The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 26, 1921, Image 1

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A Class Ad Will
Do It
Tsimj ' ,
Member ot the Associated Pre.
Pl'tumuli ViNir. .'. tum
WABIIINtlTON, July 26. I'ronl
ilont IlnnlliiK sent u uiennnKo to con
gresn today, unking for legislation
nuthorltlng tin) war finance corpora
tliin to bundle tliii funding ( roll rood
Indebtedness unit to lucreann tlm crn
dlt (or financing iiiirlrutttirnl niiortn.
H stated thnni worn moral obli
gations upou tlm government to nld
Id both renpoetn and prompt fiction
was requested. Itepuhllcuii li'iulcm
adopted Ilia plan of dealing with thn
railroad mid agricultural iiuoitlonii
Honntor Kellogg Introduced n bill
drafted liy Herbert Hoover and chair
man Myors of tha war finance cor
poratlon, intending llw powers of tbo
corporation to agricultural nxport
financing. It would Increase tho cor
poration's revolving cmdll from
flvo hundred million to one billion
TliO Kolluk'K hill U u milmtltutn (or
tho Norrla measure to create a now
government mport flnanrlng corpora
tion provision dealing with railroad
funding worn stricken from tho lloov-ar-Myora
Explaining bin rtvjunst tbo Presl
dent said no added Investment m
required, no added liability or no
addod tax burden, but merely a irnnt
of authority.
WASHINGTON, July 26. Applica
tion (or a government loan of $16.
000,000 wan mndn today through thn
IntrrnUtu commorcn commission by
the 0 rent Northern on tho niuump
tlon that plana were shaping (or rail
road rcfundltiK operation-!, Tbo mon
ey would bn used to repay a similar
loan obtained from tbo govornmsnt
at tbo close of federal control.
Not All Strategic
In the 91 st. Wore
Shoulder Strap
LOB ANGELES. July 26. Tho
Nlnety-flrit (Wild West) Division la
going ovoranua again Over throe
miles of seas,
A Knattle buckr private got tbo
Idea. Oatlng disconsolately north
"ward, with a annpahot of himself
at tho bottle ilon Cafcn In III bands,
hn wan mourning thn dear dead dayn.
Then ramo thn happy thought, In
September, on the Still and 25th, tho
Ninety-first In gelni: to bold Ita an
nual reunion In I .ok Angeles. A thous
and or moro buddies from Montana.
the panhandle of Idubo aud Eastern
and Contra! Waihlngton will mnko
tho trip. Moat of them will poaa thru
Beattlo. A llltlii wnya north lien Van
couver and Canada, lloatn may bo
cburtnrod at tbo port. Thrco mllon
from tho Amorlrnn coant tho memory
of Mr. Volntnad In lont In tho fog.
Plans nro on foot. Vrtornna of the
battlo den Cafen will assemble In
Beattlo about tho twentieth of Sep
tember, uuil crossing tbo Canadlun
lino embark on n Urltlsh or Japnneno
ntenmor, yot to bo chartered, nml
three miles or mora at hcu again will
attack Cagnae and Vln Kongo, and
tho numerous other vlllagoa carried
In that momorablo assault, If arraiiKO
menta now under way can ho com
plntod, Tbero worn some brilliant strate
gists In tho nrmy and thoy wore
not all attachod to 0. II. Q.
