The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 10, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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vmik put:
John Bull
llt, ' t ,'
- -' : ; i
Uncle Sam
jMsT -aassM
asssV "" ' TBm 'Tf f
" A I'
Vhun Tho Herald mint a special
iiiiiU nju to get tlio fnetu or, (ho
coming HIVii.1iII Kiiinii, I hey ilttlo
dreiAnbd thn.inijgnatudp. or the plot
fnnriulntod by Noel ami Wallers, If
innyh" ncccsiinry for Tlio Herald
lo nifdnnutlior mini to tho staff, to
tttohJhlH wllii pair.
V.Thoy nro not only pIcklniMhn best
inlenl of tint illntrlct lint tlioy uro
nddlsir tlio brainiest men obtainable
to Keep up tlio mornlnl
When Oln l.urmui volunteered to
liifcm cluiritn nf tlio lints, ho wun
tnken )i i boforn ho liuil n chiincn to
reconsider. .
When Walters was nuked to ex
plnln the ilroitiny iinille, ho said ho
Inn! Junt signed tip "crudo oil iJohn
nlo" as -water hoy. Wo found out
afterward ho mount Capt. Hlomcnsl
Thdy nro iiura Inking no chnnco
of letting any Intent got away.
While, nosing around tho ropprtor
discovered C. If, Underwood In hi
hack ynrd, practtclnic the honk slldo
with n gunny-Mick for n Ihso. Ills
wife wan inking picture of him.
1'robably find them on snlo nt tho
pharmacy bofnra Hundny.
Them Noonii to ha a dlipoto be
tween tho pltcliyM. Wiley inili!
that ho makes -x morn Impressive
iM'Kflrnnrr In thr box. and Aluult
thinks hn -i ho moro ot!ilo
with hl nw ' t.Uf Hull." llut N-Kl
iliirkly' hlnU 'I'M tiulther of la.i
will bo the flut string mini Ho
Imn got a pitcher who ran (i)llvit
with either hand. '
Hwanson lion been NlKnud up for
li'ft field, became he Is more fa
miliar with the forests nud gulches
In that soctlon.
Tomorrow tho trnlnlng lablo
starts, Tho Hcruld will then know
the complcto "lluo-up."
Nlckerson lui.i complete charge of
the feeding. It In Ihoucht that a
trnlnlng tabe Is Ashland's only
chance. Jack Horshbcrgcr made a
hid for tho Job, hut It seems as
though he Is too conscientious, bin
menu consisted of loo much rnw
meat .and , would have made tho
I'lk'a too savage.
An error In printing the Fourth
of July rnmmltti'o'ii statement yes
lerday credited Ted White "with re
ceipt of $200 1 nt expenses for a trip
lo Han KraiKlxco. The actual ex
pensi nllowed for the Irlp'wn $50.
Klamath Expects
Racket Wielders
To Show Results
Much Interest ha boen atlrrod up
relative to the. outcome of tho tennis
matches at Meford today and tomor
row and while' the Marihfleld nnd
Mcdford plnyers are not no well
known hero, Mill newspaper reports
which have Riven rosults-nt play In
those cities do not hcrnld any one
perron as a world boater and this
fact gives tho support of 'the local
contestants, who play In Mcdford In
tho mntchoa n bollfo that Klamath
Fulls will shine In tho results.
W 8. Wlloy nnd Charles Hall,
local champions, both nro In tho best
of conditions for their matches and
tho others who loft today stato that
their 'Skill with the racket on foreign
grounds will show up boiler than It
docs hero.
Alt tho tennis crowd folt confldont
thnl Klnnmlh Kails would add n
now .credit to Its scoro when tho
reeling mat .victory would crown
their efforts.
ianni9,' cau. Aug. 10 nmiin
Ktltsor. son ot Mr. nnd Mrs. F. a
Htltwir. han arrlvod from Nevada to
visit his parents, llo drove through
by nutomoblle. .
OoorRo W. Zang, ropresontlng tho
Osborne Company of Hoston, was In
town yesterday on business. lie
handles n comploto lino ot calendars
and cards.
Dr. Clorald F. Warren, son of S.
F. Wnrren, local Southern Pacific
DRnnt.i has establtlshed a permanent
dental offlco In tho Fox resldonco
where? ho-also resides. Dr. Warren
graduated rocontly from a, Ban Fran
cisco dental college
W. K. Bamuols Is reported conva
lescent at' tho Dorrls Hospital from
tho effects of a broken leg sustained
some, tlmo ago whllo handling logs
nt tlio Samuoln and Mahonoy mill
north' of town.
