The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 30, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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A groat mony of Klamath Falls' was largely attended by tho younger
aocloty folk nro at tho various lake soclnJ. element ot this cltyvas well na
raiorts .this week In, ordor to escupo by tho older class. A number of visit-
thn unnlpasnnt hnnl of tho cILv. but ing brothers woro presont niul tho
l&oso who arc still In town have
Imb entertaining for out ot town
guests with Informal dances nnd dln-
One of the moro charming affairs
for visitors was the farewell party
for Miss Mabel Root. Tuesday oven
ig. given In her honor by a number
t friends. Mlm Gootx left tor her
homo In Can 'Francisco on Friday
Horning. A motor boat ride was en
joyed, by tho party nnd after tho
Moon came up a Jolly vlcnlc banquet
was served around a roaring bon-
.tire. Tho guests Included: Mts Gocti,
Hiss Juno Dick, Mr. nnd Mrs. James
Strotchbory, Mr. and Mrs. Allen II.
Joaes, nobblo Ityan and Charles Hill.
A number of friends of Leo L.
Houston surprised him with n dinner
aad dan co on Wednesday, the oceas-
ob -being his birthday. Tho party
which was sponsored by Mrs. Hous-
-toa mod Mrs. Louts Hoagland was
.Stv at tho lattor's home, which
was beautifully decorated. An elab
orate chicken, dinner was served and
later the company danced. Those
present were: Misses Itoso Heed and
Henrietta Koch of Oakland, Minnie
Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Terwtl
llcer, Mr. and Mrs. Houston, Mr. and
Mrs. Hoagland, Mrs. Blanch Brown,
Eddlo Clark and Arthur Leavltt.
Miss Gcraldlno Watt and Miss HI
lsn McVeigh, were hostesses Wed
acaday evening at a dancing party
at tho homo ot Mr. and Mrs. George
"Watt on Pacific Terrace. Candles and
light refreshments woro served dur
ing tho evening by tho hostesses.
Tho guests were Misses Eleanor
Torroy, Mylor and Clara Calkins,
Maybolla Leavltt. Dortha Martin,
Jean Ferry. Betty Gray. Vera Thomp
son and Allco McCourt; Messrs. Ned
Wortblngton of Belolt. Bert Chanco
of San Francisco, Wilfred Henry, W.
B. Marshall, George Stovcnson, Ed
ward Geary, Ivan Houston, George
Rlggs, Robert Rlggs, Holland Watt,
Konnoth Perry, and Edwin Drlscoll.
Mrs. Fred Dunbar was hostess
Tuesday to tho Bridge club. Light
refreshments were served during the
-afternoon by the hostess. The prize
for high score went to Mrs. H. W
Henderson. Present wcre: Mesdames
3. E. Martin, Charles Martin, U. V,
Henderson, C, Brooklns, Guy Man-
Blag, If. D. Lloyd Stewart, Jack Slat
er. H. N. Moe, Ijenrletta Melhaso,
Basil Gregory, and Leslie Terwilllgcr
Thn Auction Brldgo Club met Wed
nesday afternoon with Mrs. H. N
Ifoe, who entertained with a porch
party. Lovely bouquets of old fash
ioned flowers were placed on the
porch and about the house. The high
core was made by Mrs. Sarah Gow-
a. Members of the club present were
Mesdames Charles I. Roberts, Oscar
Shire, George Merryman, ' George
Wright, O. A. Krauae, and Mrs. Cow
an. Guests ot the club were Mrs. Ea
telle Carrier and Mrs. M. P. Michler,
ot Florida. -.
On 'Wednesday evening Mrs. Moo
was hostess at an Informal dinner for
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Bowman, and
daughter, Alice, and Mrs. Estelle
On, Thursday of this week Mrs.
Basil W, Gregory entertained a num
ber ot friends at bridge. Those pres
ent were: Mesdames Oscar Shlve,
Barl Whltlock, John Enders, Fred
Dunbar, Leslie Terwllllger, " Hardin
Carter, F. V. Patrick, H. D. Lloyd
Stewart, W. H. Henderson, C. Brook
ins, Jack Slater, J, S. Elliott, and the
Friday Mrs. J. C, Brockenbrougli
had Mrs. Estelle Carrier, Mrs. Basil
W. Gregory nnd Mrs. Earl Whltlock
la for a table ot Bridge.
Klamath Falls lodge 1247, B. P.
O. E. entertained 160 couples Thurs
day evening nt tho Dreamland Pavil
ion at an open al.r dance. Tho affair
evening passed quickly. Cochrnu's
orchestra, composed of 6 iMecos, fur
nished tho music. Byron Harden
brook was complimented for this suc
cessful occasion,
Miss Eva Jenkins was hostess Wed
nesday evening at n dinner party
honoring Miss Hcgna Annesson ot
Portland, who Is visiting nt tho Jen-
1920, Bulck six roadster, very
best ot shnpo.
