The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 27, 1921, Image 1

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    VW "
A Clan Ad Will
Do It
Today m Ntn
member of the Associated Press.
ri'lii'iitli YVnr. No. mini
('(ilmiUiitliiM 1 i'f
m m Wi'inl rimrli by
11... "? nmi
ilnlrytimii from Wisconsin und iulddln
...i..n. -latex iniiv result from ii
llir.iu days' vlitlt li'iro if Otto 7,wy
iMirt. nf I recti roumr, icihiiihi
"which, n.mponril of only Hi lon-
mMiih In hiiIiI to limit all cnuntlen of
thn Wnllml Hint.-,, In i-Iiim-m produc -
'wyg.irt ispncliilly
Wd ranch and I ho
tliiwod tin.
Wiiod River
lountry and If ho In HnrcHful In In- '.. ..-,.....-l..milnK
W lrl-n.U th Htnrt will ""'' ""V" "f
I! IHH irii'llUH 1110 Hinri wiiii
rv I
i.mi.Iv i, mini,, mi Hin miner niirt
lirilllllllljr li.l liui'in "H "II
of tho Wi'i'd tract, which In diked,
. ,,
dltrheil nnd ready for It
iiiinirii ij i
In est milled that SO acres of thin land
in iiififi
wilt support a fnmll)- containing flvo
..n..u .....1 ll... tnifl It, II. intivltii.lltl
JK'I.IJlin, HIM, 1IM' 11" " -
ili.velnpuieitt will HiiHtiiln Ro fauill -
. . imill
.w)gnrl wnn nriompiiniii. ny ""
Agarti-r. of Itiiudolph, Ni-brankn
Tho vlHltor, wrn. womlorfully Im.
prosse.l with tho rich growth of nl.nki.j,,, ,rntnty , ., ,,,
litnl tlmolhy In tbo Wood river roun f(if )1(f ,Inflnt hn( o
try and the hi-atv erops oftrlover and
rjo on tb Crtlmliililn innrnh The,
sired up with practical tyes llio po (
Idillal billliir fat proilurtlon nn Hie
nlMlfit fields nf IliK Klnmnlli proJiTl.
nnd left with tin. i.vldKiit Impression
that Klamath enmity wan a dairy
man's par.idlso Tho weal lb of green
milk prnduclug feed whs n rnvetntion
to them, as In Wisconsin nt this
Hi'f.Min. thoy nald. the natural forage
In dry and ilnlr tiii'ti must drpeml up
on com fodder, nnd Inter sll.ige, for
milk production
They led this morning committed
to no definite proposal, hut apparent -ly.xflK.oviM-r.'liil'.illini
ol-trying to
Intercut their frinuds and neighbor
In torn) ilnii development, mid ll Is
hoped that proper er-fporatlon by
bankers, land-nunem. the chamber of
nnnkers, lanii-ownerH, hid cnauiLor oti .... .
.'n.l fill Mm i.vnlilfit- nt Hint iltiv
'fitiiliiiirrn and rltUenn gennrnlly wllli
rauso tho project In miilerlallio Into
dellnlto nccoinpllshmoiit.
Albers Dead as
Result of Stroke
I'OIITI.ANI). July 27 J.
Albers, rellreil mllllonalrn
whoso collection on n charge of viol-
oting the esplonugo ait. which wiisl'"1"1 " '' return of V. C
ri.rently set nsl.lo by llu I'ulted I ". mnnaKer. from a trip to
States supreme court and a retrial or
dored, died today at his homo In M II
wauklo, Oregon, nf paralysis.
i rrri.i; mm, tiihowv nv
Thelma Clay. 9 years'old. daugh-l(ln "l,!'y optomlstlc about
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clay otl'1'0,011 Powlblllllca In tho Klamath
Mills addition, wau thrown from n
homo yontorday afternoon nnd sovor
uly hurt. 'It Is bollovod hor nrm,"K0' '""ihuIohh und other physical
mny ho fractured. Tho accident oc
curred on tho Kntorprlso road,
when tho horse, ridden by Tholmn
and -hor slHtor Jonnottc, 12 yearn
old, bucked and throw both child
Tho Oregon public servlco commis
sion ban announced lower freight
rates on cement to Klamath Falls.
