The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 11, 1921, Image 1

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A'&au Ad Will
Fifteenth Ycitr. No. 00l.
Body of
All qualified voters, whether pro
party uwnera or not, max vol to
morrow t tbn special election to
mand tbe city charter, which ear
rlta with It tha proposed Isane or
110,000 bonda (or the conatractlon
o( lbs Mllla Addition sewer. Tbla
la according to Police Judge A. L.
Aa the amending or the charter
la a chanico In the law that gov
erns all the cltlren or the corpor
ation, It should be voted upon by a
majority or qualified electors. How
ever, It la not expected that a heavy
vote will bo cait at tomorrow'a
polli aa Interest up to thla time haa
ootbe en greatly mnnlfeated.
Mllla Addition rceldenta ancue that
aa a matter or Juitlce to that part
of the city, aa well aa for protec
tion of the health of the entire
community, the bonda thould carry
unanimously and tbe ballot propoaal
will no doubt receive solid aupport
In Mllla addition.
The argument against tbe bal
lot propoaal la that In placing the
bond question before tbe volar In
the form or a charter amendment It
bflnga on a situation whereby, If It
carries,- tbe next propoerd bond
Ixaun -aid require another change
In tha charter by general rota. Or
dlnarlly this wpuld not happen, but
In tbla apeclal Instance It la assert-
cd It la necpunry to validate and
make aaleablo tbe newer bonda. A
IfiO.OOO Imuo, voted m-arly two
years ago, has been refuted a num
ber of tlmoa by the bond buyera.
The proceedlnga loading up to to
morrow'a election have boon pawed
upon by aovoral attorneys, Including
Mlnor Teal and Wlnfrce, of Port
land It la nald, and all agreo that
the bonda will be sound and mark-
elabln If they are voted.
Should the Untie carry It Is pro
mised that work will start at once
giving employment to a number of
workers. In excavating, plumblnr
and carpentry work,
Tbn cost of construction will bo
borne about equally by the property
benefitted and by the city generally.
In other words tbe property that
connects -lth tlin aowcr eystem pay
about $30,000nnd tbn city pays the
other half, which Includon tho cct
of a septic tank. '
Following aro the polling jIixcoj,
which will bo opon from 9 a, rn. to
8 p. m.:
Hirst ward, Drowns carpenter
shop, Main ajd Center.
Second ward, city hall.
Third ward, Dueslng's real crtate
Fourth ward, Mllla addition ball
Fifth ward, Charlea DoLap'd
house, Upbam and Worden.
Former Creamery Man
Back For A Visit
Mr. and Mrs. D. Peroul, accom
panied by their daughters, Lucille
and' Talma, also by a nephew, l'rof.
John Perroxxli of (he Han Luis Obispo
Tech., were visitors hero this after
noon from Ashland, enrouto, for a
two week's visit to Crater lake.
Mr. Peroul will be remembered as
the proprietor or the Woods Cream
ery at Ft, Klumath soruo yearn ngo.
Ho stated' t but business was picking
up nlcoly In Ashland as the farmers
there wero receiving a nlco price for
tbelr pears nnd tho 'district was
bleated with u heavy crop tbla yoar.
Five carloads or Ashland Elks
had already signed up at tho cluo
there, ho said, to nttend I ho basoball
game hero Sunday and It was
thought that a larger delegation was
still to come. Over GO members of
the Ashland Elks lodge would go
to,, tho etata Convention of tho
Elks at Marshfiold on Aug, 18,-10-
20. It wits planned to bavo the Kl
math Falls dolegiitiou "JoW.atiotn.
Murdered Priest Is Found in Sand Dune
Congress May Be
Adourned Aug. 20
TVAHIHNOTON. Aug. 11 Agree-
.went for a 30 days races n( congress,
beginning August 30tb, waa reached
at a Wblto House luncheon confer
dnee betweeen President Harding and
Senators Lodgo and Curtis.
The agreement Is contingent' upon
tbo passage by the house before
August :o of tbp tax bill and agricul
tural crcdlla bill.
Jack Morrison and Olenn Itey
uolda confined In tha county Jail
pending Identification aa tbe alleged
highwaymen who held up Mr. and
Mrs.'tt. K. Kramers and Harry Hall,
August 6, near North lleaver Marsh
will probably be brought beforo their
accusers between now and Sunday,
according to the Information receiv
ed at the sheriffs' office today.
Word that tbe party of Matamas
who are now acallng peaks In tbe
vicinity or Diamond lake broke camp
yesterday was received from Hose
burg yesterday afternoon by Sheriff
Low and this Information leads tbe
shcrlft to believe that the Kremer
party will probably not arrive un
lir after Sunday, owing to a con
tern plated visit to Crater lake.