A benefit, danco Is planned by cltl
eoiis of Dorrls for tho Fall family
Saturday night at tho K. of P. hall.
I. oft homoloss by tiro which destroyed
tholr resldonco and all contents Bun
day tho family will be materially
assisted toward ro-ostabllahmont ot
a homo by the publlo splrltod citi
zens pf Dorrls.
Charlos Rugh plans to loavo shortly
for Berkeley wbore he will continue
his studies in the medical depart
ment! of the University of California.
Mr. Hugh ha spent the summer with
the Taber Drug Company here.
lUra'a J. n. Stack, Cornell, win;
nine the high Jump at the meet be
tween Oxford-Cambridge and Cr'
netlPrlncelon at Trnvcra Island, lie
cleared the bar at 6 fret I 34 Inches.
The nwt resulted In tie score,
tach team wlnnlnc live events.
Hope Dance Will
Clear League Debt
Tim eommllteo In churgn of the
tmii'bull dunro which will toko place
on Auk- 18 at (ho Scandinavian hall
have their plans nearly complete
for ii very successful affair.
Tickets will bo sold by all tho
boosters tor the city league nnd It
Is hoped that enough money to
cleur up the Indebtedness resulting
from the Fourth of 'July gumes
will bo secured.
President Kwanion has taken
much Interest In this affair and li
supervising tho arrangements. It
Is expected that tho hall will hare
fall decorations such as groen
boughs nnd other material from tho
forests near hero, In tho ball
room. A number ot novelties will
bo Introduced at this dance und the
attendant are promised an excep
tional night of dancing by the pro pre pro
eoters: dow.v tiik moil
CHICAGO. Aug. 10. Movies with
out pistols, lliiuor scenes, knives or
long kisses aro coming soon, ac
cording lo offclbl censors of the
eastern states and Canada who are
on tho way to Inspect California
The front porch upplo pie girl
will supplant the vamp.
Herald classified ads pay yei.
Election Aug. 12
Tho Common Council has called a
special election 'In tho city of Kla-
matn ran, lor iriuay, August izin,
1921, to bo hold betweon tho houra
of 9 o'clock A, M., and 8 o'clock V.
M., nnd tins designated polling places
In each ot tho flvo wards ot tho city
as follows;
First Ward, Browns enrpontor
shop, cornor Muln nnd Center streets.
Bccond Wurd, City Hall.
Third Ward, nueslngs Ileal Kstnto
office, botweon 10th and llts streets.
Fourth Ward, Mills Addition Hall.
Fifth Ward, Charley IH)l.nps house
corner Uphnm and Sargent.
.Owing to tho fact that tho regis
tration of votors in tho city Is now
by county preclnts 10 In mi in bo r,
Insload of by City Wards, fi, In num
ber, as formerly it Is necessary that
electors bo advlsod as to where thoy
may voto noxt Friday.
Electors registered in precinct
(one) will volo at Drowns enrpontor
Electors registered "In precincts 2,
3-4 Including that part ot tho city
botween Center and 7th streets will
vote at the City Hall.
Bloctora registered In precincts C
and S embracing that part ot tho
city bounded by 7th street on tho
southwest, and by Uphnm street on
tho north' and by tho Government
canal between Prospect and Wash
ington stroet and Eleventh street on
tho northeast, will voto at the Real
Gstato -office of Fred Uucstng on
southerly side ot Mala street bo
tweon 10th and 11th streots.
Eloctors registered in precincts 8
and 10 ombractng that part of the
elty north ot tho Oovorninont canal
botweon Prospect street and tho
Railroad, and west of tho Railroad,
and that part ot tho city known as
Shlpplngton will vajo at tho Charley
DoIap house corner ot Uphnm and
Sargent stroots. "
Electors roglstrod in precincts 3
and 9 embracing Hills Addition Rail
road addition, and ..Hot Springs Ad
dition will vote at Mills Addition
It Police Judge.
Abrahams, of Cambrldce, mi tfca
only athUU to win tiro evsnU In th
iald meat bald by Oxford-Cajabddw
Eind Cornell-Princeton, liar ha- U
vtnalar the ninnlnc broad Jump
rlUi mark of 11 feat and lncbaa.
