The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 02, 1921, Image 1

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    aftjt Itmnum Herald
ACaw Ad Wilt
Do if
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Member ot the Associated Press.
I -1
Fifteenth Year. No. IHMtO.
' r ' i
A smooth working mooting of Ilia
city council took iilnco last night nt
which business ws disposed of In
record time. Balary bill of city
officials worn pnlil snvo those II. H.
Wilson clilnf of polk, nml thn back
pay nuked for by Ororicn McDonald.
To provide for n pntrolnmn with snn
Itatton Inspection powers, Mayor Wi
ley presented tho name of 0. K.
Rrandenburg. who wna confirmed by
tho council with thni understanding
thai one patrolman nhnuld bo drop
ped from thn present force. Thli
last -provision waa foil necessary duo
to thn depleted city treaaury.
The pollen judge waa Inatructed to
advertise for blda for thn paving of
II unlta, Including tho city hall
unit, passed at the last meeting of
thn council, Tho ordinance for pav
ing of I'lnn street from Klaventh
street to Kxplnnado was passed.
In connection with thn paring of
High atrcet, Attorney Krod Mllla ap
peared before thn council In behalf
of the property owners and elated
that "they want that paving done
thla year. ThU street needs pay
ing now, not next year,"
An order waa given to pay the Wnr
reo Construction company tho bal
ance of thn suspended payment, due
them for work here, which were'held
up pending final Inspection of thn
at roe t commit too.
Pollen Judge Leavltt atnted that
the amount dun on tho bond for Ini
provomenls romplelnd, amounting to
H8.000, an nearly all collected and
by October lit, would be paid. Tim
United State Itnbber company waa
notified that thn $2000 hoo bill
would be paid from the taien collect
ed from Jully 1 to December 31.
Realdenta of Bhlpplngton protested
agalnit tho acatterlng or refine In
their dlatrlct by Irresponsible partlea
and aaked thn council to nee thai
thla condition la not permitted In
f u turn.
City Attorney Duncan waa told to
tako proper action to protect the
city In tho aull filed against It by
O. Rllderback, who aaka $105,000
damagea for the Ion of hla wife and
daughter In tho Ifounton hotel flrn
laat September.
Woman Make Yearly
Trip After Huckle
Berrien; ThU Is 30th
Mra. Vn. Hamilton, local resident.
left today for Uucklebcrry mountain
with n party of berry pickers, Thla
la Mra. Hamilton' 30th nnnuul.pll
grlmago to thn huckleberry patch.
Hho has not mlanod one trip n season
In all tho yoara.
Hho knowa tho mountains thor
oughly and takoM partloa In with pack
train each July and by wagon In Aug-
guat. Thla yoar hor party plana to
atay for a monh. Tho berrloa will
not bo rlpn until August 15 or 20.
'Mrs. Hamilton learned on a two
"weeka' trip from which she return
ed laat week but tho crop la moat
promising, thn best In ton years.
Ample arrangements for packing
In tho camp equipment of visitors
has been made thla neason, and a
permit baa been Issued by tho gov
ernment for operation of an oil and
gaa atatlon at tho foot of tho hill.
On hor provloun trip Mrs. Hamil
ton was accompanlod by MIa,Alethu
Miller and Miss Juanlta Taylor or
thla city. Tho trio rodo horseback,
with pack horses to carry their camp
necessities. Thoy wont to Crater
lako by tho Snnd Creek route and
from there to the huckleberry pntch
and on to Ilogun river. Thoy re
turned by way of Diamond lake,
where thoy found many peoplo camp
ed. On tho trip they saw one door
and many boar tracks,
On account of tho warm' wonthor
there will bo uo meeting of tho
American taglou post tonight.
OREGON Tonight and Wednes
day, fair, moderate westerly winds.
