'feopSt- THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Tiviii,im. Ui.1" I - ... , --. ..fcfc -.... .. - ..,,-, , .. . .pttIBl -.jj Personal Mention In Ye Olde Home Towne toW(WWWWMMMWWWWWWSMffWftWWWMWWi hVVWWWWWWWWM'Ww . JMAAWPAVA,WWWVMWWVVMMWA,I' " '1 6- Oarl Black and Cteorce Wlllttt a otnpanled hy Mist Marlon Bykes, HIM Edna Laugh ADct by Mrs, Sam flyksa drove through town yeelerday, nronte to tbclr homes In Roe burr, and stopped to visit for a fw bonra with friends hero. Paul Wamplor was In town yes terday from Odessa on matters ot business. C. T. Darloy loft thl morning for lnf, a imall elation south of1 llrny, where ho Is dolns; some surveying work. Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Winters, Mr and Mrs. W. II. McPhorrcn. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Karri c and James Mllno hnvo returned from a two days visit at Crater lake And Rocky Point. 8. r, Dehllnicer a rancher on the Merrill rond was In the cltr this morning; after supplies. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shtpherd burs returned from an extended business and pleasure trip Into California. Clayton Kirk, one of the Influen tial Indians from tho reservation, wna In town today attending to matters ot business. A meeting of the fair board has been ncalled for tonight. At thts time the - board will organize and preparo for business. George Humphrey was In town last night from Dorrts, where he Is as Isttlng with the building of a fine big opera house for tho California town. C. A. Speer and wife are stopping at the White Pelican hotel today from Portland. W F. Irwin Is In town from'. Ban Francisco on business. Ho Is reg istered at tho White Pelican ho tel. O. S. Land and nlfo are Klamath Falls visitors from Portland this week. They are stopping at tho White Pelican hotel. Miss Marie Itambo left this .morn ing for Medford where she will visit for the next two months Miss OUT Whipple who has been her as the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. KUpatrlelc at thslr ranch home In the Taller, left this morn ing for Ban Francisco. Attar a tow days In the Bay city Mlu Whipple will sail for Ihe Hawaiian Islands. R. W. Price and family are pleas ure visitors In Klamath Falls to - day. Mr. Price Is manager ot tlio Mallory hotel in Portland, and one of the managers ot CraUr iko tar em. C. R. Miller is fat town tor a few days on business from Pine Ridge. Mrs W. M. Van Buren, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lat on Stophena and family at their home south of town, left this morn ing tor Los Angeles and San Dlcgo where ahe will visit, for some time before returning to her home In Colorado. Mrs. T. W. Maxey who has been visiting here nrlth Mrs. M. E. Ryder for the past week left this morning for her home In Treka. The Misses Vlrlan and Beatrice. Campbell of Lakevlew arrived last night and left this morning for Corvallls -where they will visit for a time. They were the guosts of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Poole last night. Ned Wortblngton, son of D. II. Worthlngton, left this morning for San Francisco after a week's visit with friends here. Mr. Wortblngton expects to accept a position on the Sports staff of the San Francisco Chronicle. Mrs. H. T. Harper Mrs. 0. H. Richardson, Miss Helen Harper, Graham Harper and A. T. Davis are a party of distinguished tourists who are In town today from San Fran cisco. M. T. Harper, is a director of the Standard Oil company. Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Tregea are reg istered, at the White Pelican hotel from Berkeley, California. Mrs. E. Cole was a passenger on the south bound train this morning on her way to Rochester, New York after an extended visit here with her brother, E. Otis and family. Miss Rose Anne Ho wo returned to her home In St, Louis this morn ing after a week's visit with her cou sin, Miss Juanlta Howe, who is em ployed here with the United States Keelamatlon Service. John Melr accompanied by his nephew, Frank, returned yesterday from an extended outing at Stiver lake. Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Harris left this morning for an extonded auto mobile trip Into Canada. Mr. Harris Is the proprietor; ot the Mecca Peel hall. J. B. Bratton has returned . from a three weeks trip to Macdoel and other northern California points. ; L. D. Jackson of Spring lako was tn town yesterday .purchasing1 jiup plles for bis ransh.' John Coleman made 'si trip .into town yesterday from his ranch" on the Alfoiaroad. WMfN JCCt HANCOCK RCTUN60 W t3W?!tUtt!S 2SSEW two wccks jinw duty-mb; found hii JuSfts?' &""v i- VWt HAp BQU6MT SOMO LKJWDMIHG BOOS fk. ITT 'JSfisSrt Mooro Brother of Poo valley wcro in town yesterday on business. Charles Mooro who has b.un camp ing with his family at Diamond lako for the past two weeks Is In town once more. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sutton who hnvo a flno ranch. on-Lower Klamath river wero In town yosterday afternoon. Joseph Ottoman of Mai In wns In the county seat this morning after supplies. Mrs. Joseph F. lochncr and dauRh ter, Margarlto, arrived from Port land last oTonlng for a visit with Mrs. Lochnor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mason, who rosldo at Peli can City. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Dolap and Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeLap returned yesterday from Now Pine Creek where they spent a fow hours. On Sunday they attended tho Baptist Fifth Sunday meotlng at Crane creek at which T. E. Griffith, v F, Slmmoni and Walter Hurd spoke. Mr DeLap reports that tho country ho and his family visited wet very pretty and that the crops were es pecially tine there this year. The New Pine country is a narrow Tailor lying betwoon the mountains nud Oooee lake. Sydney Smith, of the Warren Con struction company, who I In. chargo of the road work nbov Algomn .'s In town today on bnslnos. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schubert Jr., are being congratulated on tho birth ot a baby girl yesterday ovenlng. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Akin of Me Mlnvilte, Oregon, aro tho guests ot Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Beck. Mrs. Akin is tho sister ot Mrs. Beck. Miss Clara Calkins and Charles DeLap are piloting two cars with Misses Hazel Fry, OctaTla DeLap, and their guests Irene Catlln, Harriet and Marjory Tuft and Helen Smith of Berkeley, on a camping trip to Cra ter lake. On the return Journey the girls will stop at, Rock crook for a few day. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wells have moved to Lakevlew from Shipping ton where they have lived for tho past few years. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Piath, who were well-known Klamath residents until a year or so ago aro going to make their home in San Francisco and havo sent up for their furnlturo which has been stored here. T. M. Bratcber took his wife and small daughter, Melba, to Rocky Point for a week's outing yesterday. Mr. .Bratcher returned today. Mrs. E. T. Ludd'en returned last night from an extended visit In Portland. Tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. Ludden and their small son orpoct to start on a camping trip to bogone s overs I days. Clarence Williams left this morn ing for Berkeley- to continue his stu dies at tho University ot California. W. W. Pronty Is a Klamath Falls visitor from Medford this weok. The Sale Will Continue 0 Special Wash Dress Sale JUST THE SALE THE CAREFUL BUYER HAS BEEN WAITING FOR! NOW'S YOUR CHANCE! ALL OF LA VOGUES' ORGANDIE AND VOILE DRESSES REDUCED AT COST AND LESS! POSITION WANTED -Capable girl desires work such as copying etc. in soma office. Box O. B. Herald of fice. 4-9 A good bed and a good bath at uoioninl rooms, nth near Main St., and at Colonial annex, 741 Walnut Avo. All outsldo airy, rooms. 