The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 30, 1921, Automobile Section, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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i'Auic icidirr
Oakland Six Has
Two New Features
"Two drops In threo months In tlio
"Onklnnd Sonslblo Six" Is moro thnn
keeping up wllh Iho period which nil
Bay points to 'normalcy', yet thcro
has boon no substitutions In tlio ma
tcrtnls nor has thcro been nny de
traction In tlio beauty of serviceable
qualities, of tho car In this price re
duction," was tho nsnortlon made by
llay Anderson or tho It, It. It, Karngo
when discussing tho merits of tho car
he sails, to tho nuto gossip who In
quired what prlco the Oakland was
pclllnR for hero.
"It you want to see something that
will Interest you, step over here and
take n look nt these new appliances
on this Into model Oakland," and
with that he led tho writer over to a
Redan car and lifted tho hood. "Seo
that hot nlr Moro on the nmnlfold?",
he Inquired. "That Is tho latest Im
provement on tho Oakland and tho
nervlce that It performs U to heat tho
gasoline so that bettor combustion Is
obtained and less carbon to bother
with, not to count Increased power!
Look at that pinto clnss on tho back
carmins or tnat touring car over
there." pointing to tho rear peeps.
"Thcro is another Improvement over
tho 1921 style which I found on the
last carload of cars that came in,"
Anderson continued. "I do not anti
cipate nny further reductions nt prc-
nent In the Oakland prices. As to
the situation from the sales stand
point, I reel that by tho time tho
crops are In, farm products nnd live
stock prices will glvo tho farmers a
cnanco to nave money to buy a car
with. Buyers now nro certainly de
manding n car thnt will give them
mileage ng well as small upkeep.
"You know, of course, that tho
Oakland Six covered 1709 miles in a
48-hour, non-stop run on May 2T on
the Sunnyvale Lo Altos highway
south of San Francisco? No stops
wero made nor tires changed, yet a
record of 20.1 miles per gallon was
made." Anderson closed his discus
sion to wait upon ,a prospect who
eamo In Just then.
Motorists who use one of the band
pumps will do well to give tho pump
. few strokes before attaching It to
'the valve. This blows out any grit or
other foreign matter that may be
dinging to the pump valve, prevent-
leg their finding their way Into the J
laser tube."
Arrangements nro now being com
pleted by tho Stnto Ilurcnu of Crim
inal Indentltlcntlon nnd Investiga
tion, working In conjunction with
pan co officers In California nnd ad-
Joining states to uso tho wlrolesr
telegraph In tho apprehension of tho
nutomobllo thief.
Kvcry highway leading to nnd from
tho stato Is now open to traffic. Up
on nearly everyone of these highways
nnd situated noar tho Stato lino Is
located an nmntour or government
wireless station.
It Is proposed that reports and de
scriptions of all stolen automobiles
received nt the bureau during tho
day bo dispatched at n specified hour
to these outlying' stations, from n
central wireless station, located tit
Dodge Mileage Is
Raised 100 Per Cent
Willard Service Man
Benefitted By Trip
A. W. Stevens of tho Link Itlvcr
Ilaltory station proprietor of tho
local Willard Storage Battery Ser
vice station, was attending tho con
vention of all Willard oporntors of
thin vicinity In Portland, returning
homo Wednesday, much benefitted
by tho visit.
Sales Manager, H. S. Gardner.
Advertising Mnnagor S. E. Dnldwtn
nnd Asslstnnt to tho Gcncrnl Mana
ger, S. W. Ttolph of tho main of
fices of the Willard company c,f
Cleveland wero there, holding ono
of a series or meetings which aro
planned for 26 of tho larger cities
or tho United States and Canada
Two months will be required for
tho completion or the entlro trip,
artcr which every Willard man will
have had the opportunity to ills
cuss the plans and policies or this
company with these officials in
person and to hear tho newest nnd
most approved Idoas on battery
manufacture and service.
Flooding of the carburetor Is caus
ed by several possible troubles. A
necdlo valve may bo held open or be
leaking. Dirt may have collected on
the 'sent or tho valvo, preventing Its
closing, or tho following may be the
causes: Imperfect or worn needlo
valvo or seat; mechanism stuck; a
too heavy or leaking float, which
would sink too deep, holding the
neodle valvo epen: level too high;
Ioom spray nozile.
