tAOBMVi THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON KMDAY, ACaCST'laVlSaW, ,jU SOU TO FHEHH TIE I DEAL TO S Local Kkn illdn'1 think It wan po mIIiIo, but from rr-conl developments thny arn beginning to txltnvo Ilia big hornn from tho valley arn fur wlmjr than tlioy'wnni given cnkIII to bn. Thny Room to bn placing morn rub bar hoelod noKo hound In our mldsts than tho local mahagnrn un cope with. Thorn' Is Inalc horn wmo placol Two or throe of thn locals, figured thn loam would bo strengh toned considerable If tlmy worn In thn "lino up." Manager Walters does not. earn particularly to mention any names yot, but, It looka funny that John Kndora would ba, enter taining one of Aablanda' I'aat Kxaltwt JtnJera Just at thin tlmo! A Mr. I). 1'erozzl nrrlvrd In town with n blarn of trumpeti, announcing that he wni on a friendly visit, thru on to Crater Lake. Hut ho managed to visit uulte a tot with Home of our boys- Ho wan aeon talking confidently to "llrlck" Moody) It la tain rumored nroiind thnt Bwanaon and ItUuaakor found a vad of money under their pillows Dili morning! Then ngaln back to thn training table. Woven lusty nthlntnn rangud about tho fnstlvo board, and only olght of thorn loft uikUt thntr own power. Johnstone, Coznd and Undo wood had to bo taken homo In Jitneys. It In goltiK to bn mighty hard to fill those places. Thn dark part of It If, Hint It la practically Impossible to find out what la being fed theso men. Nick aaya 11 Junt tho usual "beans and doughnuta" ho haa always prepnrnd for such ocraMlons, but wo noticed hn had hit tongue way ovvr In one cheek after hn iiald It. Anyhow Noel Intimate that he now to arek advice and get help from WaiUira la on hi way to Frisco alwaya goo when hn lit In distress. Mayor Rolph. That' where Tom ha another enllrn team practicing o porhapn Aahland will have spent her money In vain. The plot thlrkdUH. what will bn thn outcome? JOKING BE IT IS TO BE I REAL GAME The bait game horn Sunday be tween thu Aahland and Klamath Ka.ll team promjie to bit thu largest at tendod gamo of the season, accord Ing to Infomatlon given out by Mana ger Walter of tho local Klk team. Tickets worn placed on a! aro'ind thn city Tuesday and ncarlr alt worn old within tho first two ilayi which give tho poraotors assurances that Klamath Kails will bo able to go over to Aahland for A return garni with in the near futuro and glvo the antlerod trlbu a demonatrutlou of Klamath spirit. Around thn clar ton whero aport la'dlacuaaod ut great length, u majority, of' tho doprstors tlguro that tho Klamath team will bn allghtly ntrongor.on thn bnttery end than tho Ashland'bunrh. All aoy though, that deapltn tho Joshing! roal'bulllp'laylng will bo dono by both tennis ns many vf thn players In both tuains are mombi'ra of olthnr town teams or havn n Homr-profotislomil record lurk ing In tbo'pjiat. A record breaking crowd la expect ed nt Modoc park nt 2:30 o'clock Sunday uflornbon and tho Klamath Fade band I (being solicited to-add I hi musical powers to bring together tho fan. Aa a watorlng ptaco, tho len cooler has advantages. Woman's failuro to Intorout n man often caused her'to hnto him. If you bet f 13 on a raco and lone, It's unlucky.' I 200 Farms for Veteran in Sept, WAHHINHTON, Aug., 12 Moro than 200 farina on government re claimed land on thn North I'lutlu