Tho passenger, Harry Hall, who
was lth the Kramers waa the cook
.for the Matama party and his pro-
sent lii lies conflict with him cow
ing here ahead of that time, Sheriff
Low stated that the telephone mes
sage sent from his office reached the
Kremer yesterday but aa no mes
sage other than they would come aa
quickly aa ther could was the only
Information ho had to go on. The
prisoners will be kept In Jail pend
ing tbelr arrival.
Iloth Morrison and Reynolds hare
refrained from any talking while
confined In tbo J:l and all efforts
to secure Information from them rel
ative to tho holdup bavo been with
out results. Both men maintain
they are Innocent.
Sheriff Low stated today that he
had had the llennlngton woman re
moved to tbo county Infirmary.
While no charge Is placed against
her In connection with tbn robbery,
the aherirr believes she ma know
something about It.
Make that Ifflo dollar work! Put
k la the bank.
Another Trial of
Market Saturday
Cbrls Blanan announces thla morn
ing that no response had been made
by the Klamath Falls people eith
er with cash or tbe donation for an
automobile for a fow hours work
for the assistance of the proposed
treo market.
Earlier In tho -week, Mr. Dianas
sent out an appeal tor sorao person
who wanted to help lower tbo liv
ing coat to loan a machine tor
row hours long enough for Mrs,
Den Dond to go out into tbo coun
try and solicit foodstuffs for the
free market, and no one volunteer
od. As a consequence, for the free
market Saturday, he cannot give
out authenlcally just what consum
ers may rind on tho market. How
ever, a number of farmers have an
nounced that tboy will be preaent
with' produce and poultry.
Secretary Fall To Be
In Medford Monday
MBPFOKD, Aug. 11, Secretary of
tbe Interior Fall will arrive here
next Monday on his westorn tour or
national parka. ' ,
Tbe local reclamation offlco and
chamber of commerce both said to
day that they bad no Information' as
to 'whether Secretary Fall Intended
to Include Klamath Falls In his Itinerary,
Member of the
Considerable dlscutalon haa been
roused by the Herald's article or
yesterday, calling attention to the
deplorable condition or tbe local
cemetery. That there la a pressing
need for Improvement la generally
admitted. 80 rar no on haa sp-l
peared to argue that existing condi
tions are anything lesa than a dis
grace to tbe entire comaanlty.
Whether the general sentiment for
Improvement will cryitalllzo In def
inite action depends upon bow
strongly tbo public foals tho dl-,
grace of tbe shameful nwltet o,
Ood's acre. It waa aald today that
arrangements had been made to
take the mutter up at the next
meeting of the chamber of com
merce and endeavor to get that or
ganisation to direct some concerted
action for betterment.
Aa far as tbe Herald'a Investi
gation has gone, It would seem that
the cemetery Is permanently placed
In Ita preaent location.
A reader calls attention to the
tact that other cltlee have grown
to the point where residence dte
trlcta have aurronnded the commun
ity burial- grounds. But he aaeerta
that an attempt to move cemeter
ies haa never met with publfc fa
vor. Sentiment against tampering
with tha aepnlttuaa of : loved ease
Is too strong a tide to stetn. Usual
ly, says tbe reader, cemeteries re
main, but moat communities en
devor to make them attractive,
peacotul resting places for tbe bod
lea of those who have psssed, and
pleaaant places for surviving
frlenda to visit.
Ho calls attention to the attempt
or San Francisco cltltena to move
one or tho large cemeteries there.
Though $1,000,000 waa offered for
tbe site, and a legal battle waa
fought to the highest courts, tho
cemetery remained In Ita original
location, although sentiment "was
stirred to a point where many im
provementa were made.
Ashland la cited aa another In
stance where a community haa tak
en hold of tbe problem and made
Its cemetery, located within tho
city, a beautiful place that gives
the passer by no feeling of shud
derlng repugnace over the neglect
or tbo dead, but rather fills, him
with admiration for the roverenco
and respect that haa bullded auch a
beautiful tribute to tho memory of
the departed.
Once, aoveral years ago, a move
ment waa undertaken to move the
local gravea to a new cemetery alto
on tbo western banka of the river.
Just at the end of the Upper lake,
where a coro Indenta the hills. An
offer was received rrom nn ontalde
capitalist to remove tho bodies from
tbe preaent cemetery in return for
a deed to the property. Negotiations
foil through because tho alto hud
been dedicated and deeded by Ita
deceased donor expressly for ceme
tery purposes and It la doubtful Jt
a valid transfer could bo made. ,
Another Vessel
Ashore on Coast
steamer Golden Oate, bound from
Manchce'ster, England, to San Fran
cisco, la ashore 35 miles from Cris
tobal. Tho vessel Is owned by tho
Ralphs ot San Francisco. Tbo cap
tain and 14 cew are aboard. Ten
ot the crew are, at Cristobal.
