The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 05, 1921, Image 1

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    '"- j litres
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I ' mifrr
HR? Uwnmg, Mtvaib
A Clan Ad Will
Member of the "Associated Pre$$.
Fifteenth Year. No, 50HII.
A. (J. Harbor, statu flrn tnnrxlinl,
has been aaked In 11 lottor written
this weok by Mayor Wiley, not lo
take action tnmllnic to Increase In
Durance rates In Ihln rlly without
full investigation. Tlii) argument
agalnat nn Inernaan In tontulnoil In
the letter, tlin hat of which follow;
Hon. A, C. tlnrbcr,
State Klro Marshall,
My dear sir:
'At tho last tnootlug of tho com
mon council of thin rlty a fllo of
correspondence win road, which lias
occurred botwnon yourself, ,A. It.
WJIion, local flro Inauroneo agent,
and Keith Ambrose, flro rhlof of
thl city, relating Id tho poimlblllty
of an IncnuiBM In local flrn Inmiruncn
roles, It Iihm occurred to ux hero
that thin proponed nctlon U bawd
upon n misconception of :hn real
' Furthermore, In view of tho fact
that It la no difficult to reach a full
unrtoratandlng of existing corid,ltlons
through coireipondrncc, wo nliiccrljr
trust that, before anything definite
along thla lino U don, you may aco
your way clear to visit our city In
order to secure first haud Informs
tlon, or M' nil olin of tho dnputles In
your offlro on niich a mlaalon, Wn
believe auch n ronfornnro would be
of mutual benefit to all Interested
wo aro aallafled that a careful
study of thn financial losses through
fire In this city durliiR lheTt four
or flvo.yeara w show that auch in
crtaaJt'a n'a are-contemplated aro.vot
warranted bjr lorn I rondltlona; that
tbJi!liQrir record fn thla connectin'n
la no avrae than tho a vera go town
In tho state, nnd that dnubtleaa
many of the tire at lumber mllla
outaldn the rlty, arc credited to thn
city, and unjustly ao.
Practically all of thn flrr oc
currlng hum In thn past four or five
ycara have occurred In old wooden
building, on which tho Inatirnnro
ralo muat ueicaaarlly havo been high.
and which muat havo been ronaldored
high rlaka, with tho exception of two
garage fires. It la welt-known
a garage, whore, olla, grease and ch
oline urn kept, creates a flro hazard
greater than tho averago building.
In thn uggregntn however Ilia losses
In connection with tho above named
flrea could not havo amounted to any
groat amount. Probably tho largest
loaaoa wero In connection with tho
burning of tho Martin Mill and Mm
Kwatina box factory, thcao two (Iron
occurring about four or flro years
Wo alncorcly truat that wo may bo
able to arrango a poraonal confer
enco beforo any deflnlto action is
taken. "
Very roMpectfully,
Banker Battle With
Rattler on Topay
With both combutunts In (leudly
eorncHt nnd nn oxclted audlonr.t, con
silting of thn ladles of his family,
looking on, O. D. Ilurko, local hnnk
or, and an curuged ruttlnanako waged
n wicked war on tho Topsy grade
Wednesday evening. The banker,
armed with u lusty tiiib,. launched n
heavy offensive, but his opponent was
no moan straloglat nnd from nn In
trenched poult Ion beneath a fog dp
fled tho oiiHlaught of blown. Tho
anako's dugout wus well protected by
a growth of bruah, but by ngllo
maneuvering the uttackur inniinged
to laud Home telling thruati. Final
ly tho annko munnged to ro treat Into
a' hollow at tho bnao of tho log fro'm
which his enemy could not dislodge
him, much to his regret.
Tim flro dopnrtmont was called to
1106 Michigan uvonua at U;10 o'clock
thin nftornoou to put out n Cluo fire,
The' houso In occupied hy a prty
named irlnos, Mo dauiARo tu the
property wai reported. '
Illlu6la oxiruttvc, uccuadd by grand
Jury Indictment of having cmbexilod
atatn funda .while treaiurer. Thn
circuit court has held that thorn la n
"dlvlno right of kings" In Illinois
nnd that thn governor, who threaten
ed to call out nlnto Jruopa ti protect
him from nrreat, Is the equal beforo
tho law of every other cltltcn.
