paoi viva THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TltVllflDAY JULY a, 18I MMWMWVMMMWW I SI THE WORLD OF SPORTS SI FUNS. PLAYERS APPROVE NINE INNING CAME Tho nunnunrommil of I tin chango In Un city Inngun gnme (rum two ovou-luuing games to tino nlnn-lnn-Ing contest linn been ruiulved very favorably by tlm rim nml from (Iml hand reports, ncumn In fll Ihn opinion ot a majority However. Ilium went n fow who liked to attend Uin double headers ntntliiK Hint tlm variety offer fid wan n purl of tlm splcn of llfn, but no grout iiiiiotinl of opposition met thn change Onn of tlm funs expressed III opin ion regarding Ihn liniig In Icrmn nn follow; "Thn malingers linvn nt tint taken n step whlrh In my opinion will tmpruvn thn gainn greatly iml hrlnit out a better crowd on ilumluys, Thoro rn fnw people who enrn to ll out In t tint pnrk until two' games are played through and no cnnlunt In ever tottlcd In seven Innings. Thn two extra rotindn really brings out llio qualities of ft pltchnr nnd nine tests out tho mettle of thn plnycra behind him." "Another factor, too, which In Im portant and that In tho tlmn of thn beginning of Ihn Rumen Hlarl onn promptly at 1:30 o'clock In the after noon and hy n qunrtor to four, tho gaton In over and tbrrn In an oppor tunity to "do something elsn In tho aftnrnonn " Lois of ponplo llko to Jutt wander around and vlilt with other folkn be fori) supper nnd now they can do II Thin clunKn meets with my approval." The players themselves hnvo wel comed thn rhnngn nnd ntatn that tho "off day" will bn inert liy them on automobile nnd fishing trips. From all ntatemenla mndo both by players and fann, thn nlnn Inning gamo, Marl ed early In thn afternoon on Sunday reins lo fill thn bill Burn in Training; Starts Road Work Jack Huron, local fighter, hns tarted In training again and took to tho road thin morning to Improve hli wind. Hum liken thn altitude hern nnd ntntcn that It In good to train horo for It given him greater endurancn when hn goos to n lower altlludn , llurnn li cry uuxlnut lo secure another match boforo tho local fann at ho feeln that ho ban received good encouragement from thn locals In hi Initial appciirnuce horn on tho Fourth of July llurnn aaya ho will conllnuo to train hero whether u ncrap In io cured for him or not an ho Intoudi to round out and try for matchen In aeveral sporting ccntnrn on tho coast. I. Club Standing. W. L Pet. Copco 4 3 .571 Jowel 4 j ,r.7I Ewauna 3 4 .-128 riumbob 3 4 .438 Knorr and Gorman Put Up A Stiff Fight at Redmond Thn Hrilmond Spokesman of July 31, gives Itn rendem n description of tliu Knorr-iliirmau no Hinged July ir. nt tho Milwaukee smoker near Port land nnd from tho writer's dcscrlp Hon, thn go must linvn boon n whirl wind nffnlr. Ilotli prlnclpatn mentioned In thin go worn tried for tiy thn promoter of tho Fourth of July ovontn ho re, hut no fignomcnl wan reached In tlmn for tho event. Hindi tho Fourth of July however, a number of Klam ath Kails sports havo discussed tlm merlin of the two mon and hnvo ex pressed a desire to nno them mntchod hero. Thn Ileilmonil paper nnyn In part: Uuffy Knoor, Tnrrohonnn bomr who lout n decision to Kddlo (lorman of Oakland, Cal., at n nmokor hold Friday night, nt Mllwnuklc, plans to return to 1'ortlnnd anrt defeat (lor- man a well nn a number of others In bin class, ho announced upon re turning to Itodmond, Monday. Hut ho plana to tdgn for no fights In the Immediate future Ho Intend, ho nald, lo npvnd hli tlmo In training which, during tho flrnt yenr of hln career an u boxer, hasbren rather neglected while hn scored knockoutn over ten local and Imported boy. "Thoy fight fatter down thcrn than they do In Central Oregon." Knorr said. "Tho first round wan mlnn and I boilovn I had I ho edgn on Gorman In all tho other nxcept tho nlxth. I weakened thero and lott tho decision. II wan lack of training. I couldn't fight an lone aB ho could." Knorr nald tho battln wan hard and font, and wan Immensely popular with tho fann. After tho go, ho wan taken from thn drejwlng room to a hotel across tho street becauso fight fans, seeking to get another look, wnro hammering on tho dour and milling around until It wan nen by managers that smalt attention to tho main fight wan being obtained. That Knoor beat Oornian In tho first flvo ruuns la tho opinion of Hil ly Htcpp, nporl writer for Ihn Port land News. (Ir'OMXllHTH TO IHtll.l, PltlNKVILLB. July 28. For tho purpose of examining the fossilized flora of tho district In which the llluo Mountain Oil company will noon bo- gin lo drill, Itlchard Russell of Berk eley, Cal., and Dr. It W Chanoy of lown City, la., nro In Crook county They represent tho Carnoglo Institute of Technology. STAR THEATRE Tonight id Popular IUmiucmI A Itoturu Kn gagnncnt of , On With the Dance Starring Miu) Murray nnd David Ponrll .Thin Fitzmaurlco production In without a doubt onn of thn greatost productlonn