The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 12, 1921, Image 1

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'fU W
i r
A Clmss Ad Will
Member of the Associated Press.
KlfloriiUi Year. No. M0.1.
Whllo cleaning a .303 Hnvngo rlfto
I (ho Link lllvor battery elation
bout 10 o'cloik this morning, A.'Wt
Btovons, proprlotorof tbo station, wan
badly Injured In tho left lex when
the tun was discharged accidentally.
The bullet itruck tha, lor. above the
left knee ami plowed along tbo In
aide of the Ire, laying tbo kneo Joint
bnro, nnd ripping u gash down tbo
The injured man was Immediately
taken to the hospital whero the
wound , wun dressed, an anesthetle
litlnK ntccrnary. No compllcatloni
wore feared, It said thin after
noon, and If there arc none, Mr. Slo
vene will bo about In a week, or Iom.
A raggod wound, 20 Inchon lone,
Tho din had burn sold by HIpykih
to It. w. Sheets end ltfiro making
clprry Htcvrnn took It npnrt to clean
It. The rlflo wss cocked hut hid
the safety on. When hti wreiichod
the stock and barrel npnrt tho safe
ty catrli wan dislodged, fhtulntf (he
discharge of tho weapon.
"It'sTa wooden Ior for nit," ald
tho wounded innn coolly as ho waited
to bo token to tho hoKpllnl IMiy
elclans do not tigrce with IM dia
gnosis, however, uml expect thitlr
patient to be stepping about wi'll
a ever when Ihu bad gssh .la tho
roughly healed
Ft. Klamath Man
Would Repair Road
With Volunteer Corps
Dennis Lawlon' of Ku Klamath
wai a visitor hero toilny and called
upon Lou Arena and gave hla ver
sion of tho roads leading Into this
city. I.awton said he had heard
there Is a move being contemplated
by tho business element and nuio
owners to hate a city and county
"Roads 'Hollds)", sotting aside ono
day when all thn progressive men of
the community will bo asked to work
ono day on the roads, removing rocks,
filling holes and smoothing down the
roughest places. He said that he
would be able to collect between 16
and to people up In his district to
cooperntn with tho Klamath Falls
Law ton described tho Modoc Point
grade a athh worst stretch of road
In this county nnd stated that If 250
or 300 men In this city would set
a date within ten days to clean up
the roads, tho Kt. Klamath worker
would meet them armed with rakes.
shoveM rind a fow teams with wngnna
of graol or dirt to smoolh'down'thfl
Modor grado. Such nn a'rrangemont
would placo ono mnn every 126 feet
on thn road.
"Thero la no uso complaining to
tho county court or city council," ho
said, "ai they ran do nothing. All
right, lot's do It for thorn, How
many progressive peoplo nro there
In Klamath Falls who will Join with
us and-do something without holpT
you iWplo fix tho holiday wo
will moot you any tlmo. Aro thero
uny llvo 'wires In Klamath who want
to atop'out nnd act, not complain.
Ft. Klamath will seo what Klamath
Falls does In this matter, nut don't
soring (ho old hunk about appoint
Ing committees. Wo wnt workers
not commlttocs."
Kremers Party to
Arrive Late Today
Hhcrlff Lloyd low stated that tho
management of tho Crater lake hotel
had tolophonnd him that tho Kromers
party had loft thero this aftornoon
bound tor Klamath Falls. '
It Is possible that tho tourlstg will
try to Identify tho two prisoners con
fined in 'jho local Jail, Glenn Rey
nolds nnd Jack Morrison, Into' this
ovonlng as tho pnrtles who'hcld thorn
up on August "5 nt North Beaver
Marsh, t v
A portion of the Mnxaiun party
epent Inst night at Crntor lake and
part of tho 'parly wcro coming down
this wny for a briof vist here. The
tlma ofl'tbelr arrival waa not stof4
ty ib Rriiir lift mnnmnu
P. G. & E. Settles for
Accidental Injury
Done Local Man
Alfnfl Turpen leaves In tbo morn
ing for Bacramnnto, California, whor
ho Is called by his attorneys, Nelson
and Nelson to appear and arcopt n
compromleo,nfrcrcd him by.tbol'acl
flo (las and Electric company1 In n
120,000 damage, suit filed by htm
against them, July 20,
Turpen wa eroeslng'tbestreet a)ar
Tenth and J streets on July 13, and
was run down by a service true be
longing to thn 1'aclflc das cravtpsny
H suffored dislocation of both tilpf.
a brokon rjgbt thigh, broken right
wrist and other Injuries. Hn) was
notified )ostorday that thn company
had offered a two-third settlement
of his nrlglnnl suit. He wired accep
tance and will leave In tho mornlug
to sign tbo agreement.