Mid Hhoahoiio Irrigation proJocU ;lll be opened to wold war vntnruiin this (all. Tho North I'luttn upenlng la achaduled for September f, tho Hho ahoiio opening for September 16, WDNDERFUU IS H SI SI NKVKK imnAMKll MJ:iICINK X)t'M IX) AH MUCH, DKOliAIIKH TIIIH l-OHTM.NI WOMAN'. . "I'm willing to testify that Tanlac doea all that la claimed for It," aald Mn, Anna Htiullz, 01 r. Claybourao Avo., Portland, Oregon. "I think it'it nothing Jean than wonderful thn way this medicine ha build mn up. While I managed to. keep on my feet most of thn tlmo, for aAvoral yours I bad been In a badly rundown condition. I Inst my ap petite and thu little I ate seemed to do mo moro hnrm than good. I waa so nervoua I scarcely ever got any restful aleep at night and In tho morning foil so miserable that I could hardly get up. Finally rboumatlim got mo In Its clutches nnd woh es pecially bad In my left shoulder and arm and In my buck. "I had taken only a few doses of Tanlac when I begnn to hnvo n good appetite, and It wnan't long boforn my dlgcitlon was absolutely perfect. My nervrs soon nuleteil down nnd I slept all night lorn; without wnklng once. In fact. I'm Jn porfoct health now. I never dreamed that any medi cine ever would help me na much ns Tonlnr haa -Adv. FHD5I T BID TIKE SUETS Bays Ilacluclw I Sign Von Item Hating too Much Meat. Have When you awake up with bachacho and dull misery In tho kidney reglou It generally means you havo been eating too much meat, sava a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which ovorworka the kldnoya In their effort to filter It from the blood and they becomo sort of par- alyzod and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must rellove them, llko you relievo your bowols; removing all tho body's urinous waato, also you havo back ache, dliiy apolls; your stomach sours, tongue la coated, and when the weather Is bad you bavo rheuma tic twinges. Tho urine Is cloudy, full of sodlmont, cb'onnaU ofton got ore, water scalds and you aro obliged to seek relief two or threo times during tho night. Advertising brings rfleieney. niDH WAMTKD flcbool District No. 1 will receive soaled bids up to Monday, Aug. IS, at 3 o'clock, from contractors, for tbo erection of tho 8blpplngton School. All bids must be accompan ied by either a certified check for f. per cont of amount of bid or a bidder's - bond for G per cont of amount of bid. Addrosu bids to Ida II. Momyor. clerk. IDA D. MOMYBR, IMS Clerk. Dlst. No. 1 N.C.O. Phone 577-J and our Sales Mgr., MR. WRIGHT will call on you with full details of our Stock offering. I A ' OFFICE: 532XMAIN nt: VAIiKHA'H WOI'OHAIH hi:ckivi:i nv hiutaix LONDON,- Aug. 12. Do Valera' roply to tho proposals of the Hrl tlsh government for Irlah peaco act-, tlement wna handod to Auatln Cham-bcrlaln,- novcrnmcnt leader, ut noon today. ' Tho tenor of tho proposals was wltheld from publication until tho cabinet considers them. 