-r-T , ijnr ppflWW" ' fAQH TURKU THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TIIUMDAT AUOUST 4, 1M1. The Office Cat IIV JTJNICH Tin, 'Mc" In I'iralc VVMMWWWAAVWWWMVMVMMWSMWWVM, '( Using Junt a part at tbo experience we suffered a few day ago) A plc-iilo, boys, In iuro nwrill 'For thoaa who earn To 'work llkoll. t ("O, liB't thin n grand day for the plenleT") Hut, u for ui, Wo do not Itch To be dray For food, and nliti ("Are you surn you'rn got tha cheoso , and pleklen, dour!" They load ui down With torn of freight And then they chirp: "(1m, ain't this groat!" 0, don't you wish wo could do this every day, hum?") It teem Just llkn "Each onery cum Goes plc-nlcklng To pick on us ("Dearies, will you got another buck et of wator, ph'ttw),") On working dad They annm to dole, And to, of course, t Wo'ro mado tho goat, ("You take cara or the kids, lore, while I takn n llttlo awlm.") And ao, for ui. We'd ratbor ehancn Our lunch at homn( without tha nnts, ("It seems funny, dear tho mo. I qultoes don't em to bother MK.") And-whnrn wo'll gat our reg'lar pay If wo are forced To work all day? ("Daddy, when wo goluta bare on other picnic?") Dantlit (looking Into Ills ante room, wboro a number of patient wero waiting:) "Who haa been wait ing the tangent?" Tailor (who hnd called to present a bill:) "I bavo doctor, I delivered the clothea to you thrco yeara ago. Hlgn In Htoro Winlr "Coriata, guaranteed to fit lliu walit and buit." . f Ha May N'tl 'iw Hare la on unique and probably ap proprlatn new Item taken from a New llarapahlro daily: The church presented Ur. Hpooner with a splendid car. He asks the prayom of all Christian people. Tim KIkm A klM Is a peculiar proposition. Of no uso to one, yot absolute, bliss to two. Tho xmall boy gnta It for nothing, tho young man haa to stonl It, and tho old man has to buy It. The hnby'a right thn lovor'a prlvtlegn, tho hypocrlto'a mask. To a young girl, faith: to a marrlod woman, hopo; to an old maid, charity. A' Scotch man got so dry over lioro he had to pin tho stampn on his lot-ten. "How many people work In your offlco?" "Oh, about half of them." Tho girl next door said last night one should novor put off today what ono can' loavo off tomorrow. In Manchoator, N. H., as lato as J848, It was contrary to law to smoke fn the street on thn Sabbath. Kloctrlo cables which send up sig nal Into the air are suggested as n means of guiding airmen during fog gy woattier. CARUSO ' LEAVES (90,000,000 f NAPLES, Aug. 4. Enrico Caruso, the colobratod tenor who died hero yeatedray, Is reportod to have loft a fof(uno ostlmatod at $0,000,060, Outbst of Everett True 'jVKfVVvVviVi.vnnnrvrtVwVa By Condon j trip; nb, tsvt, Sanger n jy rra j -" mi in ui uu s st&SpSi ' '&rftos& r mr mmWwSmmL. XmW P AmWWv aflaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK '.SBBBBaaaaVl?JsBSBBl l't-flaaaaaalaBaaw ' jJaaaaaaaal lalHaV'aaaaB mmmw ' aaaaaHSalaaH HKLaiaaaaaaaal mmi i Tha adoption and adaptation of a port Idea Into' tho drcnlfr fashion realm l shown In this latest Joseph Importation. It Is a "lop coat" of gray suede with i monkeyfur collar.' It smart lines, loose box coat effect with the perforated seams, and belt make It ono of tho chlo fall novelties. A largo gray velvet continental hat la shown. Obok Carnation ? Pudding Cream Sauce Fudge Ciutank, Gravieav' CakM Blacuk. Scalloped DieW v 7 TAMPER FILLS SILOS FULLER COHVALMS, Aug. 4. An auto matic tamper used In filling silos has proved successful at the Oregon Agricultural college. The tamper is tho first one used In the state. It In said to Inercaao tho capacity of al tos packed In tbo ordinary way EO per cent. Not only docs It pack uniformly, but It Increases tho keep ing qualities through closer packing. Tho automatic tamper Is mado by tho Uushman manufacturing company. It works as a small steam roller which runs around on top of tbo en sllago as It Is fed Into tha silo. The operator rmndles the tamper and tho feeder at the same tlmo, tboreforo cost of operation la not Increased. Tho capacity of thn silos at O. A. C. was swelled 33 1-3 por cent over tho previous rocord of closo pack ing, according to J. C. Pollock, dairy herdsman at tho college. Oats and volch, and barley and vetch, to tbo amount of 27S tons havo been put Into tbo college alios this year. All of thorn havo boon packed by tho automatic tamper. More cnsllago of corn and sunflow ors will bo handled in Septomber. I-SjnfleNalBaaaaafc 1 ' VaaaalVSBBBBaaaaaaaaafSBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV VVJ jBBBBBBBBBBBJaBBBKBBHaaVlHBL-y After every shot old can nons had to be cleaned. The chemical and physical action of the priming fouled the barrel and marked it with tiny "pits." Modern rifles also suffer from the effects of the priming. For years manu facturers have studied to reduce the effects of the priming on the barrel. And now a new, wonderful priming has been developed in the U. S. laboratories. The