that haw over played a return engagement In this city. Friday A (.'o-iinopolltaii Production "Paying the Piper" fj CORNS ITS J Lift Right Off jfl j J without Pain IqJ, Magic! Drop a little "Frcczono" on an aching corn, Instantly that rorn ttopn hurting, then ahortly you lift It right off with fingers. Doesn't hurt a bit. Your druggist sella a tiny bottle of 'Frcczono" for a fow cents, sufficient to romovo every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between tho loos, and cal-lusos. Are You Prepared? FLY-TIME IS HERE We have a large stock of SCREEN DOORS in three designs, to fit all ' regular door openings. These doors are made of clear, kiln dried, California white pine cov ered with the best grade of rust proof, galvanized wire, and put to gether with hardwood wedge dow els a patented process which makes an exceedingly rigid door. "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" BIG BASIN LUMBER CO. "Everything to Build With" Phone 107 Main & Spring Sts LOUISE LOVELY It just as dollghttut - An nor namo And sho start tonight AT THE LIHERTY la "WHIMS THE DEVIL LAUGHS A thrilling ntory Of thn underworld Lights and shadows. And a smile bohlnd each tear It's a tnuppy picture And tho comedy "THREE GOOD PALS" It a scream Mr. and Mrs. Duck And friend Al Aro tho pals And thoy havo a "party" And pull soma stunts That nro now . And qulto startling And don't forgot "THE IILAZINC- TIIAIL" Tomorrow II. W. P. Special Prices For the Week-End AH Desirable Merchandise and Very Reasonably Priced. Spend a SmaJl Part of Your Time Shopping Here. IT PAYS. HECTOR'S t COOLKUT THKATRE IN TOWN The Strand! THEATRE Formerly the Moadate IIUO Main HU Tonight AT liAHTS ITS 11 El IK. FIItftT ItUN. A maaterly, oonslentlout, thor oughly, artistic revival ot tho great est lovo drama ot all ages. East Lynne A surpassing presentation ot this tear compelling romance that has mado all tho world smile and weep for half n century. 8tagod In the beautiful and historic Severn IMrer Valloy. In "western England, whom Mrs. Honry Wood laid tho scono of her Inmortal romanco ot love. hato and ambition, with greatest cast of atngo history. NO RAISE IN PRICES. Show starts at 6:45 and 9:15. Don't miss this picture It will bring many fond momorlea to you. I ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine 1st . V Ha J Warning! Unless you bco tho namo 'Oayor" on packngo or on tablets you aro not getting genuine Aspirin pre scrlbod by physicians for twontyone years nnd provod safe by millions, Tnko ABpIrln only at told In tho May or packngo for Coldu, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothacho, Lumbago and for Pnln, Hhndy tin boxoB ot tWolvo llnyor tab lota of Aspirin cost fow cents. Drug gists also sell largor pacxages. Aspir in la the Irado mark ot Dayer Manu facture ot Monoacetlcacldogter of Sal-Icyllcacld, it The Women's Fashion Center" LARGE SIZE BATH TOW- ELS 39c A good medium wolght Turkish Towel, for mer valuo COc. ALL NOVELTY VOIi.E RE DUCED Entlrn stock of Summer Voiles at great ro il notions. SUc Voiles, now ...... 39o 7fic Voiles, now 58c $1 00 Vollct, ncrw' 69c II 50 Voiles, now 11.16 WHITE PURE SILK SI. 00 HOSE iiii'i WHITE WASH SKIRTS 98c Crepe, Plrjua and Crash wash skirts most ly small sizes, former values 12.50 to 3.50. WHITE VOILE WAISTS 98c Dalnlly trimmed In whito and colors, for mer values $1.50 to $2.00, ORGANDIE BLOUSES $1.95 In white and colors. Mado of finn Crisp Swiss Organdie, former values $3.50. VOILE DRESSES $6.95 All voilo dresses In stock to closo nt $6.95, values to $16.95. CHILDREN'S UNION SUITS 39c Flno Swiss ribbed slcovelcss union suits C to 16, formor values to 76c. NEW DRESS APRONS $1.50 Mado ot pretty stylo ginghams In latest styles, exceptional value. DRESS GINGHAMS 18c A good icrado gingham in Plaids, Checks and Stripes, nlw) plain shades, formor valuo 25c. NEW PERCALES 25c In light and dark colors, strlpo, checks and all over designs. Full 36 Inches wide. 36-IN. BLEACHED MUSLIN 18c A good soft finish Muslin, freo from dress ing. I llWttlfl lit I BED SHEETS $1.19 A heavy round thread Sheeting and In this special sheet bIio 72x90, largo size 81x90, $1.29. Formally sold for $2.00 and all puo silk. CHILDREN'S WHITE HOSE 24c Fine ribbed lisle finish, all clres. SUMMER UNDERWEAR RE DUCED Including tho well-known. Kayscr mako Vest, from 24c to 98c, Union Suits 69c to $1.98. BOY'S COOPER SUITS 98c UNION High grade, well mado Union Suits for boys 6 to 16. , BOY'S BLOUSES 69c Mado ot good grade Oingham and Cham bray, formerly sold tor $1.00. BROKEN LINE OF CORSETS ONE-HALF PRICE ALL KHAKI GOODS 1 Except Trousers. ONE-THIRD OFF CHILDREN'S COVERALLS 89c In plain niuo and Strips, also Khaki. Small lot In Light Colors and excellent value. BUNGALOW APRONS 69c JtrgyMvtsSMSstystststtttsttpsttsytsts :l HI Ml at A Ml -& in. SaShtHSa K HPm 1 ataHfUiMH oA.gmdejbr.each type of engine s t- I -Al I T I