The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 08, 1921, Image 1

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Member of the Associated Press,
l'lftrwnUi Year. .No. not) I
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, 'tinnMiaf;!
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Jack Morrison, Olenn Reynold and
Lllllo Bennington wnrn arrested nonr
North Rnavnr marsh Into icstorday
aftornoon by Deputy Sheriff Mnrlnn
llarnos, Charles Wldby and C. C5. Low
and brought to tbo county ill (or
Tho mn arn alleged lo be tho per
sons who held up, Mr. and Mm. It, K.
K rem en of Portland and n ptMPiiKer
nnrnod Hurry Hall August D The
Bennington .woman wan not charged
with thn crime and shn stated Hint
ahn wan Juitt out on a ramping trip.
Ilhe It being hold with tho mon how
ever until after Mr. and Mm. ICro
mers and Harry Hall havo an impor
tunity to comn hero and try 13 Identi
fy tho men an their assailant. Dep
uty Hhorlff Hawklnii tcolphoned them
at Diamond lako to comn hero at
once and look at tha auspecti.
No attempt was niado by tho prl
sonor to resist arrest nnd whan
questioned whether they had held up
thn part of Murium from HcnJ
August 4, nnd looted a ,vck train
belonging to them, both mm d'tiled
thn chance,
Evidence altcKod lo havo been
Bothered at Ft. Klamath by thn dep
uty hcrlff was that nearly fbO
waa Rpent by the party for provl
nlons there, which conforms to the
amount taken away from tin Kro
mora party. A bill for SCO worth
-of provisions nt Jacksons' torc nlono
.was found on thn men and '.tin pur
chases woro mndo Bnturday after
Deputy Hhorlff Barnes, who Inves
tigated thn robbery of tho pack train
belonging to thn Mszamas whllu at
Kt. Klnmath, believes that, this slory
waa contused wllh thn rnhhory of tho
Kremern. Thn sheriff's offlco report
ed that thn Kremors" party would
probably nrrho hero thU evening,
Mnko that Idlo dollar work! lut
It In tltn hank.
C. of C. Will Send
Large Delegation
To Medford Meeting
"Klttmuth Falls Dny," uccordlm; to
tho Information Riven nut at tho
chatnbnr of commnrco today, will bo
properly ohtiorvcd In Medford Wed
nesday. Thn chumbor of commnrco
In Medford havo plunned to show
thn vIsltlnR Klnmnthltos ull tho
slghtit nnd linprovo friendly rotations
existing botwoon tho two cities.
A. It, Collins is busy now socurlng
tho names of thn pooplo from horn
who will form tho party .to roprcsont
Klamath Falls and It Is hlg plan to
havo u vary cwdltablo showing pro
sont nt tho Modiord forum Wednes
day, President Hnll of tho local
chambor will dnllvor nn address at
this meeting In which n perfect un
derstanding rolutlvo to tho tourist
distribution problem wilt bo settled
and no further misinformation will
ho ablo to bo charRod up to either
In connection with tho mooting of
the ehnmbcr. tonnls gnmoH will bo
played by tho stars from Mndford,
Klamath Falls nnd a soloctod group
from Marshtluld, Tho plan for tho
tournnment Is to hnvn tha first sots
played In tho afternoon of August
10 nnd thn finals In the foronoon of
August 11. Klamath Falls will be
ropresontcd by Muyor W. S. Wiley,
Charles Hall, Burgo Mason, . Fred
Baker, W. V. Marshall, J. E, Eiulors,
W. 0, Vnn Emon and A. B. Epper
son. W. T. Loo nnd A. B. Coljlns woro
solocltlng tho nnmos todny of thoso
who can nttond this twofold occasion
at Mod'ford and stato that thoy will
npnroelnto notification from uuyono
who can gri Wednesday,
Free Market Success
Say Promoter; Plan
To Retain Manager
Saturday's free, market oxpnrlmont
has convinced thn backers of thn plan
of Its ultimata nticcem and they have
set out to parted an organization,
starting with tha selection of Mrs.
