The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 08, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    MOtfDAY, AUGUST , 1021.
Personal Mention
Mr." Mid Mr. W. C. Elliott and Mr.
ad Mrs. J. R. Drown spont Sunday
t Rook)1 Point. They report a n
Itghtful time In the shade of tho big
Misses Beatrice Lucllo and X'lor
nee Herndstadt ot Now York city
left this morning for Crater lake.
Tha Misses Horndstadt, who aro
members ot a wealthy Now York
family, aro on a tour ot tho went.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Moore, Mis
Dotty Curtis, K. 0. and J. A. Monro
Jr., and Will droit, chaufour, nro
tourists who stopped over In Kin
math Falls yrstorday on their way
to Crater lake. Mr. Mooro Sr., Is n
wealthy Boattlo capitalist.
Misses Anna May and Jennie. John
aton and Miss Waive Irow left on
this morning' train for San Fran
clsco from where they will tako pas
sac Wednesday for Honolulu. Miss
Gertrude Parker will Join the party
at Weed. All four of tho young la
dies have accepted positions os teach
ers in the Islands for tho coming
Mrs. C. II. Elsman and two chil
dren ot Grants Pass, arrived Satur
day to Tlclt with Mrs. Elsmans sis
ter, Mrs. B. M. Hall.
Fred Mqllenax his relumed from
Montana where he was called by the
fatal Illness ot hi brother who died
shortly after he arrived.
Ms, and Mrs. Emry OUrer. Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Ollrer and Boyd Oli
ver axe a party ot noted tourists
from Sacramento, who aro spending
a few days here on a sight seeing
Miss Nellie MeAndrewa left yester
day morning for Ban Francisco and
Los Angeles on a vacation trip.
Mrs. Don Colvig, who has been hero
from Medtord for the past week, has
returned to her .home there.
Rolltn C Sletaer Is hero .from
Wlnnemnea, Nevada with a party ot
friends, who before returning to Ne
vada expect to visit the lava beds.
Crater lako and Ilocky Point.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ball are out
ot town for a tew days vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer of Spencer's
creek, were county seat visitors this
morning purchasing supplies.
Miss Claudia Spink spent tho
weak-end as the guest of Miss Ina
Oralam at tbe Graham ranch near
Mtas Mary McComb spent Satur
day In the county seat from her
homo In the valley.
Charles Poladexter was a county
seat business visitor during the
week end from his ranch near Merrill.
Lyle Walthers, an employe of the
California Oregon Power company,
spent the week end In Medtord with
bis sister, Mrs. Floyd Hart
Misses Clara and Myler Calkins,
Oeorge Stevenson and Lloyd Porter
were at Lake o' the Woods yester
day. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Jefferson and
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wlthrow return
ed Satarday afternoon from Dia
mond lake, where they have been
for mora than a week. The party
was delayed by an accldont to Mr.
Jefferson's car, when an axle was
broken, due to the rough condition
of the roads.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houston and
Mr. and Mrs. Carey Ramsby are at
Rocky Point for a few days' fishing.
' Mr. and Mrs. Merle Houston and
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hardenbrook
were among Klamath Falls visitors
at Rocky Point Sunday afternoon.
Miss Vera Houston, Waive Drew,
Jennie Johnston, Anna May John
ston, Esther McAndrews, Theodore
Case, Frank Bell, Frank Mills, Pren
Ua Pnckett, Mr .Foster and Mr.
and Mrs. Lauton picnicked at Spen
cer creek yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunbar and
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dunbar and
daughter Edna drove to Lake o' the
Woqds yesterday for tbe day.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Worden spent
the week end at Horsefly as the
guests ot Mr. and Mrs. L. Gerber.
Miss Maud Carlton, who has been
away on a three weeks vacation re
turned Saturday night from Eu
Kenneth and Jean Perry, Ray
mond and Lucille Harlan, Vera
jnompson and Koy Patrick made a
trip to Lake o' the Woods yester
day. They report that it was won
derfully cool there most of the day.
Clarence McFall was a city visit
or yesterday from Olene.
C. N. Snow was in from bis ranch
on Jhe Merrill road Saturday pur
chasing supplies.
Miss Marjorle Deliell, who has
been on a vacation trip to Eugene,
Portland, Marshfleld and Medtord
for the past two months, returned
home this afternoon.
A. M. Collier and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Fleet and family spent yester
day visiting in Langell valley.
Captain Harry Beard and family,
who have been here visiting Mr. and
Yourself and Ladies
are invited to attend an
Open Air Dancing Party
at Dreamland Pavilion
Thursday, the Eleventh day of.
August, one thousand nine
hundred twenty-one
'Dancing at nine
Bring your Elk friends
Tickets $1.10
We are all proud of our country.
Yet most of us know comparatively little of
the activities of our government and what
tbey mean to us. . That is why we have secured the
exclusive right toTidistribute locally a series of attract
ively illustrated folders' and booklets containing moat
interesting accounts of the work of our various govern
mental departments.
Send os your name and address and we will gladly
send you one of these articles each month with our
compliments. There is no obligation entailed.