4 Children's canvas slippers, patent Mary Janes and Imrofooot sandals on snlo at EVANS SHOE CO., 727 Main St. 4-6 FOR RENT 4 -room furnished apart- mont, wiin gnragc. No chlldron. 416 S. Rlvorsldc. Phono 192-M. 4-G KOIl RENT Now 3-room partly furnished house. Rent reasonable Call 260-J, aftor S o'clock, ask for Elde. 4-5 Let Evans sew tho rips And patch tho holes, Build up tho heols And savo your soles. EVANS FOR SHOE REPAIRING 727 Main St. 4-0 FOR SALE Used Dodge Roadstor. Dunham Auto Co. 4-10 Think ot Evans for Shoo Repair ing, 727 Main St. 4-6 FOR RENT Nicely furnished 3 'room apart ments, 25.00 and $30.00 por month. Unfurnished Apartments, $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00. 4 Nearly new building, plastered, clean, all screened, coment walks, nlco lawn, all outside rooms. No children. New rates effective Aug. 1st. wator Included. St. Francis Apartment 028 Oak Street Mrs. Myrtle Anderson, Apt. O APARTMENT FOR RENT. !pts. 126 N. 8th St. Lorens 4-6 JERSEY SPORT COATS REDUCE!) TO $4.95 $6.95 All tin grade Kliuinrl Hport Coata reduced to $9.50 SMOCKS ALL HIIADKH Kvrry Mmock In the howin irduc- imI by MIDDIES Wrtnliahlc, reduc Ml to 12 PRdCE EVERY HAT IN THE HOUSE 1 -2 THE ORIGINAL PRICE ! UNTIL ALL OF OUR SUMMER HATS ARE MOVED AND ROOM MADE FOR THE INCOM ING SHIPMENTS OF FALL GOODS. SUMMER IS STILL HERE, AND WHY NOT SECURE ONE OF OUR SELECTIONS AT m0MAAt MAIN IlKfigMLSpgMl MAIN AT liMn AT FIFTH isf iWayi ilTflHl FIFTH Htorm in Klamath Falls, Cl'ilco, Orovllle, Marys t 1 1,., Itc.l llliilf mid t.'nrnliig. jmriinji.n.i'iri.nnririi"."i"ii'." ri"i" ---------------------' ----------. ---- JMM . ....... . i-i-ri-irinnnnrinru mwwm WMWWWWWWWWWWMMMWMWWWWi MNMMMMMMMMWIW FOR RENT Owner will exchango rent ot nlooly furnished home'' for his board. Seo Morrlseau at Klamath Cash Qrocory. 4 Wo will help you cut the high cost ot living by remaking your worn shoes. Get double tho wonr out of them by having them repaired at THE EVANS SHOE CO. Repair Dept. 4-G MAMAAMAMMMWVVVMMWWMVVMMWWWMWWMWVMWMMMAAMAAM WEATHER REPORT :AT THE: LIBERTY m -TONIGHT: OREGON Tonight and Friday, fair; moderate westerly winds. NEW TODAY LOST At cor. of 3rd and Klamath, a young Fox terrier puppy. Re ward It, returned to 221 80. 3rd St. K 4-8 Colonial ono room cabins for housekeeping, 11th near Main St. and 741 Walnut Ave. 4 Buy a pair ot Buckbecht army shoes and get more miles for your money. EVANS SHOE CO., 727 Main St. ' 4-0 FOR RENT SJroom furnishod house.. 1021 Wash. 4 FOR TRADE A good car, will trade for vacant lot or houso and lot. See Bratcher, Ewauna Motors. ..... . -G Charles Dickens' Famous Story of the French Revolution "A TALE OF TVfO CITIES" Starring the screen's greatest Dramatic star WILLIAM FARNUM This is acknowledged one of tho greateat "character parts ever taken by Mr. Farnum, nnd in this story lie plays a dual role. Between the Shows DOROTHY ELLIOTT will entertain us with some songs we all love, "Where the River Shannon Flows" and "My Wild Irish Rose." fMVMWWWVWMaVWWVVVWVMWWWVVVVWVVVVVSiiVVVV M4 Kodak Work Leave Your Filttvs 'Before 9 OclocK-Your AM- Picture am ready ac S 23r P35 MNKTWOMS 125x3 KLAMATH FALLS OREGON mm IPuffiTVI WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE UY THEIR DRUGS aSsk iccvSicvJ THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP ANNOUNCES A REDUCTION IN SHOP PRICES COMMENCING Monday, August 8th The Following Price List Will Be in Effect: Shave - 25c Haircut 65c Shine - 15c No reduction has been made in the wages of our employes. No change in working hours. L. J. BEAN, Prop. 626 Main St. .