A small son ot A. J. Do Lalx, was
painfully injured tbla morning when
ono ot his fingers waa 'severed hy a
lawn mower. Dr. L. L. TruaxVhu la
In chargo of tbe case says that thn
little patient Is going oloug'all right.
Associated Press,
The Vonna Valley company drill
entered Into what Is said to bo an
oil sand laat week, at a dlstanco or
100 feet and claim -Is made that on
tbo water which haa.como to the top
of the well, oil was round. Drilling
ha been going, on at periods tor two
years past on Shook ranch and re
ported rind or oil trace and sand
haa created quite an excltemont In
that vicinity.
Whllo drilling recently, an artesian
well was struck which temporally In
,,,,, .,lh ,h Brft..MlB. ,,,
w0, , fc
.... . .... , . .
nlte oil traces an effort will be made
to Ma I up the water flpw and esta
blish Just what kind of a rind has
been made
Dave and Dan Llsky, Rots Sutton,
John and Dave Shook, Drown
Mlcbeat, J. W. Danta and Jorgan L.
8 pane ton wero tbe pioneers In the
development of the oil prospecting
In the Bonanxa and Dairy sections
and it haa been through their peraer
verince that the discovery or this
oil (was made possible. The first
drilling done by this company waa on
tbe J. W. Danta place on Pine Flat
when they started to alnk an artesian
well and while In tbe course of drll
llsHt.esae across oil traces, immedi
ately, tbe Yonna Oircompany was
formed to start work tor definite re
nits and drilling has proceeded
when money was available for work.
With tbe reported discovery or de
finite oil trace and the excitement
which Is prevalent In the Dairy and
Donanxa districts, It Is said that the
well may bo sealed up and now casing
sunk for determination of tbo char
neter or tbe find.
C. of C. Party Will
Be Home Tonight
Reports from tho chamber of com
merce are that the Klamath Falls
party who attended the forum at
Medford yesterday -will return home
late tonight. Secretary T. L. Stanley
met with the party at Medford and
attended tbe forum at Ashland to
No reports wero available, relative
to tho outcome 'ot the -tennis match
es which were played yestorfflTy at-
tornoon nnd this morning. Tho mem
bers or tho Elks club aro all opti
mistic about tho outcome and "fig
ure" that the local racket wloldors
bavo carried off the honors.
A bargo excursion on Uppor Kla
math lake Saturday evening, return
ing Sunday evening, la announced
by C. O. Johnson and J. S. Lagen
aen. The bargo will leavo Wickstrum'a
landing at Sblpplngton Saturday
evening at 8 o'clock and
tbe tug Modoc in chargo
ot Capt. Wlckatrum, will push the
float to its location somewhere on
the Upper lake. Dancing, music and
foodstuffs will be supplied f tho
promoters. Tbero in no chargo for
dancing. The moon la now half full
and the trip will be mado both up
and back by Its light.
300 Present at
Medford Luncheon
Moro than 300 persona were pre
sent at the Klamath Day luncheon
at Medford yesterday, said J. C.
Thompson, who returned last night.
Mr. and Mr. W, T. Leo returned
with him but most ot the Klamath
delegation remained to attend tbo
cahmber ot commerco forum at Ash
land today, ,
Co-operation in routing tourists
Into Crater lake by one route and
out by the other was the keynote of
the meeting aald ,Mr. Thompson,
fflNNn 11
President Harding. -
ffat a Stepmother
MONKOB. Mich. Aug. 11. Pres
ident Harding's father. Dr. George
T. Harding, aged 76, wan married
hero to Miss Allco Severcns, aged,
The brldo has been Dr. Harding'
offlco nurse at Marion, Ohio, for
many years.
Klamath 'Falls cltitcns will hive
to protect themselves In, the matter
of preventing the fire Insurance ratci
from being raised at State Fire
Marshal A. C. Barber haa stated that
the matter has passed beyond bis
control and now is within the pro
vince ot the Oreron Rating Insurance
Bureau. '
Tho message was received In a let
ter to Arthur K. WiUcn,' prejldent
of fie XIiniutL Agents'
association, and while tho intima
tion is given that his department de
sires to be Jutt In the matter, still
Barber asserts, Klamath Fall has
not ti'.e proper amount or water sup
ply for righting rire. It Is usetes,
he add, to wasting time m holding
conferences unless It is for a meant
of securing ample water aupplirTThr
c u;iu. e uvyiiiHaub cau 0017
see tb'at thero Is no discrimination
In rates and a city wlthoul adequate
protection cannot, have a basic rate
corresponlng with another with ade
quate protection.
