The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 25, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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mo.viiay, jui,r an, im
g f WM?U
Two classy guinea of lumnliiill worn
tlio forluuos of Ihoiwi wild uttondod
Mocleo 1'urk yosturduy iittomuou and
from tho big leaguo stylo which ull
liiniDD put ui, th fans hud morn tliiTn
a run (or tholr moiiuy.
Nino IiiiiIiikh worn necessary to do
rlilu who was superior In thu C'upco
Jowl gutuo mill ufliir hooping thn
funs on tlio anxious Hi'iit for two intra
Innings, tlio Copcoit In tlio ninth Itni
liiK managed to put Hwcotiey oviir tlio
hour pinto for tlio winning run. lu
thin Kitiio, tlio pitching of Koslor wuii
superior to tilt opponent, Hutchison,
despite thu fuel that 10 Jowols fan nod
the air whllo only four batsmen of
thu Copcon foil hoforo thu curves of
Kosler. Hut Koslor wiu fucliiK buiiiii
of tbo hanlrat and surest hitter of
tho" Irugun In tbo porsona of Olurk,
(lay, Noel unil Ileum whllo tlio Jow
cl pluyora weru losa experienced than
(he others.
Two mnr faces In thu ratchlug
Ntaff on both tomns nhowoil up, Dun
lap cf thn Jewel ami Kvnyon of tho
C'opcos mi J both created favorabln
comment on their work. Kunyoii
slammed out a homo run In thu se
cond innlnK and udvcrtlscd himself
wuii. In thla icnmu, tlio Copcon ranted
tli rnni whllo tho Juwola secured
Ivni, Ono neat doublo piny wua pulled
off by Unntnliy to Houthwoll to llrls
low, Umpires Cook unit McDonald
wore kept busy with their duties all
through thin content.
All It It I'O A K
Itanwhy, a 4 0 0 3 10
Houthwoll, m. 4 0 10 2 1
Croy, ef, 3 10 2 0 1
Houston, 3d 3 2 0 110
.Smith, ir 4 0 0 2 0 0
Hhlnar, rt 4 0 14 0 0
KoiUr, . 3 0 0 4 4 0
ilrlalow, lb. 3 0 0K10
Dillilap. t. 3 1 1 3 0 0
Total 31 5 2 27 9 2
All It II I'O A i:
II. Montgom
ery, 3b, fi I 2 0 2 1
Clark, If 4 2 0 0 0 0
(lay, 2b 2 12 110
Nod, mi 4,02002
Norman, rf. 4 0 12 0 0
Kcnynn, r 4 12 0 10
Hears, lb 4 0 0 0 10
Hwwnoy, If 3 12 10 0
llutrhlivon, p 3 0 0 17 3 o
Ttitat 33 C II 27 8 3
Harnrxl runs, Jouols 2, Copco C;
Ilaso on bnlln, IIutchlHon 1, Foster 1;
Ilaso on error, Joweln 3; Copcon 2;
Two bono hlta, Nool, Montgomery;
Home runn, Kenyon; Struck out,
Foster 4, Ilulchlnon 1C; lilt by pitch
er, Croy, Day; I'mplrrn, Ilert Cook
mid McDonald Tlmn of (lame 1:50.
Scorn hy InnliiK. It. II. '
Jewels 2 0110100 n 2 2
Coproa 1 1 1 0 I 0 I 0 1 ti 11 3
Hat lories, Jowols, Foster nnd Dun
lap; C'oiroa, Hutchison nnd Kunyon.
Tim oilier (initio
Tim IJwnunn-lMtimbob Kamo wan u
Kooil Katno doMpllo tho acorn 7 to 4,
an tho Kwuunn by timely til tu placed
flvo earned rttnH to tholr credit out
of 7 obtained and tho Hutnbobs earn
ed two or tholr four, showing that or
rom woro not ronpotiBlblo and butting
wuh for tho Bcores.
Tho Kwuunuu Introduced a "mys
tery" pltclmr lu tho person of O'Neill
nnd from whore hu ciitno, tho Kwaun
iik linvo mado It a point to keep thla
Information to thotuHolveu but thoy
all romarkod nt tho close of thu giwuu,
"Isn't ho thoro, tliotiKliT." Tlio play
era of all toainu watched O'.VolU'a
work with Interest nnd tho fact that
npucd nnd a pocttllnr "broak" of tho
delivered ball woro aolf ovldnnt to
tlio Hpoctatora, croutod wtch comment.