Tho cut generally nmouutH to about
ten por rent. Tho now rato from tho
following comont plants npplles: Dav
enport, Oil., Ui contH a hundred;
Chittenden, Oil., to Chlloquln, Ore,
f 17 V4 contn; San Juan, Oil., to Kirk,
Ore., G2t coiHh.
Annual wan men ny inniiiiiii nun.
morning In tho circuit dorks officii uo, I'roportles, tho search for oil
In tho enso of W. T. Oarrott against W,H uo lifosocutod to tho limit of
Dr. K. I). Johnson, In which n Jury,"", companys' resources. An Drill
M.ccntly roturnod a verdict for tho or Haley romnrkod, "'Whon oil
Tho caso of Wilfred Ilrookflold,
charged with manslaughter, was call
ed In Justlco aaghngons' court yon
terdny aftornoon und nftor an nil
afternoon trial tho caso was tnkon
under advlsomont by tho court rola
tlvo to binding him over to tho grand
Jury, No opinion, was dollvored this
forenoon by Judgo Oaghngen.
Brumficld Search
Requires Tracing j
Down M,any Clues,
I 111 1,1'N' r 11 piiiinc urn lime
lawn 11 of tin uti'im luki'ii liy Hlicrltf
l.iiv. in Hi.. pr Hi'cutlon of tin'
KMii.'y ulil" mmri'li for l)r Drum
riolii ttti'i vmih rniorti'il to In' In
thin run 11 try within tlin period xlnro
Hi" murder at Itonoliurg iii-eurod
Hcurtuly a day linn romo nlnrn tho
I fr(tl M).)llft ,Hl itruinflotd 'win
in Kliiiniitli county but wlint somn
person him called up mid Hint ml
Mlml "It Hiiro wiih Dr. Ilruiiiflold."
I Ami rath of th 1 reporlH tninit ho
Btarlli.c Htin.lny Inst, no Iohh than
1 26 different reports hav.. bee,, turn.
led In al llio iiluirlffn' office mill
each Ilini'. tho li'iul Iiiih Iicoii fol
lowed (mil found Kroutiillcmi. I'lvu
dlffnront ri'portH comlni; In onn day
I.Ilko. lleHPlllllfH
.... ... 1
i.l 1 I . mill ullll U til.lj1( uiln I.I
""' """""' '" """" ""
lr,l UinuL.t, l.ntv ...... I lu' nwn
up I tin west sliln of tho Upper Kin-
... . .... .....
linatii iuii,, and Hucky I'olnt, Aspen
i . . , ,,
i I ,.!--. nttil sllntt Killllta ulinril ti flint.
innv iiiiii f tiii'i (iniMini n iii'i v n
lug in n ti rnuhl hldi., wire se.irch-
In view of thn fnrt (but Klnmnth
...l.nll. I. TO (llllf.a llll. nil.! 1 ?tO
VMM' " ' " "' "
,u0B ri rnvcrlng n 9101) Hiiinr
.,.,. i-m.. um. .,..,. , ,
I ,. ..UM fc,,It,." In r ,v,.r;
y inn not
search In
,,,, rtv been held up a moment.
BUn., ,(. aberlff today
, pj. ffl IHfim
HI I1 II III I fl 1 1 I LI K
U ll II I 1 1 Uu f 1 fl l
1Ba u' u ,u '-'11,11
Dillllng nt the Northern I'nlifor-
iila Oil company well on tho Chur-
iiiui ranrii in niHKiynu
rounty, Call -
. ,,
Hi of Mr-
foriila, six mlli'H kou
rill was trinitorarlly halt'xl iiflerlty deport boxen mid rush drawers,
Miindnv ..rrLr.lli.L- i.. tirill..r
" " -"
Ml .. -..-.I. I.. II... .-Ill, .i.t.,..(t..i. nth.,.