I Tho Fourth of July flout commit
ten yesterday avmrded tho prlies for
the liundnome floats entemd In thn
tiarauo July llli and-chrcka xMiro
aont out to tho rcapcctlvc winners
yrstcrday by Jack Furber, treasur
The business float of tho Golden
ftulo storo, entered by Kd Vannlcc,
was awarded a first prlio nnd a
.check for $15 mailed.
Thn prlz.i for tho float eiiiered
by tho lodges of thla city fell to
tho Mooso and tho trcaaurer of 'the
lodgo received a check for fin this
morning from tho committee.
Thn greatrat difficulty was tho do-
termination of tho winner In tho
private entries and J tflvlslon of thn
ICO prize, awarded for this event was
finally made equally among Mrs, II.
Hilton nnd ladlea of tho I..1 Voguo
atom. Mrs. John Knders nni
Mrs. Charlos O. Mooro. Had any of
theso floats been ontered aloue, no
troublo would havo beon experienced
by tho Judges but as nil throo cninn
up .for consideration, each one was
a prize wlnnor nnd first prlzo ac
cordingly wan'nwardrd each ono. A
check for one third, or $1(1. HO, was
nont to tho respective entrants.
Trcaaurer Furbor hn been absent
from tho city since tho. cclobrntlon
and tho award of tho prlreu wus do
layed by this clrcumatancea. All the
hills contracted by tho co'nmlttoo
havo boon paid which linvo been pre
sented and Treasurer Furber In, nby
preparing 'u atatoment of ovoryx.
pondltum as asll oh rnntrlbtitlona
mudo to finance tho ccluhrntlon.
Mako that idle, dollar work! Put
it In Um bank.
Former Pastor is
Here for Visit
llov. John J. CunnliiKlirm, H. J.,
nrrived hero last ovonlng from San
Franelsco and will romaln hero for
u fow wcoks, during which tlmo ho
will conduct tho annual retreat for.
tho slstera of Sacred Heart nendomy.
Father Cunningham was pastor of
Sacred Heart church some years ai;o,
when It wns locntod in Falrvlow and
when Klamath Fully did not boast of
tho ecfucatlonal Institution that it
possesses today. Nevertheless, his
work, as well as that dono by his
predecessors nnd successor, was part
of tho foundation upon which tho
success of today rests. Ho la always
glnd to return to his old Hold of en
deavor, but not-more so thai) aro tho
host of friends ho roado whllo hero
and who remomber and npprnclato
the efforts he put forth for his little
flock and his home tons,
tMsitxv f r X
m um
' That Dr. Ilrumflcld Is In hiding In
Klamath county. Is thn belief of
Sheriff Ham Starmir. who relumed
Wednesday from points In Califor
nia, whom ho hai been conducting
a search for tho man charnrd with
thn murder of Dennis Husacll, says
tho Itoaeburg News-Hovlow, Sher
iff Htarmer wont Into northeastern
California, and eamim Oregon ana
found no tract) of tho mls.-ilng den
tist south of Klamath Falls, Kyl
denco round between Mend and
Klamath Falls, howevor, makes tho
ahorlft confident that tho suipoct s
hiding In that vicinity andjwlll ul
timately bo captured. Sheriff Star
mer, Lynn Croason and Qory)c
Ward, tho latter two having betjtl
members of tho posao .which baa bean
working In tho Ilend country, re--
turnod this morning, coming back by
way of tbo McKenzIn pass. Deputy
Shorlff Hopkins and Joo Murphy,
who uro also searching that vicinity,
will romaln in esatcrn Oregon in
definitely. "I found tho officers everywhere
on tho alortaand doing all wlhtln
their power to capture our man,"
Sborlff Btarmer said. All through
out California tho officers are per
fectly organized and 'have gone to a
great deal of expense to form a bar
rier which will Iks difficult to pass.
"I waa greatly impressed by the co
operation shown and overywhoro I
mot with tho heartiest assurance
that nothing had been left undone
to prevent tho escape of tho man we
believe to be responsible for 'this
crime. .
