The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 04, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Evening Herald
M V HfIA wtitMMii'Mlior
I HUUIiN VUX Ktlllor
rkllihoil Mt mcept Humlay, 17
Herald I'ulilUliIng Company of
TMautli KaIIi, at 110 KlRtitlt lltroot.
VMurori nt tho poitoftlco ni Ktn
tawtk. Kails, Orn.i tor . transmission
Mrtnwb tint mails socoiul-clns
Ttm Aftflctntcd I'rnn In oxrluslvnly
fttiUtlod to thn no tor republication
C H tinwn dlspAtcho erodltml to It,
tt othorwlmi credited In this
lr, and it I so tho local now rule
iMhr herein,
ihuiwday, .vt'titw i, timi.
ii i i
M Tl
Murfl MerchantAble'slied timber
ratably was killed tit tho Houthern
vt holt during tho 11 SO jours
Or tho ttoulhctn pine Initio than
M trom Alt ether causoa wwWii
a. II I oho nt tho most dcstrurt
tutemle of at specie ot pine,
tv-w tVunhanlA'tu Texas, yet tho
trnllon of serlou outbroAkA And
aw control of thl tncnAco to tho
tgnoat timber rMourco ot tho South
wot only nre, ivslhle hut entirely
nsellcftWe, y specUlls! ot tho
aTrtod 8Mte department ot agrl
nHnro In Panneta' tlulletln ll$J,
11m. Southern rtno lteotto, rooently
laMthcd, it l only nocosaary,
an tho bulletin, to cut and utlllio
w ri or lumber, during tho tall
winter month. all treea thAt
during tho IaIo summer nnd
5W making sur that tho bark ot
W tntn trunk I burned.
Under nwrt or normal condl
est caused hy tho activities ot tho
Wrtlo a tow scattering tree aro
UWct hy tl Ntch rr In mlut of pine timber throughout
A Southern state. When condl
lwa Wome taxorabta (or tho mul
Wrontlon ot tho tnt. U U Wo
Mil rujw ot trvo. n.t It thow
U.l l..Ui. I V I
rVl J :r, ; . hM h,m bH,w' Wrtwnea n,l rn
S! .l,!:!'ntt,T wm,UHln.ohU .. th.nlnto
. ii.ri k"'i iw an niorok)
hlch wii- ruli In k)oirol Uo"
MAI.TIMOUI5, (Mil.) Au. .
Dnvlil M, UoMturtM, nrofoK.vir
nrrhololoK)' nt Jolnm llipldin, Ihin n
ronlly tllacovoroil tlmt ovou IIiourIi
(tin pagniv tiooplo ot thn lloiniui Km
I'lro worn IrtcklOR nnvimiori nml
liorloillrntu, tlioy woro no luRKnrilR In
llio uinrtUliiR Knmt), nor woro thoy
iKuornnt ot tho notanry of imlillolly,
1'lioy on hnil ro nKontii,
I'olltli'ut mU Ami nnl iuIa Ooml
tintoil lliolr iiulillcAtlonN. Or. Itodln-
ion mtlil, wliloh wvro mostly Iktro
hllltionrtU, lottoroil hy rrllioi. uuioli
n tho JonruAllnl ot thU iro IaNU
IiIa mw utorioA with homlllnon. At
tlmoK tliln rmto fororunnor ot Don
KrMuklln'A nrt ioaimroiI to Kvt out
Tho follow Iir l nn un-to-tlAlo And
onlorrlntnt; Ail. whlrh nppoarott omo
hunilrotl ot 'oam liefow tho (Irnl
OlirlxtmAS In tho Uo town of Torn
voll :
"IV ront. Krm tho tlmt 0.y of
noxt July, nhor with flowor oor
thorn; flnor upt'or rhAmhor nnd n
hoiuo In tho Arliu Tolllo MorW,
onnotl hy (tUAeu MiUltin."
"AlthnuKh tho nnclont ItomnnA hl
no (Ulty noAtorA, uch a rhltlA
Hon I MoMod Mvlth tiMay," lt
l)r ltohlnon, "thoy hil a jtom ot
lsn bvrlA Ami jurtillo. notlro bill
bivrl waa lhAt tholr Alio a noro
Arlly llmlto.t, aM couo)uontly tho
lonsth ot tho Ailvorllmont waa rut
off a thorl AA MlhlO.
"Tho ihiIUIoIaik of totUy for ln
Iauw. mUht ll ittorn Attrr old
.'nhllu Virion. rAnill.Uto for Alilrr
wau In I'omi'oll In tho fourth contury
hoforo ChrUt. whoo nuwloit com
AtRn All follow
" 'MaVo VuhlluA KurlUA, I
txit ot ymi; ho'A a jckI man.'
,Thl notion U Ahort Anl nhtiipt,
hut without convlnclnr."
I'UINVtl.l.V: Sumner llouton. 30
jvr-oM ton ot Cturlo llouolon,
rAnrhor, tot hl rlitht hand In an Ac
cident. Young l(vnuton w-aa drUtnc
a mow Ins niachtno when n loam tvo
a ditch Jul ahead ot tho rytho.
io-orlns tho hand At tho wrNt com
'(VloJolj- from tho arm.