,., , nMI .1. ..... .,, .m.i,,... .....t
norn. Tho "npuddlng In" roiisuui-
" ' " '"i
Monday tbo drilling wh slopped In
order to "rig up" for the heavy
drill and other tools necessary for'
iarr)!ng on tho woik.
There will be ample power
'IM WH as u double Ik Her Iiiih
peon iiiHiniicu ami wun mo rigging.
tin Job comi.leted bv Thursday. lh
-- - - - -
I'""' w"l "Rl llpKln Its ilownwnrd
" "
itroko Only ono shift -will 1m- used
nan i ranclsro wlinro no win so.
euro ii triple shift to keep tho N.
0. O. well going both day and
night. WJlh thren "towers" nt
work, tho search for oil will go
r '. y.0.!:
i no iiriuors of tno urnter on and
, ' iiuain nun Hiuiu nun uvery oviuenco
;iu tho wny of out cropping, Beep-
ItmiiH nro self ovldotit and that tho
formations In tho Klnmnth Jlusln
aro very similar to thn California
fields. Tho drill In the Crater well
discloses tho samo bluo shulo which
In found concealing oil In Cali
fornia regions ns well an In tho
Montnun aiyl Wyoming fields.
Thn drill nt tho Crater well wns
broken yesterday nud as thoro wuo
no latho on tho ground, tho work
was stopped until today whon ono
will bo thoro to do tho two hours
work In repairing tho big tool.
Mr. Lohmnn will lento In Jho
morning lor San Franrlsco not only
to secure inon for tho N ,0. O. well
but a complete, lino of "fishing"
IooIh will bo purchased for uho In any
emoiBoncy thut mny urlso. With
ovory nvallahlo dovlco at hand at
wuicn i uuiiiivo cxiDia in uirgo quan
tities, la found lioro, this Section will
tako on a boom that will confound
tho pessimists. I'd llko to seo this
country covered with wolls, all
producing and bringing wenlth Into
this community. I fool suro thora
Is oil horo nnd It Is up to mo to
(Ind it. I'll do It or go to China
nftor it."
OREOON Tonight and Thurs
day," fair- modorato wosterly winds,
I v,.,, ... imin. 11. .. ..,..., .t 11. ,. ,.1.1
I (h,. youngHtcr dlnuivc red II wan iinnorcsMiry to placn n stono In onu end
or 111. MPicunii tm -wiirnt 111 1.1 ou.or. in onii'r to imuii.c, u.o iou,i orijt( ,irM,icut 0f tho stato cham
Hid horse n hack How roollnli It noninrd In your young miml iih you rcaili. , -,.,,.. ., , .,., . .
Hint nti.ry In your 0I1I render unit liow dubious you were that any grown "or "l co""n'fc" ntm win uaui
nian coulil know no llttlo. ' win. tl hardware merchant, two
Right hern In Klmnath rounty thorn nro hundreds of men who arc Junto! th'j Klamath witnesses licforo tho
tin foollHh moro 110, In fact, und limy nro not all farmer. Home of tfinni ' Intcrntntu comtnorco comtnliutlon, oc
am to tin fouml In tho rank of lliu "leading business men" of tho city. .,,,, ,,, ,,jt ..,,. , ,,,
Home of thorn nro considered oh being whoacron on questions of Huanco. cuI"tu l" l,m,r uevotoa 10 mo
They nro letting tho llfn hlood of tho rniiiimiiiliy droln off, by tho cut- weekly chainbor of commerce lunch
Hi run t polity they huvo nilopted of thinking ..Duly of today and trusting to ccn toduy.
luck that tomorrow will lako caro of Itself. I m- llaldwln cavo a comolnto
IV' 111 all imrtH of tho county como (otniilalntH that farm nroducn
brour.hl 10 tho illy by tho funimrH
HhlppMl In from California In limiKht 11 1 a higher price. Tho money pald,cn bIc, " Inception, clonlne -wlih
for that California produco ban i;ono out of tho county Just as com-' tho prrdlctlon that Klamath would
plnlely iih if It Iiml koiio to a mall lirdiT hoiun Tho Iorh In k renter be-'at leant receive a 20 por centro
cnuwi tho homo produco mrnnn 100 canh keit at htinc, whllo that to I, ..,-,, , ... ,i. , 1 ".
i... 1.,. 1.. .i. i.- ..f 11... ,i..i'. .n ,h.. ductlon In rates ,tho general of-
kill, i.i.ii, I'll,., iiifunii in uu.r kiln lurn
1 i.i ... ..,.. .....'i.. .. n.