Brumfield Chase
I SHU Going
Sheriff I-r hnH not hnltod tho
.rrh tnr Dr. nmmflold who In
paid to bn In this county. Hut
during tho sourch many humoroun
situations arlao. I-aBt night, Dep
uty Marlon Ilarnon nbaon'od a man
In n Chovrolet cur drlvi up Main
Btroot, net In k ausplcloualy. Hn
drovo madly out of tdwn and back
again. From doncrlptl ni, Damon
sited thin portion up as tho much
wanted Hrumflold,
Just as ha lma was about to ar
rest tho suspect, who "was, Bented
In a hotel, tho limn removed his
iintnmi a stilnlnit bald head
grootod tho deputy'n eazo. It do-
voloped that thlB man was, sooKins
Brumfield, tool '
.Tnmns nrlscoll romarkod to Sher
iff Low that any man driving a
iL.-.Uti' I k(. nntintlf tuli
uuuvruii var iu h vummj(
C, of C. Director
Ask .. S. Chamber
Aid Against Beetle
Al a in noting of tha board of ill
reotorn of tho cbumbnr of commorie,
at noon today, u resolution wan
passed and forwarded to thn com
mittee, on national fornitry of thn
United Statin chamber of commorco
urging thn assistance of that body
In thn mutter of tho pi no beetle In
festation In thin iitato, nliio a request
that Hint body Klva Ita official en
dorniiiiiont of Bonnto Hill 2084 In
troduced by Konator McNary of
Oregon for aid from tliu depart
ments of agrlculluro and Interior.
William McNenly wan appointed
forum lender for the noxt threo
months, nuccwdlng W, O. Hmltb
whoHD term expires Augunt 1.
Tbo park to park highway and
tha auto aurvlcn In Crater lako na
tional park wan under discussion,
but tabled until tho next mooting.
Secretary Stanley wilt Icavo Batur
day for Ban Francisco to attond the
iuminer achool for community
leaderahlp at Lelaml Stanford
unlremlty, and will bo absent ton
Thn forum at tho luncheon to
morrow will Intludo addresses by
Will llnldwln mid Charles Hall on
tho subject of tho rnto hearing at
Kan Francisco, Mr. llnldwln will
deal with thn action taken thorn
to ncctiro lower rntna and Mr. Hall
will tell nbout tho -.landing of thn
chamber of commorco with tho poo
pin In Han Francisco In roforrnco to
tho kind of a cam bandlod W. C.
Van Kmnn will preside over tho
Th loves brokn Into tho Shipping
ton warehouse at tho boat landing
ffunday night and romoved iinall
quantity of merchandlno belonging
to C. O. Johnson. An attempt wan
made to tako tha automobllo of
Captain John Thoraen but after
taking tho car from thn abod thn
battery rcfunod to work. Thn thlnvcn
worn kindly disposed at they re
placed the car In tho ahd' after Ita
"nllnre to rto.k.'J -
J, H. Carnahan, aucrotary of thn
Klamath wool growers' association,
Is seeking to ascortaln sentiment of
tho mombors on tb proponed ono-
half cent Ior ncro graxlng foo on
public landa that ara not Included In
any established government reserve,
and has sent the following lotter to'
members of the orgnnltatlon, osk'JnK
their views:
Hon. N. J. Hlnnott, our mem
ber of Congress from the second
Oregon District, has Introduced a
bill In Congronn placing all pub
lic lands of tho United Btatcn
not ombracod In forest resorvos,
national purks, reclamation
withdrawals, or other forms of
govarnmont cold starugo, under
thn Jurisdiction or tho If. B. land
oftlco. Tho bill would Imposo
a grating foo of onn-half to ono
cent por aero on nil public lnndn
of tho United fitntoa not now In
cluded In any government ro
norvo. Whllo tho feo por aero sooma
vary modornto and rennonablo at
this time tbo snmo applied to
tho toes of the national forest n
when they worn first orgnnlxed:
that la, tho foes woro mado qulto
small, but an Urao want on thenn
feoi wero rained year nftor ye'nr
until at this time thoy nro nbout
as high nH tha foeti charged by
prlvuto land owners. Tho snmo
thing might follow with rofor
onco to these grating fees on '
public lands ombracod in tho Bin
nott bill. I rail the matter to
your attention so that you can
tako such action that you think
in appropriate and neconsary.
Personally, at first glanco it ap
pears to mo that tho bill Is bad.
looking at It from tho point or
vlow of tho shoop and wool men.
