I I, 11 WsWNaWDAT, AUGUST 9, 1M1 THE EVENING HERALD; KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rAQB POUR I1- The Office Cat DT JUMUW Attention To whomever It may concern In this city, greetings. In Marlon, irid. the prlco of lco crnath sodas has been reduced from 15 to 10 conUi. In Bridgeport. O., the price of loo creanMhas been cut to 3S cents a quart! In Batosvlllo, Ihd., a chicken din Her' mar be bail for 30 cents. Others plcaso copy. Home IUtUcra Recently John Boylo bought a second-hand car of a "light and pop'lar brand" as Abe? Martin would say. In a few woeka ho dlscoTCrcd that It vai a crlpplo on four wheels Instead of a pleasure Tohlcle he expected. Ho nras describing to as soma of Its numerous ailments. "I rather think," Jack Thompson commented sympathetically, "that sho rattlo quite a bit when you drive her!" -tm "Battles!" he oxclalmed. "Why dammit, she sounds llko a skelton baring 'a congestlvo chill on a tin root!" Financially, Ororcr Bergdoll la worth halt a million In tho eyes of tho public, however, he Isn't worth & tinker's darn. Charlie DeGrooto was saying yes terday oTor at tho Elk's club as how, that he were not married, and that he had almost mado up his mind that rea it be was married that there la a time when you could call a girl little dear. Just about this tlmo two of the "dear things" passed go lag toward the rjvor and Austin Hay den replied that by the way they dree nowadays it would be more appropriate to call her a little bare Gall la the Auditor and Investigate Rap's Accoaato Mercyrllle (Iowa) Banner. Ray Thomas, who has charge of lighting the street lamps, has pur chased a now automoblle,whlch will facilitate tils work . BoBg By Brother Bob ltobcrUou King Bolomon and King David, Led merry, merry lives, With many, many lady friends, And rnanj, many wives. But when old age crept over them With many, many qualms, King Bolomon wrote the Proverbs And King David wroto the Psalms. Over here money talks. Over In Germany money balks. Gosh Cheer up! Your troubles are all imaginary! Just read this from tho Connoravllle, Ind. News Examiner. "This country is not dry, it never has been dry, and you won't live to see the day when It will bo dry." , Must Be Bull From the Wichita Falls, la. Times For Sale A full blooded cow, giv ing mllkthreo tons of hay, a lot of chickens' and sevorat stoves. Phaaa Palm leaf Babe Ruth "Young man's aMMMMyWMVMWWWVVWVWAMAAaWAAAAMMAi Outbst of Everett True StaaaySaA clos." tall pldgt Or Old Aunt ' 1 ny. ' torn Picks' shaw, 1 .. i far. Have you ever ob&orved that it makes a liar jusl as mad to be called a' liar as It does an honest man? . - ' Malca Out Idlo dollar work! Pat It la the bank. Rv rnnrinn VWWWWMMVVVWVVVVVVWVVVwVNIwVWVV'VW 1 muLL. cvGRerr, is- ix hoi wnuuh fcBUI V J FOROO? i ilMiniBgltffW Lh J 'T&trcWaKVfaagM aKtfSV lilMw- -sw sGtatZWX 7. t .C. CI7M U lESsm 1D23L zzo hi JEWMMMMB r.ah, zz?r. mnr nmi XgBaaaaaaaaaasBaaaaa81al jJepjTV .i "ijTiTi SSSSJa '111 t VlH.' 'VI gsBaVaBBBagaMgawgaMgaMgawgaV y t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Contractors may receive the plans for the Shlpplngton school from., tho designer. C. N. Cooseboom, .816 Jef ferson. St. on August 8th., a deposit of $10,00 will be required for 'each sat 'of plans. 