Many telephone messages from
farmers yesterday, promising to
bring produce to thn Jreo market
at tho Arcade 'botel tomorrow, en
couraged Mrs. lien llond, manager
of thn market, to'nnnounc today
that sho believed consumers could
attend without fear of disappoint
ment. Tboro wilt bu fryers, rab
bits and a Variety of vegetables
from local farms, she said, and
considerable tomatoes and fruit.
Farmers bavo been askod to bring
In suppflcH parly, not later than 8
o'clock If possible Tho market will
ho open to tho public at t.
Display counters' aro being In
ttallrd today to faclllste the hand
ling: tho produce.
Mf. Bend, predicted tbat tbaro
would 1o twlco aa many buyers on
hand tomorrow as there were last
week, but nevertheless sbe said she
bollqvcd that there would be so
much more produco that none would
be disappointed.
Practically no voles had been coat
in jtbo city' special election for
changing tho charter to permit the
Issuance of $10,000 bonds for build.
Ing the Mills addition sower at
noon today.
Tho election boards got a lata
tart. Police Judgo Loavltt report
ed that It was past 11 o'clock when
tho last board; organised. At ths
courthouso only two election offi
cials appeared and It seemed at
noon as if tboro .would bo no board
organized at that polling placo.
The polls closo tonight at S
o'clock. Tho heaviest voting la ex
pected after o'clock. .
DUIILIN, Aug., ,12 Do Valera'a ro
ply1 to Llloyd George Is nolther an
uccoptance or rojoctlon of tho govern
ment peace proposals. It raises
various questions to which answers
re necessary, The answers may
serve to facllltato futuro doallngs nnd
ro not expectod to cause a break In
ihe noerilatlona
8AN KKANCISCO, Aug., 12 Trail
of tho surviving officers of tho Alas
ka on chargeH of nogllgonco has been
postponed until Monday.
A warrant was b)orn out this
ntternoon by Patrolman McLaughlin
for thearrest of Vorchntxor Urothcsr
alleging that this forenoon, a cator
pljlar truck waa taken off a flat oar
near tho rock cruehor and driven,
down Spring atroet to, Sixth, street
and out of town towards Bonunxa
with alleged damake to tbo pavoment.
Patrolman McLaughlin stated that
th pavement ! (jstJly t op ljr
Unless a compromise Is reached
In tho meantime next Monday will
witness a strlko of local members
of tho barbers' union. A meeting
betwoen oraployers and cmployoes
last night failed (o bring about an
greoment as to wngo reductions,
which omployors maintain should bo
coincident with tho proposed reduc
tion of prices for toniorlsl work.
A guaranteed wage of 127 a week,
with a commission of 60 per cent
on weekly receipts above MOwaa
submitted by tho employers, in lieu
of tbo existing scalo of $30 a week,
guaranteed, and 60 per cent on
141.60. Tho now scalei waa ' re
jected by tbo union representatives,
and they refused to submit tholr
differences 'to arbitration, They
also asked that working houra bo
shortened by half an hour dally.
Tho proposed price cut of tho
bossea Is:
Haircuts, from 76c to 66c; shaves,
from 35c to 26c; Iloncllla massage,'
jrom $1.50 to $1.00; rotor boning,
from $1.00 to 60 cents.
Tho differences leading to the
present deadlock started with the
announcement test week of tho Cen
tral barber shop tbat It proposed to
reduce prices .but not to change
I wage or hours.
Other employers and union rep
resentatives prevailed upon L. J.
,I)ean, proprietor of the Central, to
postpone the prlcn cut for a week
whllo endeavor was made to reach
a generally satisfactory 'agreement.