KCOKNKIUrl r.Atc wa flno.1
key ltm will tm nno ot tho fcaturca
nt tho Northwoftt Hny it ml (Irnln
Ahow, nrrordliiK lu Krod llonnlon,
rolinty itRnnt nml Aocrotnry ot tho
- t
NIJMU:i(l Tito I'ltrltlo coIIprp
caiuiiaIru to ntlno $2,000,000 to w I no
out ttto dohtn ot tho colli'KO nnd loui
ft 110,000 to ondnw- nml Htnmlurdlxo
tltn Inntltutlon wan hrouultt to nn oml
Hrtturdiiy nlRht, with tho fund over
rmtixcrtticti. AtiKUnt t wmt tho day
t for tho fund to ho HUhtcrlhcd,
HOOD ItlVIIlt Mm. lloittrloo Now-
rontor, younit mntrnn of Sntom.'wlto
hornuto III on tho I.okIoii Mount
Hood uncoil! , wit lu rmcli AorlotiA
condition Hint It win noeonimry to
lonvn licr with f tiros I Humors In
chnrRo ot tho lookout Atntlou. Mm.
Now'comor culliximod wlmn ho Inhivl
od n whiff ot Atiliihur tuiuc from
tho crntor, ,
MKDKOUlv Tho long world
hntH'onod nnd Jnck ItoniAtrovt In no
loitRor n momhor ot tho Modfonl io
lllco forco, ItnvInK boon forced by
Chief of Dollco Timothy to ovor hl
connection with tho dejmrtment. Tho
chief ravo Jnck IiIa cholco of cither
tvAlKuIng or IicIiir fired, nnd tho
nlhl imllcomnn nbolutely rofmeo.
to roAlRn.
rOUTLAND ItocetvlnR tho widest
dlAtrlbullon In their history, "Mid
land" cherries went to moro distant
inArkotA And In larger shipments than
ever bo for. This was niAdo possl-
bio by careful hnndlluR nnd sortlnR.
Kavornblo weather condition alq
havo contributed toward mlnlmUliiK
brwn rot, which often prevent hlp
pine nny Rroat distance.
SAI.KM John Knor, owner of n
larso ranch In tho vicinity ot l'mtum.
wa fined $500 by County JuiIro
ltuhey after ho had pleaded Rullty to
u charco ot bootlcKRlnR. Kuer win
arretted eeral wcek ro. JudRo
lliuhcy Intimated In passlnR sentence
that hAd not Mr. Kayor'A wlfo been
seriously 111 tho penalty would have
carried n Jail sentence.
sity baseball practice will start at
the.lJulvtrslty of OroRon a soon a
school open In tho fall, according
to Coach George llohler. A now lay
er ot dirt will bo put on tho Infield
and tho surftco will bo roundel off
In approved turtle back stjlo
Mnomi, according to the but
tMWYon ISS0 and IS3 thco
htMtha Ihlt .Mr lr-- ....
,t tho ,-Mlow. 'pitch An,l white!15;" An, ""! tor $0 In
Trt, hf Vvi vrtHU ...i v. Jul wurt hero following a raid
sUla, and tnco the rattiest - , ' rwldonf ot Mr. Umberton
nkt, In !, ht Vlllcl a st h' sl,tl" M -SH' A KA"on
-twrntnt t timber In tho Atlantic of Uv,uor mA ' f wpty
Ht O.vlt ttoN nuNt ct "hlh ha Ni"' frunJ' Tho men took
itwa . total t,v Their dostmo ,hc w t,w lJ", ff,r ' ,hc
Vn ran wnly t tutvartvl to. tht " roo.t after ho had
wmM Va- rot tire, and. a v.,tml'cd tho Jntlc of tho peace that
demtstred, the- way lod,i-"e would rck np her thing and
t rr greater tteslnxtton than ha!)s ' -McCalttMer wa rent-,
tvr W fKrdod as rwulltng rnf,ed to S daj In 411 along wtthi
nii rtnc atoRo In the SrtatrrfT tc $i rtao,
itw .
Tho lnstd I a mall rrowlh r l)UTtVXt) .)ao t tho greatest.
. Wetle :.Yaowht smaller th. tt not the groatest rolato crop that
gtln. t Hco. It Ho rrvwn MarvA th lvatte Northw-ost h tr M
tA tVwAWr In tfce wr mhen ioo,t U 5town Tor t5l. Inlttal dig-,
.wttct .And trcw .May j Krtt-rw- gtng )tat haw unusually llNrl
U tt northern rang. U at jVM aad tho general character ot!
tV t5t Mtdd) and ppr ir- t wpt ewcnu Potato acreage
W e trnX vt itoatiKy Mro Oregs, VVasktngtAS d Idaho
tMnft ,Wr 0''" mvf tS.U yea H a USorj.1 oae Owing'
v-.iriVR iog, vhtdtng fcarrow cr t v u jsrW t ov ranch rro-
n? "wf' kk 'MVt wa rhte! ttx wU"
tVo Wnct; l4-m t t. Uxr.g WK 1w , A
d vaatX tie rtc iot tho wWL,
.e4r tvrco I tfafclj- tncat- MAIlSHnrOJ-.Vc cVlT.g X
5X -? " fJ if tho c iur ... ,
. " ' """ 4KJr.,rv. . t-vj.,. ,. .-- JV.B
Adrorttslnc bring etttrlcncy.