11111111L-1111 nwn in iiiliiru lliu iue t,i iiiu i,uuu mil ui will iuruiur, unu hoi""" "- ..-...--.. . ....r- ..
want to tell llio builticHn men of thin city that no effort ban been madoqtillo probably mlRbt get tho30
and 111,110 la helm: made, to build up and koop tho good will of tho pur-.,cr c,,Ilt ctlt tnat R nBkcd by lo?al
,.iiiMlit, tf Iflnmnlli rn.lnlv I I ...
I .i.r"f! ..";.. .1." ." .1.1.
....' "". "."f. """ V" V"''"r"V.""
iiiihiihtih iih-ii 110 noi wiiiii 111 rcuniii
. . 1 . ....
, 1011T11 iiiiiapcnucncu wiui moir cuhioiulth. uurinK mat period most 01
I llinm .11.1 nr.l "urll" llw.l unlrnna. lull rmiill.r-nil,.,l In urnll .mm, Mw.rn
them did not "Hell" their patrons, bill condescended to wall upon them.!
Duo to thin moro than tho high prices, tho so-called buyers strlko start-'
eil. nnd It will conilnuo until tho old-time, pro-wltr spirit onco moro rulos
In i In. hiiHlufHH Iiiiiihiih of tbn nation.
If tho money Unit In balng driven out of Klnmath I'alln by tho fnlso most vnluahlo aasot. Straying from
nltltuilo of most of tho IiuhIiichs men of thin city wan kept al homo, thoro tho npeclflc subject of IiIh talk at
wmiIiI ho no romplnlnt about bualnonn IioIiib Mulct. A complete chango i. ci0,0 .iln -Dnaicor pnlprnmnHeii.
miiHl coiniv Merchant tiniHl go nft.-r buslncHH nnd thoy miim glvo er- , ,, , "PeaKer cpicramaiicai
tin, V can i.lnuil h.ur tin. inort that follown tlm roaillnc of Uiln bc-!' declared, adopting, railroad par-
I ...... (... 1.... ..... ... I. ..,.!.....
1 1 U..III.III. iiiu iiiuku li itiiiii, m iuiiiiiii.uiiuii. iiiiu jum an nimiiii:ijr..'.ivw vw..,i. . uM.mitHt m
" miike thi. iinnertlon that If tho miTchaiitn will giro half the connldoru- good many iwoplo In tho past year
tints to IliPlr oul-oMowii niHlomern Hint tbo mall-order houses give, thoy h.,, .. ,,... WM,i,ln . , u-in.
HI reap ., rich reward In Increamid
( Tii,, IIuhIiicis Mcirs nss'cfatlon Bhoiild inako an Investigation of thi
. nivrJiidn K rnmi.laliUH that nro directed against tho business houws of
tlllH clt' rml ,nl(0 l,,rl" " "
.. . ..,. I ...! I u..l .. 1. .I...
Ml' lull l,t, nil, in, iivll lll,iTniii( li iiiiii
llure In iiiillilnir wruni:. Ilien let tho
pnderstand If prlres and other conditions are not what thdy snould be,
then steps Hlinubf bo taken to correct them Tho innny should not sutler
for the Mus of tbo few. Tho man to Mop the drain of tho mail-order
liouuo Is I lie men haul If. nn Is claimed, prlrrn here are nn low as else
where, then IliM fnrt should bo clearly shown to tho people. If thoy nro
not an low ns ebe-,hcre. then should bo reduced and keep tho monev
homo where It H needed. '
,ost, two and a half billion dollars
do ThoM. having uny cf It -will
uncle If they will plum It In n bank.
