page rovn MONDAY, AUGUST , 10)91. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MWMWWVWVWMMMWWMMWMWVWVWMMWtMVWAMAAMMM CLASSIFIEDAOVERnSENENTS MISCELLANEOUS HHWWWW . 1 I.I. W . . W i W- . . 9 mmmmmmmm i i I i I i . mia- I . i i LOST Utile wblto poodle brown pot over right ore. Liberal reward (or return or Information. Lonvo nt Central Hotel. 6-9 FOR SALE Furnlturo lor 6-room houso. All now. Part cash, balanco reasonablo tormt. Phono 22S-M. (1.9 DRE8SMAK1N0 First class work. Mrs. Jefferson No. 2 Main, f-18 FOR SALE CHEAP Some furnlturo, also fruit jars, baby's nurory chair and bath tub. Phono 47IMV or 633 N. 9th St 6-S LOST Crank to Elgin car. Finder please leave at K. K. K. Store 6-8 FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms, 5 Do a night, $3 a woek at Hot Spring Hotel. 6-20 FURNITURE for 9-room houso tor ale. Fine location for rooming or boarding house A bargain, SOS Main St, 5-11 Will the two young men who called upon the operator at Star thcatro boat March Sth, 1921 to learn mov ing picture operating and electricity please write Ray O. Patch, Klamath Falls, Ore., very Important. 5-11 FOR SALE 4 ft. limb or body wood, eut this seaon, ?8.50 per cord de livered. Phone 152. 5-8 YOUNG MAN and mother, wishes position on ranch. Mother to cook. Both experienced. Man con milk. Box M, Herald Office. ' 5-8 LOST At cor. of 3rd and Klamath, a young Fox terrier puppy. Re ward If returned to 331 So. 3rd St. 4-8 POSITION WANTED Capablo girl desires work such as copying etc. in tome office. Box O. B. Herald of fice. 4-9 L WASHINGTON, Auc 8. An aotutceaent Is made of the creation of a division of transportation of the Joint congressional commission on agricultural inquiry. Donald D. Conn, First National Boo Line bank building, Minneap olis, la appointed in charge of this division. Ha for tome years hand led the statistical work for the SbevllB-Hlxon Lumber company In Central Oregon and northern Idaho. This joint committee Is investigat ing causes of the present condition of agriculture; the cause of the dif ference between the prices of agri cultural products paid to the pro ducer and the ultimate cost paid by the consumer; the comparatlvo con dition of industries other than agri culture :tbe relation of prices of commodities other than agricultural products to such products; the banking and financial resources and credits of the country and especial ly as affecting agricultural credits, the marketing and transport facil ities of the country. ' The division of transportation is to make a thorough analysis of. our rate and car service problems as they affect the prices of commodi ties which tbo agriculturists pro duce and utlllic. Mr. Conn has tho full authority of this commission to take whatever step may be necessary fully to ac quaint the commission with all of the facts Incident to tho transporta tion problem as ho may decldo or which may be pertinent to the is bom before this commission. Senator McNary of Oregon la a member of the commission. WDaL WELOOXB NKW CUTIZKNS TO THK U. S. GREAT FALLS, Mont., Aug. 8. In order to Impress upon nowly uat- IBM RATES DOINGS OF THE DUFFS 1 At a fit"! ! I BBBv DANMY. YOU GO TEIL WILBUR IF HE'S COIMG FI8HWS WITH ME H&U HAVe TO COME RIGHT AWAWi ii j. i a fi ?V f TzfiZM IFOR SALE Usod Dodge Roadstor. Dunham Auto Co. 4-10 FOR SALE Ftno cooking and eating apples nt Enterprise Ranch Phono 400-J. 3-13 Taxi and Transfer. Phono 517. 