Hon Bend as permanent manager of
the tnarkot and Mis Momyor as
treasurer . Tha first object Is lo
raise a small fund to pay thn man
ager's salary for tho noxt wcok, $25.
After tho first week It Is hopod that
a small profit can bo added to each
sale to make thn marknt self-supporting.
Chris Blanss, originator of tho
freo mnrkot plan, started thn sub
scription this morning with IS, nnd
Invites others who fool Inclined to
help to leavo donations with thn
Tho weaknoss of Saturday's mar
ket waa thn lack of produce, but
many farmers who wore dubious of
succcrs, when they saw thn army of
consumers promised to havo producn
on hand next Saturday. Tho market
will open earlier noxt Saturday, prob
ably about 8 or 8:30.
Mrs. Bend plans a tour of farms
this week to outline (ho alleged ad
vantage of thn frcn mnrkot plan
to producers. If somo ono will donato
a car for ho trip. Auto ownors can.
get In touch with her by calling
H.VW. She would like to make tbel
trip tomorrow or noxt day.
Next Saturday, said Mr. Blanas, It
Is planned lo4have tomatoes, .peach
es and other fruits In considerable
quantity, besides local
Elks Hold Another
Dance Next Thursday
To satisfy tho demand created by
tho success of the last dunce, tho lo
cal Elks lodgo Is giving another out
door danco Thtirsdoy evening nt tho
Dreamland pavilion.
Thn arrangements committee de
rided to forngo mailing Individual
Invitations for this ovont, and nn In
vitation to Elks and their ladles, gen
erally, Is published clsnwhern In this
paper, which while perhaps not so
formal a mothod Is equally nB cordial
as If sealed and nddresscd.
Tho young son of Oliver Klunry,
who resides near Olene, met with an
odd accident yesterday whllo swing
ing. Tho little follow had u stick
In his mouth and In somo way fell
out of tho swing, lighting In such a
way as to run tho stick down his
throat nnd break It. Tho boy was
rushod to tho hospital and thu, brok
en ploco of stick removod. Kxcopt
for n badly brulsod mouth thor won
no other Injury.
WKKD, Cal., Aug. 8. Word has
boon rocoivod hero of tho mnrrlago
In n San Francisco hospital, whero
tho brldo Is a patlont, of Miss Oladys
Bollcu nnd Allen Whlto, both of this
Whlto Is In tho employ of tha
Weod Lumbor company, being a
brothor of J. M. White, tho mana
ger, Mrs. Whlto Is tho daughter of
Louis Belles of Mt. Hebron.
Miss Vlolot McCollum of Dorrls,
California, nnd Horaco Sargout of
Portland, .woro married July 10 at
Kalama, Washington. From tbero
thoy motored to 'Seattle with thu
brldogroom's sistcd and her husband,
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Swlhiirt,
POUTI.AND. Aug. S. Cattlo 25
to CO conts lower, atoors G to $6.50;
hogs steady and unchangod, shoop
35 to 50 cents higher, oast mountain
lambs $C.C0 to $7.7.5, oggs woak, 20
and 8t) cents, butter firm and scarce
LOB ANUKXK9, Aug. 8. "Black
Jack" Pershing may attend tbo
Ninety-first's ro-unlon, to bo bold' In
Los Angeles, September '24 th and
A cauio dear to tho hoart of tho
former head" of tho American expedi
tionary forces and present chief of
staff of tho United States army, (Ion
oral John J. Porshlng (as Is morn
formally known) will be advanced
by his presence at the get-together of
tho Wild West division. J. W. But
pben, one-tlmo aldo to the genoral,
points out In a letter of Invitation
Just forwarded to him at Washing
ton. "We trust you will bo present,
not only because of tbo honor It
would con for upon us, but also bo
causo of tho help your presenco
would bo to us In thn reorganization
of tho Ninety-first division as ono of
tho reservo divisions of thn ninth
army corps," tho lettor says. Persh
ing Is endeavoring to got every man
who served during war time to Join
tho reservo.