Mrs. Agee Acquitted
of Husband's Murder
PORTLAND, Auk. 2. After 29
ml n ii tee deliberation thn circuit court
Jury' In tho cniw of Mrs. Louisa Ago,,
charged with first dogron murder of
her husband, Hnrry Ageo, by rutting
his throat whllo ho ntopt on thn nlrht
of Juno 11th, roturnod a verdict not
guilty. The case was moat sensation
al. Thn ovldcuco wan almost wholly
J. F. Klmbull, secretary of tho
Klamath Lakn'countlcs forest protec
tive association, and A. J. Jaenlcko,
entomologist of the forestry service
of tho United States for this district,
who wore schedulod to meet mem
bora of tho forestry commltteo of the
national clamber of commerce nt
Weed todny( changed thi-lr plans yes
terday, on receipt of wire-, from the
committee stating that the meeting
would bo trunafcrrvd to either Hhastn
Hprlngs or Dunsmulr. Unless the
railway company could be provallud
on to halt tho Shasta, limited nt
Weed, the committee would bo un
able to stop thoro.
Although this spoiled tin pl.inrt
for personal discussion of tho pine
bortln situation with thn committee,
the committee will get fill' Informa
tion as Moenra, Klmbsll nn' .Inen
Icke Immediately propnred report
of rnmlltlona from their tiles nnd
mailed. ISO typewritten pagoc, deal
ing with tho matter from all angler,
to tho commltteo last spring.
Mr and' Mrs. George Reed, who
formerly (opt thn Heed rooming
house and tho Wotlon rooms, nnd
their five children returned Sunday
night from Now london, WJscouslu,
wbero thoy huvo resided for tho past
year. They made the trip by auto
mobile, with n tntller to carry their
ramp equipment. Thoy left Wiscon
sin July 2, camping enrouto. Tho
Ileeda are glad to get back to Kla
math, nrblch, they say, aurpasses any
country seen In their travels.
Miss Lydla Fricko, public health
nurao, reports the following activ
ities for the month of July:
Localities visited during month
Langolls Valloy, Malln, Merrill,
Olene, Chltoquln, Kirk, Klamath
Agency, nnd Hlldobrand; Number of
patients udmlttod during month 19;
Number of coses carried forward to
noxt month 30; Numbor of nursing
visits during tho month 30; Numbor
of Social Service visits 14; Services
rendered to ox-osrvlco men 9.
Ono patlont iwbh admitted to tho
stato tuberculosis hospital. Trans
portation for patlont and attendant
waa furnished by county court. Ono
child waa admitted to tho hospital
at Portland for corrective treatment
undor the crippled children's act.
A spoclmen of drinking water sus
pected of containing typhoid bacilli
was eent tho state board of honlth
for analysts. Report roturnod nega
A class for homo hyglono Instruc
tion for mothers was organized at
Malln. 'Classes begin Sept. 1, 1911.
Class Instructions will ho given to
grouna of mothers In different local;
(ties, It desired.
Krod Hellbronnor, Sr loft Sunday
morning for Rrcman, Germany,
whoro ha will visit with his alstor
and other relatives for tho next threo
months. Ho will sail from Now York
on tho UMi. It ban been 30 roars
olnco Mr. Hellbronnor left hla na
tive land and ho In looking forward
with a groat doal of pleasuro to tho
tlmo when ho will onco moro go over
tho ground made dear to hi in by
memories of bis younger days. -
NAPLES, Aug. 2.
Enrico Caruso, cele
brated tenor, died to
day following an op
eration Sunday for an
nbscose bolwoeu thn
Ilror nnd diaphragm,
which caused acute
peritonitis. Caruso
seemed on tho way to.
rocovory following a
serious Illness In New
York where he was
stricken with n, sud
den collapse several
months ago,
Tho great Italian sing
er was dear to thou
sands In American be
cause of hla wonder
ful talont, and when
bo wa( recently strick
en at New York, tho
public the country aver
watched anxiously for
tho ' press bulletins.
from tho bedside.
