MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1M1. PAI WO The Evening Herald In Ye Olde Home Towne THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON - '.J. 'MURRAY 'BOULB .-..Editor City Editor Published Mir except Sunday, by Tke Herald Publishing. Company ot Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Street. - tared at the poatottlee at Kla lavatfc Falla, Ore., (or transmission ttrvsgh the malla aa aocond-clasa Batter. MKMBEl OP Tnw ASStOCIATKD FIIK8S. Tb Associated Tre-a li exclusively larlU4 to the use lor republication C all news dispatches credited to It, r net otherwise credited In this Mver, and also the local news pub Maher 'horeln. ' MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1021. ,' . r .c JSs? I Y irm Worfr Hseo AM eAR "TRWrtPeT To HBAJ IrtB 3ooN j xcJ YP-.Z KA. JlL? V-rll I I li I i (C j&BSiSX T??T??.4L.vw-. cvRbv jfcTTrvi ... tsiiiamiH i TAIWi JOE HULK SHOVED ED3)MP00N3 HIRED MAN HOWDEMPSEY PLACES Hi) FAMOUS KNOCKOUT PUNCH. BRITAIN LOST IN TRYING TO TIIK HOTTEST DAY The mercury achieved the altl tade record (or the season yester day, when the thermometer at the reclamation service station register od 96 'degrees. The previous miixl Bium was 94 degrees. Crippled 'Lad Happy the Hospital in The letter below was written by a small Klamath county boy from the hospital (or crippled children In Portland. Through the efforts of the county .health nurse, this child has high hopes ot becoming, some time In the future, a useful citizen ot tho county, and, It the spirit In which tho letter Is written survives, a happy one, too. "Portland. Ore., July 28, 1921. "DearMother, Father and Beber "I am fine, hope you aro. 'loo. They have taken measurements for splints, and say. In the morning, I wash and eat before I dress. I have nothing to do but have a good time. Say, mamma, will you send my purse, handkerchiefs, comb and watch chain? "Bebo, haw's old Chinese and Peach Blossom and the people And IJjtl, hoWs old Snukums? O, mam ma. Doctor Dllly Hunt played pitch with mo. " "I have had an ox-ray picture of my right hand, right knee and right hip. O, say, how's old Kip? And Don Boy? Have you seen Dutch? Has Sol taken the books home? Have you Got the brown bull? Has the cat run off tho track any more? Have you had any Jums with the car? One ot our friends Is going home, and, say, my anklo hurts no more; and a doctor give me another examination. I don't know any mora news. "So, goodbje. As ovor, your lov Ins sun, t N NT "Write soon." Survey Complete on Williamson-Chil. Link Judge Bunnell and Commissioner Asa Fordyce last week had tho sur vey from the Williamson river brldgo urrcs to Chlloquln completed uhd n letter from tho engineer In charge or tho survey, stated that the dis tance will be 4 3-4 miles, with one portion, about 600 re"ot with n t. grado, ono small raise with a 5 grado and tho balance almost levol Judge Bunnell stated that the con struction ou this road would begin, as, soon as funds wero .available. Tills survey, he added, would make a direct connection with The Dalles California stato highway and was possessed of many inonoy saving fea tures for tho county over another route which was suggested to the county court. The Touto which tho court reviewed scarcoly had any nrado" outsldo tho two places whuro tho 5 and C per cent grade existed. SUIT ON NOTE Suit has been tiled In tho circuit court by Henry Schneider against John D. Morgan and S. H. Francis for tho collection ot 'an .alleged un paid noto amounting to $000, due Jane 21. Interest at 8 por cent from December 21, 1920 tand attor ney fees for 1160 are sued for by the plaintiff. Huld Washington llurran WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. Over In England, tho controller and auditor