'I ' , I lAQB THUKfl THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FAttLS, OREGON WKDXHsDAT, AVOVST 19, I MM The Office Cat .ssHHHIIIIIIIilllliillrslM1' II V JUNIIM I'oine Forty-year-old Mnltln Mocks Wont nutty nml cut off nor locks fTlimi sho took off tier nlilrt Ami nhurtimod her skirt And rollml down linr forty-cent nock Thnro may lx arguments about whnt In tho grcntoftt word In (ho Kng llsh langungo, lint Ono. Illrlch says for a phrase, you can't boat "In closed find click." Not tlio Nmiin "No, no, you mustn't kiss mo," ho paid, as lin drow linr clonal to him. 'Mother objects to kissing." "AVolli clear, I'm not going to kiss her." T Hen V.nntrr Fred Hnkor raid yesterday men's collars worn being cut lower In ac cordanro with tho shortening of worn on' skirts to glvo plenty of free dom; to tho neck. (Jullty A youth onca loved a modorn miss; well versed In law wan alie: She chawed him when ho stole a kiss, with potlt larcency, A moment ho wan qulto abashed and then ho squected hor band "You'ro wrong, quite wrong, doar," he replied, "Not potlt. That wai grand." Oood evonlngi Ham you a llttlo mosquito' In your homo? AAAAAAAAAAAVMWMWWVWWWWWWWMWMVM Outbursts of Everett True By Condon pfmmmmmmmm w l--B-w-w-uJJJJnj-n( r ACTtAt R&QuiftxiMervrtS jw HH IT'o MOT A 'fbjxt xikio.t ' i- Rati oki .- - . 5z " - ' ' - AfMT-1 Tumt an.r-1 . . yv n ' HYTAtcts i too oui ...... irJS'Jr.r. . r ri-iT.A zzr-'-rLT.'y " '" oo7.. i-Vr1?..0 "oont, of , v ..lr1 , ,-,r. rtlSOVb YOUht Km)- "Mrdear," aald tho omlnent sur geon'i wlfo, "I shall need a new fur coat this year." "All right." aald tho great man, "I'll look over my lint and -find sorao one who can afford an operation for appendicitis. Tho mbiq energy utod to get evou with some-body, properly applied, would put you whoro you wouldn't enro. Dolly Vardnn 11 complains to the health hlntor of a Uotham paper that har "Feet hurt from tho ankles down" whonnvor alio goes to a danro. Helping hor mothor wash the dlshoa nml scrub tho kitchen floor occasionally might provo help Poma Alas, for poor Ilonnlo 8. Icc, Who lghtod n match Just to sea Whoro tho gua pipe wai looking, When his wlfo began nhrlcklng "Oh, bring back my Ilonnlo to mo!" Tho Wapanitrku World ha dug up nnotbor reason for staying at homo with a hondncho Sunday morn Ing. A big rattlvanako has boon killed right bang up against tho Motbodlet'cbureh In that town. Mc Alostor (Okla.) (lunrrilnn. What Ho Uiilcrtoo Lawyer "Bo you want ft dlvorco from your wlfo. Aren't your rela tions ploasant?" Client "Mlno arc, but horo'u aro most unploasant lot lover mot.'' Contrnry Minded "ThOtnon aro always legislating ngalnBt pookaboo waists and short skirts, yot'tho womtm koep on wour Ing thorn." "I guosi tho mon know tholr busi-noss. Chomlstry rrofossor Nauto throe article containing starch. Students Two cuffs uud u collar, CHARTER AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED TO TUB VOKHS BY Tins COUNCIL " Aa Act .To amend tho charter of tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, ontttlod "A bill proposed by inltlatlvo peti tion for an act to inact, provide and adopt a charter for tho City of Kla math Falls, Klumath County, Ore- f. I' ,. . T- J- rSsHSnW SAX JOMeS. VOO THIWK ANOTatK SO MUCH A'BouT EvACAKiCCD RTtOMS THA7 1TS GOT MOO UNBAi-AMCEfD Ui IP TOu'O eAT UHAT USci3 tUfTM XOU AW CVT OUT 7MS IVORRXIHG ABOUT HOW NANY SCtChH'll'tC HOOP'TC DOOS fTMee MAt &e in a sauia claa vA-.