relallonn for help Henorolly 'tin I who does tho helping, but my genor-i
litaltw lit lirttit ntilt vrlnvjil ttii punniirrA tnttiiktirn wi lu tsttil tt ilumn T'
,mVl, ,,H.d go m,ernlly. as well an
1 tho future, will romo to my nsslstanco now, ybti can risk your last nlcklo
ithnt I will not default In keeping jny part of tho bargain I know somo
,of ,1)lK ,mi). jg ,, nv,ny. in0(l trunks, lln cans, stockings, pockets, safe-
P'nro' " ,nurV noKomi ii ueso pcupio win oniy neip mo now-, uioy win
reap rirn proiii in a snoti uir.u. i
IMward High if Ashland. Is nego-'
'""'" lor ,,ln l'rcimso oi an aii.. - ii -
j 'I" Airplane with which ho expects to
establish nlr sen Ice to Crater I.nko
ovory two hours, dur'rg the hummer.
Carl Tengwahl of the Crater IjiKo
lodge, Is Into cited, whllo Lieutenant
Carter In charge of tho Medford tiro
patrol squadron has boosted tho pro
position to tho extent of declaring It
entirely feasible, says thn Medford
Mall Tribune.
Heretofore thn high nltltuilo, cou
pled with tho rocky clinractor of tho
country hnvo led nlrplauo experts !c
doubt tho feasibility of air passongiir
sorvico to tho lako. Hut the safo land
ing nt Oasis Ilutte, by Cadet Hay
moiid C. Flshor In n Dollnvllnnd.
which In a much moro difficult pluno
to iiegotlnto than tho slower Antmtdi,
ban definitely romnved nil doubt.
The round trip to Crater I.nko
could ho itindn In an hour nnd n halt
and If patronngo Justified, a regular
nlr htngo could bo run every two
hours. It In believed that ninny tour
ists would bo willing to pay tho extra
chargo to seo Crater I.nko from tho
nlr, and ho spared the automobile
trip, whllo tho carrying of mall would
bo nn ndded ndvnntugo. Of roursa
tho ontlro matter Is now lu n specu
lative stage, hut thoro Is ovory leason
to hollovo thnt sooner thnn many poo
Plo renllio "to Crater I.ako In hnlf
nn hour" from Medford will bo n
Mexican Congress
Opposes Obregon
MBXIOO CITY, Ju"ly 27. Tho
chainbor doputloH todny voted down
tho roqueat of President Obrogon for
extraordinary powors to adjust arti
cle 27 of tho constitution, which na
tionalized tho oil deposits. Tho arti
cle hns long been a stumbling block
between Mexico and th United
Stat os,- the lattor doclnring It confis
catory. Tho doputleB' action Is regard
ed ns a definite split between Obre
gon and his party.'
rirtint u,t... KuUi,.A uu ..... l..,.ll.,'
Ir rojuctcd by tho dealcrH, whllo tlint
i.iu ii tin n .i.u.u. yi lui. tffc vii.
..i ..111 .i.
.i.i .i...i ,. , . .
t:V..'"."U?..?" W"'"a."'
iiiui jury nisu iuii inio a rui oi in -
. . .. . . .
...llf !,.., ,.. ,... I.... ...........JUnM In .sinwni Inla l,ln. kn, n
busln.-Sh I
nny tnlsiiDilotitandlnei that oxlst. It
ill ml I .,i.i IVIIV1.11 III,, nilftilhur . II
nubile know It In u wnv thev-u'lll'
In M .....A.Iah.a.I Ih.....I..... t
that should lio In tho channels of
bo richly rowarded by their loving
It Is not often that 1 call upon my
thosuUvho. expect mo to help them- In
where ll Is doing- tho parson ivho
leiine uuu i iuii nio now. uncio nam.