However, you should moot to
gothnr at nn early date and dir
ect that approprlato action bo
tnkon. ir you nro opposed to tho
bill kindly lot us know.
acts suspiciously, had bettor bo caro
tut for ho wan llkoly to bo shot
during tho heat ot the chase, Ed
Oonry and Paul McCollum loft be
fore noon on n cbnso nftor a sus
pect. TtAKKVlKW KI.K lUHHKfl
V. L. Snolllng, Lnkovlow merchant
and member ot tho local Klkt lodge,
Is dead, according to a telegram re
ceived today. '
m b n
A !! aaeaaa..Y)YViV-sViVirtvmnuv
W A.BIIINOTON, July 26. Oue of tho biggest nownpapor advertising
cami signs tbo world ban evnr known Is noon to ho Instituted by tho
Until d States govnrnmont In an offort to bring bnck Into circulation a
blllta n dolturn or American money, trarn of which has been lost. Tho
advel Using Is going principally Into tbo country newspapers to persuado
thn wnorn or this money to deposit It In Postal Savings Hanks and oth
er r llabto banking Institutions. The plan has tha approval or President
Hard lug and I'ostmantor-Uenaral llarn nnd tho details aro to bo an
noun cod very shortly, according to Courtland Smith, speaking as tho
reprt innntatlvo or tho Postmastcr-Oonoral.
IU igardlng government advertising Mr Smith stated that all the
Amrt rlcan authorized money now outstanding amounts to $5,380,000,000,
of vhlch practically f 2, 6S0, 000,000 cannot bo accounted (or being
absq lutnly out of circulation. It in mtlmatcd that fully a billion of tbfai
iiiomoy In In tho hands of Americans who have nover been taught tbo
safe! y of postal savings nnd other banking Institutions and how their
mora y can bo mndo to multiply by putting' It back Into use, with Its
return guaranteed whenever desired. Tha govarnmont, according to
.Mr. Smith, Is going out to recover tho use of this money and recog-
nlcill thn wnv In (In If ! tn rAfiMi ftin tiAnnlfi nttnlnr II tir ndvArtlatnw
In tho newspapers principally tboso
tlslg Is to tench tho public about
uopo sits in reputable banks or all kinds whllo at the same lima paying
sped al attention to tha Postal Savings System, tbo interest ot which
is to bo increased to mako depositing with tho government moro at
tract Ive and profitable.
"Tbo success of this advertising campaign will be or mora Import
nncn to tho country than any act or congress," declared Mr. Smith. "We
Intend to urgo tho deposit of hoarded money In private banks and tho
nation's own postal savings banks. Tho Idea Is to co-operato especial
ly "V.lth local bnnkn in tho small towns In order to keep money In tbo
town whero It Is needed and yet glvo tho nation the uso ot it which It
nceilM no badly. Wo bollovo when wo not this campaign under way
bankti will lx) glad to loosen up and k tho limit on credits and loans.
"I'rrsldont Hording; and Postmsvter-Ocnoral Hays aro In thorough
accord on tho nocraiilty for government pnld advertising campaign.
Thoy Intend to undortako it nt tho very earliest possible moment and
ittay at It until tbo principle Is so well established that no succeeding
head of tho United Stntcs government will over daro to revert to (roe
publicity methods again. They rwognlxo that tho country press oi
ler tbo only miwinu or getting a mvssago to tbo country pcoplo and that
it Is cbmiMsr to spend a million dollars In paid advertising than It Is
to itmploy 10,000 people, to send out publicity to bo run for nothing
and which tho editors refuse to publish." j
'""'--- .-..- - - - .... My -
Kffectlvo August 1, tho tbreo local
dairies, HollUlay's, Hawkins' and
Premium, announce a slight rise In
thn wholesale and retail price or
milk. Tbn nrlsn Is nncosnary to leave
them a PVodt, claim tbo dairymen,
but thoy quote Jig urea to ahnwT.Mt
even at the new prices, milk here
coats loau than Inothar cities. Tho
prices Warn gathered by the Market
Itcportojr, a publication Issued by tbo
U. S. dtupnrtment ot agriculture bur-
eauoC markets. A raw follew:
SelKlug Price Wholesalo At Retail
Town. Hulk Uottlen Stores
San Francisco 10.66 12 14
Los. Angoles 13.33 1C 16
Klomath Kails
Washington . .
