c i (js A ''V l N 3Hp? lEuntttg Herald A ClaSS Ad WW. Do It Today N-0 J Todmy Member of the Associated Pre. Klftociitli War. No. noM. KLAMATH KALL8, OUKGON, TJtUH8lAYf AVUVHT 4, 1031. prick vivb cam ' if' : i ' o i " t - I .. MPEflJTION ILL DEVELOP LIKE, SHS FEE lit tinn -way und" out tlm other, In tlin propor way lo routo Orator Lake taurUt travel, mIiI Ohnrlon H. Koo. general paasongar nicoiit of tho Bouthcrn Pacific, nt nn Informal ro caption nt tho ehnmher of common a roomn lant night, discussing tho Crator Lnko innttur with tho Ion cltlxenn gathered to greet blm. Tho railway passenger depart ment hmt fouml, hn wild, thai thoy lost trnns-conllnontnl buslnoia by trying to Inilnco tourists to buy it re turn ticket ovnr tlm nnmo routu, lln Ionic ago Instructed agontn to null tho tourlit tho ticket tin wanted, unit not to attempt to pomuado him to travel ovnr thn nnmo lino coins and coming. This, said Mr. Koo, hail proved tho beat policy, nnil hn thought thnt. Medfonl nnil Klamath Kails would find It to their udvunl ago In developing tho Crator Lake travel to co-opcrnto In an endeavor to route tourlit Into tho lako from ono sldn unit out the othor. It wan said that tho Med ford ill rectors of tho Crater l.ako company and tho company Itself wan pursu In it thla ro-operatlvn policy, hut that there was a sentiment In Mod ford that wan still antagonistic to Klamath Kails, anil nonin reportH had reached thn local chamber of commerce that tourlMa were ad vised that tho Klamath Kulla road to thn lake wai not air good aa thn Medfonl route, and thoy would fare bettor If thoy entered and returned via Medford. Mr. Koo promised to do nil he could to overcome thla bad nsdlcy, both In pirsonul discussion amj. in future' advertising. Thla li tho flrit visit of thn rail way official to CratorvJako In 1C year. Ilo atlll ban vivid Impren alona of hi former trip, and lookod forward with much ploaauro to an other view of tho Inko'i scenic aplendor. Ilu aald that Klamath county had n unlitin asset In tho lake, mid though development of tho tourist Interest inlKht bit alow, hn predicted thnt thn day wan com Inc when thn lakn would bo a point on tho Itinerary of all western tour ists. Within his experience, ho aald, tho YiiMimltn annual visitation had crown from 2,500 persona until thla season It In estimated that 80,000 persons will cuter tho park boforo It closes. Aaked aa to tho possibilities of railway oxtonslon, Mr. Ken cava hla opinion that tho railways woro In no position to build. Ilo aald that finances worn nt n, lower obb at proaonl thnn at nny tlmo during thn ,40 ycurs of railroading. Competing uulo truck nnil bUH lines wcro sorl ously Impairing railway revenues, hn anld. In Cullfornla tho railway commission Iiuh Just Issuod nn ordor permitting tho Southorn Pacific to lay off sixteen local pussonKor trains In tho bay region and Sacra- mento valley. Tho roada emerged from government control with their rolling stock unit roadbeds Impaired and eiirnlna power consequently do creaaod, Despite all, how over, Mr. Foo was optimistic. "Wo'll coma out of It all right,' ho declared, but ho Bald ho forosaw no Immcdlato prospect of construction. i Tho railway man U traveling In bin prlvato car, Ilorkoloy, nccoin panlod by his wlfo und two daugh tors. Thn party Ibft for tho lako this morning. The ladlos will ro turu to Klamnth Falls and go by rail to Medford. Mr. Koo will go by stago from tho lako to Medford and rcsumo tho rail trip north, with thorn. ItVHBIANM LIVING O.V KLKHH OF HOltHKH PAPKftH RKlHrnT NEW YOIIK, Aug. 4, Hussion horses, which numbered 36,000,000 boforo tho war have nracllonllv ills. appeared, having boon oft ton 'by tho famished population. This wiu ro vealod In nrtlclos In Russian news papors published In Moscow, which havo boon rocolvpil 'hero 'by tho American rollof administration. Cluav es