The acrompanylng pic
ture shows him con
valescing nt Sorrento,
Italy, gazing from thn
hotel piazza out over
the bny of Naples, nnd
Is tho first picture to
reach America slnco
he arrived In Italy,
Whon thin picture was
Ukon the singer had
regained much of the
weight lost In his III-
noes. Ho wss feeling'
well and confidently expoeted to re
gain his normal houlth. So certain
was ho of recovery that lie was plan-
Sluro tho bulklness of tho pro
duct, and thn details of noasonlng,
operate against the storage of lum
ber in warehouses as wheat or wool,
for example, Is stored, tho Lumber
man's Warehousing and Storage
company of Portland will bring tho
warehouse to tho lumber pile, no
mattor how remote. '
Hart W. Palmer, general manager
of tho concern, left yesterday for
California, after a brief visit hero
explaining to lumbermen and bank
ers tho plan, which, ho says, will
Incroaao and stabilize tho lumber
men's credit and prevent tho con
stant fluctuations In values that
have tonded to make lumber manu
facturing an uncertain Industry.
Othor than the law of supply aud
domnnd, ho says, tho groateat factor
In causing fluctuation In lumber
prices has been tho difficulty tho
manufacturer has oxporlencod In
getting credit, bocauso thero haa
been no systematic plan whereby ho
might plodgo his product as socurlty
tor loan.
The Warehousing and Storago
company Is capitalized for $350,000.
It proposes to havo an organization
In offlca and field to covor tho lum-
bor regions of tho northwest. Upon
appllcntlon ot any mill man It will
chock up his lumber yard and Issue
him a warehouse receipt for tho
amount ot lumber on hand, first
carefully ascertaining that thoro aro
no lions or encumbrancos on tho
Tho receipt, showing, grade, de
scription, location and estimated
market value ot the lumber will bo
negotiable. Tho banker or loan
agent who accopts it na collateral
will know exactly tho security upon
which tho loan In bolng made.
O. R. Harrlman, manager ot tho
Lumbermen's Clearing House com
pany of Portland, la president ot tho
organization; D. W. Drlggs ot Port
land, vlco president; K. T. Sturgoon,
socretary and treasurer, nnd Hart
W, Palmer, general manager.
After tho warehouso company
takes possession of a lumber yard,
It will maintain regular supervision
and inspection.
Protection against loss by fire
will bo effectod by insurance cover
age. Each manufacturer or party
utilizing tho service ot tho Lumber-
iK&'h m f --Tja'' " ' 'VissW- Ti-JJ m rS T
rtft?V I "h 'Jf.Jr - ssri-f'essl
hkwIIIIIIH t - itsssss'aBsssvONal
BJn&JsssssssssssssMJlL tl -( ssssssHI
nJng to return to tho Untied States
for an engagement at tho Metropoli
tan Opera House In Now York this
nt; a of c forum, tiikmk
KJ- . -r-r--, - ...
Street llghUng will bo tho topic
of1 tho chamber of commerce forum
tomorrow. It Is hoped aomo arrange
ment can bo made for keeping the
strings of llghta across Main street
lighted until midnight each night. It
Is probable, snld W. W. McXeatly,
who has chargo of thn forum, that a
fund will be raised by public sub
scription In pay for tho lighting cur
rent. It nil business men contribute
tho cost to each would probably be
from a dollar to $1.50 a month, ho
Shorlft Low and Deputy Tom Jack
son or Fort Klamath aro still comb
ing tho country in tho vicinity ot
Fort Klamath for a deranged man.
reported to havo been seen yester
day by n park ranger. Tho man Is
said to bo armed with n 30-30 rifle
nnd to huvo threatened to "kill tho
first man ho moots." Tho officers
hnvo boon out since yestorday after
noon. Tho sheriff's offlco this after
noon had no report of tho man's
men's Warehouso and Storago com
pany Will be bondod to protoct tho
holder of tho receipt against any
ponslblo stumpago, loggers and me
chanics liens or chattol mortgages.
The company, In analysis of the
difficulties ot financing tho lum
ber producer, makes tho following
statement ot conditions, which they
say they will largely romody.
' During normal conditions tho
lumber' Industry Is subjoct to car
shortages nnd tompornry slumps In
tho market, nnd many largo as woll
as small manufacturers havo bonds,
Interest, taxes and othor obligations
to meet.