"Dodge cars nro today priced tho
anmo ns thoy woro In tho pro-wnr
period, as tho manufacturer! mado
ono big bIIco In tho prlco nt n time
when It wns practically unnoticed by
tho buying public, I'oopto woro busy
with their troubles In finding reason
able living quartern nnd keeping the
Inrdor supplied." stated If. K. Wnko
flold, ngent for tho Dodge In Klnmnth
County, yesterday, when asked how
tho Dodge measured up with tho de
cline In nil standard mnkes of enrs.
"This fact Is moro ovtdont to the
dealent than anyone elso for they
keep n close tab on tho movements
or cars, nnd especially prices, then
tho average person. Itut ono tenturo
whero tho Dodge car now makes a
hit with tho buyers Is thnt tho tires
on tho new enrs hnvo been changed
from kIio 32 x 34 fabrics to 32 x t
cord tlren,"
"Do you know that with this "do
parturo n Dodge car wilt now hnvo n
tiro mllengo approximately over n
100 per cent greater than nt first. It
you will remember, the mllengo on
tho Dodge ran nnywhero from .'.,000
to 7,000 at the most. With this new
tire base, a enr will go from 10,000
to 13,000 miles- Thnt Is ono big sav
ing that has been effected with till
move. In the back curtains now, glass
has been Installed and this gives the
car nn added trim which It did not
hnvo before. In fact this romlrg
year, tho purchaser ot n Dodge car
will certainly get a "run for his mon
ey," plus satisfaction," was the flnnl
remark that Mr. Wakefield used In
describing the car that sells.
A device made In sections thnt can
be combined to form n rhnlr, a bod
or a tnbln has been Invented by n
Callfornlan for use by automobile
Tho power Is appllod to tho third
wheel, which Is In the rear of a now
street cleaning truck, tho englno also
rovolvlng a cylindrical broom, whllo
a snow plow can bo mounted In front
If desired.
The motor and radiator of a now
French automobllo are mounted close
to the rear axle, the Inventor claim
ing this arrangement permits the use
or smaller and llghtor bodies. .
20r sj
The market's best buy I Smooth,
flexible performance such as
only the six-cylinder overhead-valve
engine can give
the secure comfort of a roomy
and stoutly made body the
satisfaction of reliable and
low-cost transportation all
these are yours in the Oakland
touring car,
now $1145
P. O. B. PtatUe, htUUpa
Come see this Big value today
831 Klamath Ave.
Phone 212
' ' HM!fW
John McCormack
With You
When you are out in the woods, on the banks of a
tream or lake or camping alongside the highway,
what a joy it would be to have the music you love!
Here Is Your Chance
. . the Famous . .
It folds up like a suitcase will play all records and will
bring the greatest amount of pleasure to your campfire '
at night when you gather around for an evening of
singing. It has just exactly as much volume as the
large instrument and the tone is not surpassed by any
phonograph on the market. It can be had for the
small sum of $50, and no camping trip is complete
without one.
We carry a complete line of camping necessities
such as auto goggles and sun glasses, field glasses and
binoculars, drinking cups and auto clocks. (And we
repair your auto clock, if it has gotten out of order.)
For the lunch box we have thermos bottles of all kinds
and the great STANLEY THERMOS, the one that is
guaranteed unbreakable.
The Home of Auto Conveniences.
712 Main Street
Have You Tried This
Automobile Oil?
There are two ways to tell
how good any lubricating oil is.
One way is to make a test 'in
the laboratory. The other way
is to put it in your car and try
it out under actual service con
ditions. We know that VeedofwUl in;
crease your mileage and save
anywhere from $50 to $115 a,
year in operating expense.
Prove that out for yourself.
Here's how you can do it
Clean 9 out f your 'automobile,
crankcase. Fill with kerosene.
Run your motor about thirty
seconds under its own power.
Drain out all kerosene and,
refill with Veedol.
Then make n test run over a
familiar road including steep
hills and straight level
stretches. You will find your
motor has acquired new pick
up and hill-climbing ability.
.It will have less vibration and
will give greater gasoline mile:
'Veedol will cost you more than
the average oil. With a few
gallons of Veedol you can drive
2000 to 5000 miles. That will
give you ample opportunity to
compare operating costs. It
will prove the superiority of
Veedol as emphatically as hayjg
laboratory tests,
lu)kp ou don't bellctn me
Mu)bo on think I llo,
Hut jou conto 'round to my kJiop
Ami ou'll think the miiiio iin I.
In fact you will know
what real, quick, effi
cient service is. "Char
ley's Quality Service"
is what I call it and I
am sure you will, too,
if you try it once.
I carry Fisk and Lee
Tires you know there
are none better to
gether with a full line
of tubes and auto ac-cessories.
6th and Klamath
Phone 472
-- &- iiSatot.t. .-,-1