1920, Allen 4, t, passenger, run
less than 3000 miles,
1920 Maxwell Touring. In tluo
shapo with good Hubber
191 S Ford Touring, Now rubber nil
Wo enn mnko you easy terms on
all those cars.
(Your Cnslll U Cowl.) UO
FOU SALW 1 cash register Soo
Dick, 6th & Klamath. 30
FOB SALE I runnbout, 1 Studo
bnkor, 1 ton truck, 1 Oakland.
Will trndo. What havo youT Seo Dick
6th & Klnmath Ave. 30
FOR SALB An oxtrn good loam,
hnruesa and an Ideal camp wagon,
cheaper than you can build tho camp
kins homo. Tho dinner guests were " " -.
1 - lllrnrlntn Thn witffon lit n RltlilniinVpr
Misses Annesson, Stella Turner, Es
ther Calkins, .Ruby Smith, Pansy Rob
inson, Ruth Llndsoy, Mario Oben
chaln, Besslo Tull, -Mary, Inox, nnd
Eva Jenkins.
Mrs. James DtIscoII cntortalned
Friday night with n danco for her
son, Edwin, nnd niece. Miss I.otha
Drlscoll. who Is visiting hero from
Portland. The guests were: Misses
Eva Jenkins, Inex Jenkins. Regnn
Annesson, Graco Hoagland. Nora
Rlnkcr. Agnes Drlscqll, Mario Oben
chain, and Messrs, Norman Mnnn,
Rolland Watt, Pat Parker. Dill Wil
liams, Tom Deltel! and Stanley
On Wednesday evening Miss Agnes
Drlscoll gave a picnic for her sister,
Miss Lotna, and a number of friends.
Tho party was held on tho shore of
tho Klamath Illvcr below Keno a
few miles. After a delightful picnic
supper Mlsa Drlscoll and her guests
returned to town nnd spent the re
mainder of tho evening dancing. Tho
following guests woro present: Misses
Lotha Drlscoll, Mndgo Dixon and the
hostess. Messrs. Pat Parker. Rill Wll-
Hams and Andrew Eagan.
About thirty graduate nurses and
their friends, enjoyed the hospitality
of tho Graduate Nurses club, Tues
day evoning, at a picnic and enmp-
flro entertainment at tho Keno dam
Dr. "Mnllett and Mr. Patterson furn
ished excellent music with Ukoleles,
.whllo the rest of tho corapnny sang
around tho flro after supper. Some
of tho more adventurous enjoyed
moonlight swim before coming home,
3V In In a-1 shape. Also n good
saddle horse, saddle nud brldlo nt
233S Reclamation nvc. Mills Addi
tion. 30
Apporson twin four upeedator
Just overhauled a snap for Vl 60.00.
Soo owner Sunday nt G2C Washing
ton St., nr. 7lh. 30
FOR SALE Six horses, weight 1200
to H00 pounds, ago 4 to 7. Prlco
G0 to $125. Lee Sutton, Miller Hill.
Owing to a slight decrcaso In liv
ing costs. Public Opinion & Populnr
sentiment, tho Loral No. 190 Car
penters & Joiners ot Atnorlca havo
lowered their scale from (8.00 per 8
hrs to $7.00 per n urn., beginning
August 1. 1921. J. W. JORDAN,
Rec. Secretary, 2053 Wnntlnnd Ave.
FOR RENT 2 room furnished apart
ment. $25 per mo. Turner npts,
812 Oak St. 30-4
Personal Mention
on I
Dr. and Mrs. Demorest, accompan
ied by their two daughtors. returned
yesterday from an auto trip to Eu
gene. Herbert F- Demorest, of the North
ern Terminal Company ot Portland,
Is here spending his vacation with his
F. C. Coleman was a city visitor
yesterday afternoon from his ranch
In Swan Lake valley.
A. L. Marshall was In town from
Olene on business Friday aftornoon.
L. R. Holbrook of Malln was a
county, seat visitor yesterday. He re
porta that baying Is practically fin
ished in his district.
Mr. ' and Mra. Will Houston and
children, accompanied by Mrs. Hous
ton's sister, Miss Vivian Harris, ar
rived last night from Corning, California-in
their car.
G. P. Keller of Bonanza was a
county seat visitor Friday1 to pur
chase supplies.
Morris Crystal,. who has been oper
ating tho moving picture theatre ai
Cbllpquln, isin town for a few days
from the reservation town. ,
G. M. Bicler mado a flying trip In
to town yesterday afternoon to do
business with Klamath bankers and
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. icster and Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Holdon will leave
bright and early tomorrow morning
for a two weeks' vacation trip to the
coast. They will visit at Bandon
Beach for several days beforo return
ing home.