Assembly of tho colors and stand
ards of tho various units of the di
vision, 3lst; 362nd, 363rd, 364th Infantry,-
346th, 347th and 348th ma
chine gun battalions, 316th cnglnoers
and 346th, 347th nnd 348th flold sr
tlllory at tho reunion is planned
They will bo prcnonted to General
Porshlng'ln what Is declared to those
who witnessed It in Franco to bn one
of the prettiest and' most Impresslvo
military roiomonles there Is: a cere
mony which never has been perform
ed In this country.
Governor Stephens, of California,
onco of tho 361st Infantry, has also
boon invited to thn reunion.
Boy E. Naftzger, general chairman
of tho gathering, Is to Invito gover
nors of six other wdstont states
which sent mon Into tho Ninety-first
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Mon
tana, Utah and Nevada.
Note Roy K. Naftzger, chairman
of arrangements ,lg said to bo a for
mor Klamath Falls boy, having lived
hero with his father who was tho
first managor of tho local otflco of
the Klamath Dovolopraont company.
Transmission Line
to Malin Will Be
Finished Saturday
Malln will havo olcctrlc lights Sat
urday It nil goes as woll In tho con
struction of tho California-Oregon
company's power Una extension from
Adams Point as It has gone so far,
said J. C. Thompson, managor of tho
local (Tuislon.
Tho construction crow is out for a
record and, dcsplto hard digging that
has been oncounterod In spots, ex
pect to comploto tho fivo miles of
line In ton days. Work started about
tho mlddlo of last wcok.
Tbo danco held at St. Cloud near
Sblpplngton was stopped after 12
o'clock Saturday ovonlng by orders
from tho police department of this
city owing to tbo fact that both tho
city and stato laVs do not permit
dancing to bo couducted on tho Sab
bath dny and no permit was secured
tor n publlo danco at St. Cloud by
tho promoters. ,
OALCJAnV, Canada, Auf. 8. Tho
body of Dr. W. E. Stone, president
of Purduo university who lost his llo
July 18, on a mountain scaling trip;
hnn been recovered;
Oil has been struck In paying quan
tities by tho Northern Counties Oil
company, located 17 miles from Pe
trola In California 6n the Upper
Matola district, according to tbo
statoment raado today by Charles
Olacomlnl of Petrola, twbo Is hero,
for n visit with his daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Tho nowspapor reports, according
to Mr. Olacomlnl, bavo all designated.
Kuroka sg tbo scene of tho strike
but It Is only becauso tbo Northern
Counties Oil company havo their of
fices located thero, not their wells,
that tho credit Is given Eureka.
Mr. Olacomlnl statod that the well
would not bo drilled further nntll
retainers nnd steel tanks could be se
cured to tako care of tha oil which
was broken Into on August 2. Tho
officers of tbo company say that the
oil which they found will have a val
no ranging from $28 to $35 a barrel
nnd that the oil Is high test with par
afflno base.
Drilling was started on the proper
ty of E. J. Athera near Petrola on
May 1 and when the drill hit be
tween the COO and 600 foot .depth,
oil seepago was encountered. On
May 20, when tho drill was between
700 and 800 feot, trouble was ex
perienced and a rlmmer delayed drill
ing operations until casing was driv
en by It. From thero on until tho
1700 foot level was reached no oil
was found but blue shalo was pene
trated with oil evidences showing
plainer every day. Last wcok, when
1900 feet was drilled, oil seepago
became strong, and at 1930 feet, op
erations stopped as thn drillers sta
ted It was dangerous to proceed fur
tbor for it a heavy gushorwas found,
thero was no means to stem it. Pres
sure from gas waa so strong that or
ders woro Issued forbidding smoking
within a quarter of a mllo of tho rig.