2-1G FOR SALE 7-foot cut McCorninck btndor, A-l coudltlon. Run cut a short time. Less than halt tho prlco of a now ono. Waltor ZoUinan, North sldo of Miller Hill, Klnmath Falls, Routo No. 1. 5-8 FOR SALE G tons of cucumbers, all slice, packed 'In gallon boxes. Small slto $1.50. dill slips I1.2G. largo slto 1,00 per box. Blackbor rles II. SO per crato from tho grow er. Send cash and wrlto name and nddrcsR plainly. Orders filled prompU i TIT V rVAAMnn Tl A 1a AV mj ' wu, wuiufaaata ve nsu- land, Ore. 3-9 FOR RENT Nice clean rurnlshod rooms for gentlomon In private family, uso of pnono and bath. 421 Oak, Phono 229-M. 2-8 FOR RENT Cnttlo or sheep, 65 acres rich hay and pasture land. C. O. Monoyhum, Ft, Klamath. 2-8 . A special sale on used machines, at the Singer Sewing Machine Of fice, 208 Main St. Homstltchlng dono. 2-8 PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISH WALL PAPKR W. E. AND J. K. PATTERSON Phone 19C-W. 127 N. 4th St. 1-31 CITY GARBAGE When yon want garbago removed, call 10F.20. FOR RENT DREAMLAND PAVILION Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights. Terms reasonablo, ap ply to Bert McDonald. ' 12tf Mako that ldlo dollar work! It 1 the bank. Put Census of Sea Lions in California to Be Taken This Sammer BAN FRANCISCO. Aug. S The government's method of taking a cen sus Is to count the adults and ask them how many children they have, but the commercial fisheries depart ment of the Caltftrnla Fbli and Game commission has developed on entirely new system, that of counting tho youngsters and estimating tho number of adults. Its census will start this yoar and will be an annual one, Instead of once every ten years. The commis sion, however, will stick to sea lions. . When the census enpmerator ap proach their districts, the Farallon Islands off San Francisco and Anno Nuevo Island in Monterey Bay, the adult males and females will Jump Into the water and swim array, fol lowing their usual custom, accord ing to N. B. Sxofield, head of tbo commercial fisheries department The pupa, a, xhe young sea lions are call ed, remain on the rockc a .tl aro counted easily. The commission, like Undo Sam, Is cnrlous to know Jnst how fast the population increases. y0t urallied aliens the Importance of American cltlienshlp, a series of wel coming meetings for newly made Amorlcan citizens is to bo hold in this city. It Is planned for break ers to explain to applicants for citi zenship on the night before their hearing what cltizonehlii in the United States Implloi, and on tht night following their admittance to citizenship tboy are to be the guests a a public reception. i Scott Loavltt, chairman of tho lo cal Americanization committee, Is completing arrangements tor the ceremonies. A bachelor says tbat marriage mv bo a euro tor lovoslcknon, but tho remody Is worse than be dfscaso. J -t ' W DID VOL . a t -r. . U..-.9 -. ..- r.- , y Jr C -77- J 'rU xz- t ' i'sxr i mm v maa OO-OPKRATK TO at-MlKWrr tout potato crop OALQARY, Attn,. Aug. 8. A o operative markotlng schorao for dis posing of this year's potato crop sim ilar to that In uso by Michigan and Minnesota 'groweni probably will bo tried out this season by Alberta growors. Jt 11, Hare, commissioner of murkotlng for tho department of agriculture recently returned front, n trip to Michigan, Mlnuosota and Ontario points during which ho In vestigated mothods usod tor handling, grading and shipping potatoes. It la proposod to start In a small way, tho department of agrlculturo working through tho Edmonton Pota to drawers' association, tho first of tho