The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 03, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    WMMfaMDAT, AUGUST 8, 1M1.
rA nx
Perianal Mention
Mrs. W. 0. Moore and Mr. and
Mr. N. U. Martin returned yester
day from an oleven day outing nt
Diamond lak. They report n most
dtllf htfnl tUnc.
8. E. WJckland led this morning
for Crater lake where ho will spend
a'Youplo of days. On his return Mr.
Wlckland will stop at Itocky.yl'olnt
and fiah for a few big ratnbow trout
Mrs. F. T. Nelson and son, Hoy,
are In town today from thotr ranch
near Worden, Oregon.
Mrs. J. h. Hockley and daughter,
Lntlle, and Mis I.tlllo Jones expect
to Jeavo tomorrow" morntns by car
for San Francisco. Miss Deckley
will spend tho winter studying music
with bay city nrttsts.
W. II. Oaddes returned to EsrIo
Ridge thU morning after a day spent
here attending to business nffalrB.
John Lusby, caretaker for Harrl
man Lodge, Is In town today after,
Tom Martin returned to his sum
mer camp on Recreation creek this
morning after a few days in town.
Mrs. Oeorge Horton and brother,
Karl Stelnmetz. left for their home
la RoMburg after a brief visit with
Mr. and Mr. 0. V. Wlmberly.
Mrs. R, H. Cook and small son re
turned the first of tho week from
the east where they haro been visit
ing with friends and relatives for
the past five months.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Vail have re
turned from Diamond lakeland Bert
report that he caught that fish,
aught It with his hands and by tho
tail. His friends wcro so concerned
for fear he wouldn't get n fish and
iwonld have to return from the first
outing he had had for several years
without a fish story, that they drew
up a resolution In which they ex
pressed their fear and sent him a
celluloid piscatorial speclman in or
der to avert such a catastrophe.
Miaa Mollis Donalson, Miss Enola
Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. James Sal
ssoad and Charles Johnson spent yes
tartar on a trip to Merrill, Malta
Ml Baaansa.
loaa Fry and family who arrived
yaataraay and spent a few hours with
Mr. Fry's brother George G. Fry
Mt taaally, lrt thia morning for
Lag Aagtlaa whtre the family will
Tteit far aevaral weeks bafora return
lag to their home in Portland.
Mlaa Haxel Fry who returned home
from Berkeley Tuesday evening has
aa her gnesta. Masse Irene Catlln,
Sarrlat and Marjorle Tuft and Helen
Smith, all of Berkeley and Lot An
gales. Tha California girls were all
school Bate of Miss Fry and Miss
Octavla DeLap at the University of
Mrs. T. R. Sklllington and daugh
ter Mlaa Dorothy, left this morning
for. San Francisco where they will
stay for a few days. They were ac
companied by Mrs. Skllllngton's
Bother, Mrs. S. E. Forbes, who is
on Iter way to Fremont, Michigan,
after aa extended visit with her
daaghtar and family.
Say McHenry. of the Crater Oil
and Gaa company left this morning
lor Ban Francisco whero ,he will he
for about two weeks attending to the
company's business affairs.
Word has been received from Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Adams, old time Kla
math Fails residents, that they have
aettled In Monrovia, California, after
several months of travel.
IT, T. Harper, a director of the
Standard Oil company, and party,
touring by automobile, will arrive
this evening from Alturas. Thny
have reserved rooms at tho Whlto
Alfred Collier Is a county seat
visitor front his saw mill In Swan
Lake valley today.
Mrs. E. J. Wires and daugh
ter, Mrs. Thorns, drove into town
jaeierday from their ranch homes
near Matin. They are nthutlsstlo
ovor tholr fine crops thla year, and
are hoping to bo ablo to got a fair
price for tho crop. If tho market
Is too unsteady they may hold tholr
crop and speclallio In dairy cattlo
Pnul Foster, who Is with tho
Klamath Queen drodger crow, was
In town this morning from the Up
per Lake after supplies.
Mrs. Arthur R. Wilson Is report
ed so fur recovered from a rccont
Illness that sho la now visiting tho
homo of Mrs. Will Hum at Mult
nomah, a town a fow .miles from
uttaneous trlbuto to tho two. Tho
youngster was christened "Dodge"
Master Dodge Brothers Is a very
bright young gentloman and glws
promise ot achieving a rcnon r.ulto
In proportion with tho wolght ot his
If we aald we' wero the
i beat and everyone believed
it, all oiher dealer would
ba compelled to close np
Wa freely concede there
axe other reputable deal
era who are conducting
the profession of optom
etry in an able and con
I attentions manner.
But for ourselves, the top
line tell it own story
truthfully, a to our own
equipment, method and
ability. ,
Miss' Francis Honilk returned
yestorday afternoon trom Medtord,
whero sho has boon attending sum
mer school for tho past fow wooks.