From the tenor or his letter, it Is
apparent that the state tire marshal
belloves that tbla city Is without the
water supply deemed necessary by
tbe rating bureau and Klamath
Falls Is subject to a raise at the
discretion ot the bureau.
Tbo salient paragraph or the fire
marshal's letter follews:
It -will be or little use tor this
committee to take the matter up
with thla department or even with
the Oregon Insurance Rating Bur
eau because we have aald all we
bavo to aay in tbe matter. This de
partment has no Jurisdiction over
the matter ot rates other than thai
they shall be equitably and proper
ly determined. .The prorlnco ot thn
department Is to see there is no
discrimination In rates and a city
without adequate protection cannot
have a basic rate corresponding with
that ot another city with adequate
protoctlon. Thla must be under
stood by your committee and tboro
Is nothing to consider other than
tho means to securo an adequate wa
ter supply tor riro protection. There
Is no use wasting time in conference
other than means to provdo inch
adequate supply. Unlets the com
mittee Is working with thin Idea, I
bad as well drop tho matter
and leave. It to the bureau
to apply tbe lncreaso ot rates which
must bo done without any great de
knocked bla 43rd home, run In to
day's game hero.
Weather Probabilities
The Cyclo-Stormagraph at
Underwood's Pharmacy haa re
corded.but little change in the
baromotrlc pressure since the
report ot yesterday. As long aa
tho present "high1' continues
In such even tenor there will be
no marked chango in woather
Forecast for next 24 heurs:
continued fair and warm.
The Tycoa recording ther
momctajr registered maximum
and minimum temperatures to
day, aa follews:
Low, Gl; IHgli, 8G. (Reading
taken at 2 p. m.)
c i
body of rather Patriek K. Heelte
Colma priest, who dtaappaare oa
the nlgbt of Avast J wheat m
stranger called aad aaked Ma to
administer the laat sacraaaeet to,
dying relative, waa foend three deya
ago burled at the bottom ot a aaad
cliff at Salad Beach, 20 all
outh of Sam rraaeteeo, it beeeaae.
known today.
For three ttaft the dleeeverer e
the body kef Mi fhU eeeret, whHe
police and frleeew carrM em a a4U
wide search fer the abate clergy
man. A bullet .vovbc threagh the
heart and aeeiher threagh the head
showed how 'death eaae to Father
William Htghtewer. the dleeeeerer
of the grave, la eeiag held ,
Ing Investlsatlo.
Hlfbtower eUtaaa that the dee
which reattltoi la hia Maaaas the
body was gdvea to aim hy Daily
Makes, wha tola Ma that aha haa
met fan tatoxfeatea foreigaw waa
made revalatfaae ta her la Iwaaaa
Kaclieiv .ysto,aie,h4Jec
the Catholte charebi -
Acting upon the latoraatloa aa'
talned from the woaaa Hlghtower
says that ha located tbe grave. He
pondered for three daya before fi
nally deciding to tell Archbishop
Edward J. Haass. When he arriv
ed at the archbishop's residence he
encountered a newspaper reporter
who took him directly to the police.
Archbishop Hinna bad personally
offered a reward or IC00O for the
discovery ot Father Heelln. dead or
alive. Ho had received two letter
demanding a ransom which he con
sidered hoaxes
A search of HJghtower's room to
day revealed a rifle, pieces of blood
stained burlap sad clippings of 'the
local papers showing the ajaoaat ot
reward offered for the prWat'a rt
' HJgbtowec la. a be her sad
here from Lenaay, Utah.
The total reward offered for o,i
formation, sboatrthev. alealay priest
was f 11,000. The dtlxeni "of Col
ma offered $5,000, Archbishop Hanna
$5,000. on behalf of the prleata ot
the San Francisco dloceee, and the
San Mateo county supervisors of
fered $1,000.
Another Story Hour
For Children at
Library Saturday
t '
Encouraged by the attendance ot
nearly 60 children at last week's
story hour, the Woaana Library
club li going on with plan to con
tinue the work. Thla next Saturday
the story hour will be In charge of
.Mr. D, M. Smith and daughter, Mies
Margaret. Mrs. Estelle Carrier con
ducted the work last week.
Any children wishing to enjoy the
privileges of the hour should be st
tho city library at 10 o'clock Satur
day morning. Mr. Smith will take
charge ot tho oldir children And
MIsr Smith wU take' the younger
group and entertain them oat under
tho tree in the court yard.
A hearty welcome la extended to '
any children who care to come by v
tbu Library club. ' '
Tonight at 9 o'clock, tho Mks
dance at the Dreamland Pavllloa'
will take place and according to the
Information given qui by tha en
tertainment committee1 of the' ledge, "
M. .., ..... W VW.fV W WWW W
KiKuom; oniy , panes wui o mbk
ted to this' daflce.' I