16 ' r SCHOOL DIST. NO. 1. K. OF G. GMNS 87 IB YEAR BAN FRANCISCO, Cat., Aug. 3. William J. McGlnloy of Now York, supreme secretary of tho Knights of Columbus, reported to tho interna tional secretary here yesterday that tho yoar ondod June 30, 1921, had witnessed a riot gain In membors of 87,060. Tho total American membership of K. of C Is now 7GS.166, his report shows. New York leading with 107. 649. Tho sum of 11,114,747 was awarded by tho K. of C. In death benefits daring tho period covered in the report. Members to the number of 22C2 of the K. of C. died .during the 12 month period covered in the report. There was an Increase of 119 In tho number of K of C. councils, amalga mations of various councils In large cities affecting the proportionate growth of K of C. units, tho report said. K. of C. councils and their entlro memberships participated in two na tional charity drives on a large scale, the Herbert Hoover European relief council drive and the campaign for tho com'mltteo on relief in Ireland as well as in many local charity ap pears. Tho report estimates that tho K. of C. were Instrumental In rais ing betweon four and five million dollars for these causes. Tho Knights also transmitted to Cardinal Morclor approximately 350,000 francs for his Belgian reconstruction work. His report estimated that by 1922 the K. of C. not membership would approximate tho million mark, and stated that during the yoar flvo now state Jurisdictions had been crectod In North and South Carolina, Prlnco Edward Island, Nova Scotia and Nov Brunswick. BIDS WANTED School district No. 8 Keno, Ore gon will receive sealed bids up to Monday, August 8th, from contrac tors for the erection of an addition to Keno school No. 8, the building to be completed by Septomber 12th.' All bids must bo accompanied by either a certified check for G or the nmntmt a Itin Vtft ts ' til1f am fttflit HtUUUIIk VI 1,440 UtU US UlUUUia WU" for 6 of the amount of the bid.' for particulars apply to Charles Snowgoose, chairman of tho board of directors. MRS. CHARLES SNOWflOOHE. Clork Dlst. No. 8, Keno. Oregon. 1-3 aBSse3eHa s5 CHARTER AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED TO THE VOERS BY THE COUNCIL As Act To amend the character of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, entitled "A bill proposed byjnlttativo peti tion for an act to Inact, provide and adopt a charter for the City of Kla math Falls, Klamath County, Ore gon, to be submitted to the legal vo ters of the City of Klamath Fulls, Klamath County, Oregon, for their approval or rojoctlon at a special election to bo hold In said city on tho 10th day of March, 1913" submitted to and approved by the legal votors of said city on .the 10th day of March, 1913, a subsequently amonded by tho legal voters of said city at tho special election held therein on the 14th day of Novomber, )91C, and to amend all other amendments thereto. BE IT ENACTED BY TUT. PEO PLE OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS that tbo charter of the City of Klamath Falls, samo bolng an act entitled "A bill proposed by Initia tive" petition for an act to inact, pro vldo and adopt a charter for tbo City of Klamath' Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, to bo submtttod to the lugal voters of tho City of Klamath Foils, Klamath County, Oregon, for their npprovall or rojoctlon ata special election to bo held In Mid city on tha 10th day of March, 1913," subttted to and approved by tho legal votors of said city on tho 10th day of March. 