- tike Mother
ustdb make!
cfeictous' wifh
9 ePig &
of cVwerx
pure cream
n- . iw kl .Z!?1u " Vr no-
Wy.k M-.NNS are trrdtoate,! Vv
2te Amea Dotto
taAmg gtvc, mwlAAw. Z u rtB TAiA 1d
MRtvV oVnmWd V to nox-v .,., wr7
v w, c t,e UrX n-cw te VKNIWJ.TON A TayrtKW l
vVA wt o.c roV tA tW ttt, V'' ,Wl r'
Pa A v'f.wacVulc SvrX It. WnWu wntty i wrttncj weJl i
twvwc rt. ut on fhe .tirtfci tJt tho RA ore teem Vwv tfitxls-i-rtftj,
, .y ttt VniAfltu. OMiiitj- TArni 'bare
VVmX'WS.g the twn t tV tr'1141 XC-w
wAt troo ifr.t-3 wvrixt'AM wjt -
fx-A tm ) ti Wlr.g .7'rtr.fe J 1 1
-. "inMiit ills MUD flA.1 J
V- w1, inroi c 5ffl-evflrrt'ff.g it
Jl t& ,e ifnwt. irt; wa ,.
VxXsbO4 to Wfft lAtliAfng it iwrtre
--e. vumwoJl 4,-ni IrtiriioA 'rtioft'k'l
kTWA iX Mi (fniwrt. '?rh ort I
't ttvt'f'.t Wit jwrlAj itwjtwwo. -!
JAA, Ww (owfttrttl wvVk iis 7iaJ
1Kai i,ux Witnwtits ,b tutitUKr)
Leave Umm Taxi office S o'clock
Monday, WdwMcUy aJtd Friday Morakii
x PKowe 424-J for reMralioaU Larre cars
Get Those Economy and Mason Jars
For Canning Purposes From .
Baldwin Hardware Co.
We are offering these Jdrs at a
Discount of 15 Per Cent while they last
Insurance Agents
Confer on Proposed
Increase in Rates
A regular meeting ot tho Klam
ath Insurance. Agent' Association
wu held Tuesday noon at tho llox
enfo for the purposo ot discussion
nt tho Insurnnco business In this
city and county, na well a to take
soma action relatlvo to tho thtvaj
ened Increase ot Insuranco rate
hero by tho Oregon Insuranco Hat
ing bureau nt Portland.
Representatives ot tho following
firm were present: Taut llogardus,
Prod Ducting. Daggott A demons, A Hnydcn, W. S. Slough,
Wilton Abstract company, Calkin &
Donalsnn, nnd Arthur H. Wilson. A
resolution wa road and adopted by
tho nasoclatlon, adding their Invita
tion lo that of Mayor W. 8. Wiley,
asking A. C Harbor, Insuranco com
missioner ot Oregon, to visit Klam
ath Kails In tho near future. The
city ot Klamath Kails, through tho
council, extended an Invitation to
the Insuranco commissioner to come,
hero and secure first hand Informa
tion on tho Insuranco situation a'
well a the protective measures tak-
en to safeguard tho city trom do-'
structtvo tiros. Member or tho In
surance association feel that great
good ran bo aceoninllahetl br a visit
here In past correspondence Mr I
Harbor staled that ho would come
hero any time ho was requested to i
Advertising pay. Try it nd .
Are You Prepared?
Fly Time Is Here
We have a large stock of SCREEN
DOORS in three design, to fit all
regular door opening.
These doors are made of clear, kiln
dried, California white pine cov
ered with the best grade of rust
proof, galvanized wire, and put to
gether with hardwood wedge dow
els a patented process which
makes an exceedingly rigid door.
"Everything to Build With"
Phone 107 Main & Spring Sts
The Sisters . of Charity
Without Cost or Expense to the City or County
The Courses of Instruction are according to the
Oregon School Law, and are entirely without Religious
prejudice, and the advantages of training and edaca
tion are accorded to pupils without regard to Creed
or Belief.
TtOutn, Skaj- StOwAjirt.
Boaia Mbi 1t
..9 JMMt per savtatta
.VMJkO w
Td ttsMJtaaVisi KnaM, tean&T uA nJUtutn' annainteo. innr rstw flsn. w.
per annuttu rtor AnrtraV uJ) io IncU J 1 Airgr6m
Mnlc lumntmu. . 4F ?JM rr sum
iVij-s. tN4a (Mil JTJs Rrturfltty: tWvtkitsinat
Address or Apply to SISTER SUPERIOR Ur
hathtr imti mation.
. w Tot aiiis muuoh tmnutfu tl,
ftstftilA (tMHtipft't.'U) te OI.'W5;tit!
te5 'MdrtTtfl Ht'Cfl.