"In ovcry section ,J visited I-raund
thenmrder the' chief topic of discus
alon and intercat Is exceedingly keen
Tho people aro watching tho papers
closely .for now Information and the
raito has proven a sensation which
will not soon bo forgotten."
In eastern Oregon, Sheriff Star
mor said ho found tbo offlcera work
ing hard. The Douglas county sher
iff went over much of tho ground
whore It was thought possible that
tho man might bo hiding but noth
ing of nny consequenco was found.
Kufflrlont evidence was picked up,
however, to lead to tho opinion that
tho fugltlvo Is hiding some placo be
tween Ilend and Klamath Falls, In
either Klamath or Deschutes county.
It was practically an Impossibility to
ferrlt out tho hiding" place of tho
suspect, tho officers stato, but all
aveuuos of escapo have been blocked
and will remain' so until the man la
captured. '
Success of Market
Depends on Farmers
Tho tree market trial will bo mado
tomorrow at 11 o'clock In tho fore
noon and will continue as long as
any produco or farm products aro
left for disposal In tho basement of
the. Arcado hotol.
"I'Obrls Dianas, sponsor of tho pro
ject., has wrltton to farmers and oth
ers who havo produco to Mil to bo
on hand tomorrow and bo has urged
them to bring small assortments tor
this trial. It the consumers attend
In great numbers, next Saturday
'largo quantities of produce wfcll 'bo
provided. j5
Mm. Bon Bend of this cltyibas
takon n great Interest In this market
and Htutcd, "Tho possibilities for the
dovelopment of this county through
tho freo market aro wonderful. Tho
farmer Is urged to feel that the sue
cess ot this 'project deponds on him
personally, although ho may bo very
busy with his largo crops and havo
very littlo produco for the market at
present, still ,tho success of the mar
kot may bo ot great Importance to
him 'later. Tomorrow the opening
day is "tho critical time. Tho time
Is ripe, the buyers aro rjeady and it
tho farmers fall thorn, their oppor
tunity is lost."
1'OJITLAND, Aug. 5 Catt
cents higher, choice steers
$7: hone steady, prime lleht.
to 13; sheep steady and uno!
butter firm tin weak. A
Ip'A 25
M to
No, formal mooting of tho Klamath
.County fair board took place this
forenoon as scheduled. Clyde Ilrad
ley and Frank' floxton this forenoon
Inspocted tbo Altamont ranch one
mllo east of this rlty as a poirlhlo
alto for thn county fair alto and
thla afternoon went down to tho
county poor farm to view Its poial
blllllcs. No decision will bo reached
until tho full board meets but it
Is thought that tbo Altomont ranch
alto may be aeloctcd owing to its
central location In tho county.
No formal organization baa ecn
perfected as yet, nor will bo until
tho $1000 bonds under which oarh
member of tbo board Is placed, are
fllod. Tbo members expet to file
bonds this afternoon. It Is reported
Unit the fair board favor.i three day
program instead of two as suggest-
ml at first.
r r
Hoy Fouch, adjutant of tho Amor
lean Legion post, rwas busy today
collecting money to meet tbo federal
incomo tax on dancq (IckcU sold at
four Legion dances 'last year. Ho
said he would havo tho $118 icqolr.
ed, $78 tax and $"40, penalty, today.
Tho post, at a special meeting .last
night, authorized payment of tn
claim, although post officers said It
would moan tho temporary crlppJIns
of charitable actrrltlcs among nexJy,.
Thero was no attempt made to so-
grafo tho tax when the ticket.) wete
sold, because tho daneon wero not
given for profit and, post officers
believed, tho receipts wero exempt
from tax. 'it developed, during the
present visit of Collectors Hewitt
and. Davis, that this construction was
wrong and tho tax would have to bo
iThe fedoral collectors today donlcd
that they set a tlmo limit ot midnight
last night for the payment of tho tax.