Tbo KwuunnH atartod off In tho
first with two runs and woro blanked
until tho fourth and fifth InnlnKU
when two and throo runs woro aocur
oil and nftor that, tho I'lumbobs put
n damper ou tbo scoring. O'Neill al
lowed tho IMumbobs 2 runs la tho
fourth Inning whon Nool, Ilroaaliir
atid Kmlth plckod ihlm for u lilt
aploco and la tho Bovonth, Vochnttor
and McCollum each got a hit aploco
HCorinK two plnyont.
Aa usual, "Ilabo" Nool socurod big
cuatomary throo bngBor and O'Notll
oIho Hlammod ono out of two, Four
doublo playa woro pulled la thla
Club Standing.
W. V. Pet.
4 3 .G71
4 3 .671
.. .3 4 .S2S
3 i .428
Copni ...
Jowol ..
H wan n n
gamo, Iloilonholuinr to Clark, to Mil
ton; Ilouiitou to Voclialzor lo Ilrona
lar; Wllnuit to Clark to Hilton; Mc
Colliltu to Nool to llrennlur.
' I'lumliolM
All It II I'O
McCollum, hh 4 il 0 3
irountiiu, nb. 3 0 0 1
Hnilth c, 3 12 2
Nool. cf. 3 1 1 o
VolclmUor 3b. 3 111
llrennlur, lb. 3 118
Mnkonbnck, rf .'I'O 0 0
Walih, If. 3 0 0 0
C'ronn, If . 3 0 12
McCollum, p. 0 0 0 4
ToUl 28 4 C 21
All It
Cnmon, cf
Hilton, lb
OorROri, c.
Cody, If.
Clnrk, m.
WlUon, 3
4 0
3 0
3 1
4 2
O'Niilll, p.
DaKKntt, rf.
2b. 2
10 21
9 2
Karnod runn, Kwaunoo S; I'lunt
bobn 2; Threo Ham hlta, Noel,
O'Neill; Ilami on balla, O'Neill, 1,
Crenn 3; McCollum 2; IWisnn on Kr
rorn, Kwaunna I, I'lumbohn 2; Struck
nut, Croan 4, McCollum 2; O'Neill &;
Utnplro McDonnld, Ilert Cook.
Tlmn of Rome, 1:30 minute.
Hroni by Innlnjcx. It, II
Cwaunaa 2002300 7 10
I'lutubob 0002002 4 C
Hntterlea, Haunn, O'Neill
(IcrKiw; IMutnhobn, Cresn, McCollum
und Smith.
Newsboys Set Fine
Example in Honesty
OiivJcIrr tho Nrwalwy
(From tho Hartford Tlmrs.
Onn of tbo jtront Now York ncwa
paper pnys au astonlnhliiR tribute to
thu youiiK merchnnta who nell Ita
wnrea upon tho atreeta. Thin ncwa
papor, Hko practically every other,
printed on "eitrn", after Saturday'a
prlio fluhl. When tho paper arrived
nt Times 8iunre, the younR man
whom bunlnenn It wan to anil them
to tho nowaboya, tukltiK (heir rnnh In
return, found hlumclf overwhelmed
by au eager flock of jounRidern who
Krabbed tho pnxra an fant an ho
could open the bundle end raced
away to dlnpono of them without KQ
InK throuRh tho formality of paylnR
for tholr stock.
Many a (oy could have kept ull
tho money ho received an profit and
ncKlectud to pay for hln iKipvra; but,
no, tho paper declares, an noon an tho
atorm of solllnc wan over the boys'
returned to tho nolKhborhood and
aottlcd, until tho canh turned lu wna
Oiactly what It Hfiould huvo beeu for
tho number of papers aent out from
"' WYw
The new sugar
chewing cum
which everybody
llket-vou will, j
too. i
Txaor JF'xzmwi. sz. xDmrz&
rm mi au. Win - teirr j m m m
mmnTa mjff seVSiW5' t&
WtIs. jyiarT
mff?mKz$mNr Wmfto. Jfififfl&K
tho offlco of publication.
