The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 08, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY, AUOl'flT S, iMt.
Tho Knio at Modoc l'nrk yoster
day n'ftornoiin started oft with a
roiculnrlty In tlio retiring of tlia
players, "onn-two-throo ittyln" which
Indicated (lint thu funs worn iioIiir
to eo n clono ncoro mill hut few
runs mnilu liy either team. Hut
that wiih lit tho huKlnnliiK of tho
Hum p. Tho Jnwnlit Murtcd runnliiK
in it around tho himcH In hiinchuH
fruui thu fifth Inning on, and whim
tho tullles wore totaled up In tho
ninth InnliiK 10 runnorii had crossed
I ho homo pluto, and won tho Rnmo
fropi tho l'liuutiohn, who toll throo
nhorl of ImvInK tho mimo ncoro.
Walker, the now pitcher for tho
Jnwnlit, seemed Invlnclhlo for tho
I rut seven IiiiiIiikn of piny, ami
either struck out hln mnn or nl
liiwml only a nhorl hit, hut from tho
seventh on, tho I'lunilmlin fiithoiuuil
hln delivery, and In tho ninth Inn
ing nlinotit singed u "coino-lmck,"
scoring night rutin before holng ro-
tlrrd. Cook wan not up to usual
form yesterday nftirnoon, ami hail
It not linen for tha orrora of tho
I'lumbob uml tho hlln hy tho Jnw
el at tho right tlino, bo would havo
lout thin gamp.
Thin gamo now given tho Jowoln
Ihn leadorulilp of tho loaguo, and
Munagor I'onplnll In determined that
hln club will rnntlnuo to hold tbat
place. Onn of tho Jewels' stand
liyn, KlrM-Hsni-ninn Hrlntow, played
hln Innt game In tho city lougiti), apd
made a homo run, to colohrato tho
occasion right, ,
The gnmn Inntvd two hours and
25 mlnuton, and wiu umplri'd hy T.
II. Wat torn and II. .Montgomery. Hut
Intactory service wnn ri'iiilurcd by
thi'in men.
All. It, II. I'O. A. K.
Clark, 3b C 2 2 0 1 I
Hhlnar, h 4 12 10 1
Croy, cf A 3 3 1 0 0
Hrlntow, lb ft 1 1 7 0 1
WulkiT, p G 0 111 8 0
Wlntvrbotl'm, rf t 1 1 1 0 0
J. Foster, -Mi .... fi 3 2 4 0 1
Hinlth, If ...421000
Dunlap,' c C 3 4 2 3 0
day on and .prnctlco for thin groat
ovont, A number of tha city loaguo
players nro mombern of tho Klks
horo nnil npnctatjrn will noo ono of
tho grnatont Muo games of tho your
next Holiday, soys both Walters mid
Nool, Tho local llnoiip will bo pro
piirnd for publication enrlr In tho
Club Standing.
Total 4S 16 1? 27 13 4
All. II. II. I'O. A. K.
.McCollum, cf .... 4 1 1 0 0 1
Houston! 3b 4 2 0 14 2
Mnnnnrr. 2b . . 1' 1 0 3 2 1
Thrasher, c .. 4 2 I .1 0 0
Humphrey, ha . 4 t 1 1 3 3
Hanrtcrs. rf B 2 1 1 1 1
Dunlap; I'tumbobn, Cook and
Karn'cd runn Jewels 10, I'lum
hohn 6.
To-baii hits Clark, Croy, J,
Foster., Rinltli, Dunlap, Wlnterliot
torn, Thrasher. Walker.
Threo-lmno hit Clark.
Home i run llrlsttrw.
Ilnno on errors Jewels 9, I'lum
bolm 4. '
Struck out Wulker 12, Cook G,
Doublo play Walker to Poster.
lilt by pitcher Monnner (2).
Tlmn of (lame 2 hours 25 lulu.
Umpires T. II. Waters, II. Mont
gomery. WiiIkIi, If 3 110 10
llri'snlnr, lb C 2 1 1 1 0 0
Cook, p ..- fi 1 2 8 C 1
W. L. Pet.
Jewel B 3 .025
Coptn 4 3 .571
I! wan n a 3 4 ,428
I'lumbob 3 C .375
Mnko (list Idln dollar work I Put
It In I ho bank.
ciirrrixn kkadv vtm match
Tolnl . . 3R 13 8 27 10 9
f . It.It.K.
Jewels ..00104442 1 10 17 4
riittubnbs 000000 23 8 13 8 0
llalterlen Jowclss Walker nnd
Elhs Will Tangle
Horns on Diamond;
X Ashland vs. K. F.
Honda)-, AiiKunt 1 1, nt Modoc purk,
tliuro will bo a biiNebnll flush hetweou
tliu'ntitlcrod trlhn from Anhliiuil nnd
tlio.lOnmutli hord of Klko which will
bo. a whirlwind contest from Inning
ono to nluo.