This statement waa pnbllshcd on the
authority ot Adjutant Fouch, who
told tho Interviewer that the post
had Wen given until midnight to
turn over tho money. The federal
representatives were emphatic lu as
sorting that this statement waa er
roneous and. that tho "government
did not do business that way." In
other words did not attempt any dras
tic enforcement ot its claims. Tholr
duty, they said, was to carry out the
law as It oxtsted, with tho least fric
tion possible. (
Mr. Fouch today reltcratod that
his understanding of tho collectors'
talk with him was that tho time limit
tor payment expired at midnight 'nst
J. II. Carnahan, post commander,
said that Messrs. Hewitt and Davis
called'upon him, and aftor citing tho
incomo tax law, demanded piymeut
of tho tax.
"I took it from their conversation,"
he said, "that they Intended to ar
rest the post officers, unless immed
iate payment was mado. and proceed
against ttio post In a ctvll action to
collect the tax. I .told them that
rather than havo nny controversy
with tho federal officers that the
post would pay tho tax under pro
tost." Tho post last night, Mr. Fouch re
ported, voted to pay tho tax under
protost. "
Summers1 School Dist,
Votes $10,000 Bonds
for New Building
' i
nesldcuts, ot School District No.
1, tho Summers school, south of the
county hospital, yesterday voted to
Issue $10,000 bonds to provide 'n
now school building. - Tho structure
will be of brick, with throo rooms,
and Is expected to bo completed 'his
year. O, n, Wright, local architect
l engaged upon plans and iipactfl
catloni tor the bulldlm,
SSmSSWSwW' asiiiiiiT
Ugfetv-flJegBv1 B
VeaslllHlkW. rrgfeasT'v'iC V
gWN. m '?
This Is Major Bruce It. Campbell,
who emphatically denies all charges
made against him by Mrs. Kmraa
Uergdoll boforo accngrcaslonal com
mittee. Mrs. Uergdoll claimed that
Campbell received $5000 to be used
in securing tho rolcase of her son,
O rover C. Uergdoll, draft evader who
escaped to Germany. Campbell's
father and other witnesses corrobo
rated his statements to the com-
J. K. Calavan, field 'worker from
the state department ot education
at Salem, Is here looking after the
interests ojtho boys' and girls'
clubs wlth'.F. f'. Seaton, county
club leader. 'They rlalttd. club
.members at Miller Hill, Fort Klam
nth,' HcnloyTlJone Pine. MtT takl.
Falrvlcrw, Merrill and Malln during;
tho past week.
Mr. Calavan reports that he found
club work in splendid condition un
der tho leadership ot Mr. Sexton.
Ho is very anxious to have , Klam
uth county send a canning team, a
Judging team and tour rcprescnta
tlvcn, two. boys and two girls, to
tho stato fair camp, September 36
to October 1, Inclusive.
Klamath county has tho largeat
dairy herd and record keeping club
In tbo stato, saya Mr. Calavan. It.
U. Wilcox Is their local leader, and
has taken a great Interest in the
success of the boys and girls This
club has 16 members. '
Elmer Bueslng- ot tho Lone Pine
district Is completing moro club pro
jects than any member In tb,o stato.
Ho Is taking garden, poultry, pig,
potato and dairy 'herd record pro
Mr. Calavan loft this morning for
The Klamath Potrolcum compauy,
with a capital stock ot $200,000, is
tho latostoll venture In Klamath
county. Tho company was Incorpor
ated this week by W. L. Tlngley, W.
T. Smith and Edward Bloomlngcamp.
Tho company is made up chiefly ot
stock holders' In tho Klamath Oil
company,, ono of tho oldct oil
companies In the county. Consider
ablo land has boen loascd and t'le of
ficers of tho company expect 'to
lease moro as quickly cs favorublo lo
cations can bo secured.
Some ot the men heavily ;nterestod
In the Klamath Petroleum rompar.y
are Captain J. W, Siemens, Edward
Bloomlngcamp, Georg Blooming
camp, Nell Campbell, W. C. Smith,
Wl L. Tlngley, John Brett. W. W.
Baldwin, C. C. Ward and 11. C.
