tpr w,- rrwn, "PfWW?'-' 4 , THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON fAOM KIVH thuiwdaV. august 4, 1MI. INC H y It wnn iivlilont (lint tli (i Pliimbobn nro out to mIii Hiiniliiy In llio gaino Id, )o played with llm Juuoln, for llirno pritctltoii tlilri wuok wnro nut fur llm Icnni nt Moiloo l'nrk, At tint Hiuuit limn, llio Juvvol tonm linn t lid CM two fllllgrt (III till) llllllllllllll tliln wenk mill from roporls, llm team In piny hue togotlwr hottur tliim It Iiiih In uny tlinn tliln Hounoii. T)iu fan can hornum their own iIopihIoih mill flKiiro out whnt tlilH inounn. AcrorilhiK to ono folluwnr, Hie I'luinhohn hnvn boon congregating nbbul tin1 window of Ulnvnra Jowol ry chop canting onvloim eye upon that Imniluiiiiiii nllvjir liivltu; cup vvhlrlr llert McDnnnlil mill (Hover Imvc Iiimik up n n lrlKM tliln yuar. Ami inmiy ilny droitms nro mid to hniiK nlinut I'm li of tli iibo players who deslrn lo win It tliln yi'nr mnl Hum tin llio mimn thliiR uriiIii mat ynnr nnil hnvn It nilnrn thn I'lunihob ntronglinld In futiini )ears nn ii perm anent prim. Mnnngnr Hwnnnoto llki wlso Indulges In theno nmno dreams nnd bun undoubtedly pm.l iIimI tin' boys to Junt "ilo Hint llttln stunt." Manager iPoplsll litui boon seen near thl trophy Inspecting It from nil angles nml linn figured thnt iwhlln 1922 In a lone wa)s off, still ho will have n carpenter ready to Imllil n stand for It In hln pluro of biislnnsi A tho dopustor nald, "Jon linn touch- cil I tin pride of hln hunch of yoiingn tern anil thny look upon tliln prlso nn onu fitting for thnm to win." Tlio leugun leaders, tlio Coprns, urn out fur thn prlto nn null ami from thn pop)', ncrnppy mnnnur which thi-y am now using In thnlr games, feel that this prlio will hn ntlntoil to thn in tliln year. Jnnlor Daggett, mnnngnr of the. Kwnqnnn, hnn a fowr tiupla)ed trlckn up hi sleovo nnil will havo n word to ruy before the ncanon In nvnr Hln tram In working hnttnr now than ovrr before Tho rneo for tbo prim la on I will bo among thn nthlotm who will compoto horo In. tho track nnd fluid innut ilurliiR tho ntntn folr on Mop liiinhnr nth, WKIJP A (I rook who rofunod to rnvont hln niiino In In ii hospital horu In n serious condition with a bullot wound In IiIh client u tho result of an ntlomptoil robbory horr Tho Uniok anno haro from n 1'nclflc dun mid Kloctrlo construction camp with $:IU0U, nnd roi to Rumbling. It In mild ho won ffiOO from locnl inom horn of hln own nationality and was shot In iih iiunucivnnful attempt lit robbory. The Irish Delegation to the Peace Conference HAN 1)1 CUO -Mlko McDormott, n llfn iimmhur of thn llllniiln Athlntlc i lull, who In n nnllor. uttiiclim to llm nuvnl nlr station horn, nl Uorotindu Tnnt City, inailo thn romnrknbtn tlinn of I mltilltn, 1.1 3-B nncondn III tho loo-vvnrd liienst nlrokn nwlm ovnr mi outdoor courno. M E GLIOSES HOHTO.V. Mans., Awe. 4. A hunt for thn irk of thn hluu rooio will bo one of thn odd urrumla of the Don ald II. MiMlllan expedition In Mat fin land thin year If thn hopes of ornithologists nro realised. Thn adult Idiio ROow,"Trnrloty with jtrnylsh brown body that Rotn lti nnrie from the blun-Rr.iy of Itn wIiik rovortM, In nnt nmviiiiiiiou In tho United Slates but Itn br Hiir hniintn hnvn been u nubjret of much spoculuton among bird lovers nnd Itn nest nnd crrs hnve nover Itcon olmorvcd ( An nnnounenmunt by Dr. McMillan thut nn hln last trip to thn Arctic hn had noticed flcdRolliiRn of thnxn Komo nrounod tliu Intoront of .i'u drntn or bird llfn