Poker Combinations
On Auto Licenses
Basis of Wager3
Kometlm tho pollco nt this city
hiivo onn slipped over thorn and tho
latest sport which a number ot the
boys hnvo uc.ed lately on Main
st ret-1 has ho,-n to play "auto po
ker. ' This Jn not new In this sec
tion hut It Is ono which has a cer
tain fusclnatlon In It for tho play-
As. . '
A crcrwd of tho sports stood near
Sixth and Main street yesterday af
ternoon scanning tho numbora on
every nutomobllo that passed until
ii number ot pooplo wore attracted
by tholr antics. Many thought they
wore special officers ot the stato.
automobile department but It hap
pened that when a California car
p.isaodi ono of tnc crowd' said,
"Three sevens and a pair of ones"
then tho secret was ont. All filed
Into a cigar store and there tho
winner socurod his weeks' supply
ot fjmokes. The automobllo li
cense numbers aro used for poker
DKLDKN, Plumas county, Cal.,
Aur. 10. Completion ot an 11,000
toot tunnel connecting Lake Alma
nor with llutle valley hus enabled to
Oreat Western P6wer company to
operate Its Caribou power project
on tho Feather river nt full capac
ity. In addition to Ita Dig Rend and
Caribou power houses the Oreat
Western corapnny's hydro-olcctric
development program along Feath-
or river calls for the construction
ot six other plants, bringing tho
total development to 792,000 horso
power. '
HoniM Wiuihlngton Ilunviu
These Girls
pravad the girls equaOa of
Fagy dearth bwtiag aliss
Heiai Wts
BBBBBBBBBBBBBsPpiB' tsW! V TsWv ssaaaaaaasaaaaWt At.t
k1 HV' S K JisiissssssBVB
iVHEH.'r vl ssssssssssssssl JSSffiy
lssssssf t?;Vxl JB VssssslSS1 y.JgSBHsBpBsWP ft fWfnFPn
hOP 9BskH1hBw3siHssssss
am nr at Iwwi
r jLiirTinll FkT
i " " lr
Greatest sport you know
to pull out your makin's
papers and some Prince
Albert and roll up a ciga
rette! That's because P. A',
is so delightfully good and
refreshing in a cigarette
just like it is in a Jimmy;
pipe! You never seem to
get your fill P. A.'s so
joy'usly friendly; and
appetizing. -
Prince Albert will be a
revelation to your taste 1 No
other tobacco at any price is
in its class 1 And, it rolls up.
Fringe Albert
I have several blocks of lots
surrounding the Malin high
school that I will sell tor
busleeea and reildeutlal pur
poses, thus I'tfcrlug to the
people of Klamath count an
opportunity to raatco n real'in
vestment. I will sell these
lots for $75 and up, on the
Installment plan, tho terms to'
suit the purchaser. No inter
est wilt be charged and I will
pay the taxes until deed Is de
livered to buyer. '
Malta is situated la Ibe cen
ter ot one ot the richest dis
tricts la the world. It U back
ed by progressive ind conser
vative cltlxens. It has a future
that assures development lo
a degreo that will make this
property worth many time
the price I am selling it for.
When oil is discovered. Malln
will be found to be la the very
heart ot .the field "and the
biggest producers will be at
Its door.
If you are looking for some
thing that will pa you big 1
returns, you tu uia uu mis
take In buying Malln proper
ty. For further Information,
write or see
. MAUN, Ore.
Can Run!
TJarrarstty. Nsy Terk
f stblstlii Hare's atisi
ts the IM-iwri ILm.
Coipe on along!
Fill up your makin's
papers with P. A.
easily because it's crimp cut
and it stays put.
It's the best bet you ever
laid that you'll like Prince
Albert better than any ciea- tiL'jpjJl?iSi
mHa .. AnA. y.ll.J I
'And listen! If you fiav
a jimmy pipe hankering
by all means know what'
Prince Albert can do for
you! -It's a revelation in a
pipe as well as in a ciga
rette! P. A. can't bite or
parch. Both are cut .out
by our exclusive patented
the national joy smokm
Crater Lake Picture
for Sale at
GEO. L. METZ. Jeweler
622 Main St.
Leave Union Taxi
Monday, Wednesday
Phone 424-J for reservations Large can i
, tTftTTvttvtHtMtfttttHlttMMIM
: Cooking Electrically
the ideal method'
Electrically equipped kitchens hold ;;
no terrors for the housewife. They
are cool, cozy, and comfortable in ;
' the summer. They eliminate the ','.
drudgery, the grime and the nerve ;
racking ' tension caused 'by wood :
stoves. The expense is surprising"
ly low. Let us tell you about k. : :.
The California Oregon Power
"Let us be your servmnf'
" MMf Ma
hmmlimr mti
Wl -Ssl ,
Phone 72
office 8 o'clock
and Friday Monuaga t
H t4
M M MUM Ul l.ll I UJJW