general has becu checking up on tbo costs to tho nation Incurred In gov ernment adventures In business and trade during the war. As reportn.l by tho consulate general at London to tho bureau ot foreign and domestic commerce, an official blue book ius been Issued presenting somo of the results. Precisely ai In tho United States, the statistics show that the government In business fulled dis tressfully. A review of some ot the Important findings In the blue book which does not purport to be complete, indicate a loss on only a tow ot the opera tions aggregating moro than 8S15, 58 1,609, but thcro are profits shown In other lines. 1-roflt ta Liquor Traffic Par example, the liquor truffle In Great Britain was under government al-control and shows a profit to thn government of $3,371,142. In other words, the government mny he suc cessful as a barkeeper hut not as a food merchant. Tho government Insurance business also showed fat profits. On marine Insurance, tbo premiums paid by the Insure exceeded the losses and tho costs ot operations by 40,'J76,190. The government also Insured proper ty owners, and Individuals against losses by bombardment from tbo air or sea .and In thU elans of business It netted a profit of Jt, 187,166. But tbo figures presented for the food ministry aro lamentable. The operations of tho wheat comniU'Ion alone produced a loss of $77.:ilS. 41. Tbo blue book assorts that tho pcrclso loss on the bread subsidy tor two and a halt years to March 31 , 1920, cannot be ascertained, "but It exceeded that of tho wheat eommls slon's operations." Hero tnen ..ire losses In these two clasirs aggregat ing more than $754,637,000. Battleship Oregon Offered to State WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. Assist ant secretary of the navy Koosevolt has notified Hcproacntntlvo Slnnott, that the stato of Oregon can havo the battleship "Oregon" for all tlmo ns a memorial or training ship, pro vided the navy department Incurs no expense. Neither Portland nor the stato havo funds available for the purposu and prlvato subscriptions now seems unlikely. WEATHER RECORD I Heroattor Tbo Herald will publish the mean and maximum tempera- ures and precipitation record as tak en by tho U. S. Reclamation service tatlon. Publication will covor the day previous to the paper's Issue, up to & o clock or tne day. HID THE NUT PORTLAND WOMAN COUM) NOT I,IKT CUP OK TKA TO MPS WITHOUT HPlLMNtl IT "I nm willing to Join with those who aro tolling about their cxpcrl enco with Tnnlac, tor tho mora poo- plo know uliout this wonderful mod iclno tho less Buffering thcro will bo," said Mrs. Mary A. Chambors, 183 V, Park nvenuo, Portland, Oro. "It- seems that almost everything undor the shining sun was tho mat ter with mo. First I wns nporatod on for appendicitis, then I began having lumbago so bad I could hardly move and my back folt tlko It -would break In two. I had no nppetlle to epeak of, would never oat any breakfast, and the llttlo I uto at olhor meals 'seemed to do mo moro harm than good. My nerves wero In such awful condition that I shook like I had tho patsy, and my hands trembled m I couldn't lift n full cup ot lea to my mouth with out spilling It, I lost flesh until 1 weighed only ninety pounds, and was so weak that It would tiro me out to walk moro than a few slops "Tanlac helped tue right from thn start, and 'I haven'o had a bad day since t finished my first bottle. est heartily threo times a day and ocn take a snack between moals. I have gainod twenty pounds in weight and have picked up strongth so that I can do a hard dny's house- cleaning without getting tired. I'm well and happy today, and I praise Tanlac from the bottom ot my heart " Adv. KOll HUNT -Beautiful largo front room. Private entrance, bath and phone. 