1913, as subsequently amended by tho legal votors ot said city at the special otoctlon held theroln on tho 14th day ot November, 1916, and all othor amendments thereto, bo and tho samo hereby is amendod by add ing thereto Section 309 to read tts follews: SECTION 309. (a) For tho pur pose of providing funds for soworago purposos the council ot tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, Is hereby authorized and ompoworod to Issuo and dlsposo of genorat obligation sewer bonds oTsald city In tho sum ot $60,000 In denominations of $1000 or $000 each, duly signed by tbo Mayor and countersigned by tbo Po lice Judge under tho corporato seal of tho city, having semi-annual In terest coupons thereto attached bearing the engravod fac-slmllo sig natures ot tbo Mayor and Police Judge, whoreby tho city shall bo bold In substance and effect to un dertako and promiso to pay the bearer ot each of said bonds at ma turity theroof the sum therein named In cold coin ot the United States of tho present standard of valuo with Intercut thorcon In like gold coin at tho rato of not to ex ceed six por cent (6) per annum, payablo somt-nnnunlly, said bonds to be known as City ot Klamath Falls Sower Bonds, said bonds to bo dated August 1, 1921, and to maturo In not to oxcoed flfteon years from date of Issuo, principal and Interest to bo payable at tho Fiscal Agency of tho Stato ot Oregon in Now York City. (b) The dobt limitations contain ed in tho charter or said city shall not apply to tho bonds horeby. au thorized. (c) Tho council shall oach yoar at tho tlmo of making tho annual tax Iovy for city purposes Includo In such levy a sum sufficient to pay Interest due on tho outstanding bonds of this Issuo, and shall in addition tboreto levy an additional amount sufficient to pay said bonds at their dato or datos of maturity. RESOLVED FURTHER that this resolution for proposed charter nmendmonts submitted to the voters by tbo council bo f Hod with tbo Po llco Judgo ot tbo City ot Klamath Falls for submission to the legal vot ers of said city, for their rejection or approval to bo voted upon at a spe cial election to, bo held as heroin pro vided! Resolved further that tho council deem It advisable and does hereby and heroin 'call and mako necessary provision for tho holding ot a spe cial election which shall bo and here by is called to be hold on tho 12th day of August, 1921, between the legal voting hours on said dato, and that said time bo and the samo hereby is designated as the tlmo for holding said apodal oloctlon. and tho following polling placoa In said city nro horoby doalgnatod aa tho polling places thororor, to-mit: First Ward Brown's enrponter shop, cor. Main and Center. Second Ward City Hall. Third Ward Duoslng'. Real Ra- tnto Office Fourth Ward Mills Addition Hall. Fifth Ward Chaa DoLan House. cor. Uphnnt and Worden, and the following named persona nro hereby doalgnatod and appointed as and for tho Judaea and clorka of said elec tion, to-wlt: First Ward-Judges, Mrs. F. E. Ankony, R, J. Sheeta, Mrs. Harry Onllaghor; Clorka, Mrs. Chas Bald win, Mrs. James McGlure. Second Ward Judges. W. 8. Slough, Fred Bueslng, Mrs. Frank Ward: Clorks, Mrs. A. Krause, Mrs. R. B. Wattonburg. Third Ward Judges. James Llnd say, n. 8. Grtgsby, Mrs. Nato Otter beln: Clorka, Mr Percy Evans, Mrs. W. D. Miller. Fourth Ward Judges, Mrs. L. A. Will, Mrs. B. H. Hawkins, Mrs. Chaa. Thomas) Clerks, Mrs. Btaub, Mm. M, Miller. Fifth Ward-Judges, Mrs. Kffle Oarcelon, Mm. X. B. Vollmor, Mrs. J. W. Tunnoll; Clorka, Mrs. Joseph