Kfl Paso
okano ............
... 8.00
.. 8.7G
... 9.5
10 12H
Hereafter the milk business will
,1)0 on a strictly cash basis, the dairy
men announce, as many bad accounts
ploguo them when credit Is extended.
Furthermore, they announce rotunds
for bottles wilt not bo made at stores
soiling milk or cream ot theso dair
ies unless accompanied by tickets
which will bo supplied tho purchaser
with each bottlo. Through loss of
bottles nlnco January, Itawklns dairy
reports a loss of $200. The bottles,
tho dulrymon claim, cost them 16
cents each delivered In this city from
tho wholosalor.l
Mnko that idio dollar work! Put
it In tlm bank.
Improvement at
Gold Ridge Mine
Paul K. Ilogardus returned Sunday
from tbo Gold Ridgo mine near Med
(ord and reports that Superintendent
H. I. Chlldors la busy Installing a
(ivo stamp mill, a lato model com
pressor and building a (Ino road to
thn mlno. Slxtoen men aro at work
and drilling Into hard rock is ono
item now which Is facing them In
tho fourth tunnel.
Thn machinery is being Installed
on concrote foundation. About f00
tons of oro Is ready (or milling, both
on tbo dump and in tho bunkers. The
first milling will bo startod In about
two weeks.
Mako that idlo dollar work! Put
It in tho bank,
PORTLAND, July 26. W. U
Jameson, woll-known lumborman,
who disappeared July 13, was
found jostorday noar bla homo. Ho
said he ha. dboen staying In tho
hills back ot the city' park. Ho
talked rationally , but was narvouir
unu mandated,
in country districts. Tho adver-'
modern hanking methods, urging)
. -...--. .rrvrn"
Oh! how the' mighty has fallen!
Tho "mighty" this time Is tho
Rogue rlvor. For ten years this
stream has been toutod, boosted, ad
vocated, praised well It wag tho one
place In all the world whero one
could go nndk anro of getting somo
genuine, All-around, up-trvth'o-mln-uto
trout fishing, whero every tlmo
you dropped your hook you had a
battlo with a fish and oh! what
fish thoy were, too.
Wbo was tho advocate general for
this mighty stream? Well, it Is real
ly low down to glvo his namo to tho
public. It's mean to hand it to a
chap when ho admits tho tall ot his
idol, but to tell the atory wo will
have ot reveal his name.
For ten years Ed Hodge has loyal
ly defended tho Roguo river against
tbo world, declaring over and over
again that no stream in Klamath
county could match It side or bot
tom. Well, so posltlvo wore his asser
tions that this year ho gathered In
two converts and last week the' three
hit tho train for tbo head ot Roguo
river. Kd's companions wero Doctor
Wlsecarver and Francis Olds both
rocognlxcd ns being among tho best
fly casters In this section. Two days
wero spent whipping tho stream.
Every hole, ovcry ripple, fall end
whirl that Ed had labolled, copyright
ed and posted as suro shots wero vis
ited with tho not result of nothing.
No, there Is no mistake nary a flah
wa's lsndod, and with tears In bis
eyivi and crepo on his enthusiasm
poor Ed gavo up tho tight and start
od for Klamath.
Hut thoro can bo no great loss that
doos not produce somo small gain.
Though tho Roguo has lost n booster,
Klamath has galnod ono and It Ed
will stay as loyally with tho nuoon
ot the Cascades a, he did with Roguo
rlvor, nil will bo forgiven and he will
novor bo dlsappolntod In tho catch.