at,tho Moscow university aro to ported to havo boon dismissed when tho students becutno too wouk from hungor to work, , Government Demand Tax From Legion for Pott Benefit Dance A special meeting of thn Amer ican Legion will bo called at 8 o'clock tonight nt tho city hall for business arising from thn dances held Inst year by thn post. Ono dance wa given at thn Ucandlnu vlau hall and three othorn at thn While Pelican hotol. ' It developed today with u visit from O, O, Davis and Ooorgo O. Ilnwett, federal Income tax collect or;, from Portland .that tho dances given wero subject to thn rulings of tho Internal revenue department, und demand has been mnde for tho tnx. At tho time when thu post gavo theso dunces, no Idoa was enter tallied by Itoy N. Koucho, J. It. Carnahan and Louis Porter, post of ficers .that n return would havo to bo matin to tho government, aa profit wan not considered, nor was thorn to bo n division of tho pro ceeds. All money derived abovo ex pense was turned Into thn post fund for books, lltornturo and miulpmnnt, atnted thn post officers trilny Today notice was given Itoy Koiich, post adjutant, thnt $78 tnx nnd n penalty ot over $40 for (in payment would havo to bo made tho government by midnight, fho mem bers aro called by tho pot officers to meet and taka earn of Its emer gency. FREE NURKET TRIAL SATURDAY The basin Idea ot the frco market plan, trial ot which takes place Hat urdjy at tho Arcado hotel. Is not com petition with local dealers lu.grcon stuff nnd meats, nays Chris Planus, proprietor of tbo hotol nnd origina tor of tho plan for a local froo mar ket, but stimulation of tho growing of vegetables, poultry and othor pro duco that can bo distributed through tho froo market by furnishing tho grower with a direct nnd profitable market for his products. Mr. manna expectn Saturday' trynut to provo thn feasibility of his plan and I working hard to Interest both producer and consumer. Ifo has thn coo-oporatlon of members of thn women's auxiliary of tho cham ber ot commerce and It Is expectod that u largo crowd of housewives will bo on hand, when tho markot opens Saturday morning at 8 o'clock. Producers aro urgod to remember that thla Is a trial opening and to refrain from offering too much of nny ono commodity until tho market I established. Small lota and tho groatost possible varloty ot products Is dcslrod, sayn Mr. Itlunns, In ordor that tho domnnd for dlfforont food stuffs may bo gauged. It tho trial Saturday Is successful tho frco mar ket will bo hold wcokly. Potato groworn for Instnnco, said Mr. Manas, might bring In a fow Racks ot potaloos, showing fair Ram- plea and tnko ordor on tho sam ples for later dollvory It tho demand warrant. Vogotnble of all kinds, chickens, eggs and moat Will bo of fered. ItODV OK FAMKD HINGI'.It LAID TO ItKHT TODAY NAPLES, Aug. 4k Patrician cud plobluns gathorod.oarly tojuy to wit noss tho funeral of Knrlco Caruso, which wan hold in thn .historic church of Ban Krnnclsco dl Pardn.. Kour hundred singers inn'g a nt qulom. nnprcsontatves ot tho royal family nnd United States officials participated. IHSTAL MKSHKNOKlt HOIIBKI, ST. LOUIS, Aug. 4.T.Tiroo ban dits hold up nu'd slugged Tommy Kolaldo, postofflco tnoHsengor, nt Wood Itlvor, Illinois, anil escaped today with th'roo pouches, 'Ono' of tho bags la b)llovod to havo contain od $60,000 In curroncy to tho Stand nrd Oil company at' Wool! Hiver, m ' , SUIT ON NOTKS 1 tjult for tho collodion of threa un paid note totalling $250, given 'the First State and Savings bank by A. T, Miller wu filed In tho circuit today, MWWWWWWWWMVWWWWMAMi THE FREEDOM OF SUBSIDIZING A (KDITOKIAL) Tho oyoti of tho thinking world nro focused on Kngland, and nil bocauio ono man has sought to defy tho will of anothor. That man Is Lord North cllffo, tho world's grcntont publisher, tho owner of upward of two hun dred publlcntlonn, among them tho groatost newspaper In Kngland. Tho othor man Is the "llttlo Wolchmon," thn promlor of England, Lloyd (Jeorge, reputed to bo tho amortcttt man In England nnd recognized as ono of tun groat statesmen ot too ago, v... ..