That wan only ordinary honoaty,
It lit trtto, but a' kind of honoaty
mot with noldnm onoiich to bo un
common. Yet II would bo expected
by lliono wlm nro familiar with news
boy. The nownbuy doonn't expect to
ho cheated, and hu, certainly doesn't
Intend to cheat unyhody. Moro power
to him.
At The Theatres
Tlli: HTAIl '
In "I.yltiB Mpn," a Italph Inco
npei'lul production, which opened at
thu Htnr theatro lunt ovenlnK, you
will find ono of tho most ploanlnR
plcttiron of thu aonnon. You will aeo
thu cri'iitest realistic ahlpwrock
acouo over produced and from thl
moment ou thu plcturu la ono of
Inti'iihit lutiTeat nnd If you wish to
fti a real nlcturo boo thla ono
which will bo shown tonight. A
Reed Muck Hennett comedy com
plntea tho bill. '
Tho showing nt thu Htrnnd for
Tuesday and Wodnonday will bo tho
famous pluy, "Kant Lynno," tho dra
matic favorite of tho gonoratlon and
HtnRed by I'. V. Craft". "East Lynno"
la ataRcd In tho beautiful and his
toric Hovorn river valley In westorn
Knsland wboro tbo author, Mri.
Ilonry Wood laid tho scono ot thla
Immortal romanco of lovo, bato and
umbltlon. Tho character, "Lady
Isabel" Is played by Miss Illanche
Koraytho, Knglnnd'a premier emo
tional loading lady and "Richard
Curlylo' In Ukou by Mr. Fred
I'uul. Too much cannot bo aald re
gard Inn this famous plcturo but
among the differences which this
particular play haa over any like
production la that score of scenna
nro shown holtherto described In
"off atago business," but not enact
ed before tho nudlonce; correct
costuming of tho early Victorian
perlad; natural scenery of "East
I.ynne" reproduced with perfect fi
delity nnd a distinguished cast ot
uotabln players, Tho management
of tho Strand theatro promlso n
splendid film treat In "East
WA8HINOTON, July 26. Ocorgo
II. Thomas, Portland school director,
In here trying to press a decision In a
claim of thn Demon Polytechnic
school for $36,000 which Thomas
claims I due thu school for Its work
for soldier rehabilitation In the war
Senators McNary and Htantlcld and
Iteprenontntlvn McArthur have been
promised a decision from acting Di
rector Fiddler this week.
WASHINGTON. July 26. Secre
tary Fall of the Interior department,
who will visit C'rutor Lake National
park on his VW'nlern trip, was to have
left Washington July 16, hut that
bus been changed now to August 6,
and another delay may bo added.
WASHINGTON. July 25. A civil
oervlro examination will bo held on
August 19 for candidates for Vale
Make (tint idle dollar uork! Put
It In tlio Imnk. ,
that will aid
v 7&2 t
sVTA 'sTW ss Y' JTtt ii. TZf I SSM
rmx-w wax TPYaJ?zr2i
taiT i u'a m z. smc frvas"
Blv. fe, 3sr?Z7i
tion, polish your teeth and MoUtea
your throat.
Underwood's Makes
Addition to Their
Weather Apparatus
I'tiilerwood's Pharmacy has In
stalled u Tycos recording tbermomu
tor In tholr window on thu corner of
Main and Hovcntli Street, making
tulto an addition 'to thu "wcatbor
buruau;' department of tho atom.
Thla thermometer Is a handsome
Instrument bolng finished In whlto
onumel und actuated by clock work
that causes a dial to ravolvo beneath
u pen leaving a continuous record,
hour by hour of tho temperature.
Thu pen Is guided by tho mercury
of thu thermometer, and although thu
Instrument Is lusldu thu window thu
bulb contulnlug Uiu mercury Is high
abovu tbo head ot thu passer by, on
tho outside, and Is within u latticed
box that allows u tree circulation ot
tho ulr and at tho same time protect
from direct or reflected heat ot the
sun. Thu mercury In tho bulb Is con
nected with tho pen by a steel tube
calibrated to tho thousandth part ot
un Inch, and tho expanding and con
trading of thu mercury cauaea the
pen to move backward and forward,
leaving tho record of temperaturo
upon the dial of tho Instrument.