-y r'RWNts ir utovu 06MCpr MNP W WrWCiMOS both ove neAtTM WJSRm&M-! NORvciQ of? Yooa iBSiaK 2 H' tjj 4rvf r 19.A -TktlC K ' I i- -x HOR3& TA-OlSHg? lP i gon, to bo submitted to tho Icgnl vo ters of tho City of Klnmftth Kails, Klamath County, Oregon, for their approval or rojoctlon at a cjioclal election to bo hold In said city on tho 10th day of March, 1913" submitted to and approved by the legal voters of said city on tho 10th day of March, 1913, a subsequently amondnd by tho legal votora of sale rity at tho special election held tboreln on tho 14th day of November, 1910, nml lo amend all other amendments thvrcto. I1B IT KNACTKD IY TIPS I'HO PI.B OF TUB CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS that tho charter of tho City of Klamath Falls, samo bolng nn net nntltlod "A bill proposed by Inltla tlvo potltlon tor nn act to Inact, pro vide and adopt a chnrter for tho City or Klamath Falls, Klamath County. Oregon, to bo submitted to tho lfgal voters of tho City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, for their approval) or rojoctlon at a special olcctlon lo bo hold In said city on tho 10th day or March. 1913," sublttod to and approved by tho legal volors of said city on tho 10th day of March. 1913, as subsequently nmoudod by tbo legal voters ot said city at the special eloctlon held thoroln on tho 14th day of November, 1910, nml .ill other amendments thereto, bo nnd tbo soma horeby Is amendod by add ing thereto Section 309 to read (is follew: SECTION 309. (a) For tho pur poso of providing funds for soworngo purposes tho council of tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, Is horeby authorltod and empowered to Issuo nnd dlspoM of general obligation saw or bonds ot said city In tho sum ot f 80.000 In denominations ot $1000 or $C00 each, duly slgnod by tho Mayor and countorslgned by tho I'o- lira Judge tindor tho corporato sent of tho city, having somt-nnnuat in ternal coupons thereto attached boarlng tho engraved fnc-slmllo sig natures of tbo Mayor and I'ollco Judgo. whereby tho city shall bo hold In nub'stnnco nnd effect to un dertake nnd promlso to pay tho bearor of each of said bonds at ma turity thorcof tho sum therein named in gold coin ot tho United Statos ot tho present standard of vnluo with lntorost thorcon In llko gold coin at tho rata of not to ox cood six por cent (C) per annum, pnynblo soml-annually, snld bonds to bo known as City of Klamath Falls Sower Ponds, snld bonds to bo dated August 1, 1921, and to maturo In not to oxcoed fifteen years from dato of Issuo, principal nnd intorcst to bu narahlo at tho Fiscal Asoncr of I' tho Stato of Oregon In Now York City, (h) Tho debt limitations contain ed In tho chartor or said city shall not apply to tho bonds horeby nu ' thorlzcd. ' (c) Tho council shall each year at tho tlmo ot making tho annual tax I levy for cjty purposes Include In such levy a sum sumclom to pay lntorost duo on tho outstanding bonds of this Issuo, 'and shall In addition thoroto lovy an nddltlonnl amount sufficient to pay said bonds nt tholr dato or dates ot maturity. RBSOLVBU FUIITHBH that this resolution for proposed charter amendments submitted to tho votora by tho council bo filed with tho Po llco Judgo of tho City or Klamath Falls for submission to tho legal vot ora ot said city, for tholr rojoctlon or approval to bo voted upon at a spe cial election to bo hold ns