Mr. Mean agreed to -wait and t a
mooting last Sunday It appeared aa
K-a aatUeaiont would1 bo made -put
fast night's meeting resulted in a
deadlock. '
The Central Labor council will
discuss (bo controversy tonight.
Tbo barbers' union, It Is said,
has sent warnings to coaat centers
that a strike Impends horo.
Better Understanding
Expected as Result
Of Medford Meeting
Tho members of tho party who
formed tho chamber of commorce
delegation to Medford Wednesday re
port that tho "Klamath Falls Day"
waa a successful meeting between the
Medford and Klamath Falls parties
and that the two cities wlll work to
gether on all propositions towards
advertising Crater Lake ud the
tourist distribution.
Rome cold bard facti wcro l.ild
down by both sldec resulting In an
agreement which should. In the
futuro, work to tho mutual advantage
of both cities. Discrimination waa
tabooed by both parties on tho quest
ion of advising tourists to como out
the aamo way they went In. Doth
cities' boostorawlll advise travelers
to go In and out to Crater lake by
dlfforent routes -
Oeorgo Collins, diroctor of tho
Crater lako company, stated ho would
personally see that tourista at the
resort would bo routed both ways.
Klamath Falls, howovor. foil be
fore tho outslaughts of tho tennis ex
ports of Medford In both days' play
and tbo sets, both singles and
doublets fell to tho Medfordltes.
Scores were closo In matches played
Wednesday and Thursday, according
to W. C. Van Emon,
Make Out Idle dollar work I Put
It la the bank.
Weather Probabilities
Tho high barometric, press
ure of, tho last two weeks con
tinues, tho Cyclo-Stormagraph
at Undorwood's Pharmacy show
ing.' but little change slnco the
report of, yesterday' Tho read
ing Is a littlo higher today in
dicating higher temperature to
morrow. ,
r Forecastrfor next 24 heurs:
Fair und warm,
Th6 Tycoa recordlrg ther
moraoW Dhows' ' tho following
maximum and minimum torn
peraturen teday:
Low, SSI Wall, II. (Rad.
'lI tH jl jr. m.) V &
Tbe rltlzem of Klamath Falls have
I bad their oyes opened about con
ditions here with the description
conditions at the cemetery and from
conversations gleaned about tho
city, a mnjorlty of tho peoplo feel
that something should bo donebut
await n leader to start'tho "ball roll
ing." .The women of tho city aro the ones
who have had most to say relative
to tbo unkempt condition of tbf ceme
tery and are beginning to urge their
husbands to wako up and, take act
ion of some kind which will soho
this difficulty. Tho men who have
discussed this situation say that H
refers back to 1D1.1 when th ceme
tery was brought Into prominence
politically but nothing has boon dono
slnro then,
Thero Is a growing sentiment
whlrh'polnts to action by tho city
council and tho quontlon very likely
will be put up to them Monday night.
It Is said that bonds can bo litm-d in
cover necessary expense to clean out
tho debris 'and dlvldo tho tract Into
neat sections. Salo of lots find an
upkeep cbargo would, It la estimated,
refund tho money advanced to carry
on the clean up campaign. As tho
cemetery Is a gilt, no hack debts con
front the bond Issue and backers of
the plan say It would only bo a mat
tor of a few ycara until every cent
was repaid which may bo expended
now In dressing up the final resting
placo of aomo of the departed cltl
xens of this city and county.
Tho women o fthls city sav that
Klsmath Falls ,la no longer a. village
and that village 'conditions akcald
not be tolorated any longer. They
say they want soiuo evidence of civic
pride exblbltod in the matter of lawn
dressing, weed' cutting, flower beds,
decent sidewalks, streets repaired and
a genera) show of community spirit.
lice said today that they belloved
throe persons, ono woman and two
men. wcro Implicated in tho death
of Father Heslln. They hope to
bavo tho second man soon.
