f- vry Mr V- !' "WKDNKSDAY, JULY 87 ll)l!l THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Can Build Four Rooms Now for What Two Would Cost a Year Ago IF YOU DO THE WOR.K YURSELF AND BUY THE MATERIALS FROM US. BRING US A PLAN OF WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO BUILD, AND WE WILL PROVE IT. When building activity really starts again, present stocks will soon be exhausted, and prices will go up again to considerably above their present low level. Wc believe that will be this fall, perhaps sooner. It is h predicted that lumber will, not "be as low again in the next ten years, for as soon us a few start to build, ' everybody will want to start. This condition exists not only in Klamath Falls, but in every city in the United "; States. Whether it's a shack or a bungalow or a backyard fence, you can build it cheaper now than in the past four years or in the next ten years. We have cut the prices on everything from fence posts to window glass. We are trying to make it an ob ject to everybody to BUILD SOMETHING NOW and Use "Made in Klamath Falls Products" Foremost Stimulators of Building Activity mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm r I nl I .family left tills morning for tho Personal mention w . cara wnoro tncy wll, 8Pom, Weed caran whoro they will spend """ " " " ,the next two weeks. Robert Damon, who has been. , 0 gplnk WM n ,own yM,or. hero visiting his aunt. Mrs. K. L.t. , .., ,,,. n Mcgco, left thfc morning for Gold fiprlIIK crcok ...ill. At.. . !!...... ...... I.. nilll IUO BIOIU lUKIinay buuuuia- . A.hlnn.1 Mh.rn hx will ,niake a brief visit with her inoth Killth Dell left this morn- nr Mrs. W. O. Smith left this morn slon. V. S. Jenkins of Chlloiiuln passenger on the morning log for her home In San Francisco jjra after a two weeks visit with horWn!) a aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Don tran bound for Montague and San Zuniwult at their homo on bouth joso 0n en extended visit with Illversldo street. j friends and relatives. .Mrs. Itex McMillan returned to Mrs. M, A, jjann acconlpanlod by her home In Weed this morning MrH jacJ Mann mid tW dauga- alter a Jinoi visit vriin ner parents, torg returned yesterday from Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Low. , Spring Creek whoro they huvo boon Mrs. Clyde Griffith was a county spending several days. her W. K. Drown Is a city visitor to day from tho Port country. Harry Ilooth was In town this morning from bis ranch on tho scat visitor yesterday (rem ranch on the Merrill road. I Mrs. Gus Hllyard accompanied by, her daughter, Gertrude, drovo Into1 tcrwn yesterday to purchaso suppllcsi.. , r,h.ln ,, for their ranch cast of town. i . .. . . . E. L. Hopkins who operates a B. J. Darrott, forraan of Tho Ilor-j fc u whlto-Lako wa8 a coun. ?,,,? " , ?i" ?(tV seat visitor this morning on on Michigan avenue for tho past'. , few days. business. W. A. Koenlck was In town today' T,' Co "rotten made an early from his ranch south of town at- tr,P ,nt0 t0fWn tnl8 nrnllS after tending to business affairs. supplies for tho N. C. O. company. Mrs. L. E. Friend left this I " Jackson, ono of Klamath morning for Ilosoburg where sbo county's prosperous farmers, ivlll visit with her sister and other trading with city merchunts relatives. i morning. Allen Daniels, who'has been here Mrs. W. W. .Flnley and Mrs. itoss .. p j TOT) AY TTi I from Portland Vlnitlnir hla nfalnr. ei,.Io .mn.nn,l thfa innrnlni.' from " 'T-l lJUi 1U Mrs. "Ralph Moadows, left this Merrill where they visited for several ; ; BE AT THAT uiuruius mr ms uuino in mo itoso dayB with Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. ualioy C'tyf ,j r j i 'and Mrs. Wilson. Mr, Flnley accom Mrs. Laton Stephens and family; panei hy g B0I1 ji0S8, la lu the wcre.in to-wn popping tnis morn-; my country on business this week. ing irom inoir nome on ino wer-i .,... , , i . Is In town-today attending to matters of business. was this with Klamath Falls friends for some time ni she will leave for Hawaii the first of August to tako u position as teacher. Miss Esther Vcatch will ac company her aunts on tho return 'trip to Grants I'uss. Mrs. Henry Folsom and son, An il row, were In tho county scat this morning with butter and chickens from their ranch In tho valley. M. 11. llurch, former project man- agor or tno uriand irrigation pro ject, who has boon hero for tho past fow days on government buslnosH, left thin morning for Oakland, Cali fornia. Mr. and Mm. C. V. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mcl'herren mo tored to Malln last night on a com bined business and plcasuro trip. C, II. Farrlngton, president of tho Western Uond and Morlgago company of Portland, stayed ovor night hero Monday night. He was enrouto by auto to Lakevlow, thonco through eastern Oregon, inspestlng livestock conditions. Tho company has many securities In tho live stock growing counties. ,l,A4.&AJt.JM.A.r. Elks. rl! Frond. . V - W. H. Gaddes Is a city visitor .today from Eagle Rldgo tavern. E. K. Frank Is a tourist visitor hero from Chicago. F. Eborbart and It. F. Eborhart of San Joso, California, aro In tho city on a vacation visit. r G. I. Fischer la registered at Iho White Pelican hotel from San FrancUco. A. A. Murphy and wlfo aro horo from Portland. They are guests at the White Pelican hotel today. Ira Orem was In town yestorday from his ranch on the MqrrlU road to purchase suppllee, Mr. Orem jeporU that most of his hay Is cut, 'but not yet in the stack. 5n. Fred Meachum Is visiting here (from her home In Poe valley. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Darter and Mrs. William Balloy, who was Miss Nlckerson before her marrlago, Is hero from Oakland, California, for an extended visit, with her cousin, Mrs. C. R. Solomon, and other relatives and friends. William Keesee, of 'tho United States navy, who haa been hero on a 20 days Ieao for a visit with his family, left this morning for Seattle where be will return to his ship. Iter. E. G. Hansen, Presbyterian minister at Grants Pass, acconlpanlod by Misg Augusta Parker and Miss Gortrude Parker spent last night and part of today in' tblsclty fcn their way home from Crater Lake, This will' be Miss Gertrudo's last visit ELK SOCIAL I DANCE ON THURSDAY NIGHT :: JULY 28, 9 P. M. i YOU WILL BE ... :: SORRY FOR :: MANY DAYS :: IF YOU FAIL TO :: DANCE WITH US! ELKS ONLY KLAMATH I'ALLH LODGE ia7, II. I. O. K. Kntortalnmcns Commlttoa I MAKE THAT IDLE, .DOLLAR, WORK. OH ngcrwn w grenu-mny K-rtrar! ? IF YOU HAVE A DOLLAR .TO SPARE . HELP DRILL A WELL BUY N. C. O. '. IF YOU BELIEVE THERE IS OIL IN KLAMATH : HIP DRILL A WELL BUY N. C. O. IF YOU WANT TO "CASH IN" WHEN OIL IS STRUCK . HELP DRILL A WELL BUY N. C. O. IF YOU FEEL LUCKY AND WANT TO GAM BLE HELP DRILL A WELL , BUY N. CO. MAUL US A CHECK TODAY. Phone 577-J or call at 532 Main St. Northern Cal. Oil Co., Klamath Falls Oro. Enclosed check f for which please reserve for mo shares N. 0. 0, Stock at fl.OO per sharo, for which I agrcoSto subscribe upon receipt of subscription blank. ) Namo ..'. ....... Address ...,. Date i PA (111 ICMIIIT I ! i ti min .r Mt,