Botwcen tho hours of 12 and 2 o'clock
last Tuesday morning, 30 gallons of
oil was socurod which showed tho
high gravity nndt tho parntfino baso
clearly. Just what lays beneath this
cnpplng will bo determined when tbo
company can save tho flow. As soon
as tho rctalnors and tanks aro placed
on tho ground, tho woll will bo prol
cd for a gusher which, tho officers
say, will bo a heavy ono. Judging
trdm tho tremendous gug pressure
Tho Northorn Counties Oil com
pany was Incorporated by F. M. Roy
nols for $150,000 and at tho tlmo
when the strlko was made, $60,000
In treasury stock was still unsold. A
rush by outsldors was mado to got
thlg stock but Prosldcnt Roynolds
and Treasuror W. F. Kinsman refus
ed to sell it and turnod it over for
disposal to the original purchasers
for additional buys at $1 per share
for 30 days. After that time, outsid
ers can socuro what Is left. Mr,
Olacomlnl stated that as all tho or
Igisal buyors wero taking tho balance
fast it waa doubtful If any stock
would fall into outsido possession,
Whllo tho exact flow has not b'ecn
cstlmatod at tha tlmo whon Mr.
Olacomlnl left homo still President
Roynolds told him that the present
strlko would be a good paying pro
position for tho Investors. The Hum
boldt Oil company are now drilling
on the old Qoutchler placo 5 mllea
out of Petrola and three other com
panies aro being organized to drill
on Davis" Creek, Capetown and Oil
Crook. Samples of the oil wero sont
for today by Mr. Olacomlnl who
plans to remain horo as a guest tf
Mr. and Mrs. Garcolon.
OREGON Tonight and Tuesday
gonerully cloudy; moderate westerly
All Barbers Agree
to Price Reduction;
Now Up to Union
Foarlng complications with' tbo
union should the proposed reduction
In tho price of shaves and halrtau
announced by tho Central barber
shop last wcok go Into effect today
without general ratification the em
ploying barbers held a mooting last
night and agreed upon a scale of re
ductions to bo nubmlttcd to the onion
this week. r r
The' union. It Is said, realizes that
thero Is a strong public demand for
the reduction and ban expressed will
ingness to meet the employers fair
ly. Tho now price scale Is the same a(
proposed by L. J. Bean, proprietor of
tho Central shop, with a. couple of
extensions. It reduces tho price of
shaves from 35 to 25 cents; haircuts
from 75 to 65 cents; plain shampoo
from 65 to 60 cents; Montecello mas
sago from $1.50 to $1.00, and shoe
shining from 20 16 15 cents.
"I have not receded from my posi
tion that prices must come down,"
said Mr. Bean today, "but I have no
desire to bo arbitrary. Employers and
employees who met last night agreed
that it the Central shop would delay
tho prico cut for a week, the matter
would bo adjusted without friction
and thero would be a general redac
tion to conform (with the prices I an
nounced hereafter to be chargejrtla
the Central shop.
"By waiting a week" ire avoid frlc
tloa"and the harmony that' lust' al
ways marked the employers' rela
tions with oach other and with the
union will not be disturbed and hav
ing every assurance that tho matter
would be satlffactorlnly adjusted In
a week, I believe it Is best to wait.
This may disappoint customers who
resd my announcement of the pro
posed price redaction but I believe
they will readily see tho Justlco of
my position.'
It was said today thst a special
meeting of the barbers union would
bo hold tonight to consider adjust
ment of existing contract. Represent
atives ot the union last night gave
assurance that employees would bear
their share in tho reduction.
No More Warnings
For Law Violators
"No arrests wero made by the of
ficers Saturday or Sunday tor vio
lations ot tho auto laws," stated Traf
fic Otflcor McLaughlin to a reported
today. "When tho people here slide
back Into their former carolessncm
and wo warn them .that a campaign
is coming on, all ot them fix up for
Inspection. So we will not glvo any
future warnings and will make "ar
rests any tlmo a violation exists. The
newspapers have been good to tho au
tolsts but telle them for tbe traf
fic department, "watch your auto
lights and do not speed."
Arranging to Pay
Shanahari Debts
A meeting of tho creditors ot
John and Ben Bbanahan was held
last week In tbe office ot Rutenlo &
Yaden, in -which J. J. Van Kuelen
ot Lakeview waa selected as trustee.