Stututory Uoiib having procodonco,
thoro has always been objection to
advancing credit; oven against chat
tel mortgages, which has beon ac
cepted In tho past as thebost form
for taking security of this character.
On account ot Inability to secure
advances on lumber In pllo,, manu
facturers find it necossary to force
tholr product on tho market before
the demand is at hand, thus sacri
ficing prices and disposing ot high
grade, lumber to obtain rollof, loav
In'g u low grado biokon stock with
tho return ot normal demand or In
tho caae ot car shortage, suspension
ot oporatton causing IncreaBod cost,
unemployment and consequent dis
ruption at their organizations. These
conditions result In srlous loss to
th entire industry.
No Let-up In Auto
Law Enforcement
Threo speeders have fallen Into
tho hands of Traffic Officer Mc
Laughlin tho last threo days, C. Hog
ue on Saturday, Oeorge Highland,
Sunday and Darnard Hacklnnd this
Pollco Judge Loavltt oiutessed each
ono $"10 and costs this morning.
Traffic Officer McLaughlin stated
today that Ninth street wan becom
ing a speedway. A school is located
at 9th and Main but slnco tho vaca
tion period is on, the speeder falls to
recognize tho stato law prohibiting
an excess rate of speed past schools
nt any tlmo. As a reminder that this
state law and city ordlnanco is In
effect, and to prevent accidents this
fall when school reopens, a system
atic' campaign will bo waged
not only upon school and
hospital streets but everywhere
within the city limits.
Fred Ford who broke Jail bore
twice, tho laat time making a clear
getaway until he reichee New Jer
sey where he felt afoul of the law
afresh and landed in state prison.
wants a pr.role, hnl'Uafi wr'.ttet local
bankers for sash t.UImonlsli as
thoy arj wllllng'to glvo to aid him
In establishing 'a?);aM! before the
parole board. " . .
Ford was accused' here of having
forged I. B. Kesferessajsv name, to
soma $800 wotlk of checks, which
were passed jan the Slrat Ktate
and Savings tank-. He twa:)d to
be one of a fag ( ttoisjsjja that rp
ernte'd 'cxteMtvely is California.
Prior tn tbe":Callfl,PBrtIBS,bn
was alloged to have been confined in
the stato prison at Carson City, Ne
vada. Tho first time he broke from the
local Jail Ford was recaptured near
tho California line. The second time,
soma 18 months ago, he laid low
for several days In a local rooming
hnuito, then passed a bad check on
the landlady tor some $30 and fi
nanced a successful getaway.
Ho kept a Jump Ahead of the law
down the coast to Mexico, thence
to Now Orleans and the Atlantic sea
board but finally was laid by the
heels in New Jersey. Ills trail across,
the continent, officers said, waa'
marked by numeroua bad checks.
Ford says that he Is "tame" now
and will "go straight" It he wins his
caso before the parole board. He
says he is not afraid of the Oregon
law, that they "never had anything
on him" In Oregon, but that he has
a wholesome respect for Nevada Jus
tlco as they gave him a "scorching"
. John Dolzoll. 7 year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dolzoll, suffer
ed a compound fracture ot tho wrist,
whon he fell whllo running across
Main stroot lato yesterday afternoon.
The injured lad was rushed to the
hospital by witnesses of tho accident
and Dr. a. A. Massey set tho frac
tured arm.
Says Weeds Keep
Insurance Rate
Flro Chief Keith Ambroso Monday
night presentod to. tho attention ot
the city council the mattor ot tho
rank growth of weeds scnttorcd over
this city and nskod for somo ade
quate means ofv ridding the 'vacant
lots owned by outsldo porsons. The
council referred the mattorto tho
tiro committee for action.
Chief Ambrose is, firm In his bo
Hot that despite all the precautions
takeu to protect the buildings here,
a carelessly thrown cigarette max
catch some ot the patches, and do
considerable damage before stopped.