" v
roosters In prime condition at 30c
per lb. F. W. Rlggs, North Klamath
Falls. 30
land, part In crop, good wator,
good roads. Will Noubert, Res. Or
chard Ave. or P. O. Box 517. 30-5
Big corner Lot at 10th and Pros
pect, Only 7 blks from P. O. Sowor In
on jiroporty. Paving paid in full.
Largo enough for 3 houses. Price
cut to $950.00 for quick snlo, some
terms If dcnlrcd.
J. T. WARD & CO.
Phone :1T." H.II Mnfn St.
Tractor, Practically now, Terms.
Will lil io to respcnslblo party. TuL
343W. 30
FOR 8ALK One llulgulm stallion,
weight nbout 2000 pounds. Prlco
$350, guaranteed In every way. Will
Noubert, Res. Orchard Avo or I'.'O.
Box 517. 30-2
Rooms tor rent 414 Walnut HI,
FOR RENT 3 room modurn cottage.
Cor. Pnynu & Klamath Ave. 30-2
FOR RKNT Stooping room, for ono
or two with bath. 11 CO Pine. 30
WANTED To buy, used motorcycle
side car; must bo reasonable. Box
V. Humid office. 30-2
FOR BAI,i:--At n bnrguln, furnish
ed housu and lot In Mills addition,
Small payment down, balance month
ly. W. YV. Mnrtln, 2004 Orchard Ave.,
or phonu 28GW. 30-2
1920, Bulck six roadster, very
bost of shape.
1920, Allen 4, 5, passenger, run
less thnn 3000 miles.
1920 Maxwoll Touring. In fine,
shnpo with good Rubber
19 IS Ford Touring, Now rubber nil
Wo cun mnko you easy terms on
all thoso cars.
(Your Crwllt I- (Io.mI.) no
WANTED To hear from owner who
has alfnlfn ranch to trndo for nl-katl-freo
nlfalfa ranch with flno big
pasturo adjoining. Might consider
Tulo l.ako crop to $6,400 equity. 160
acre paid up, water right Write W.
It. Smith. Bend. Ore. 30-4
FOR 8ALB Blcyclo nnd motor
wheel. Bargain for cash. Box G,
Horald Office. 30-1
FOR SALE Confectionery store, a
paying business, location unsur
passable, next door to Post offlco nnd
at entrance of Ashland's famous 1.1th
la Park. Addross Plaza Confection
cry, 23 N. Main St., Ashland, Oro.
Oregon's Higher Inilllullon of
tight Shoolt; Stxnly Dtpirtmtnti
Fvf MfotmitM rnf Io ifc IUi itirir
Oregon Agricultural College
Dr. LoU C. Bridge
Over First Stato and Savings Batak
Bulto 105 rhono 102-J
That extra pair of lenses
regular, smoke, colored or
For Your Vacation
To the Young Ceuple:
If thero Is it time when wo
enjoy thn lovely, unselfish aid"
of human nature, It Is whim
wo get married; for then wo
soo our friends doing tholr
level best to glvo us n merry
start In life, und vo note In'
their faccH tho gonulno plea
Huro they have in Just wishing
us a happy Journey!
And so It Is also a pleasure,
huro at Shcphcrd'u to holp
' young pooplo select somo form
of proper .Music for tlio new
home. MUSIC, ou know, ono
MUST havo. There aro tho
friends to entertain and thero
nro rainy und llstloss, quiet
days when ono cannot go any
where on pleasuro bent. It Is
' then that Music means ho much
to us the ono thing that
brooks no substitution.
A young bride once remark
ed, upon hoc lug a Vlctrola
among her wedding gifts',
"Why, I'd rathor hnvo that
lovely Instrument or n Pack
ard Player Piano than to bavs
tho greatest brass bands at my
wedding. This, you seo I can
enjoy ANYTIME nnd ALL my
lifo!" And sho was right. To
tako Good Music with you on
tho sea of lire Is like adding
oil to the billowy wators it
calms many a storm or averts
ono that is euro to come to
the lonesome houso.
If the Shopherd Store can
bo of assistance -when you arc
comfortably settled, It will In
deed bo a pleasuro to wait
upon you and do our bost to
find, for you tho instrument
that will make your a truly
musical home a place for
friends to meet In song and
concert. '
A frlondly wolcomo awaits
both of you; und I am qulto
sura that your visit will bo
profitable In moro ways than
wo mention hero. '
With every good 'wish, I am.
Cordially and sincerely,
1 Earl Shepherd Company,
Shepherd Co.
Fine Pianos'
Victrolas, Grafonolas
FOR BALE lft tons hnlod liny horn
In town, nt $15 it ton, Cull 112(1
Main St,, or phono 402J. 30-t
FOR RUNT 3 rtfom house, pnrlly
furnished, 527 Klnmath Ave,,
Phono 401. 30
1920, Ilulck nIx roadster, very
bust of shape.