512 N. 9th St- 8-13 Aug, Aug. 2 .. Aug. 3 .. Aug. 4 Aug. 5 .. Aug 6 ., Aug. 7 . 1 Max .. 88 .. 86 '.. 89 .. 89 .. 90 .. 94 .. 96 Mln. 55 El 56 50 66 57 61 Precipitation 7 NEW TODAY o 1 FOll RENT 5-room modern fur . nlshed house. Phone 147-M. Ap- tly 1129 Lincoln. 8-D FOIt SAM. 11920 490.Cbcvrolet, fully equipped with accessories. Now car guarantee. ' With an Autographic Kodak the date ami title may be written on each film at the time the picture is made. This autographic feature is exclusively Eastman and every Kodak has it. For pictures on the motor trip, snap-shots of the children, in fact foralmost any type of picturc.thc title, in the years to come, adds much the date even mui c. l'hotogriphy cxpcnilve Ixxk st the price ugi In our KoJik win Jew or better still loet: over the line. I'xpcnilvef You never got luch luting plcnure at hj mull coit. Kodaks $8.00 up Brownies $2.00 up W'v-, KLAMATH FALLS OREGON tftJ?w I V WHeftC PAKTKULAft PCOPLC m I i.CTv I "UV TMttR ORUOSV lAgrJjUdvl 1 1918-Bulck Six. Flvo tires. Car A-l condition. now 1 1918-Bulck Four, viiaranlund first class condition. Heal bargain. Inquire of J. C. WJtiailT Oil IIUICK HALKi AND SERVICE CO. .7TIL. AND KLAMATH AVK. tt A good bed and a good bath at Colonial rooms, 11th near Main St.. und nt Colonial annox, 741 Walnut Ave. All outsldo airy rooms, S FOR SAM- Ono brand new 30-30 Savage, rlflo and 3 boxes of sholls, $40. See F. Nasor, Holland Hotel. 8-10' FOR BALK OR RKNT 5-room mod- I crn houso, furnished. Ono lot on pnvoment, good location, both rhnap, I alio new $56 refrigerator, $30 Call 1492-11. 8-1 ! WANTKI) Someone to put up 150 acres of hay on shares, being irut and shocked now. Will Inaso tbi ranch which Is good dairy ranch.. Inquire. H. W. Roberts, i00 Valley.) Postofflrc, Bonanza, 8-10 WANTKD Uundry to do at home Phono 322-R, or call nt 1236 Look out Ave. 8-10' FOR BM.K 3 male goats, A moaths (lit; I temaln goat, 2 years old Inquire K. Ww Roberts, Poo Valley. Postotflca, Bonanxa. 8-1 0 FOR SALE A-l paying business. New and secondhand goods. Will sacrifice Right man. Snap. Seo Olck 6th und Klamath Ave. 8-9 FOR RENT 3-room furnished honse. 1021 Washington. 8 FOR SALE A-l ton truck. Will sell cheap or trade. What have you? Seo Dick 6th and Klamath Ave. 8-9 FOR SALE Astrakan npples, this unol' nt nltl HrnUn nlnrn f.f) Prill. n.-I, " " ,...., www ww..' ger Ave S-10 EXPERIENCED hotel woman wants position. Phone 172, call R. M 21. 8 Colonial ono room cabins for house keeping. 741 Walnut Avo. 8 N$ .. ... nVtrA KODAK WORK Zl LeayeYour Films Before 9 OciocK-Your A.M- Pictures are ready ai" 6 p.t v jrvLAimin tajlls urctiuurt V I WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE pur.tvI BUY THEIR DRUGS Iaccuwacv) t THE SACRED HEART ACADEMY KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. ' a'.' - 4"M-4M-44-H ALTURAS-SUSANVILLE STAGES- Leave Union Taxi office 8 o'clock Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mornings ' Phone 424-J for reservations Large cars ;; AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION CONDUCTED BY The Sisters of Charity "Without Cost or Expense to the City or County The Courses of Instruction are according to the Oregon School Law, and are entirely without Religious prejudice, and the advantages of training and educa tion are accorded, to pupils without regard to Creed or Belief. TKllMS Tuition, Day Scholars 9 JI.00 per month Hoard and Tuition .'. 980.00 per Inentli This Includes board, laundry and ordinary medicine. For two children, 923.00' per month. JFor doctors' calls tho local tea Is charged. Klufllc Lessons '. 97.00 per month. Ho j s from 0 lo 1-1 yours, Hoarding Department SCHOOL REOPENS SEPTEMBER 6, 1921 Address or Apply to SISTER SUPERIOR for further information. 4