMUETX Jf 4W Transient 75 cent up By Week $4.00 o p N A L L N I G H T NEWSSTAND ajaysjsss)aftlllls- all Ae Uteit new i ta If It's Loose We Will Move It O. K. TRANSFER CO. m " Phone 87