Sho brought llttlo Poarl Jean Wil
son homo with her from tho Rov. E.
1 I,awrenco's home, whero she has
been visiting for a short tlmo.
Mrs. J. F. Glenn was In town
yesterday for a fow hours from Mt.
Lnkl, shopping, and also working
up Interest In Improvements for the
church. ,
.Mrs. A. Morrlscau loft on this
morning's train for Los Angelos,
where sho will visit with her moth
er for tho next tew wctks.
C. V. Felli, an employe of tho
California Oregon Power company,
who has been In town on official
business for tho past week, loft this
morning for Yroka and Medtord.
C. T. Darloy Is in town today
from tho Wcod camp, whero ho Is
spending a fow days with his family.
Silas Obonchaln was In town this
morning from his ranch in Langoll
Valley, attending to business mat
tors. II. S. Sparks and son woro in
town yesterday afternoon from tholr
ranch at Bonanza, attending to
business at the court house.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Jaquotte and
family left this morning for Ashland
and Grants Pass.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Glascow and
two children, and their two nieces
who have been visiting here from
Algoma, left this morning for
Rocky Point for a two wooks' vaca
tion trip.
Miss Ethel Wynn of Portland who
has been visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. 11. D. Kowell for the
past two weeks, left this morning for
Charles O. Twohy, of the Chllo
quln Lumber company, arrived this
week from Berkeley, California, with
his' bride. The young peoplo will
make their home in Klamath Falls.
Mrs. George Walton and daugh
ters, Beatrice and Katherlne, are In
town today from their home at
Miss Miriam Martin Is spending
the week with her undo Frank
Grohs, in Langoll valley.
WANTED Tent or tarpaulin. Phono
29G-R. v 3
FOR RENT Nicely rurntshod down
stairs apsrtmont. Modem. Rent
$17. Call S23 Klamath Ave. 3-6
WANTED A housekoepor. Apply
1129 Lincoln. Phono 147-M. 3-4
FOR SALE A-l paying business.
New and secondhand good. Snap
to right man. Must got away. See
Dick, 6th and Klamath Ave. 3-6
Our business ls developing. Htln
son Photo Shop. 3
WANTED To lease houso of five
or six rooms, modern and unfur
nished. Phono 20C-W. 3-5
FOR RENT Furnished 5-room
houso. Phone 263-J or call at S21
Fifth. 3-6
FOR SALE Model XVI Vlctrola
with records In excellent condi
tion. Phono 480-J. 3-5
Colonial one room cabins for
housekeeping, 11th .near Main St.
and 741 Walnut Avo. 3
FOR RENT 3 room modern fur
nished house. Call 925 Rose 8t.
FOR SALE: Fine cooking and eating
apples at Enterprlso Ranch Phono
400-J. 3-13
A gpod bed and a good bath at
Colonial rooms, 11th near Main 8t.,
and at Colonial annex, 741 Walnut
Ave. All oulsldo airy rooms. 3
Female employment office Help
waiting, 741 Walnut Ave. 3
FOR SALE S tons of cucumbers, all
sixes, packed In gallon boxes.
Small site 11.50. dill slzesN 11.25.
Largo slto 1.00 per box. Blackber
rles tl.EO por crato from the grow
er. Send cash and write name and
address plainly. Orders tilled prompt
ly .W. E. Decrson, Boulevard C. Ash
land, Ore. 3-9
FOR SALE Apples. Delivery will be
made ot purchases over G pounds.
Enterprise Ranch. Phone 400-J. 3-6
Make that Idle dollar work! Pat
ft la the bank.
Youngster Named
After Amtomobile
Dodge Brothers Inc. Is an Institu
tion, but Dodge Brothers Is an Indi
vidual. Which, though It sounds somewhat
involved and perhaps nven enigmatic,
Is but a very simple and tery truth
ful statement.
Fifteen months ago a son was born
to Mr. and Mrs. George E. Brothers,
Cleveland, O. Mr. Brothers, It hap
pens, Is n salesman for tho Barnes
Motor Co., Cleveland dealer for
Dodge Brothers. He had been Bell
ing the Dodge Brothers car a long
time and was exceedingly proud of
It. He was also exceedingly proud
ot his son. So ho decided on a slm-
Your Food
(gfrtWTC Isan''
Crisp, Cool,
and .
ne B8
Today and Thursday
James Oliver
Powerful Story of the Tlmbtrlaads
"God's Country and
the Woman"
A story of courage and bravery
In tho land of Ice and snow, whero
thrills are part of the dally routine
Friday and Saturday
William S. Hart
1 The Testing Block"
A thrilling Ulo of the liigh Sierras
The Strand
Formerly the ftfoadala
1180 Mala St.
A thrilling story of the Big Woods
Constance Talmadge
. IN
'The Girl of the Tim-
Suit has boon filed In tho circuit
court by William C. Fnhrlg against
William W. Fordney nllogltiR that
an unpaid balnnen of $23r0 remains
agnlnst tho defendant for u gnrngo
purchased of tho plaintiff on Janu
ary Id, 1921. Thu giirnKO was loca
ted at Sixth mtil Klnmoth nvonuo.
