FAOIO rVl I tfMDAV, AUGUST B, 1MI "!j-jjj.-.-ir.-r--i---r--rri-i ,-r.vr.-. .-. j .-.-.-.-.-. i ' ,...w.m....wiw .m . ! mwm.w.mmwwwwwy Ed. V. Price & Co.'s New Fall THE EVENING HERALP, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Vlfr j U i Wir-rr r3 KHrfi lltCD !! d KimmWi. k3racjg s and Winter Samples. Are Here NEW STYLES NEW PATTERNS NEW, PRICES Hundreds of beautiful woolens to choose from. Get a suit made to your own individual measurements and your own ideas carried out as to how you want a suit made. We guarantee to fit you perfectly and to satisfy you in every detail, or we will not let you have the suit. We have made clothes for hundreds of others, wh y not you? We Are Local Agents for Ed. V Price & Co. largest tailoring establishment in the world. Built from a small begin ning to its present size on honest business methods and right prices. Their guarantee along with ours will insure you of satisfaction. Come in and let us show you what a good tailored to measure suit we can give you for a small price. , K t& , M LEADING , CLOTHIERS Macdoel Man Badly injured in Fall DORRI8, Cal., Aug. 5. A. llor nartfc, aged (3, ii la tho Dorria hos pital tn m critical condition as tho result of Injuries sustained Wednes day at Macdoel when he (ell 20 feet from a ladder while working In a ay barn for the Butto Valley Land company. Besides serious Internal Injuries and probable spine Injuries, Bornartb has a broken collar bono and aewral smashed ribs. The accident occurred Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock as Mr. Bor nartb was climbing a ladder Into n bay loft. His foothold slipped as bo was hurled SO feet from tho ground oaaelng him to fall first agalnBt a projecting girder and thence to the flpOT. , Local officers havo' peen unable ti establish telegraph connection with his brother and sister In St Paul. University People , on Touring Trip 'X group "of University of Oregon professors arrlred here last night frosa Crater lake. They ( were Pro fessor W. F. Goodwin Thacher and Mrs. Thacher, Dean Dr. John Lans bury, Mrs. Anna Lansbnry Beck and Rex Underwood. The party has been camping most of tho time since leav ing Eugene Jn the hope of gaining experience and matelral for stories and articles,, as well as the pleasure of an Ideal vacation. Tho hard fatten of road from Crater lake kart) nearly used them up and the party apest the evening at the White Polls kotel in an attempt to re evyaraU for their oorney today. Mr. amd Mrs. Thacher and Mrs. Beck left for California this morning and Dr. Lansbnry and Mr. Underwood for Band. , . $1,000,000 Loss to Canadian Wheat .Growers From Hail KEQ1XA, Auk. 5, Damage esti mated at inoro than $1,000,000 was caused bjr a hall and windstorm af fecting an nrca 75 to a 100 miles east and southeast of here. Ono district reported n strip of grain "30 miles long and fire wldo cut as If by a mowor. Wires arc down and details are meager. APIUCOT CHOP 1UU8KKXK DKMA.VD KOIV BOX HHOOK Two more cutoffs havo been start ed by tho Grower's Warehouse and Packing association box factory, for merly that Chelsea, and five saws are now running. Tho apricot crop la California, which Is going Into packing houses In dried form Instead of Into the canneries. Is responsible for orders of a fow extra carloads ct shook; safd C. F. Setter, manager of the factory. N Make that idlo dollar work! Put It In the bank. O ' O Weather Probabilities o -; o Thb Cyclo-Stormagraph at Un derwood's Pharmacy continues to register a high baremetri: pressure, and llttlo cbango In 'weather conditions may be ex pected, for the present. Forocast for next 34 heurs: Continued fair and warm.' The Tycos Recording thtre mometer shows the following temperatures for teday: Low, S3. High, 84. (Reading taken at S p. m. jwwwMWmw N. C 0. ffAasi4MMWMMgBVsftjMgM Phone 577-J sLMgr., MR. WRIGHT will call on you with 'full details of our Stock offering. OFFICE: f" 532 MAIN NO 8MOKI.NO IN FOllKSTS MISSOULA. Mont., Aug. C To lower tho fire hazard In the nation nl forests and to sol an exatnplo to tho public. District Forester Fred Morrell has called on forest servlco employes of district No. 1, comprising Montana and northern Idaho, to ro fraln' from smoking during tho pre sent fire soason. Personal Mention Theodoro D. Young, ono of the prosperous citizens of Malln, was In town this morning, transacting business with city banks. Francis McMahou arrived last night from Martinez, California, for a visit with Mr .and Mrs. G. B. Cozad. Mr .and Mrs. Cozad expect to take tholr guest to Crater Lake tomorrow. Oeorgo Williams, who resides In tho Sprlnk Lake district, and who has been seriously 111 with appen dicitis, Is reported us slowly re covering. ' ' Vornon and Alton Francis return ed last night from an extonslvo trip over tho stato of California. Thoy brought their undo, George Francis, backf with them for u vlstt with his brother, Sam Francis, whom ho has not scon for 20 ears Captain Harry Beard and wife and two sons wilt arrlvo tonight from San Francisco to visit with Captain Beard's brother, J I Heard and fam ily. Captain Heard U nn InMrurtnr In tho Oregon 'Agricultural college When J A. Johnson who liven nn tho Merrill road near Mac's store enmo to town, this morning ho brought with him a beautiful boqtiot of Suoct Sultans, which ho says grow-In profusion tho.ro. The flow- era will help to adorn tho rharmbur of commorco rooms. Jack N'lchol, of the Sixth street bakery, U planning 1 vacation trip to Rocky Point. Mrs. Charles Axel win In town from her ranch south of town this morning purchasing supplies. Abraham Charlto Is Jn town from tho resorvutlon today attending to mattors'of business. It. C. Spink, who Is In town today from Spring creak report that there am about 30 Klamath Fall people spumling their vacation at Idterent this summer Among Ilium lire Mr mid Mrs J A .inil J V Houston, W II ItolmrtH ami wife, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ktanx, I), II Campbell anil J) ml Wilson. Most of these folks own their own loin along the creek and plan on building cottages some time. Allen II. Lloyd was In town last night nnd this morning from his ranch at AlUunont making dollve'rlrs of new hay to Klamath Falls pat rons. It Is ssld that the hay from that section this year Is particularly fine. Herald classified ads pay y? Big Dance At St. Cloud NKAK 8IIIPPINJTO.V Saturday Evening, Aif. 6 Good Music Rfcfresluwits Special Rates All Taxi Companies) KIkftlajRlbKSlBsltj9tsLI WWWHFV'V'IrW W i'iti sis ir - ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I t I UGARMAN'S ATURDAY HOE SPECIALS i i i ' fixuxrLTLryvsrsraiii" ; $ 3.35 FOR an Elk Shoe, light for summer wear. WHY PAY MORE? juxanfruAAn.rij-i.rii"irirri"i" " ' ! . $5.65 A nifty dk. brown English Lace Shoe also a nifty Ox ford at this price. Values oi $10. $4.65 Medium weight Work Shoes, Mun son Last, soft and .hard toe. All Leather. $7. w Wr r ' x -x " 9 -- - J A te rt f ! w ? 1, ll 65 An assortment of Fine Dress Shoes in black and brown, English and conservative lasts, and Oxfords Mostly $12 values T, '. ' I' 7 K. SUGARMAN sl fli'. "J Ain't Mad at Nobody" JMm, I X t '' l II r 1