I)r. I'niil Noel will captain the local
liofil whllo T. II. Wntters will net an
niauuger nml major domo of tie
event. Dr. Nool Una been busy slnco
Saturday sizing up hln mnterlnl
union the local 121k lodge and foqU
that ho can find Jlabo Ituths, Alex
anders, mill MtGrawH In stiff Icleut
n u nil) or h tonffnot tiny AhIiIiiikI prodi
gies who appnar.
Antihunt lodge hoe long boon n
rival of the Klamath Knits Klks and
to ;b coino over hero nnd show
11118.110011 nchlng for an opportunity
tlio- local tribe up, In fact, their
chiillenKes huvo boon no froiiuont
lately thnt Klamath Klks docldod to
accept nnd Bend thorn homo mnui
.thoao horns which they liavo iisod so
frequently on tho local bunch regard
ni;n gamo,
'fho Klamath bunch aro to don
tlioir.oiiltg.In tho.ovenlngs from Mon-
vlttBWaiivSsMlMr?AJMP- a-
An idlmlnatlon tenuis tournament
was staged hero Haturilny evening
nnd Holiday morning for tho purpono
of neloctlng n Medford tennis team
to play Klamath Kails and Ashland
on Aug. 10th. A goodly number of
Medford tennis fans', many of whom
havo not played In years, aro enter
ed In the opanlng matches and much
rivalry Is expected. Medford MnlL-Tribune
Mr. nnd Mrs. (Hick and family left
Tuesday for Ashland to visit Mrs.
(Hick's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Heav
er. Mrs, Maupln roturncd Wedncsdny
from a week's outing at Clear lako
Douglas llunicy returned from Kla
math Kails tho first of tho week.
i: va n Maupln loft Tuesday for
Meel nwnmp for mi Indofltilto stay
I'oIps for the electric lights nro
being put up along highway to Ma
lln. Another Improvement for the
Mrs. Joe Kotcra's sinter Is visiting
her from Portland.
Minn Whlppto wan visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Klrkpatrlclr, stopping
here for a few days visit on her way
to Honolulu where she will teach
school next year.
Saturday afternoon, M. U. ltyck
man, state superintendent of hatch
orlos held a conference with mem
bers of the Klamath Hportsmons' an
itoclatloti In which ho said that
sheds and new troughs would bo
nddeil to tho equipment already nt
tho Cwwkcd Creek hatchery.
This means tho sportsmen of this
county aro to receive almost all
'they linked tho commlnnlon for and
to receive It ut once. In fact, work
on enlarging tho hutchory to doublo
Us present capacity In under way
now. This year 2,225,000 flub woro
hatched from tho spring run atono,
so with the added troughs It "will bo
nafo to nay that 4,000,000 spring
run eggs can bo hatched and plant
ed In the waters of Klamath county
without counting all of tho fall run
of eggs that will bo hatched at this
station nnd used In this county.
Counting 1,000,000 castorn broolg
eggs that will bo shipped In horo
this fall, and tho cntlmatcd tako of
rainbow eggs to bo taken In Octo
ber, moro than 4,000,000 eggs will
bo hatched at tho Crooked Crook
hatchery this year, nnd all plantod
In local wntors. '
A survey for a ditch to tap an
ununod spring 1,500 feet from the
hatchery wan run lant week, and
work on the ditch "will start at
once. Ilcnlden an attompt will bo
made to tup tho present springs
higher up on tho mountain side,
to Inereuno tho wnter supply. Tho
now troughs will bo placed under a
root on the outside of tho present
building and about two foot lower,
allowing tho ubo of wator from
nomo big springs that como from tho
mountain too low for use at present.
Tho troughs aro to bo placed with
tho view of shifting them to a now
building to be erected at a later
date, when tho finances of tho gamo
fund will warrant tho expenditure.
Itoqucst for a, now egg taking sta
tion at tho outlet of Diamond lako
and tho aboUshmont of tho prosont
titntlon wan granted, and material
has been sent to tiio lako for tho
construction of a now station and
troughs. Mr. Ityckman and John
Itnmndalo loft for thero today to
creel tho station.
Mr. Ityckman stated that In com
pliance with tho roqucst of tho
sportsmen, he hod arranged for the
uso of a pllo driver to construct
permanent rucks In Wood river and
Bovcn Mile crook. This should dou
ble tho ogg tako of tho county, as
In tho past tho racks In theno places
wcro moro or less mako-shirt, and
often washed ont during tho season.
This gives tho local association
about all It anked for except an ad
ditional gamo "warden, and tho com
mlnnlon advises that It has not tho
money on hand to grant that now.