Word haa been received of tho
death of Alvln H. O'Notll, son ot J.
IT. O'Neill ot Hend, at Halloy, Ida.
Spottod (over, caused by tho bite ot
a tick, was tho cause of death. O'Noll
was 51 years ot age, and was promin
ent in mining circles In Idaho.
Bend Bulletin.
TOKIO, July 26. Tho Japancso
cabinet docided to accept partici
pation Iu tho conferenco on far
oasterr, probloms, tho Associated
press was Informed today.
The fire department answered an
alarm from tho Hot Springs bath
house tbls afternoon. The blare was
reported as slight.
Cal. Irrigationists
Voting Today Upon
$28,000,000 Bend
MADURA, Cat.,' July 26. A pro
posal to bond tho Madnrn Irrigation
District for $28,000,000 to .provide
Irrigation for 400,000 acres, or moro,
of fortllo valley land In Madera coun
ty, In being balloted on by voters of
tbo district today.
The district lies mostly between
tbo Ban Joaquin nnd Chowchllla riv
ers and It Is proposed to secure wat
or throogh construction or an Ira
monno Impounding dam near the
town of Frlant on the San Joaquin.
Irrigation engineer and district of
ficials s,ald the Madera project' was
among tbo largest In thn history of
tbo West. Extonslve development of
hydro-electric energy Is Included In
tbo district's plan.
Madero Is said to contain a greater
proportion of large Individual lam'
holdings than any other California
county. With amplo wator for Inten
sive farmlnr, tbe gradual breaking
up of these holdings In (ofsnen by
opponents of tho Irrigation project.
A strenuous campaign on behalf
of the bonds waa made by farmers'
and civic organizations. .
John Shopard met with an accidet
yesterday aftornoon at Bixth and
Klamath avonuo whllo driving a Sax
on car around tho corner. The steer
ing gear (ailed to work and he lost
control of tho car and plunged Into a
telophono polo, tearing off a front
right wheel and damaging tbe radia
tor. Tbe accident happened at 5:30
o'clock. Fortunately no one waa near
tho crossing to be. Injured. Mr. 8hep
ard was not hurt, ,
Cofer Hros., local contractors, were
awarded the contracts for building
addition! to Falrview and Mills
schools, by the school board last
evening. Tho bids wero $8,813
for Mills and $8,320 for Falrview.
Tho work, which will -start at once.
Is to bo completed within 60 dayn,
according to the terms of the con
tract. Other bidders and tbo amounts ot
bids were as follews:
R. E. Wattenburg. Mills school $S,
489, Falrview achool. $9,250; W, E.
McAboy. Mills school $9,000; E. S.
Henry, both schools, $18,897; W. D.
Miller, Mills school, $9,392.51; Fair
view school, $8,888.55.
Tho bids cordblnod, except Mc
Aboy's who bid only on tho Mills
contract, mako the dlfforont prices
for tho two Jobs as follews: Coter
Hros., $17,133; Miller, $18,281.06;
Wttonburg, $18,739; Henry, $18,
897. Pheasant Arrive
In Good Shape
Tho Chinese Pheasants received by
Secretary William McNealy of tho
Klamath Sortsmens' association ar
rlvod here In fino condition Satur
day night and were released Sun
day In tho county. Ono crate was
takon care ot by tho county agri
culturist, E. II. Thomas, ono waa
placed on tho county poor farm nnd
tho third batch liberated about two
miles below tho poor farm. The
birds will be protected on these
njaces and all persons aro requested
not to shoot them.
A letter was sont to Superin
tendent A. E. Burghduff of tha
game commission at Salem by Sec
rotary McNoaly reporting tho birds'
condition on arrival and a request
that the other three crates, con
taining 100 more birds, bo sent at
WASHINGTON, July 26. Intl
motions havo reached administra
tion officials that Oonoral Wood
might reconsider his previous deci
sion ngalnBt acceptance ot tho gov
ernorship ot tho Philippines.