Posptsell, Mrs. Oco. Helms. BD IT RNBOLVBD that the ballot tltto for aald promoted charter amend ments shall bo la word and figures substantially as follews: CHARTRn AMMHDMKNTH BURM1TTKD TO THK VOTERS BY THK COUNCIL AaAct To amend the chartor of the City or Klamath Fella, Oregon, same bolng an act aubmlttod to and ap proved by the votara of aald city at a special oloctlon held therein, on March 10, 1911, aa subsequently amended at the special election hold thorotn on Novomber 14, 1916, and to amend all other amendments by adding Section SOI providing for an Issue or aewer beads In the sum or $'60,000.00 and for a tax levy to pay principal and Interest t heron. 100 Ym 101 No BB IT FURTHER HKBOLVND that tho Police Judge bo and ho is horo by instructed to publish tho heroin above proposed charter nmondmonts aubmlttod to tho votors by tho coun cil in the manner provided by law) that la to aay, by publication of this resolution In full for two conaocutlvo publication! within the fifteen daya Immediately preceding aald speolal lection In The Evening Herald same being a newspaper publlahod In tho City of Klamath rails and horoby designated for aald purpose. Pmso4 by" tho council on this, the JGth day of July, 1011, by tho fol lowing vete: Yeas: Bogardua, West, McCollura, Hawkins and Vollmor. Nays: Nena. Submitted to the Mayor July IJth, 1911. Approved by the Mayor July 26th, 1911. Attest: W. B. Wiley. Mayor, A. L. Loavltt. Aug. 33 Police Judgf, CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HKPOnT OK FUNDS t 200.00 1S6.00 340.00 CONDITION FOR THK Balances March 31st leil $ 3,931.l QUORTKR KNDINU Receipts JUNH SO, 1M1 Disbursements General Pound fees $ Occupation tax .... Finos and llconses Hack taxes 914.45 Current taxes ...... 6,7(7.94 oirvfji Current taxes 3,337.96 Back taxes ...... 170.13 Bend Sinking (mualclpal .., Bend Interest Sinking ....... Bridge 8treet bond ...-......., Fire Department ............ Incidental 1.866.64 Library . . 313.08 . ' '1,014.68 3.333.19 8.814.84 61.26 1,218.08 Light and Water Park .........., I'ollco Department .... Sower Ilond Sower 4th Unit bond Ilond Sinking .. 3,309.48 323,79 308.87 117.43 101.41! 3,426.13 Bend Interest Sinking ....... 618.30 Shlpplngton Road bond 441.62 Klamath Ave Fill bond 38.42 Ilond Sinking 86,66 Bend Interest Sinking 479.11 Scries A 1st Unit bond Ilond Sinking Bend Interest Scries B. 2d Unit bond Bend Sinking .. ....... Bend Intorest Sinking Series C, 3rd Unit bond . Bend Sinking . 11.071.86 Sinking 3,633.73 $ 8,378,39 """aiftolils'tl 30.64 407.83 3,461.38 666.88 """j'SSiiii .......... 3.78 40.11 3,118.60 1,194.13 $ 6,206.63 ''X.I0 llalances June 30th 1931 $ 6,013.67 1,448.01 690.66 170.00 3,027.36 300.00 ""."76 ...".."' sbToo 12,787.00 1.768.10 23.34 3.(16.13 Bend Interest Sinking 668.64 43.04 11,137.88 0,478.14 2,801.47 1,231.01 36C.97 6,888.00 3,367.60 080.83 (.711.68 2.423.64 30.00 4,888.01 1.820.01 (38.83 Bend Slnklnc 4,637.(6 Bend Interest Sinking 643.33 Series M, 10th Unit bond 2,106.80 Bend Sinking 2,647.60' Bend Intorost Sinking 4J1.00 Series E, Deficit 1st Unit bond 236.67 Bend dlnklng - 3.371.68 Ilond Intorost Sinking .. 470.48 Sorles F, Deficit 2d Unit bond 78.77 Bend Sinking . 