- t. . ilu. ntw.iiiwi thn iinnm nf mnn nit tniirt. or greater sensitiveness to criticism. .. '. ii f ... .l.l.kM tho plan of Lloyd Ooorgo to attend poraorfoily tho disarmament conrerenco, which It Ik proposed to hold In Washington, tho premier winced and In his nnger struck back at tho publlshor, by closing certain avenues of In formation heretofore open to his newspapers, forgetting that Informa tion Is not tho porsonal property of Lloyd Ucorgo, but of his masters tho people. Ilo further forgot that promlera havn corno nnd premiers hnvo gone, but great newspaper continue on and will bo read and listened to when ho Is forgotten. . ' Norlhcllffo Is not tho only newspaper mnn who has had to meet tho (, f,5Mt you Mm fjm n everywhere. Opponents of tho frco press novor hositnto to spend tlmo nnd money lo destroy a newspaper itai shows any degree ot Independence or any disposition to stand up for tbo rights of thn peoplo ngnlnit tho sottish' Interests of would-bo dictators to bo found In every community. And no.nowspapcr that has had tho cour ago to fight for what It believes to bo right, baa over failed. Tho subsidized press Is tho curso of sld comos In tho naturo of direct secret support. It In tainted from tho packet ot tho crook, tho dishonest politician, who hones to hldo hls'mladciit or find a defender when ho Is caught, from tho smnll touted business man who seeks control of tho volco of thn press by his advertising, by tbo fnnntlc who can seo nothing but thn distorted vision of a diseased mind, thn dishonest rascal -whoso only thought Is self nggrandlzement. Rising from such a source nothing could bo honest und If It could exist, then tho freedom ot tho press would bo a thing of thn past nnd tho light that has pointed tho way to every thing that has elevated, refined and mado pormancnt human freedom would bo lest. Tbo outcome of tho controversy will not decldo tho relative abll Ity of either man. but It will havo It bearing on a. creator question tho freedom of thn press. To throttle tho volco of tho press, to bend It to their whims and fancies, to dictate Its policy, to control Its utterances has ovor been tho nlm of lender of every nation and every cause It Is a struxrlo that will contlnun until tho ond of tlmo, bnt novor will tho day come when tho world -w 111 bo without ple s right Tbero will never coran a day when sllnnco tho volcn of thn press, for It Found, Helplea Man Near Ft. Klamath Dan Wilson, aged 41 years, was picked up In a weakonod physical condition noar Heven Mile creek yes terday by Ambrose Ambroghottl ot this city and taken to the malt launch conductod by Capt. Calkin nnd brought to this city. Wllsou wan taken to a local bos' pllal for treatment for atomich ills- order arising whllo lost In tho reg ion near Crator lako last wcok. In vestigation of hla mentality wan in.ii.la and It wag found ho wus sano. W'h son wan sent lo tho Klamath county Infirmary for trealmont. Ho clalmi. Vallojo, California, as his homo. Hn In supposed to bo thn deranged man reported at liberty In thn Kt. Kin math region Tuesday. JUIXiV: HAMILTON WTI.Ii QUIT HOSKIIUItO IIK.VCH K08K11UIIO, Or., Aug. 4. Al though tho primary election Is stilt nlno months In tho future tho po litical pot Is already browing and po litical circles aro beginning to make surmltes and predictions based on tho present outlook. Judgo J. W Hamilton, has announced def initely that ha wilt not again bo a candidate. VMvWWMWWWMVWMWWlWMAAMMAAMMAAAMA When the Irish sjsatjtBsjssWctlF,aVTr ""-aummmmmmmmutmi wm " "iHHBBHHIIMNP-',"Ot?; u&wi&MK JLaw- iUILii-'J''saaalv.waaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaJisaaaaaaaaaV ssjsaMgp!Mlsaan B i- "MssrattaaaTaailaaaaTfysaaaaaaT t aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanMiaasW WTFmn ntmfm iThTlsasaBaBaBaBaBainimal tJka&t2a4VjM HlWwlaBaBKifi!Bnt A ' aoHsVaaBaBaBaBaBaBaH f AiKJBBawk. i JaKttWmjnWWmaBtWmm This ploturo, rushod from London, graphically shows how enthusiastic was tho welcome given Ie Valera and histoids by Irish sympathliera when tho-Irish "Peaco Special" arrlvod'. .bringing Do Vnlora for tho conferences with Lloyd Ooorgo. This photographtwaa snapped in-Euston Sta- - tlon, London, Just as tho Irish train caina to a stop. Tho entire station waa ono dense mass ot ehosrlnr humanity. - """ . THE PRESS AND NEWSPAPER J h,. ,.n...n. ih ,. frnitiv hnt 3 Htrifirtor. or KtatfHmcn tu Kfoat i AkHH f i.l VnvtfcAltft.. MflfllnI . V hen Lord Northcllffe criticized any community whethor that sub- financial holp, promised patronago brlnny sldo except that of tho British newspapers to chnmplon tho peo thn Lloyd Ooorge of tho world will Is thn voice of freedom War on Weed Makes Progress Says Chief " t J Property owner whoao lots aro covered with weeds arecuttlng them and trying In every way to assist tho fire department iiUla campaign 'against grass ftres rmlngthlt -dry porlod, said Keith Ambrose, chief of tho firo department today, Tho business section wan being cleared rapidly and as soon as tho flro rammlttco reports to tho coun cil what means can bo taken to ro Ileo tho menace In tho Hot Springs and second Hot Springs addition, ac tion will begin nt onco on thorn. Roll ing wllh a log nnd tho use of a mow er woro suggested to tbo flro chief by merabon ot thn council, but oach suggestion han a drawback. Burning off patches, with a flro man detail ed to sen that no groat hoadway was galnod by tho flro, has alio been suggested. Make thnt Idle dollar work! It in tho bank. Put DlUiailtLK TO FLY FUO.M KMHiAM) TO U. S. WASHINGTON. Aug. 4 Tho monster1 firitlsu built naval dirigible, 7.11-2, lcao!i Hon den, Kngland, Aug ust 26th for Lnkohurst, Now Jrsoy. "Peace Special" Reached London . .. .......... .l Sinn Fein Report Ulster Reply Not Favorable to Peace BELFAST, Aug. 4. The Ulstor cnblnat mot today In a short ses sion, but no announcement was made regarding tho deliberations. It was authorltatlvoly stated that no message from Do Valera had reached tho cablnot. IteporU that UUlor reiuica lo entertain tio uru- Ish government's proposals ponce woro officially denied. for DUJILIN, Aig.'4. Thero wlll' bo n full meeting of tbo Irish repub lican parliament, according to offi cial announcement. A roport Is cur rent that Ulster'' reply to the Sinn. Keln overtures has been received, nnd Js. unfavorable. ' LONDON', Aug. 4. Sir James Crnlg, Ulster promlor, announced that ho "absolutely refused to take omplro. "All aro seeking peaco," ho con tinued, "In their own way, and a foolish word now might causo mis chief AMKHICA WIMj TAKK PAItT I.V NUPItMK COUNCIL MKKT LONDON, Aug. 4. Formal Invl tntlon for Amorlcan participation In tho allied stfpremo council at Paris next Monday has been communicated 1 to tbo American cmbasir hero. Am bassador Harvoy and ?.l his ttall will loavo for Paris S?ttrduy. BLULUtWRGHT J. K. Uratton received advices from Pomona, California that the fa mous "blue laws " closing moving picture houses on Sunday pi-.'ed last year In that city wero declared un constitutional In court. A decision by Judge-Burnett, of tbo superior court of Lo Angsles coun ty, covering IS pages doclared that ho was constrained to hold that tho ordinance In question was unconkti tutlonal becauso it was dlscrlmnatory and It .was not In tho powers of tho legislative department io deprive any ot tho pooplo of tho enjoyment of equal privileges undor tho law, nor could any dty be permitted to exercise tyrannical power. Tho ordl nanco was