kind to organlie. , HISTORIC WAGON GARDINER, Mont., Aug. 8. An Interesting exhibit Is tho old Rocky Mountain stngo coach which has been on display In front of tho now Infor mation office nt Hot Springs. Tbo coach was captured by tho Indians In 1874, taken back again by Gonernl VVWVMMMWMMWVMMMMrr AN. INVESTMENT I havo several blocks of lots surrounding the Matin high school that I will soil tor business and reildontlal pur poses, thus .'fforlug to tho peoplo of Klamath county an opportunity to mako a roal In vestment. I will soil these lota for $75 and up, on the Installment 'plan, tho terms to suit tho' purchaser. No Inter est will bo charged and I will pay tho taxes until dood Is de livered to buyor. Malln is situated In tbo con tor of ono of tbo richest dis tricts In tho world. It Ix back ed by progrcsslvo tnd conser vatlvo cltliens. It has n futuro that assures development to a degree tbat will make this property worth meny times the prlco I am selling It for. When oil Is discovered, Malln will bo found to be In the very heart of tho field and tho biggest producers wilt be at Its door. If you aro looking for some thing that wyi pay you big returns, yon can make no mis take in buying Malln proper ty. For further Information, write or sea A. KALINA MALLN, Ore. JJulllnnr''l'l"-" BakedBms &r Limcil - baked hjusHh rghf-Vurn" ffie vay fheyr senwi Haste Makes Waste VES, HE'S COM IMG , A RUMNIKI' NOVk: 79Aefome&lkgen i!KJS3w-,:.,'-"ii,. ,-: Howard after a hot pursuit, carrlod Genoral Garfield before ho bocamo prestdont, Prcstdont Arthur In 1803 and Genoral Sherman In 1877. The conch iwns one of tho first to carry thu malls In the state of Mon tana. It first saw service botwetm llctvnn uud llotoinnn, when It inndo a weekly trip. Much tlmo Is wasted In tho attempt (o transform n wrinkle Into n dimple. Tlmo Is money; Hint's why tho man who owes you a llttlo bill promises to pay you In time. Thorn arc days whou vun tho phi loAupher Is unnbla to durlvo any real comfort from his phlloaophy. Mnkv that Idle dollar work! Put It In tlm hmik. - r Otifon'j ilitlitr Imtltution ol TECHNOLOGY lit lit Smnty DcpittrarnU FALL TERM OI'LNS SEIT. 19. 1921 Fill Ulplmlllwl Kiilf 10 Ik Rtf illlir Oregon Acricultiirnl College COKVAMIS 00iA0w0wwwwwwmm DR. a A. RAMBO Dentist l a o. r. BvtMtafl PHONE SI WILL- Take out Cellars or Fill la Lota CON MURPHY S17 Mortimer bt. Phone MMV FILZ' SCHOOL OK POPULAR MU8IO I bave constructed thru years of experlenco tho only courso that teaches you to play tho piano by NOTE and by EAR In 10 to 20 1m. sons. Wrlto for particulars, 701 11th St., Klamath Falls, Ore. Phone 367R. DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisscarrer PKomi bm Dr. P. M. Nod raomi Over Palfuurs Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 OUH CLEANING, PUK8SING ANli RJCPAUUNO WILL MAKE XOUB CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW HATH KK1ILOCKKD Goods Called for aad Delivered 481 Mala Street KUmata ValU DR. J. G. GOBLE The well-known Optician now located In K. D. Block, 1313 Main. Phone 263-M. EX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION' 0 Klamath Post No. 8, Amorlcan Legion moots at the City Hall on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. , Ex-service men are Invited to at tend the meetings. ' For membership cards or Informa tion ex-servlco men are roquestod to see or write tbo following efficers: J. H. Carnaban, Commandor. Roy N. Foucb, Post Adjutant. For rellof of employment sea or write the