priming in all U. S. Rim-Fires reduces fouling and erosion It lengthens the life of a "Load me well and keep me dean. And I'll fire a shot to Calais Green" Intcription on mn old cannon f Dover, EngUnJ rifle to a rernarkable degree. The rifle is easier to clean. It is more accurate, because 1 : a barrel worn or pitted by ordinary priming loses in accuracy. The slightest effect in the barrel is multi plied by the distance the . bullet travels. Be good to your rifle. "Load it well and keep it clean by using only U. S. Rim-Fires and clean ing it before putting away. We have in stock all popu lar styles and sizes for all makes of rifles. Money back if you are not entirely satisfied. CARTRIDGES VS?AND SHELLS UNITED STATES CAKTIUDGE COMPANY, New Yet, Klamath Fails, Ore. ' J. B. Chambers Baldwin Hdwe. Co. Klamath Hdwe. Co. ChlloqalM, Ore. Chiloqaln Merc. Ce. Malta, Ore. The Kallna Store Merrill, Or. R. H, Anderso Merrill Mare. Ce. Dorm, oanr. Hoy Taber Make that Idle dollar work! Pot It In the bank. XOTICK QV FILING PETITION TO VACATE A BIURET To "whom It May Concern: Notlco U horeby given that the undersigned will, at a regular meet ing of tho Common Council of tho City or Klamath Falls, Oregon, to bo hold on tha 4 th Monday of August, 1021, towlt on tho 2 2d day of Aug ust 1931, prosent tholr petition to said Common Council praying for the vacation of that portion of Bekey MWMWWWWWMMWWWWWMWWWWIWW HOTEL GUTTER BAN FRANCISCO Not Merely A Hotel, But An In stitution Founded On These Principles. POPULAR PRICES SERVICE COURTESY Qoorge Warren Hopper, Mgr. I wwwwwvwwwwwwwwawnwwva FiTfi Orccon't Higher Inilllution of TECHNOLOGY Eight Schools; Seventy Departments KAIL ThKM OPENS SEPT. 19, 1921 w Ir.liMmiiMw wtlit t iht Rtiiurir Oregon Agricultural College COKVALUS Streot lying between Blocks 3 and 4 of Klamath Lake Addition to tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, also the alleys running through said blocks 3 and 4 of sold addition, as said portion of Bekey Street Is shown by tho official plat of said addition to Klamath Falls now on fllo In the public records of Klamath County, Oregon. Dated, July 27, 1921, Klamath Falls, Oregon. School District No. 1, Klamath County, Oregon. uy P. L.. FOUNTAIN, Chairman, By IDA B. MOMYER. Clerk 28-4-11-18 Petitioner NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Contractors may receive the plans for the 8hlpplngton school from the designer, C. N. Cooseboom, 815 Jef ferson St. on August 8th., a deposit of $10.00 will be required for each set of plans. 1-6 SCHOOL DIST. NO. 1. rwVJMMWiiMwWMMMWMVMMMMMMMWi AN INVESTMENT I havo several blocks of lots surrounding the Matin high school that I will soil for buslress and roildeutlal pur poses, thus 'fferlug to tho people of Klamath county an opportunity to mako n real In vestment I will sell these lota for $75 and up, on tho Installment plan, the tonus to suit the purchaser. No Inter est will be charged and I will pay the taxes until dood Is de livered to buyer. ' Maltn Is situated In tho cen ter of one of the rlchost dis tricts in the world. It In back ed by progressive mil conser vative cltliens. It haa a future that assures development to a degree 'that will make thla property worth many times tho price I am soiling It for. When oil la discovered, Malln will be found to be In the very heart of the field and the biggest producora will be at Its door. It you are looking for some-; thing that will pay you big returns, you can make no mis take in buying Maltn proper- For further information, write or see A. KALINA . MAUN, Ore. WtiaivVwVwWwwVVMwvArXAArMAMrM NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator, with the will annexed, of tha estate of George Engwlcht, deceased, has filed In the County Court of tho stato of Oregon, for Klamath County the final ac count of his administration of said ostato and said Court has fixed Aug. ust 1st. 1921 at 3 o'clock p. m. as the time and tho Court room of this Court as tho place for tho hearing of tbo said final account and for tbo settlement of said cstato. Deted: Juno 25, 1921. R. C. Orocsbcck, administrator, with tho will annexed of the cstato of George Engwlcbt, de ceased. 27-4-11-18-IS Make Your Tractor Work Attach it to a Russell Thresher AND INSURE YOUR CROP BEING THRESHED AT THE PROPER TIME A size is built to suit every requirement EBBsi xW The "Russell" Junior Thresher with Timken Bearings Is the proper size for your Fordson, Samson or similar Tractor. The f'Russell" Cyclone Thresher is built in six sizes for all makes of larger Tractors. 't "Russell" Threshers, Tractors, Sawmills are the leaders in their line. THERE'S A REASON! The A. H. Avekju. 'Machinery Co. Portland, Oregon Please send mo, without obligation on my port, in formation relative to a Russell TuncsHER of proper size for my Tractor which is horse power in size. rgssBf-SHBJfiSr'T!BBBBt?i1 t If It's Loose . We Will Move It O. K. TRANSFER CO, m dMSp 3