with thn result that nnn of tho ncluntlnta who will accompany tho prcnent oxpcdlllon will bu cominUsloiicd to bo on thn lookout cHpcrliilly for bluo roohp crrn In ronuoctlnn with hln other fluid work. Thn prlco thnt ono of (hoi" vrrs, Mlliorto untoon by civilized iiion. would commnnd, ban not boon nuolcd but JudglnR from tho flntliiislnim.dlf plnyrd In uulurnl history oclollo.i over thn milijoct, tho roobo that laid tho Riildon oer will hnvn nothl'ut on thin bird. Baffin laud lg bollovud to bo the crratcit bri'odliiK plnco of bird llfo In tho far north. In Itn Id), 000 iiqimro inlloa of Interior ;moxplorod by whlto moil aro ukoniwhlcli tho IN klmos doncrlbo iih nix days' sdo0i;o Journoy In IoiirIIi, (at In.nit 100 nillcfl) uhd nhnundliiR In wild-fowl. Tho McMillan oxpodltlon will loao lmrc In July In tho ffclioonor llowdnlii Bpcrlally built foV tho purpouj and will (pond probably 14 months In n Btudyi or Ilarflu land aloiii? various sclontiric Unci. o 0 HAN rilANCIHCO Tho KnlRhtn of C'oliiiuliun convuntloii horn cannot ni'rloiinty counldor uit appeal rocolvod from thn lutornallonnl Iloform Ilitr cau of WnnhltiRton, I). C niklnR ro-oparntlou In rnvlvliiR Hundny bluo lawn, It wan announced by Hupromo KntRht JniiiPN A. Klnhorty, follow Iiir a ineotln of tho board or directum of tho KnlRhtn of Columjiun, HACItAMI.'NTO Two nrmed man hold up Albert Franeln, contractor, of tho North Hncramonto I-and corn pnny, Junt wi-it or thn Routhern I'n rlflr hrldgo oor tho Hncramcnto rlv or, and forced him to enrry them In hln maclilno to tho nnd or thn Yolo raunnway, whnrn thny worn met by a third man, In an automobile. BBBBBBallBnlnlBP'nlnlB nlBlIBBWBnlnKKnP V BBHaaaHBJKBiilBTaBBH V HlnHlilkinHflR yl Make that idlo dotWr work! It In tlio boat. ' ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine v pAVlg( Thin In tho irnt plcturo to reach America allowing thn Irlnh peace delegation at Irlnh headquarters In London for tho inomeiitoun conforonco that may bring to nn end the 700-year "war between the Irlih and tho KnRllnh Senled, Kamnn Do Vnlora (left), head or tho Irlnh dcleRatlon, and Arthur Griffith, founder of tho Hlnn Ketn Btnndlne (left to right) Count I'lunkett. DclcRato Cblldern, tho Lord Mayor of Dublin, Mrs. Farnan, Minn O'llrennan, Itobcrt Ilarton and Mi's O'Oonncll. n m TIIU.O(JIC A Iiuro Kxcol water- melon rurofully packed In nxrelalor and wrapped In paper iwolRhlnR 77 poundn and mnaiurlnR 30 Inrhoi In IniiRth, 32 Inchon In circumference and 1 4 Inches In dlumclcr wnn for warded today by oxprens lo 1'renl dent HardliiR by Hlanloy AlbrlRht, a well-known nhlppor and Kroner or thin dlntrlct, Tho melon I oipect nd to reach 'WanhlnRton ubout tho rniran tlmo tho I'renldent rcturnn from hln vacation. Interest in County Fair Awakemng Willi tho nppolntmont of the county fnlr board. Intercut neomn to lmo been renewed In thn pronpectn or llm county fair for thin fall. It M too enrly to mako any doflnltn an nnuncomentn but n number of sur Rottlonn nro being ronnldircd Tho fnlr tmut bo hlRh claim In pcry reflpoct. I torso racliiR will bo eliminated A queen of tho fair la considered, poenllily each community putting up Itn mont popular maiden, nnd mine of thoio not "wlnnlnR out'' for tho hlKhent honor to bo mado "mnldn of honor." AmiiitementH, and poulbly a danrn havo nlso been illtcusned, tho con rennlonn to hn thn host obtnlnahlo and rofrcslimouts In charge of competent catororn. , I'oulbly thorn will bo n parndo of dncornletl vohlctcn, to open thn fnlr