Not for years has there been such
evident unrest as exists In the world
today. Even tbe casual reader ot
the dally newspaper sees that tbe
world is sick and needs a doctor
Tho way to social health is through
an awakened Interest In tho affairs
of our gorornmont and an Increased
feeling of our responsibility in Its
welfaro and administration. Not
until we understand tho magnitude
and efficiency ot tho United States
government do wo feol tho respect
for it and tho pride In participating
in it that It deserves.
At the presont moment, In spite
of all our unrest, the United States
Is tho most favored of tho world's
nations. We have onjoyed a cen
tury and a bal'f of tho "gorornment
ot the people, for tho people, by
tho people." it is not perfoct, but
It Is tho strongest ( most substantial
and most efficient gorornmont
tho world today.
Tbo First National bank Is con
templatlng the free distribution
among Its friends and patrons ot a
series ot highly illustrated articles
on tbo government of tbo Unltod
States. Tho nrtlcles, although writ
ten In popular form, will be of real
oducatlonal value. Tbey are to bo
mailed directly to tbo homes ot this
community without charge. This
plan Is in keeping with the new
Idea that overy progressive financial
institution owes a broader sorvlco
to Its community. Tho modern bank
is no longer only a place whore
money Is deposited at one window
and drawn at another. It .Is ratbor
a center of constructive and helpful
information to which any one may
bring his financial problems with
some confidence of finding a solu
tion for them.
These stories are designed to
show tho benefits that each of us
derives from the service of the gov
ernment. Tbey have been brought
fup to the minute, and howevor well
Informed the reader may be, bo la
suro to find something new In
them. They have a particular ap
peal to. new citizens, foreigners and
school children, as well as furnish
ing Interesting' and Instructive read
ing to practically ovoryono. Tho
community Is suro to benotlt from
this distribution and overy homo
should havo a comploto set.
Never boforo havo Americans
taken such an Intense Interest In
their government. The extension of
Incomo taxes and the widespread
purchase ot liberty bonds havo
made us all financial partners In Us
wolfare. Wo all want to know moro
about It, and wo have a rlgbt to
knew. That Is why tho publication
of this material comes at precisely
tho right niomont and why It may
bo expected to bo so wolcomo. This
public Interest in gorornmental at-
in fairs is a healthy and natural inter
est. It will lead to increased
knowledgo, a moro Intelligent un
derstanding and a long, strong
strldo ahead. This community is to
bo congratulated on tho foresight
and onterprlso that brings this ma
terial within tbo reach ot everyone
It is tbo desire of this institu
tion to make this distribution as
wido .as possible. Somo, boworer.
aro suro to be ovorlookod, and as
tho supply, ot articles Is necessarily
limited, it Is suggested that overy-
onewho wishes to receive them call
at tho bank and leavo tholr names
for inclusion in tbo mailing list.
It has been anticipated that many
will wish, to keep each number ot
tbe. series of governmental articles
as received, as each will deal with a
dlfforent department of the govern
ment. For this purposo there is
available a limited number of beau
tiful containers, one ot which can
be obtained by any person desiring
it by calling during business hours
for it.
An Investment in
Good Appearance
For the young fellow return
ing to school and the older chap who
never lost his live school spirit, wc
offer one strong recommendatien: Kup
penheimer Good Clothes an investment
hi good appearance.
the house of Kuppenheimer good clothet
O n. k. & Co.
Woman, 38, Mother
of 16 Children
TAC0.MA, Aug. 8. Mrs. I,. I).
Shaffor, aged 38, gavo birth to her
sixteenth child Satunlny. Tho baby
welghod 12 pounds. Tho oldest
child In tbo Shaffer family is 20
years old. Two pairs of twins aro
Includod In tho family. All 10 chil
dren aro healthy and helpful. Tholr
father is a shipyard workor.
In vouching for it thuiuo for thu
plot of his first story Conway Tonrlo
turned his Diogenes lantern on tho
foibles and fads or tho noiicau rlrho
society In Now Vork and Newport,
and his Investigations resulted In 'fa
cility Snobs," tho latest Selinlck pro
ductlon which comos to tho Star
for a onn run next Tuesday.
Thin Ik n Mohnrt Honlvy produc
tlon, and playing opposlto Conwuy
Tourlu In Martha Mansflold.'
Mrs. J. I. Beard, left this morning for
Uncle Nato Merrill was in town
yesterday from his homo at Merrill.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morgan loft
this morning for Malln where they
will spend some time.
Make that idlo dollar work! Put
It In Uio bank.
Ralph Ia Drown ot Olendalo and
Miss Serildla C. Slmms of Midland,
uqd Ray Wilson of Qlondalo and
Edith Blmms woro principals In a
double wedding Saturday ovenlng.
Tbo ceremony was proformed by Jus
tice of tho Peace Qaghagen and Mr.
and Mrs. Hansen ot Midland attend
ed the bridal couples.
N. G O.
Jackie Coogan in
"Peek'. Bad Boy"
Wo are sorry that wo could not ac
comodate you all last night.
Tuesday '
Conway Tearle
"Society Snobs"
Phone 577,1
and our
Sales Mgr.,
MR. WRIGHT, will call on you
with full details of our Stock
532 MAIN