herein pro vided; Ilosolved furthor t)tnt tho council deem It ndvlsablo nnd doon horoby and heroin call and mako necessary provision for tho holding ot a spe cial oloctlon which shall bo and hore by Is called to bo hold on tho 12th Any of August, 1021, tntwoon tho logal voting hours on nald dato, and that said tlrno bo and tho samo hereby Is designated as tho tlmA for holding said special oloctloo. nnd tho following polling placoa In said city aro horoby doslgnatod as tho polling placos thorofor, to-wlti Flint Ward Urown's carponUir shop, cor. Main and Contor. Bocond Ward City Hall. Third Ward Uuoslng'g Ilea! Es tato Offlco. Fourth Wnrd Mills Addition Hntl, Firth Ward Chas DoLftp House, cor. Upham and Worden, and tbo following named porsons nro horoby doslgnatod nnd nppolnted as and for tho Jtidgos and clorkn of said oloc tlon, to-wlt: First Wnrd Judges, Mrs. V. B Ankony, It, J. Shoots, Mrs. Harry (Inllaghor; Clerks, Mrs. Choa Bald win, Mrs. Jnmcs McCluro. Second Wnrd Judges, W. S. Slough, Fred Haeslng, Mrs. Frank Wnrd: Clerks, Mrs. A. Krnuso, Mrs. It. B. Wnttenburg. Third Ward Judges, Jntnei Lind say, n. B. Orlgshy, Mrs. Nato Otter beln: Clorks, Mrs. I'orcy 'Evans, Mrs. W. V. Mlllor. Fourth Wnrd Judges, Mrs. L. A. Will, Mrs. I). B. Hawkins, Mrs. Chat. Thomas; Clorks, Mm. Staub, Mrs. M. Miller. Fifth Wnrd Judges, Mrs. Efflo Cnrcolon, Mm. J. I). Vollmcr, Mrs. J. W. Tunnell; Clorks, Mrs. Joseph I'osplscll, Mrs. Geo. Holms. !B IJ HBSOLVED that tho ballot tltlo for said proposed chartor amend ments shall bo In words and figures substantially as follews: CHAJtTKn AMKNDMKNTH HUmilTTrJ TO THE VOTEI18 I1Y TIIB COUNCIL An Act To amend tho charter of tho .City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, same 'being nn act submlttod to and ap proved by tho votors of said city at a npuciai election Hold tnoroln on Mnrch 10, 1913, as subsequently amended nt tho special oloctlon held therein on November 14, 191C, and to amend all other amendments by adding Section 309 providing for an Issuo ot sowor bonds in the sum of 1X0,000.00 and for a tax levy to pay principal ami Interest thoron. 100 ,........... Yes 101 ........................ No DE IT FintTHER RESOLVED that tbo I'ollco Judgo bo and ho Is hero by Instructod to publish tho horeln abovo proposed charter amendments submitted to tho votors by tho coun cil In tho manner provlaea by law; that is to say. by publication of this resolution In full for two consecutlvo publications within tho fifteen days Immediately preceding said special eloctlon in Tho Evening Herald same, bolng a nowapaper published In tho City ot Khunath Falls and horeby doslgnatod tor said purpose. Passod by tho council on this, the 25th day of July, 1921, by tho fol lowing vote: Yeas: Dogaxdus, West, McCollom, Hawkins and Vollmcr. Nays: Nono. Submlttod to tho Mayor July 2Eth, 1921. Approved by tho Mayor July 2Cth, 1921. Attest: W. S. Wiloy. Mayor. A. L. Loavttt. Aug. 2-3 Pollco Judge. to convert a saloon on a sldo street noar Jlrooklyn bridge, Into an organ "garngo," Rut tho luro of tho street pianos has largely lost it potoncy for the girls and boys who onco danced golly to tho strains of "cast sldo, woet side, FBWKIt HfltKCT OROANH NEW YORK Aug 10. Thirty years ago thero wero so many street plaros and hurdy-gurdies In Now Yerl: that n thrifty Italian found it profitable IS IT SAFE TO BUILD? M"MM",alWMIM'w"asW"aa"aSM,isMssaaaaM1 all around tho town." Now most of tho garago Is occupied at" nfght by push carts. Tbo rental lsvf 1.50 a month Titno is. illont barber. Ualdnsss Is his razdr tr i!L4 Kodak Work heave Your Tiiw$ Before 9 O'clocK-Yoor AM-Pictures are r?adr at 6 03 OjJrrT'4 5JfcsjL-"v vl v I c P$ noerwoo I rau&i'f vH .KLAMATH FALLS OREGON HwrmafY WHERE PARTICULAIT PEOPLE fSUY THtIR DRUGS C&LaA lAgcTuftACvl Hot Water Each Morning j Puts Roses in Your Cheeks J i'rM;&'-Mr?