SAI.C.M. July 27
Tho council for
i.. ,,... -Inhni ,... -rni
, - - V.,v " .. "". .
i era ii ii rnmnnm" in inn loionnnno
,,., m , v . - j uu, VM tWIlt X71B lUlfjl U(J II'UAIUK
hearing todny charged that E C.for somo extra good beef to feed
wiuard, innustriai engineer, who
testiried yesterttay, used facts and tlo superior to any California cat
figures to suit his purpose and to'tj0 i have seen, nnd they ran ho
which tho company objected. 8po- bought at a reasonable figure. I
clal objection was mado to flBuroaiwIsh you would let mo know. In
on tho rate basis nnd tho fair vnlu-lcaso any buyers como over, an the
atlon of company properties In , local cattlemen are now making
Oregon. Tho morning hearing was Dans to sell Nvlthln a rn.mln of
duvotcd to u criticism of Wlllard'tt
Aged Man Found
Dead in Cabin
At Swan I aht
iHr owan L.ane
Martin Michael, nged 7S, was
found dead In his homo In Swan Lake
district this morning by T. It. Pat
terson, htn wife's nephew. Ho lived
nlono. Ho was Inst seen alive nt C
o'clock last ovenlng. Seeing no signs
of Ufa urnund his homo this morn
ing, Pffttorson Investigated and
found tho dead body on tho kitchen
floor. Tho decedent Is survived by n
daughter In Washington.
Dr. !;, I), Johnson conducted an
examination this afternoon and pro
nounced death duo to heart falluro,
brought on hy bronchial nsthamn
from which tho agod man had noon u
sufforor for years.
PORTLAND. July 27. Ideal
weathor conditions enabled good pro
gress to bo mado In tho harvesting
of both spring nnd winter whoat dur
ing tho past wook, the department ot
agricultural roportB. Tho small fruit
harvest Is nearlng complotlon; pas
turago is vory dry at this tlmo, but
stock Is in good condition regardless
of this.
PORTLAND, July 27. Cattle
steady; hoa firm; sheep weak; other
prices unchanged. '
Forum Crowd Hears
History of Klamath
Rate Case from Start
T)lrtiRnirtti nf Hut rornnl rnln
hearing at San Francisco liy Chariot
re.iimo of tbo Klamath Palls rato
. . i
Ifnr ,if IIia Knnllirrn Vnrlttn . nnrl '
Mr Ilnll ..I.I M,.n !, Kl5..',lh
i - - - v" -uj"
I ... . . ..
pany mauo a lavorauio impression
i.,.r .1... l..-.l- ...i ...
before tho hearing,
nn,i,..M r 'nil mri
uo,,w" ol , " '"'
lib, unu buineu me
parties .even their
.oppononw, wnicn no ucciareu wan a
Mructlon crow."
Miss Clara Calkins enlertalnod
t,u f0rum vrlth'two pleasing solos.
C. Van Kraon presided.
There arc 2000 bead of fat steers
and cow ln northern Jackson coun-
ty ranges, which wilt be readylor
, . , i ,
uVrk ln - c0Ple of weeksi.and
mihiy moro1 feeders, sayo Georce
w iiartcr. president of tho Pine
jtn uantng company of
Falls, suggesting thnt lecal buyers,
j might bo interested In securing
isoiiin of tho cattle to feed t ho Kla-
. .
Jmath hay crop
In a letter to the First National
Darker says:
nusual amount of rain
season nas Kept tbo range
green, nnd tho cattle aro better
than for manv ve.-im. It hi nc
.".".. V "'... '."".' .
"-u,,v" "' mo "" P""""' "me oi
!- nmini..... .!.. .. !-.
this winter. I consider thcie cat-
w oeks. ' j-.y
In a letter upon tho samo sub
ject to tho First Stato and Savings
bank. Mr. Darker Indicates, though
tho proposition Is not clearly ex
pressed, that It might bo posslhlq to
inrraneo torras wl,h ,n8 '"toon
countJ. oijn6n hy wnch tha cauo
I could bo fed by Klamath ranchers
for n percentage of the profits when
they uro marketed.
' Mr. Darker points out that this
stock could bo driven across tho
hills Into tho Ft. Klamath country
In two days easy driving, with
plenty of feed and water enrouto.
Abraham Charloy was arrested last
night by M. J. Ilarncs, deputy aherltf,
having been indicted by tho grand
Jury for uttering a fictitious check. A
bench warrant was Issued on the In
dictment. .