During thu warm weather of last
week the now thermometer attracted
much attention. The highest temp-
oraturo recorded was nlnty degrees,
on Saturday at 3 p. m. Tho lowest
was Wodncsday morning at 6:30
when tbo mark waa at 48 degrees.
The Herald will, hereaftor, publish
thu high and low temperature each
day, together with the report of the
Cyclo-Stormagraph, In the samo win
wohxd ciiAMi'io.vsuir
CHICAGO, July 26. Tommy Kir-
nan, of El Paso won tho tltlo ot
best all around cowboy In tho sec
ond annual championship concluded
hero. Yakima Cauutt, of Lacroeso,
Washington won the bronco rldlnr
July 28
Dancing atarta at 9 o'clock
p. in. Admission, $1.10, war
tux Included. Strictly Informal,
for Elka and visiting brothers,
only. Plan to bo thoro for tho
night and whllo away the
hourn In dancing to excellent
B. V. O. M.
Kutfrlalnmrnt VcmmUtco
delicious pcppfrmlitt
flavored suttar Jacket arouod
peppermint flavored cbewiotfjufli
your appetite and diges
Pacific Coast Driver
Wins the Grand Prix
LKMANfl, Franco, July 26
Jimmy Murphy, Pacific coast dri
ver, today won tho Ornnd Prix au-
tomobllo road raco -with a Dousen
borg American car. Italph Do Pal
ma was second, driving a French
According to Scottish custom, the
gift of a branch of heathor to a
Highland lasslo Is equal to an offer
of marriage.
"Lying Lips"
A tremendoua nrnHtiMInn k n
all star cast headed by House
i uiors ana r lorence viaor.
Mr. Inco and Tho Presa announco
thla picture a the greatest he has
Mack 8eaBKta Latest Oaamedy
"CM A Cop"
I have several blocks ot lota
surrounding tho Italia high
school that I will aell tor
business and reildutlal pur
poses, thus. fferlug to tho
people ot Klamath county an
opportunity to mako a real in
vestment. I will sell those
lota for $76 and up, on the
Installment plan, the terms to
suit the purchaser. No Inter
est will be charged and I will
pay the taxes until deed la de
livered to buyer.
Malln Is situated In the cen
ter ot one ot tbo richest dis
tricts in the world. It 1 back
ed by progressive and onor
vatlve citizens. It has a future
that assures development to
a degree that will make this
property worth many times
the price I am selling It tor.
When oil la discovered, Malin
will bo found to bo In the very
heart of tho tlold and tbo
biggest producers will be at
lta door.
If you are looking tor some
thing that will pay you big
returns, you can make no mis
tako In buying Malin proper
ty. For further information,
write or aeo
. MAUN, Ore.
GEO. METZ, Jeweler
622 Main St. Phone 72
44 - 4 - - T - - 4 - - H - - H - -
Mr. Auto-Kno
Hoforo starting en your
tuning trip, arivo nrouna
thn l'hlladolphla Battery
Station, and lot thorn glvo
your battery a drink ot dis
tilled wator nnd a tost.
Don't take chance when
thla service la froo.
t All makes ot batteries re
pulrod and charged.
Tho bucccb3 ot your trip
equipped with a famous
Philadelphia Diamond OrlJ
Uattory, gnarantood two
Sold by
The Electric Shop
123 80. Sixth St. Fktu 1ST
Annlo Laurie ot tho famow Mf
really lived, but tho composer of ta
song, William Douglas, did not marry
her, for ho was killed whllo flghtlas;
nonr Marlborough In Flandors.
Speaking ot
There is the PACK
ARD at the Shep
herd Store.
There are pianos and
pianos; for some of,
them you arm ashed
to pay all they're
worth; others there
are that are worth all
you pay for them;
and among these are
some few that are
so unique in the
actual VALUE built
into them by con"
scientious and promd
makers that yoa get
FULL value, plus!
What we might say
in a full page ad,
would add little sig
nificance; the lovely
Packard is so well re
garded from coast to
coast that we don't
have to say mmch.
in short, the Packard
is one of the few instrument's-
that' ,me
peal to people who
KNOW piano valme
and are willing to
PAY for it!
Shepherd Co.
Fine Pianos
Victrolas, Grafonolas
- 't