2.808.34 Bend Interost Sinking -768.81 Series D. 4th Unit bond Bend Sinking Bend Intorest Sinking Series H. 6th Unit bond Bend Sinking Bend Interest Sinking Series I, 6th Unit bond Bend Sinking .......... Bend Intorest Sinking Series J, 7th Unit bond Bend Sinking Bend Interest Sinking Scries K. 8th Unit bond Bend Sinking Bend Intorest 8lnklng Scries L, 0th Unit bond Series Q, Deficit 3rd Unit bond Bend Sinking Bend Interest Sinking Second Street Fill bond . Bend Sinking Bend Interest Sinking Brldgo Street bond Series O, lies Unit bond Bend Sinking 8.14 2,613.08 472.38 102"78 88.88 61.38 2,044.01 3,701.31 (60.(0 238.00 "i'.84l'.07 3(4.(1 S30.88 363T (0.91 a 89.60' 34.84 430.83 ............. 1(6.10 ibTYi' 67.(0 '.l'".IS 88.(7 'iTi'f (.80 Ti"i'i 2.83 10i?B7 40.38 10,201.70 6(3.73 "'i'ofii'i.'i'i 637.48 3.444.78 388.84 1,414.76 106.00 1,377.67 3,233.10 11,340.06 61.26 ' 666.24 1,346.(3 6(0.84 2,(61.60 770.66 208,87 486.82 101.42 3.463.63 644.43 4(1.73 38.43 86,66 470.11 3,800.26 1,903,33 3,366.04 2.067.(7 23.34 1.411.48 447.26 43.04 13,132.26 10.(61.61 (20.88 48.00 342.44 110.7! 124.10 ..... i 3,108 1,2(6 366 6,077 2,848 080 7,644 3,048 80, 6,470 1,863 038 4,(42 828 2.106 3,703 644 236 2.421 683 78, 3,821 877, 8, 2,636 661 Bend Intereat Sinking 1.948.80 Series P. 12th Unit bond Bend Sinking ...., Bend Intereat Sinking Sorles Q. 13th Unit Bend Bend Sinking 40.78 1.(02.(0 614.48 427.22 642.10 Bend Intorost Sinking 466.14' 103.87 4,048.04 28.34 7.70 (81.81 13.88 200.78 486.87 48.47 174.37 i 66.36 14.021 1.(77.36 (00.73 128.14 1.38 64.68 36.30 40.02 30.11 178.(8 87.38 106.00 s'Vb'iYo iToTso 68.'56 ""l"02b"00 122.78 77.04 920.00 Series R, 14th Unit bond Bend Sinking Bend Interost Sinking Series 8, 16th Unit bond Bend Sinking : Bend Interest Sinking . Series T, 16th Unit bond . Bend Sinking Bend Ijitorost Sinking . Series U, 17th Unit bond . Bend Sinking Bend Interest Sinking . Sorles V, 18th Unit bond 1,393.60 Bend Sinking 3,864.(3 Bend Intorest Sinking 734.82 Serlos W. 19tb Unit bond , 2,773.32 Bend Sinking 2,212.19 Bend Interest Sinking 80.63 20th Unit bond - 4,042.14 Bend Sinking Bend Intorest Sinking - 44,73 21st Unit bond 13,114.61' Bend Sinking Bend Interest Sinking 47.68 22nd Unit bond - 7,(00.14 Bend Sinking . 781.00 Bend Intorest Sinking 40.0( 23rd Unit bond - 2,374,11 Bend Sinking Bend Interost Sinking 113.69 24th Unit bond 91.43 Bend Sinking .. Bend Interest Sinking 26th Unit bond - 12.(0 Bend Sinking -. Bend Interest Sinking Amounts marked with Indicate overdraft. State of Oregon, I ' County ot Klamath as. I City ot Klamath Falls. I I, A. L. Leavltt, Police Judge of tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon,, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true exhibit of the receipts and disbursements and the condition of each particular fund ot the City ot Klamath Falls, at the close of buslnoss June 80, 1911, as ahown by the receipts and paid vouchers on file In my office and tbo ledger of said accounta and funds. Witness my band and the seal of said city this 88th day of July, 1921, ' . ) A. L LBAVITT, Polloo Judge ' 203.62 2,261.29' mT.io 898.10 rM"30 3.76 'i'i'i"i'i 1(1.50 ' 67.40 ' 84 .10 ,07 ,68 ,18 ,83 ,42 ,71 00 ,38 ,83 ,83 .07 .08 SO ,45 ,03 67 00 ,40 77 ,72 74 24 65 14 102.78 38.66 61.26 2,044.01 6,378.46 1,348.16 40.78 1,738.74 613.20 427.22 (96.66 410,86 103,87 4.008.86 193.33 7.99 681.81 384,28 300.78 486.27 81.83 174.37 66.36 44.64 1,393.60 4,033.31 1,(67.60 3,773.32 2,334.94 3.(9 4,031.24 24"8"25 10.8(3.32 28L68 6,703.04 781.00 124.96 2,370.36 ""HsiTsS 747.33 70.00 If It's Loose -' We Will Move M O. K. TRANSFER CO. 124 , Phone 87