'Tho text may not bo divulged for sev eral day. ANOTIIEK HTORV HOUR AT IJBJUItV- TOMORROW AT- 10 Another, ehlldrens'- story hour will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock In the city library. Children will bn dlvldod according to grades and Mr. D. M. Smith will enter- COOLKST THEATRE IN TOWN The Strand THEATRE Vonaerlr the Moagale 1180 Mala St. Tonight and Saturday America's grcUt charstctcr actor FRANK KEENAN IN "Smoldering Emberf Snub Pollard Comedy Pathe Review 2 SHOWS 6:459 O'CLOCK HI'ECIAL MATINFJ-: SATUHDAV, 3 O'CLOCK. ADMISSION CHUJ- RK.V flc ADULTS 10c. tnln tho oldor ones, while her daughter, Mia Margaret, will amuse thu younger ones. Last Saturday mora than 60 chll dren attended tbo story hour which was in charge of Mrs. Estello Car rier. Any ono ,ndult or child, wish ing to attend tomorrow, will bo wel come. Mako that Idle dollar wotk! Pat It la tbo bank. -Upper Klamath .Lake Barge Trip Saturday-Sunday Augut 13-14 - 'Round Trip $2 War Tax Included 13 a r go leaves Wickstrum's Landing, Shipplsgton 8 1 o'clock Saturday night. Iteturn Sunday night. FltBK DANCINO - - i"riii',riritAAAnj'u"Lnri. Phone 549-W for reservations 1 "i"i,i,sjvvviruvvuuu. PUBLIC INVITED ABOUT THIS TIME OF YEAR ' - , : m-jb m ty BS-JtLSl BB IsaBVr CeSW walalaBNfi VbIsbbibibB bbABbTssbbibsbbibibibibibibibibibibibibiH PJBtwMr aIIIIm ' ' ... 25c rirfv J . I !f 'J ft . aDquare- Sfimm u r i Old AW Prune Rib Rolled ...w. Choice Round Steak 25c Boneless Pot Rpast (Tender) 15c Chuck Pot Roast ,....'. 17i Choice Plate Boiling ,.3 lbs. for 25c The Finest Veal Obtainable ..,.15c to 30c Pork (Grain Fed) 25 to 35c Lamb (Finest Milk Lambs) . . 15c to 25c Choice Corned Beef (Boneless) ........ 15c Pork Sausage (No Cereals AdsUd) .. 25c Hamburger (None But Fresh Meat) .: ...2 ,forf 25c Fancy Hens 36c Fancy Fryers 40 Lincoln Market "SURE WE DUIVER"l i 'b Main at Third Phone 511-J ALTURAS-SUSANVH1E STAGES Leave Union Taxi office 8 o'clock Monday, Wednesday .and. Friday1 Mornings Phone 424-J for reservations Large cars .. . .1 . ? B-fjeSM-gvy -j , t,H6 MOSTCOMrJORTABU N IsfisssHsBl ' HsHte Ty J fYJ mK. ' sIsSSSj -' szsSesSMbsVbsVsIbbS' "J Ik 4 SSSSSSSSSSSSSST .JVsrsrBarBaH !aVellartfS9BEBrBarB5BSSS aPsssBBBsW ssH aWBftflsWHklM ', sVRsKSsi.H y3Y--cr! aarNsssKTwJsasOJLfV(D - i St " ssssf IN sa -ffflull r w r f parked ykzJNWMMMMmm I!L5wh M mil m M H B; YCVJ part ot..a .meal .la. tho.do-. H""" &W7 I! feat Klamath Falls Cream- III WjFj: erT Ice Cream Is doubly ap- ID. , I II 1 B say "soup to Ico cream." t 10 ' I - , ' n m mmmmrm'i"Mmmm & ''mt IHI bULIHUH UN i IN ECZEWH SKIN! ; WEATHER RECORD I o Hereaftor The Herald will publish the mean and maximum tempera urea and precipitation record aa tak en by the U. 8. Reclamation service tatlon. Publication will cover the day previous to tho paper's Issue, up to & o'clock 01 tne aay. Max, ,. 88 .. 86 ,. 89 , 89 .. 90. Aug. 1 ..... Aug. 2 Aug. 3 ..... Aug. 4 ... Aug. 5 ..... Aug 6 94 Aug. 7 96 Aug. 8 87 Aug. 9 88 ' Aug. 10 ........ 91 Aug. IX ......., 90 , Mln. C5 61 56 50 dG S 61 56 50 51 50 , Precipitation 4 I Nature is tho mother and habit U tho sUpmother. s HtMU ClMtittld til H7 7li Coat little and Ovea-coase TtobW . Almost- Over Night - Any breaking out of the skin, even fiory, itching' eczema, can be- quickly overcome by applying Mentho-Sul-1 phur, declares a noted skin special ist. Because of Its germ destroying, properties,-this sulphur preparation instantly brings ease from skin Irri tation, soothes and hoaU the ac-; zema' right up and loaves the, skin clear and, smooth. It seldom falls, to relic-yotha, (or-j, rpent without delap. Bufferers from skin trouble should obtain a small Jar of MeBtboglphur" from ' any food. drunUt .Brt VM.U-.llkt, U -or'iin, Adr, i I ' 1