-.-- THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON T PAQR MX FHIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1H1, 1 OIL H USE' IE cm. II ISM COURTS AGAIN VISALIA, Cal. Aug. 13. Anolhcr chapter In tho story ot ton years' litigation oTor 'Elk Hills oil land, near hero, worth from $20,000,000 to $36,000,000, opened In tho local court last yrMk, whon United State land ottlco" of tlclals begin rehearing an action ot tho fed eral government against tho liuoua Vista Land and DoTolopmcnt com pany ot Kern county, -with tho stato of California and the Honolulu Con solidated Oil company as Interven ers. One year ago the case was decid ed by John Barton Payne, then soc tho matter was closed. In March of rotary ot tho interior. In favor of the government, and It waa thought this year," however, there came a' United States supreme court deci sion upsetting Payne' Tullng, nnd resulting In a rehearing hero. ' Tho land In question, consisting ot eighteen sections ot oil produc ing Kern county territory, was orig inally (elected by tho state ot Cat Itornla In lieu ot school Indemnity selections which fell In. federal re serves. Thev state sold tho land to tho' nuena Vista company, but In tho meantime the Honolulu firm had prospected the land for oil, and had filed applications with tho land office here for patents. Noxt camo a federal government geological sur vey's decision classifying tho land an oil and gas "known producing fields." Under this classification tho government contended tho stale had no right to tho property, and thereupon sued tho TlQcna vfsta company to quiet title, with tho Honolulu people acting as Intervene ors. claiming they bad a "vested right to the land if tho stato did not. by reason of tliclr patent ap plications. For soveral year this three-cornered legal battlo waged, and final ly was passed up to Franklin K. Lane .then secretary ot the Interior. Secretary Lane alter a year finally decided tho Honolulu cozany had a right to thirteen of tho eighteen sections and the federal government right to tho remaining tiro. When the Lane decision becanio I TbtoVoii noT lb eAT ffiase 6REBH APPiesJ ' jSBfL. LA . Tlfc I . m tjsg.ify " - '- Sewing Threads Per Spool WyWeWWWWWWVMAAMMMAAAA All Silk Jersisy Petti coats Special $2.95 Alt00V&W WWMWftMW public, Josephus Danlols, then scc- rctary of tho navy, nnd A. Mitchell, Palmer, attorney general, told Prea-j dent Wilson that under tho Lane ruling the government would lose, millions ot dollars, as tho govern-, ment had practjcally completed' olana clans tor leasing Its oil land In naval roscrves on a 25 per cent) royalty basis. Tho president there upon asked Lane not to file his opinion. Later Secretary Lane re signed and John Darton Payno suc ceeded him. A few day attor Mr. Payne took otflco ho made a now decision, giving tho government sole tltlo to tho property. The Honolulu company accepted the ruling and Drenared to accent tho government's offer to Icaso tho land on tho roy-l Mil' UttSIBi UU ICMUB nVIU fJI V- pared, but nover actually signed. Then camo tho unexpected deci sion In tho Wyoming esse. Secre tary Payno had held that tho stato had no vested right to tho land un der the school indemnity act bo- cause It was oil producing land,.buV the supreme court. In the Wyoming mattor, held that It the stato had made Its selections boforo tho land was so classified, tho stato held tho vested right nnd the government had no powor to eject it. . When this ruling was announced tho nuena Vista company asked