Tho authorities are still hunting
Dolly Mason. A letter written by
William Illghtower, tho suspect de
tained here, addressed U Dolly Mason
and left unurallcd for, waa opened. It
contains a roquest for further facts
that a casual visitor Is alleged to
have given her, announcing tho find
ing of tho location of the grave,
s Hlghlowor broke down and sob
bed when a delayed tolegram announ
cing thn death of his vtlfo at Still
water, Okla., was read to him.
A mnu answering Hlghtower'a des
cription Is alleged to bavo gone to
Father Murphy, a Sacrapwnto priest,
with an Internal machine which ho
suggested eould be used by Irish re
volutionists. Father Murphy said he
was not Interested;
Dying Statement
Clears Up Mystery
Of Slaying in 1906
SPOWANE, Aug., 13 Tho pur
ported dying statement of a 'woman
who was reported to havo declared
sho shot and killed Reno Hutchin
son, general secretary of tho Y. M.
C, A. horo in 1906, was, said by the
police today to shed light on a mur
der mystery which has baffled them
for 16 years.
According to the statement made
by a resident, of Vancouver, B. C,
tho woman declared she shot Hutch
Insoiyby mistake for a Banker of
Spokane who was fo'rmerly head of
a bank la Vancouver which failed,
losing her monoy, '
She d(d not learn tho tnlstakq un
til after) leaving the city and feared
to. ireturn. The emh of the in
tended Victim' andpfjtbp. woman
wiTf.ncfmid't publld,
Returned Navigator
Tells Queer Tales
Of the Upper Lake
Naturo faking? Well, maybe not.
Upper Klamath lake Is a fairly
largo pond of water and It may bo
thnt It contains more things with
in its depths than are dreamed of
In your philosophy and mine, Hor
atio. If tho state fish and game com
mission bod made the startling dis
covery on their recent oxcurslon up
tho lako it might have been cre
dited to tho queer effects of tho
moonlight. I
As it is tbo Herald will receive
tho news with skepticism .until -It
Is vouched for officially by Lee
Dean or 13111 McNealfy, or both.
Out let's not forget taw story, which
originates with tbe Bedford MaU
Trlbuae: 1
Word comes. from Rocky Point
Pelican bay, tbat W. S. Darnum,
the Medford man who recently
distinguished himself by landing
an 18 pound rainbow trout, while
out rowing tbo latter part of laat
weok near the same location saw
' two sea lions, the first ever seen
In tho bay so far aa Is known.
It Is presumed the seals found
tboir way up tbe river to the bay .
from tho sea In some manner.
An Oder for dipping of all exposed
shocp In eastern Oregon wool grow
ing counties has been Issued by W. H.
Lytic, state veterinarian, as follews:
Whoreas, an Infcrtlous parasitic
skin disease as scabies has been dia
gnosed at some time during the past
year In sheep In Malheur, Harney,
Lake, Klamath, Jackson and De
schutes counties; and
Whereat, tho publlo buck herds
have ta the past been a rourcevof
distribution and spread of tbls dis
ease, and
Whereas, Section 12, Chapter 223
of tbe Laws of 1907, povldes In part
as follews:
"The Stato Sheep Inspector and hb
deputies and tho officials of the
United States Bureau or Animal In
dustry shall have authority to Inspect
and quarantine and treat sheep af
fected with contagious or Infectious
dlsoaxo, or suspected of being so af
fected"" Now, Therefore. I. W. 11. Lytic.
State Veterinarian, constituting ex
officio the State Sheep Inspector of
tho state of Oregon, do order and de
clare tbo public buck herds of tho
Counties of Malheur. Harney, Lake,
Klamath, Jackson and Dcichutor, aa
being suspected of being lnfoctod
with or exposed to sheep scab and
do order that said public herds be
placed In quarantine by this order
and be required to be dipped once as
oxposod shocp, It not found Infected,
and twlco or untt cured It found In
fectod, such dipping to bo executed
In accordance with tho laws of tho
stato of Oregon and tho regulations
of tho Stato Live Stock Sanitary
Hoard, Such dipping to be under tbo
supervision of a State, Deputy State,
or a United States Bureau of Animal
Industry inpector and to bo completed
between now and Novomber 1st, 1921.
Kxocutcd at Salem, Oregon, on the
Ulgtht day of July. 1921.