Bend was placed at $5,000, which
was secured by Van Kuelen Satur
day. '
The creditors decided to havo the
hay crop put up and the routine
work ot the property continued.
Tho receiver, W. W. Flnley, was as
sured that some $400, contracted by
him as expenses in this ca&e would
bo paid, and Investigation showed
that assets ot about $10,000 above
the secured debts were present 'upon
which no lien existed. About $18,
000 Indebtedness was listed with the
trustee by creditors. Other claims
aro still to be filed, and It appeared
from, tho present survey of tho as
sets that between 20 and 25 cents
will bo paid .on the dollar to creditors.
' .
EUREKA, Cal., Aug-, i. Fefiy
seven of the passengers and crewlof
the steamer Alaska, which I
Saturday night after striklar Slant's
reef, are definitely reported as miss
ing. ThU Includes 17 known dead
whose bodies are In the morgae here.
Of the missing 35 are passemgwa
and 12 are members ot the crew. The
fatalities were caused by the exnle
slon or the hollers as the shlfe snnk
and by the capsizing ef a llrsioat.
The Alaska carried 131 passengers
and 82 men In tbe crew. The steam;
er Anyox, rescued 166 persons sad
brought them here. The :17 bodies
were recovered by the tug Ranger.
Among the survivors are aft. M.
J. Aloers and Mrs. J. Stone, both ot
Toledo, Ore.: K. Dyer and dasghter,
Irene, need 5, of L Grande, Irene
drifted Jn the wreckage far eight
hears,- elmgtatT to n life belt. Mrs,
Dyer and IwlasJ aged six, arc attentat.
Others from'Oregen who are astiabtf
are Rath Hart of Pa41eten sad Jean
sj n)JyVfeitt OC ,, sTsMWBJB'ple r
,( 6. J. HooMer ad BerthA Ties,
iwn to le''fwm?erse; aamap
their address Is unknown', are miss
ing. The Identified dead are.
Thoeaae Johnston, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mrs. Walter lu Johnnon, Portland.
J. O. Jakway, Oakland, Cal.
K. Fkkall, Urn Angeles.
A. M. Hatrhlnson, Han Frandeco,
Mrs. J. VT. Oliver, 8aa Jonr.
H. Kanuuutwa.
OBsrle Tesuus chief steward.
F, H. Kiaf , steward.
Frank Comas, WtnaJaea;.
Ralph J. Kockett, Red BtnxT, Cat.
Lanes), eectnerr, Portland.
Baldwin, beU boy.
' Deckhand, waiter nnd one seamen,
namra unknown. S1' "
While the Bat ef dead and raisalBg
is placed unofficially at 47. the ac
tual loss may never be known as the
purser's records went down wth the
ship. All that la definitely known of
the lost Is thafir bodies are In the
morgue, leaving 30 missing, of which
at least 27 were passengers.
Many bodies were so covered with
oil that they had to be washed in
gasoline before they could be ldentl-
fled. Tho oil from the sinking ship
caused the death of many, as It sat
urated their clothing and they slip
ped from tbe arms ot rescuers who
tried to draw them from the water.
Captain Harry Hobey Is believed
to have gono down with the ship.
A dense fog.prevalled when the ves
sel struck. Excellent discipline waa
maintained while tbe boats were be
ing launched and the passengers got
ten Into thorn.
Weather Probabilities
. ' T
The Cyclo-Stormagraph at
Underwood's Pharmacy contin
ues to register a high .barometric
pressure, the line upon the In
strument showing scarcely any
movement for several days. The
Indications, therefore, are favor
able for continuation ot present
weather conditions.
Forecast for next 24 heurs:
Continued fair and- warm.
The recording Tycos ther
mometer has registered tbe fol
lowing .temperatures'today.
Low 55, high 84. (Reading tak- '
en at 3 p: in.) '
Yesterday wag tho warmest
flay thus far this year, a temper
pture of 92 degrees being1 reg-
isteredttfaout i p. ra'.'
i -4
r jp