The chief stated to a reported, 'somo
citizens ,who,havo a pride injhls city
cut tho weeds without being told and
thoro are many others who would
do tho same it they realised the ser
iousness ot, tho condition. I um go
ing to ask every person in tbls city
to take It upon himself to ask pro
perty owner to cut the weeds and as
sist ua in thla .program against in-
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 2. Kneel
ing on the grass of the convent gar
den of the old Mission Dolores,
Knights of Columbus from all parts
of the United States, Canada, Mexico,
Cuba, Porto Rice and Hawaii open
ed their 39th International supremo
convention today. Supremo Knight
James A. Flaherty In the opening Ad
dress, denounced the "professional
purveyor of prejudice" whoa he
charted wlth.seklaf to divide Amer
icans Into classes. J re charaeUrlM
as "r1l termUon" the eirenUtlon
ot the oath attributed to Knights ot
the fourth degree.
ing the keynote-ot the thlrtr-niita
annual International convention ot
the KnlghU ,ofColnmbu, Supreme
Knight JamesVTA. Flaherty of Phila
delphia, before taoasaada of dele
gate and visitor repreeentlng tho
K. of C. organisation la tho UaKeA
State and it poeee Ions, Canada,
Newfoundland, Mexico, Caba and
Panama, declared today that the
800,000 member of the KnlghU ot
Columbus had gathered to re-dedi-rate
themselves to service acelaoive
ly in the interest of their country.
He stated that (ha K. ot C. had
enjoyed the most nroaaoroue and af
fective year In It history, aad that
It chief aetlvRle to be pUaaed and
launched at the Baa rraadaco saeei
tag war Um eaaapalgn to aaoad the
SMOe.Oao balaaoe ot tho K. of C.
war faad hoayltaMiatlon work,
for disabled vetaraaa; tha taHlaUa
of the K. of C. Aaarkaa hkttory
work-dud thd fttaactfratissv of tho
(Coatlaaad to Pag 2) .
Will Give Market
Trial Saturday
Tho free market proposition will
have Its first trial Saturday morning
August 6th tn tho basement of the
Arcade hotel. 11th and Main streets
from 11 a, m. through the balance
of the day-y
Laat night, Chris Dianas appeared
before tfxe city council and stated hi
plan for establishing the market and
permission was granted for iU Mr.
Dianas is sending out letters to farm
era In this county to attend thl mar
ket Saturday and bring In only a
limited quantity ot produce to ceo
rwhat the purchasers desire ""Jiaatt.
Butter, freeh eggs, fryers and hens,
as well as green stuff Is desired.
Mrs. E. S. Henry and Mrs. CW.
Eberleln, representing the chamber
of commerce, in behalf ot the 'Wom
en' Auxiliary, spent this forenoon
inspecting tho premises of tho free
market and will report the result of
their findings to their organization.
Roth ladles expressed their belief
that a free markot would be a great
benefit to thla city and will urge tho
trial of this one, aa a solution the
high cost of living, to tho auxlllans
at tho next meeting.
creased flro rates, that are threaten
ed." "From ovldenca whlojs I have been
collecting, 'it seems to mo that Kla
math Falls Is being singled out as
a "testing ground" by the Oregon
Insurance Rating bureau and a placo
to Just "hike" the rates because thoy
have the power to do so. I'm almost
Burn that tho bureau Is using mill and
factory tiro losses to support their
charges that Klamutb Falls ncods a
raising of rates. It would be unfair
to use mills which have been des
troyed in tho county as a basis for
estimating losses In the city. City
property does not como under a coun
ty rating but I believe county fires
figure In tosses ascribed to thla
city." Here ho pointed to an insur
ance hook which showed a fire
charged to Klamath Falls which, oc
curred 5 miles out ot the city, yet
it was headed, "Klamath Falls."
The report ovldently' came from
here but the fire waa milea away.
Clerks in the rating bureau are Bret
sumed to havo, used these figure in:
calculating losses In, this , city,, sot,
knowing 'hqt, the, loss was outshla,
tho city llniitsi ' f ,