DUDLIN, July 27. DaVnlcni nnd
his collenguos have uot yet found a
basis for tho proposed conference
with tho llrltluh government but
aro continuing search for a com
mon ground, according to author-
Itatlvo statement. '
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jackson Kimball are
in Lnkevlew today, where Mr. Kim
ball went to Investigate the range
conditions, also to see that proper
tiro protection U given tho forcsU
In tbo vicinity ot Silvor Lake nnd
Lakevlew. Return will be made Sat
urday morning, after thoroughly In
vestigating all the matters which are
uuder consideration.
1'itici: i-ivi: cknti
175,000 llBlT
Klamath county sheep woro In
spected this week by a buyer named
I.ovy, representing H.a'MoifaU and
company of Ban Francisco, relative
to tho condition of tho spring Iamb
and what number could bo purchased
thin fall for eastern jnnd southern .
shlptnentThoiuyer found thn Iambi
li, flno condition aniUsald that they
woubUlio In excellent condition for
llWejit,. .
' J(hn Hlemcnn Jr., at tho Klamath
r,Ivcs(pck Mortgage company office,
estimated that at least 75,000 lambs
will ho ready for market this fall, and
would bo sold. Most of tho Iambi
would bo taken from tho bands which
nro itow In tho Oregon forest reserves
grazing thin summer whllo a fow
might como from tho reserves In tho
California forests when the buying
commences this 'fall.
J.ast year tho firms H, Motfatt, a
Tafto & Co., ".Allen tl'ylo nnd sovor
al other Independent buyers from San
Francisco moved, between 30,000 and
40,000 sheep from this .district and
according to tho flgariM for this jcarv
a larger number than ever will bo si
cured. Tho sale this fall will bo an
affair of importance to the sheepmen
a. It Is reported that nt least J I will
bo paid whllo some estimate that r
price may reach 1 5 for tho lambs.
Market conditions will govern tho '
prlco as well an tho law at demand
and supply.
The stock purchased here will be
sent mostly to southern and eastern
markets, part going by the way or
Bend to tho east, while tho south
and cast shipments will go by th
way of l.akevlew. It I. thought that
MIt,'re nhotm.w'll! hjsent gortb bV'
way of' Portland. '-
Will Di&cuxx Rr.etli
t w w
Fight With National
C. of C. Committee
A commlttco of the Chamber of
Commerce of the United States con
slating of David L. Goodvlllo of Chi
cago, III., chairman, F. C. Knapp, ot
Portland, Charles F. Qulncy, New
York, Dr. II. S. Drinker, Marlon, Pa.,
I.Dr. Hugh P. Daker, New York, nnd
Harvey N. Shepard of tloiton. Mass.,
will meet In Weed August , To deter
mine on a report on the forest policy
ot tho national body and this com
mittee will bo met by Jackson V.
Kimball of Klamatli Falls who will
represent tho local chamber at tbo
A. J. Jacnlcke ot tho United Stolen
Forest servlco .will also bo present at
tho hearing and' will tell tho chamber
commltteo tho Insect Infestation con
dition ot tho forests a Southern
Oregon nnd northern California. Tho ,
manner In which control will bo gain
ed over tho pine hfetlo will also bo
outlined by Mr. Jaonlcke, and general
mothods for forest protection from
insects shown to the committee
Plunge From Cliff
Kills College Man
DANFF, Alborta, July 27. The
body of Dr. V. E. Stone, president ot
Purduo university was found Sunday
at tho bottom ot a 75 foot precipice,
whllo Mrs. Stono was found alive at
tho foot of a 17 foot crevice. She
will llkoly recover, It Is roportod.
Both havo been missing since July 1G.
A telegram to Sheriff Low from
Sheriff James N. Richardson ot Shas
ta County, California, states that the
Fall Creek bank was robbed ot 11000
yesterday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock.
The two bandits are supposed to have,
headed north after their escape.
D. M. Smith .of Cbllcote and
Smith, with his family returned the
first of the week from a two..
weeks vacation trip to Bend and
along the Deacantes river. While .
In Bend they visited their 1ft
months pld grandson, who Mr.
Smith 'considers one of the liMit'"
specimens at babyhood la exlatance. n-