When Interviewed today thy direc
tors refused to dlvulgo Just whero
tho company's blggost hoIdlngH woro,
or at what tlmo they expected to
begin drilling operations. But It was
intimated that the dato wns net far
distant when both questions 'would
be aniwerod by (lie Activity ot tho
. . -, i
The first concrete to bo poured .on
tho oast)Ckaancltofv.tho Link River
dam was dumped Into tho-forns7e-'
terday. Tho tramway Is completed,
about a third Of the way across dhitr
east channel and from? now ori. ac-J
cording to official of.tho Callfernia
Oregon power conipariy, tho' conatrtie-t
tlon of tho dam proper will progreat!
at it rapid rate.. The Keao gaies.fcr"'
that portion ot the uam'wBlCh'ci-ofi
'cs tho Keno 'caria'l on ihe'west'stdd of3
the channel; are ?cfeaipjetd. r;V'
The damslti pMsienU'Wfntere'it-
ing spectacle 'to an onlooker? -Tho
east channel of tho rfrtir,' Wnlci was '
oncfj a raging, river, with dangerous
rapids, is now perfectly iffyj atjila
large crew' of men are1 fiuiy" day and
nlgbt digging' slx oj" eight ieof
through the solid rock' deooeoiog the
natural channel of-Link river Two,
big derricks, one with a 90 foot boom, ,
swing with almost .human prqclilon
carrying the loose, rock away. a the
workmen take it from tbo bed ot Ute
river. The debris Jg ,blntf liuaped.
along, tho east bank ot tho river In
"(be middle of the rocky, str.Ucb,' men .
aro at workdrllllag four footjhelvf .
In solid rock with air driliir wklcii ,
do, the work otbikt,aen Inrupe
ation for blaadng.. v- -'
A new camp, known, as th-j jumper"
camp, Ts being established this week;
by ther power cesapanr farther alottg
the shore of the' lake. r Men etatloai-(
ed at this cassp will. Uke:oat the old
reeT.'tkea' changing the1 water Vcourso
in aneh a war ttat tkeiUnperilako
will reach down to the1 new dam, ln
stead of stopping somewhere' neartho" '
Wlckstrum place as at prsunt.
Reorgo Henderson, aged 11 years,
eon ot Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Hender
son ot 1031 Jefferson street, was
rescued from tho canal near his
home at 11:1S o'clock this morning
by Lou la F. Arnold and Ted Cple.
reclamation service omploynea after
he bad sunk tho third time,
Young Henderson and Earl Stint.,,
son, ten'year old son of Mr. and.Msr
It. B. Stlnson, photographers. UecjU-
cd to swim the canal, and young
Stlnson made It. When the I render
son boy tried te-'dupllcate tho per
formance, he beearae exhausted and
was carried Into tho awltt current
near tho brido andwenL under. TJbero
Is 11 feet ot (water at that point.
Tho cries ot Harold McCollan and
(Jarrott Beckley reached thr ears of
Louis Arnold and Charles Jensen In
tho reclamation service blacksmith
ahop, and Ted Cole, n hydrographor.
Jensen Jumped through a foot win
dow ot the shop and swam after the
drowning boy, who reappeared about
70 feet from tbo upper bridge aucl
wont down again. When ho appeared
this timer be was within 15 foot ot
the second bridge ot the recla?
nation offices. Arnold caught him
nnd with Cole's asslatanco carried,
him to the shore, and applied' first
aid. The 'boy was removed to his
home -where this afternoon ho (s re
covering from the shock. n
Young Henderson was asked horvi
It happened and after relating the li.
cldenta remarked, "When I went
down the.last time I was Just so tired
all I could do was to kick onco then
it lot of white spots showed up in
front of my eyes. That is all I re
membered.'' m i '
WASHINGTON. Aug, 5, Senator.
MrNary announces that steps have-,
boen taken by the air .service to got
an additional allotment of funds
from the general staff for continuing'
tho air service forest patrol which
wns 'about to be abandoned on 'ac
count ot laek ot funds. An immed
iate purchase of gasoline fuel'tu.lo
cal markets has already been author
ized, pending nrrniemii 'foj ftf0-;'
era, luppltetn
wuat rtvt1 casfm;
f rmcf niiltefiff rSi
NIWI UUflWlL I L ;; :
poured i m
. , .RIB
i -
ton- - -
1 - f