To ovcrcomo this handicap several
of tho local nportsmen havo volun
teered to act an special wardens, be
lieving that tho fish and gamo aro
for all tho pcoplo, and that It Is
only by protection and prosecution
or tho gamo and fish hog this will
bo accomplished.
Along this Una It might bo well
to mention tho fact that the sago
ben In fast disappearing In this
county, duo to tho fact that a great
many hunters aro not observing tho
bag limit, but when they run Into
a covey tako all they can get In tho
faco of tho fact that It will only be
a few years whon, tho sport will
only bo a memory and tho younger
generation will be deprived of tbo
' Deer season will open Septembor
1st. Seo what you are shooting at
before you pull tho trigger, as a
great many lives aro lost annually
through hunters shooting at any
thing that moves In tho brush.
On August 1, 1.loyd Tucker wan In
stalled as superintendent of tho
hatchery. Supt. Tucker comes well
recommended as he was qulto suc
cessful In the Hood Ttlver district as
a trout hatcher. John Ilamsdall will
bo field supervisor and will attend
to the egg taking for the hatchery.
The fall Tun of tbo rainbow apawncrs
will soon begin and with tho addi
tional hatching troughs at tho Crook
ed Creole hatchery larger and more
successful run of flngcrllngs will re
sult noxt spring. Superintendent
Tucker has promised that tho output
of trout next year will will be greater
than at any time In tho past history
of tho hatchery.
Home mon Judgo by appearances,
but dotccttves Judge by disappearances.
Govt't Income Lower,
Expenses Are Norimd
shrlnkago In three months of S30t,
000,000 In tho estimated govern
ment Incomo for tho fiscal year M
dlscloiod In Secretary Motion's re
port to tho house, whllo the govsn-..
ment's expenditures decreased only.
Make Summer Cooking
Easier with Carnation
Milk Desserts
A frozen dainty
Cafe Mousse
Mix well together 2 cups of Car
nation Milk, 3 tablespoon fills of
powdered sugar, I tablespoonful
of vanilla, and lj of a cup of very
strong coffee; chill thoroughly,
then whip. Set the bowl in a pan
of ico water while whipping; take
off the froth as it rises. Turn the
drained whip carefully into a
mould, cover tightly, binding the
edges with a strip of muslin dipped
in melted butter, bury in ice and
salt for freezing. Let stand for
3 hours, wipe off mould, and turn
on serving dish;
SnJ for Carnation Cook Book containing'
100 practical tasUd raclpo. Carnation Milk
Product Co., 022 Railway Excitant Blag.,
"CooJfc wth Car
nation" and your
food will be fa
moui for flavor
andrichnett. The
convenience and
economy of Ihit
pure coxes milk
make it the ideal
milk for every
cooking purpoie.
In any recipe call
ing for 1 cup
milk, ute only y
cup Carnation to
Vl euV vater.
.ill Oroetrt Hilt Carnation ililk
'from ConttntfdCoict"
The Fastest Selling Tire
In America
Tbo Incrcaslnft popular ilemuiul for the I'lrcitone .Standard Mliili Inch tire over
n period of years li:n iilvii us hlittoluine. Our i'liint No. 2 devoted wholly to this size
tire wltluicup.iclty til Ift.OOO tires mid 20,000 tubes per duy cuts costs on every operation.
On Mnv 2. we dropped our price to JI3.W passlnft on to the or owner the full
benefit of this Mi sulcn volume and thin lul)or-r..ilni pl.uit. This tire has been our
ntundiiril for) ears four piles lonij staple fabric extra ftum between piles heavy
iiou-kkld tread. The greiucat talue eer tillered enr owners- Imlit on Firestone.
Our Cord Tire Values
Firestone Cord tlrero made exclusively In Plant No. 1. Our proccM of double
gum-dipping each ply of cord j',hcs thicker Insulation. The masshe non-skid tread,
with extra thickness where wear Is most severe, ftlvea real cffccthcncss In holdlnfi tho
car ugulnst slipping and adds many extra miles of sen Ice.
Firestone Cord tires are sold ut the lowest prices In cord
tire history! J0x3!.., $24.50; 32x4, J46.30; ilxllj, JM.90.
There are Firestone Dealers Everywhere to Serve You
have just received a
carload of fine monu
ments and markers, all
new designs. Stop and
look them- over.
1040 Main St
Grater Lake Picture
for Sale at
GEO. L. METZ, Jeweler
622 Main St. Phone 72
8th and Klamath
6th and Plum
Klamath near Ninth
Are You Prepared?
Fly Time Is Here
,We have a large stock of SCREEN
DOORS in three, designs, to fit all
regular door openings.
These doors are made of clear, kiln
dried, California white pine cov
ered with the best grade of rust
proof, galvanized wire, and put to
gether with hardwood wedge dow
els a patented process which
makes an exceedingly rigid door.
"Everything to Build With"
Phone 107 Main & Spring Sis
fi .
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