and properly oncort tbo queen, nnd In thin tho co-operation of the Ail tomnbllo Ansoclntlou will bo asked Another poosslblllly In n "stunt night," In which tho local lodges may bo asked to contribute Farmorn, don't forget your ptrt Bayo tho best to nliow what Klamath ran do. Who has tho biggest nun flower; or tho biggest pumpkin: or tho bent nheaf or wheut or alfalfa? E TO PAY DEBTS On AuruhI ICth, there will bo a danco at thn Scandinavian lull Riven by the city league manuRoment to ralso money for thn Indebtedncnn cuitractcd by tbo leoRiin during tho Fourth of July gamen played hem Not ono outside game was a finan cial nuccesx and an the teams worn nil brought from quite a dlstnuce, debts worn contracted and funds mutt bo raised In nomu legitimate manner to offtul tho losn. Tho plan adopted at thn begin ning of the year ban been ndhored to strictly, thn ruin or soliciting no contribution!! from tho merchants nor from any other source. Tho IcaRUo nlnrted out on an' Independ ent basin arid desires to still remain so. An nearly all the players trip tho light fantnstlc too, thin dance will delight all and at the samo time, wlpo out the league deficiency. At a meeting of the t'agun man agement, tho prlrn wan fixed for thli entcrlnlnment nt $1 a couple, 90 conts admission, 10 cents war tax Thn players are to be requested to sell tlckots nnd hove a record break ing crowd on hand that night to en Joy thin "baseball danclnc party ' Thn players und all their friends aro to bo Invited to tho onlv bnsebull danco which will bo given this Rea son under the auspices of tho city league There Is no word for strawberry In classical Creek, that fruit being practically unknown lo them German Champ .Mivko thnt Idlo dollar work! It In the liink 1'ut . r Vji' ,bV .a jtt fit MBa i .AtSTs. ' i h I tBBrS B "S ' i ' Hbt, r'"i i - ILSbbUbB k GOVKnyMF-NT WIN8 INCOME TAX KUIT FItOM ROCKKFELIJOl NEW YORK, Aug. I. Tho gOT ernment has won Its suit In the Unltod States district count to col lect 1292,67(2 rrom John D. Rocke feller, alleged to bo due In Income tax on oil company shares, which bo claimed as dividends and not In come. coMiKcriox surra Suit has ben Instituted by tho Business Service Bureau against Robert S. Fry on two counts, one for tho alleged refusal or the defendant to pay a debt of 143.35, to Walter A. Simpson, ono to H. J. Winters for $1S. Tbo caso Is set for hearing this afternoon in tho Justice Oaghagen's court Howard Unless you sco tho na "Daycr" on packago or on tablets you are not getting gonulno Aspirin pro scribed by physicians for twenty-ova years and proved safo by millions. Tako Aspirin only as told in th Ilaycr packago for Colds, lloadachc. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago, and for Pals. Handy tin boxes of twelve Dayer Tablets of Aspirin cost few cents.. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin Is tho trado mark of Barer Manufacture of Mcnoacetlcacldester of Sallcyllcncld. adv. SBBSBSBBBSBSSBBBeiSSSB91S9E-IBSSBBB? : ? corns ImJ i j( Lift RfQht Off urn J ;1 I without Pain. IqJJ ' I WEATHER RECORD I o o Hereafter The Herald will publish the mean and maximum tempera- ures and precipitation record aa tak en by the U. 8. Reclamation service tattoo. Publication will cover the day previous to the paper's issue, up to S o'clock ot tho day. . Pre- War Mln. cipiUtion Aug, t .... . 88 SS Aug. 2 .......... 86 51 Aug. 3 ......,. 89 SC Magic! Drop a llttlo "FreetoM" on ah aching corn, Instantly that com. stops hurting, then shortly yoa lift It right off with fingers.' Doesn't hart a bit. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle ot 'Freezone" for a few cents, nuffleieat to remove every hard corn, soft cora. or corn between the toes, and calluses. BETTER DEAD Life .is a burden wben tha ktx re racked with pakk EverythaBg worries and the victim beeeeMB despoodent and downhearted. 1 bring back,tbe wmahine tab COLD MEDAL &slte Tbt national rwaady of KoHsnd for ovesr 300 years; it is an ensaaj of ell psi 1 Midng trocn kidney. Htm and nric acM troablM. All dntggtsta, tbt Ut. MWlk.HMUIHijMinvk , Miss Erna Murny In the girl swim vin champion of Ocrmany, bavins .'Just won that title acrjivst a laico inrtd of conuxtltoiii. De Valera at Lloyd George's Home Mako Hint Idlo dollar work! Tut It In tlio bank. O- CALIFORNIA NEWS IAKi:it8FIKI.D A reduction of tl a day Iji tlio wages of nil build ing mecbaulcs In nakorstleld will bo placod In offoct on Soptombor 1st. This was announced by tho Press Commlttoo of tho Ilulldors' Kxcliango, which, ut a mooting of the nulldom,' Kxrhango, 65 membors, voted to of feet tho cut. i ' ' SACRAMENTO Vorno Blenklron, notod sprinter of I.os Angolos, who many crltios claim, will clip off sec onds from CharIey;Paddock's records TIIH MIIKHTV Todny tho potrous or tho l.lborty will boo America's fnvorlto fcreon star, William Kurnum, Htarrlng In Chnrlcs Dickens' Inmortnl story of tho French Revolution "A Talo or Two Cities," Mr. Fnrnum plays a dual rulu In thin great drama und his critics havo pronounced this Mr. Farnum's greatest plcturo. "A Tnlo of Two Cltica" Is at tho l.lborty today only. L 1IKNKF1T FOR CHimCII AT MT. liAKI HATUHDAY A concert for thn bonoflt ot tho Mt. I.nkl church and community house will bo glvon Friday ovonlng, August Gtli, following tbo custom adoptod earllor this year, to raise funds to comploto tho structuro. Qcorgo Wlrtz has notified tho Mt. Lnkl district that on this occasion ho will bring his boat Edison ma chine and rocords, including some ot the masterpieces of Enrico Caruso, who died yesterday at Naples, Italy, A number of Klamath Falls people attend the Mt. Lakl affairs. fstxzt Wf'SCWtSfMf' d? - "&' war 'dgag!v "wg1"' " i BVBVBjHBBBBB9BaBBS!IP':1'eLHc4wVjK Tl ( bVbBBBbV' 4 SBVlBWHBvlHBBBMBanBBBVBul I Js f'lLBBBBBVBBBBBpK BBBBBbWbBBBBbV BBBBBNBbVI BBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBH TBBBBaABBBBBBBBBF SBBBBBr BBBBBBBBBBS BBBBBBWSBBmBbBBBw bbLbV LbbbbI bbbbt BBBBP BBBBBBH QBV W 111" I I. . vMAMMAMMwVwwWMwWMwWMWMWwVWMvW WOOD! Don't bo deceived on a double load ot , BLOCKWOOD Our wagons hold 193 cubic feet or IK cords. Measure the load and bo sure. Wo guarantee IM cords. Measure our wagons. lluy ot an established firm and bo sure. Our cheaper woodi is GREEN SLAB-WOOD "Tho Poor Ian' Wood" ", , 10 cords for $35.00. A year's supply for two stores. ' O. Peyton & Co. "WOOD TO BURN" 9 419 Main St. Phone S3S ri",i"-"-"" iirijvvinnjTj'LrLu Here's De Valera entering the residence ot Premier Lloyd George at 10 Downing street. London, tor thn historic Irlsh-Enslish noaca discus sions. In tho foreground, with his back to the camera. Arthur Qrirtitn, founder ot Sinn Fein, and on the' right, Robert Barton, another ot tke Irish peaco delegation to London. "Gee, but it's hot! 99 You won't say that if, you visit the Maze, where it is- cool yand comfortable and where you can gel those delicious ice cold drinks and ices that are so refreshing on warm days... The MAZE 7th and Main SU. Phone 4177 t; ' m r '