Stato Vote-lnarlau and Ex Officio
Stato Shcop Inspector.
Power Co. Manager
Held His Temper
Under Provocation
"Los Angelca City Limits." reads
a placard that somo waggish tour
ist from tho cafeteria bolt has tack
ed upon tho southern side of the
Orogon-Callfornla boundary post
whore tho Pacific highway crosses,
according to J. C, Thompson, divi
sion, manager of the California Ore
gon Power company.
Jack's San Franciscan blood was
stirred but calmer counsels pre
vailed and ho abandoned his Inten
tion of getting out and throwing
rocks at tbe offending sign,
He reported the matter to tho di
rectors of tho Medford chamber of
commerce, who have practically de
cided to prepare another sign for
tho "northern side of tbo boundary
poit. rMdlng "Megford City Urn
ft,,.. "' 7.-2
cm, cmuoi.
CALOAKY, Alberta, .'Canada, Aug.
12. A man believed to go Dr. R.
M. Ilrumfletd, wanted In connection
with tho alleged murder of Dennis
Russell at Roseburg, Oregon, has
been arrested here. "
Tbe prisoner first gavo his name
as Norman Whitney and said he was
a farm laborer,1 but later admitted
to the chief of police that he wai
He said ho would not fight extradition.
"Algomah," decapitated locally to
"Algoma." means squirrel, accord
ing to the lexicographer of The Volt,
the California Oregon Power com
pany publication, which In the Aug-
ust number devotes the moat of its
space to the Aigoma Lumber com
pany's enterprise at Algoma and the y
extension of the Copco transmission
lines to serve tbo mill and factory.
with electric power.
It may occur to 'those fa
miliar' with Tbe Voll' wy
tbat a close relationship ex
ists between the -word algoma.
and. tbe little nutcracker de
picted above, (the Illustration
depicta a squirrel on the upfer
hole of a plae tree.) who aaa r
climbed high up to get a bet- ,
ter view of the reader. Peraajs . ,
-,ywt have already gaeseed that '
algoma la Klamath. Indian for
squirrel. Perlapajt Is; we have
no knowledge to the contrary,
neither do we know that nek
la the case. '
Algoma certainly haa aa 1n-
' dlan sound, and It la a
where native American nasaea
aro common; Algoma Is the
name of a district In north
ern Ontarta; Algoma is the
namo of. a city In Kowauaoe
county, Wisconsin; and . Al
goma Is the 'name of a lum- A
ber company which has a plant
located ten mllea north of Kla
math Fjtlls, southern Oregon.
Tbe Algoma Lumber company
operate" on pine trees, and so
do Uawjulrrels, That la the
only connection existing between
algoma and squirrel that this
authority can vouch for. '
The Algoma "Lumber com
pany had Ita beginning at Al
gomah. on tbe .McCloud river,
In California, many years ago,
and at that time It bad an
"h" In Ita -name. From Alge
mah It moved to Montague,
California, thence to Ita pre
sent scene of operations on
tbo shoro of Upper Klamath
lake. 8omottme during its
travels thla lumber company's
algomah lost Its terminal let
ter; due to a clerical error tho
word waa written "Algoma."
Officials of the company
though the mis-spelling an Im
provement, so they adopted It,
Such la tbe history of the Al
goma of our acquaintance. It
appears repeatedly In Copco
fllea ,ln connection with a re
cent development known as the
"Algoma Extension," concern
ing which this Issue ot Thei
Volt lias something to say.
Legion, Veterans Are
Cid in Paris
PARIS, Aug., IS Two hundred
and fifty representatives ot the Amer
ican Legion arrived here today. They
were racelvod with military honors
and cheered by the thousands, who
grvoted thorn as veterans returnlne
In triumph.
Oregon Jurist Will
Sit on Supreme
Bench, Philippines
PORTLAND. Aug. 12 Justice
Charles A. Johns of tho supreme
court of Oregon haa been agreed up
on for appointment as associate
JuBtleo'of the supreme court ot the
Philllplnes, according to a dispatch
to tho Telegram.
PORTLAND, Aug., 12 All quota
tions unchanged; Cattle,, hogs, ' nd
sheep, steady nntV unengaged, ' ,