K. Sugarmnn has Instituted n suit
against Ikn Jackson tor collection of
$001,45 for goods contracted be
tween tho periods ot December 22,
1920 and March 10, 1931, The or
iginal hilt was $931.46 and 9330 was
paid on tho account.
Two suits wore dismissed by Judge
Kuykomlall onu by the Klamath
Packing company against C. F. W.
Werner and tho other hy thn First
Stato and Savings bank against Kred
Eskelln, both discs being settled out
ot court.
Judge Kuykumlall signed n decree
In tho partition suit filed by K, Den
ton and Luanna Denton Al
fred E. Cranro et nl to quiet tlllo to
lands near Ft. Klamath.
Make that lilto dollar work!
It In Uwi bnuk.
' A story of timber cruisers, home
steaders and land Jumper and
crooked legislator. Full ot action
and thrills. Also,
Andy and "Oh, Mini"
"Hall Room Boys"
A wonderful show tonight.
Two shows 8:46, 9 o'clock. ,
Saturday, special matinee for chil
dren It years and under, admission!'
one potate: adult, IB cents.'-
Baked Sms
&" Lunch
- baked fojusAfhe
Mi vroy
Will Lay in Spud
Supply for Winter
Tmt Whlto states that ho Is going
to tako a sporting chanco with all
children 13 years and undor Satur
day, Ho, Intends to assist a poor
widow, who has flvo children, to
get her winter supply of potntoos,
and tho children uro to furnish
Saturduy afternoon a "potato mat
inee" will bo staged at the Strand,
and the child bringing tho Isrgost
potato wilt got n prlio. Tho ad
mission prlco Is ono potato, a big
one. Tho collection Is to bo given to
tho widow at tho end of tho day.
Children are to wrlto thulr names
on tho entry when they pass It to
the doorkoopor, '
I . . . Ll. I H
o o
Hereafter The Herald will pablUa ,
the moan and maximum tamaara
uros and precipitation record aa. tak
en by the U. H. ReolamatloB. aarvloa
tatlon. Publication will cover tha
day previous to tha paper' tuna, np
to G o'clock ot the day.
Max Mln. elnltatlon
1 , KH 65
2 MO Gl
(, Aug. 3. President
and Mrs, Ilnnl'lug today began a
qulot vacation that will last until
the end of thn week. Their are uo
public roads to the Weeks home,
whore they urn atnlng, and the near
est telephone Is four miles away.
Herald classified. ad pay yea.
..II ,.11 I III M I 158883
ILeayeYour Filtws
Wore 9 OcIooK-Your
AM- Pictures are ady at 3
UMenworo mm
I ftufflT Y I
Crater Lake Picture
for Sale at
GEO. L. METZ, Jeweler
622 Main St.
Phone 72'
79ceffame 90&Q
Leave Union Taxi office 8 o'clock
Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mornings
Phone 424-J for reservation) Large cars
Hi 1 III I 111 Hill' ll'llha. ?C M VpaaBBBBBBBraatliiBBBBaBBi
You'll get somewhere
with a pipe and Pa A.!
Start fresh all over again at tho beginning I Get s
l ' pipe! and forget every smoke experience you ever had
that spilled the beans! For a jimmy pipe, packed
brimful with Prince Albert, will trim any degree of
smoke joy you over registered! It's a revelation!
Put a pin in here! Prince "Albert can't bite your
tongue or parch your throat. Both are cut out by our
exclusive patented process. So, just pass up any old
idea you may have stored away that you can't smoke a
pipe! We tell you that you can and just have the time
of your life on every fire-up if you play Prince AlberJ
for packing!
What P. A. hands you in a pipe it will duplicate in' a
home-made cigarette! Gee but you'll have a lot of
fun rolling 'em with Prince Albert; and, it's a cinch
because P. A. is crimp cut and stays put!
Prlittt Atbtrt U
U In ttppy "
Um; tliy ni tint.
iinaflmf pound
und hmll pound tin
humiJtri andlmtht
pound eryitml ((
humidor with
tpongo moUtonof
pyrishl 1921
sy k. J. Ktrat
rosacea Co.
prince Albert
M national' joy $moht
6 V.L -r, - i t .'
. n 1 ,
W-h-Wvk.1' fmiKmrt' h--'H-cwck-w
I 1 intnHiTiMS
N, C,