Chairman of The Rellof and' Employment Committee, Francis Olds, care Lakeside Lumber com pany. IMSORRS I KEPT YOU WAITING, TOM.BUT HrTaMroggraffi3j,ij i him jHiUJm- imn siii , vwa. k m i i , nnaHHMMMMBKJ KtttSftSttKSttBfKKKeJKSmKtKtUKSmimmaJu DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 821v I. O. O. F. Templo FRED WESTERFELD DHNTIBT Phoae 4I4W. X-Ray LooaU Bldg Labor ator , KlaaaaUa raits NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds la Our Suds" PHONE 154 Corner Main and Confer Klamath Falls Plumb ing & Heating Co. 1178 MAIN HT. PnONB B48-W MMMAAAMAAAAAAMWaMWMMMM Coe's 'Auto Service Hudson, Buick, and Dodge Can Country Trips a Specialty PHONR 1M United Cigar Store 680 MAIN 8TRKKT "" ...-----)rLnjnjla CHIROPRACTOR Dr. IoM O. nrldgee Over First State and Savings Bank Sultn 105 Thone 108-J Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C. E. STUCKEY RoGlaziny and Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine SAW MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer aad builders of mod era saw mills, pUatog mils aad box plants. Dredging. Pile driving. Phone 4M-W Office Corner Spring and Oak Near 8. P. Depot E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Phoae 17W 17R Moons 1 aad Whlta Balldtac DR. JL L. TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phone. 47 Night Phoae, SM GLOVER MAKES Your Watch Keep Time, 511 Main St. Klamath Falls I WHEE' ) ' r 3 Klamath Lodfa Na, Ml l o. o. r. Meets Friday night of aaek week at I, O. O. F. hall, Sth and Main Chaa. Newman .... J W, O. Wells ..V. O. O. D. Manguo ............nac W. D, Cofer ....,........ ........Tfeaa. ENCAMPMENT J. If. Houston .............. ...........Q. P If, V. nrown .......m...mmB. w. L. J. MeOlure -JHrta H, J. Mayer ................-..Treaaarer B.U. IJ.H.JHSHSSWB. Klamath Falls Cycle? We are here to serve yon, and aim to servo you rtghti Motorcycle and nirycles, Parts and Aceseoriaa. Tires and Tubes, tbat will stand your Inspection, aa wa carry th beat In our line. Repair shop la connection with Harley-Davldsoa Service. Pbajae S7 ltlO Mala St. Klaiaia FaUs C E. BWMARK J. O. CLKGHORN CIVIL RNQINBRR AND 8URVETOR Phone 1I3J lsV.8. Riverside PELICAN BAT BUS Fare IB aaek war Leave Rax Cafe Laavea PaMeaa OR 7:41 a. . ato a, at. 11:45 p. as. lt0,sB. 6:00 p. m. 1:10 p. m. RecaarS Res Phoae T7 ll-tf Excavating Teaming Let ns make yoa a prlc ea dig ging that basement, or ether ea cavatlng you coatemplat. Wa alM do team work of every description. Phone 426V DR. G. A. MASSEY foortb aad Plat Baa, In Warren Bant Hospital Off. Phoae 417 Rat. Faeaa IIM P0m0W00WWWWm evswaW Office Phone 1T7W Raa 17TR Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart PhyslrUa and Sarga) White Ilalldlac Klamath rails OrefW p... m mMmmm0f0wtwi00mM L. D. Gass( M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND TKROAT OLASSES FURNISHED Warrra Hunt Hospital Pfcoa 4St Re. White Pelican Hotel. Thorn DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND SURQJSOst I. O. O. W. Balldtac t Paoa SS6 Keelttonce IBS Ito St. Phono SDO.Il. CHIROPRACTORS DRS. MALLETT AND MALLETT OFFICE OVER UNDERWOOD'S Phone MO-. leveatb 4 Household Furniture OOODS OF ALL KINDS OUR PRICES RiqitT We Duy, Bell and Exchange. Cor. Sixth and Klamath Av. DICK'S 41 CO. i, .J i J- i,, iiira 'Tbo Host Insurance for Every Head' CALKINB-DONELSON INSURANCE AGBNCT WINTERS UUILDINO Phone 0B0-W. W can serve you Insurancewlsa. CLARA R. CALKINS. MOLLIB S. DONBLSON. BY ALLMAN it :.' 0. II.' Jt hi. I ro u