1920, Allen 4, 5, passenger, run
Iohh than 3000 miles.
1920 Maxwell Touring, In thin
shnpo with good Rubber s
1918 Ford Touring, Now rubber nil
Wo ran mnko you eiiiy terms mi
all those euro.
(Your Cmllt U 1hhI.) ()
I nm receiving applications for nnl
hail promised Ohlmtso plionsiinlH to
number of peoplo whllo I witu trow
urtir of Ihif Himrlsimm'it association..
Slum William McNonlly. Henry
Htdiil niul tho Clinmbor of Commnrco
nro apparently running thn associa
tion now, seo Ilium, us I resinned In
Juno niul lmvo nbsoliitoly nothing t
do with the iirKuulcutloii now.
no im. KitKi) WKH'rnitrr.i.n
Must mini upprocliitn tho tionsuuso
of it pretty woiiinu far moro thnn tlir
Oft the suiino of it homely ono,
Tim Hecrelury of lllntn nnd thii
Statu Historian of Alabmmt are women.
The Rex Cafe
$1.00 Special Sunday Dinner $1.00
Crnh Cocktail
Rlpo ttllves
Sliced Beets
Asparagus Tips Mayonnaise
Chicken Royal Knup
Choice of '
Ono-hnlf fried spring chicken, country stylo. '
Ronst sprjng rhlcken, oyster ilrtwslng,
Grilled veal chops, Hunter stylo.
Mashed Potatoes
Steamed Rice
Ilex Special Punch
Tea Cnffra
Milk Chocolu'.u Iced Tea
Change in Milk Prices
Klamath Falls, Ore.,
July 25, 1921.
Beginning August 1st. the following will
be the prices of milk delivered to the peo
ple of Klamath Falls till further notice, all
who use tickets will pay the new price when
purchased on and after July 26. ,
Retail Trade:
1 qt. Milk nolly. 30 days $ 3.76
2 fits. Milk Dally, 30 days .... . 7.20
3 qts. Milk Dally, 30 days ......... 10.36
4 qts. Milk Dally, 30 days ... '. 1-1.20
1 pt. Milk Dally, 30 days ....M....... 2.10
Cream Prices:
i PI. Tablo Cream Dally, 30 days - T'.4U
14 Pt. Whip Cream Dally, 30 days 7.00
i pt. Cream Dully, 30 days - 3.00
l qt. Milk and W pt. Tablo Cream, 30 days I 9.16
1 pt. Milk and Vt pt. Tablo Cream, 30 days 7.40
1 qt. Milk and pt. Whip Cream. 30 days 10.76
2 qta. Milk and W pt. Cream-Table, 30 days 12,0
Single Deliveries From Wagen:
H Pt. Tablo Croam ..... ,20c
hi pt. Whip Cream ........ - 25
1 qt. Milk 15
Tho above prices will bo strictly CASH, with 10 days tlmo al
lowod for collector to call upon yon,
Wholesale Prices to Restaurants, Hotels and
Boarding Heuses:
1 gal. or moro, por gallon Slo
1 gal. Coffeo Croam, 18. por gallon 11.26
1 gal. Whip Cream 32, por gallon 2-60
1 gal. Hoparatod Milk, per gallon 15
1 gal. Buttermilk, per gallon .16
Pints of Milk Bottled, pint 06
V, Pint of Milk Bottled, por H Pint .. .OS
Tho abovo, price to tako effect Monday, August 1st. Tno
above prices to bo baaed on a woekly payment. All bills duo on
Monday for tho provlous seven days.
Wholesale Prices to Peel Rooms and
Drink Stands:
4 qta. Milk or 1 gallon 9c per qt. or 30c por gallon. Payablo
yookly. , ijiJJjAiJ,
Prices to Stores, in Bettles:
10c pot qt., Vt pt. Tablo Cream 17, V& Pt. Whip Cream 22c
A charge of 10c will bo mado for all bottles. Tho 10c will bo
returned for tho bottle It returnod with a ticket. I
Nucccaaor to KIocm Milk Dairy.
rilKMJUM DAIRY, Phono SHt-lMI.
First Annual Picnic, Klamath Falls Mooseheart Legion 467
. . .. .... . . ....
SUNDAY, JULY 31, 1921. ALL DAY PICNIC AT ROCK CREEK. LADIES REQUESTEp TO bring well tilled baskets.
AH Moose and .friends invited. Families attending requested touring one "bachelor Moose.'', Cars and
trucks leave Moose hall at 8 o'clock sharp. Cars having vacancies requested to call Mrs. H. A. Uustamante, , ,
L 11 'J, - jr JZ1 ?