unreasonable bo said be causo It prohibits what, In general, is perfectly lawful. It reached and passed tho limits of tho city pollco powers.' This decision was gonr; to bo fought Mr. Oratton said, by tho Civic Uotterment League Jn Pomona, which Intondcd to carry tho case to t'ja Cal ifornia supremo court and funds -woro being solicited to enrry on tho tight. WVWMWWMMMWWWMMWMAAMAAAMMMMM I MNN rc n L NEXT UK L. J. Dean, proprietor of the Cen tral barber shop, thinks be has cor rectly gauged, the .trend of paljllc sontlment and although alone in his stand and faced by poaalblo discipline from tho barber's anion, today an nounced a reduction ot prices, ef fective next Monday. Tho proposed redactions are: hair cuts from 75 to 5 cents; abaves from 35 to SC oeats; tho ahloes from 20 to 15 cemU. According- to Mr. Bean the aver ago scale on tho Pacific coast it 25 cents for shares and 50 cents for haircuts. The reduction therefore brings shaving to tho gone.'al price lovet. The difference in the prlco of hair cutting will be justified In tho public mind. It Is believed, by tho generally higher cost ot oper ating here. Probably no item ot cost has been more generally criticized by tho pub lic than the local tonaorial prices. Barbers have been getting rapped on every hand. Traveling wen have been especially bitter critics and have carried away tales of Klamath Falls barber's charges, probably raagnlflod In the re-telling, that has helped lo give the city a. 'lot of bad advertuw Ing in the raaUef of living costs. It ( believed that Ue example of the Central shop will bo follow 1 by other proprietors. Mr. Bean aald, he did not know what the unio would do. The ln ternatioaal union maintains the right to establish rIeeT aa'well aa wages. bacaoae away BaftloroM work oatlre- . I ly o'a-reeitleW lal. . Here, however, whero thero ! a guaranteed wago ot $10a week, and ,. a commission of 60 per cent oa weekly receipts over $"41,30, it. li doubtful if public sentiment would hold that tho employees had valid ground for complaint. The reduc tion In prices, it la probable, will bo offset by Increased volume of busi ness and the workers commission will not bo impaired. Tho $3u guar antee remains in forco until the pro sent contract with tho union expires In October. Med ford Reported By Tourist to Be Working Against K. F. Mr. and Mrs., Robert Marx rt MUwaukee, WI.. 'William Marx and Paul O'Dowty yesterday drove to Crator lako by the west sldo routo and completed tho trip of 185 miles in tho day. William Marx stuted that the roads for several miles out ot Ft. Klamath woro in tho finest condi H I tion that ho has ovor Known tnem to bo, but from Klamath Falls to Crater lako the approachos to the bridges woro In bad condition. In some places, a bank olgbt to 12 Inches high made entry or depart ure from a bridgo unsafe. In a conversation with J. IK Wise, i proprietor of tho Ft. Klamath ho tol regarding tourist traffic to Cra tor lako by way ot Klamath Falls, It developed thut Klamath Falls was being discriminated against by Med ford boosters and business men, Mr. Wlso "stated that tourists who stop ped at his place charged thiit Med ford peoplo when questioned about coming out by tbo way ot Klamath Falls .wero told that Topsy grade was the only oxlt from this city and It was practically impassablo. Tourists' wero advised to be sure and return by way of Medford. . Klamath Falls day will be hold In Medford on August 10 and local chamber of commerce representatives would doubtless ask explanation ot why Klamath Falls is being adver tised adversely by tho Medfonl peo plo when ihey know two routes are possible oui of this city, by way of Weed and tho Topsy grade. DIVOHCK GRANTED A decroa of divorce ot Margaret Lucille Freeman from Ouy N, Free man waa entered in tho circuit court today. Desertion was tho ground for suit. I