for a rehearing. Secretary ot tho In terior Albert II. Fall ordered tho caso heard anew, and August 10 wa set for tho rehearing. An interesting sidelight was a suit filed by tho Honolulu company In Washington against Woodrow Wilson as president. In which the court was asked to hold that tlip president had exceeded his author ity when ho "Interfered" with Sec retary Lane by not allowing him to tllo his decision Announcing Arrival of New Autumn Fashions THE WOMAN'S STORE has just received additional shipments of Women's Fall Apparel. New Coats, Suits and Dresses in distinctive styles that reflect the fashion tendency of the coming season. You are especially invited to come and view these new creations and shoulcjl you wish to buy you will find our prices very moderate indeed. New Fall Suits Highly embroid ered, fur trim med, long coat ef fects, new fall col lars. PRICED FROM $29to$125 New Fall Dresses Charming 'frocks of Taffeta, Canton-Crepe, Crepe-back- Satin, and Crepe de. Chine are now shown in Chick fall styles. They are entirely new and different from what you see anywhere else. PRICED FROM 'lfiStoHS u h x J Women's Foulard Dresses at ONE-HALF Price $25.00 Value all Summer Styles Foulard dresses in many very desirable patterns. On account of lateness of the season, were picked up at just one half price. Will be sold while they last at $12.0 cch, up to $25.00. Sport Skirts A wonderful opportunity to imy high clan nllmllk nporU skirt nt big saving. Made from Mnllnscn' bust grade sport silks, 'iinvv stripe,, box plaited and tailored effects. Kelt ami Mnnlicd pockets Special H2 School Dresses Children Flapper Dresses made from all wool serge. Some from all silk Satin. Many new Fall styles. Sizes up to 16, from i $C t $1 7.50 5to$17 Agency .for Peg gy Page Dress es. ; . nsen I s Q v Q "--- - mmm....-.-. f)fyy--)VVV-renrirtrtrtOrr """S r t ,av 'LSBSLVdsSEB53gags5BBHBBEBBBIr 'M flSnfil v t Tl BBCE?!gHJBggggggggH fiMMgCS-MCgMfMAwjf Cy -tf V h isswslsrssfcBBBBMsBri "" M vP Vgaee7 $1.00Day Sug The amount of, stock in many instances is limited. Get what you want early. THIS SALE IS CASH ONLY arman's SATURDAY, 13 $1.00Day ONE DAY ONLY Save A Dollar on Every Dollar you spend and buy oil stock in Klamath, that's what will put us on the map. A limit has been placed on these specials on account of the low prices they will sell for and we want all of our cus t'omers to get a share of this saving. SATU,ONLV OVERALLS ' TOWELS -- TOWELS TIES , SHIRTS OREY AND n,ACK BOYTJ OVERALLS RKI8II BA,TH WHITTU1,UBC,AT $&, "ED "Sk ,8i" WORK AND I1RBSS SHIRTS QREY AND BLACK $1.00 a pair 2x In. Some buy at STRIPE AT ENDS $1.00 each . , .ejj qq 1 dozen SI. 00 1 C 3 for $1.00 , f""tinn Saturday only ' x.uu eacn I doren limit to a cuslomor MFN'Q WHRsf r 1,uu ,,,-... oirr. lAmii 2 t0 customer MtIN b WOKK. SHEETS AND PIL- u "worth only t0 ft cui,t("ner UNION SUITS ,IDE COLLARS SHOES iaJmidc DrkV,c -, . athlut'io and knitwear Rov; pi ay suit m, ..ni! i..n- vi Ma Awn i,r.w LOW SLIPS BOYS ELK. Long nnd sbort slocvos, knoo BO 13 rLAI &U1 1 ALL STARCHED LLARS UAHDIHAVV 0Nfi ET AND ONE -SLIP SHOES "" ' "" ' b ror $1UU t9 . C1 . n $1.00 a suit $1 OO a suit ' Saturday Z a pair $1.00 $1.00 a pair , . Saturday . ?I.W ft IU1I A limit of 6 to a customer Saturday only ' Limit 2 each to a customer Whllo tlioy lost 2 suits limit to a customor Not all sizes ' i ' . Everything in the House At Reduced Prices! MAKE YOUR $ Do More Work! xrLrutAri-n " ir "u ir - VtArLTLrtr " - AW Vejeeftf A $DAYi $TA $DAY wvvvvvvvnypyi'