-' '(sssssissssssssssssssssssslisssssssKisssssssll 1 ltrfe r V7 -VxVsssssssKWi JssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssfBssssssssssssssssHssssfissssssssssssssssB 3 ' M&hm fllsssssssssssssssDisssKsssssssssil B tfjjjMjgi&j , r5itt issssssssHsssssssssssssssssssssslZ lkl5lK34ssssssssssssssHBsssBl'", l&KBQsskL vaisyr -' -Vi .-llsssssssssslsssssssVsssssssssaS m BU -X;5sssssssssTBssKjiLji ' PflHsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! 9 S Hl,V -?TssssssssssssMhESWfcssssssssssssssssssssssssss1 8 SssssssKM' 'issssssssssssssssssBikr ' C-RiSSHsssiS 3sssssssssmssssssssssssssssPQisssK.'4;'' Svli'-r-W?&m& R isssssssssPfW sssssssssssssKSHsssKf&ib ' dslJnRs MBSSSBBsTMMJSSSSslBSSy3r,;7aLSMBMPJK, M SSagilaMSlPBl w To look one's best and feet one's btst It to enjov an lnilde bath rsch morning; io nnin irom ue synrm ine prorioui ct&r'rt w&xtii. Hour frrmntatlrms and Doi- ronons toiln before it is abtorbed into the blood. Jutt as coal, when it burns, kaves behlad a certain amount of in comhuitlblo material In tin form of aihe. so the food and drink taken each day lro In tbe allmrntary organs a certain amount of lndlgtlbl tnatnial, which if not eliminated, form toxins and poUodi which are then tucked Into the blood through the vry duct which are Inunued to tuelc la only nouritnment to utUin tbe body. If you wmnt to see the gknr of healthy bloom in your cberkt, to mo your skin get clearer and clearer, you aro told to drink my morning upon anting, a clan of hot water with a teatpoonful of limestone phosphate In It, which Is a barmiem means 01 wstmng ue mm material and toxins from the ttoraach, liver, kidneys and bowels, thus cleans ing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary tract, before putting mora food into the stomach. Girls and women with sallow skins, liver spots, pimple or ptllld.earaplex ion, k those who wake on with a coated tonsue. bad taste, nastr breath. others who are bothered with headaches. bilious spells, acid ttomaeh or eoattlpsrt tion should begin thla photphated not water drinking and are aumred of very pronounced results in one or two wetk. A Quarter pound of limestone pboa-'. piate costs very little at the draf atora but la sufficient to demonstrate that luti as soap and hot water cleanses, pnrUea ana iretoens tne ecin on wia obmio, so hot water -and limestone photakmU ae' oa the Intlde ornns. V mutt ahrav consider that InUmal sanltstion la vast ly more ioportaat than outside email nett. becaute uelkln nores do not ab sorb impurities Into the blood, while th bowel pores do. . women wno oettre to canaaea ue beautv of their coarolexioavaaoaU Imstr try this for a wetk and potlo resufta. atuRSTJMi ssssf sVlsssssk -asayxasM o p E N A L L N I G H T The CENTRAL HOTEL GUY GAIWETT, Mi Stemxm Heated RATESj Transient 75centi up By Week $4:00 t. ii O P E N A L L N I G H T NEWSSTAND all the Utest turn If It's Loose . We Will Move It 0. K. TRANSFER CO. ,24 a nfi Phone 87 ' a f r wv-