. ..
OREQdN Tonight and' Wednes
day, fair, moderate northwest winds.
Circuit Judge Smith, rating o tmf
question of tbe arrest .of Oovenor
Small on a charge of eaabeHlenwC
alleged to have bees cosMmitte
while tbe governor heM the posltlo
or state treasurer, today held that th
warrant for arrest should arret!
on the governor but that the sc;
tlve bo ,Brmiud to appear at hte
own convenience.
There Is no such thing In HUMta
as the dlvta jight of king, held thi
coGrt, and the governor of the wUt
cannot legally call oat tha aUta
troops to shield him from arrest.
V" Governor Small la subject to arrest
Knd prosecution for any, Illegal
Committed by him while state
urer Is the gist of the coart's oplatoa.
lUalcM that- LU. .UUr iw. H ta
tfin tho bank.
1140,000 PAVING
Paving waa one ot tha items
ed without opposition by the coamcil
last night, the unite of South River
side, High atreet from Fourth to
ruth. Mala and Klamath aveaue e
Eleventh, Jefferson and Llacela. Mel
rose aa4 Esplanade and Plae trw
Eleventh to Esplanade betas aaat
through ready for .Mayor Wiley
slf stare. Tha police Judge waa set
Instructed to avertlsaTfor Mda at
this meettaK Trat tha aajW aWra4r
'for adverUilag. 'Iboat f lliO.00
-worth of paving was Included (a these
The sanitary code, conforming to
the state health regulations, waa
passed and requires but the major's
signature. This code waa drawn np
by Dr. II. L. D. Stewart, city health
A request to change the auto park
ing rules, to provide for placing can
parallel with curbing and five feat
between each car, was referred to
the atreet committee. The city attor
ney waa instructed to draw np aa
ordinance to limit the load of trucks
over tbe city streets. Overloading haa
ruined some ot tbe street and this
proposed ordinance will eliminate
'overloading. A permit to put up road
signs, requested by the Automobile'
association, waa granted. The Hamel
apartment bouse permit was granted,
but the York rooming house was held
up pending the building ot a stair
way at the rear of the building and
havtng the underpinning of the build
ing strengthened.
Tho matter ot the city financial
situation nvas discussed by Council
men Bogardus and West and it was
learned that at present there Is a
llttlo over $200 in the fire fond but
tho city treasurer has not had the
apportionment ot city taxes due from
the county turned in and segregated
for tho different city expenses. Taxeg
are slow and less than 50 per cent ot
tho city's share Is In. Judge Leavltt
stated that as the city has no float
ing debt', the funds when they come,
will take caro of tbo debt.
Voting places for the bond elec-
tlon, August. 5, wore named and elec
tion boards appointed, aa follews:
Flrat Ward Brown'u carpenter
shop; Mrs. Frank Ankeuy, R. J.
Sheets, Mrs. W. O. Smith, Mrs. Gal
lagher, and Mrs. James McClure.
Second Ward City hall; Mrs. G.
A. KrauBe, Mrs. Wattenberg, Mr.
Frank Ward, W. S. Slough and 'Mrs.
Fred Dueslng.
Third Ward, 1020 Main street,
James Lindsay, B, 8. Qrlgsby, Mrs.
W. D. Miller, Mrs. Percy Evans and
Mrs. Nate Otterbeln.
Fourth Ward Mills Addition hall;
Mrs. Charles Thomas, Mrs. Hi Staub;
Mrs. L. A. Will, Mrs. M. Miller and
Mrs. D. E. Hawkins.
Fifth Ward Charles DeLap's .
house near Upborn and' Worden Ave.'
in Falrview, Mrs. J. W. Tunnell, Mrs.
George" Helm Mrs, Charles Garcslo,
Mrs. Mae PosplslI, and Mrs,' J.' B(
-4..'.. A :AiMV'afpiisiiv'Vt. a--
, .j. 5.j
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