i'Aoh roun MONDAY, JULY a5, 1IMII THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I BODY in COURT PONS Hcradd 8alcm ltumnu SALEM. Of, Mly p. Half doton casos of llttgntlon to which tho stato highway commission la party are now ponding In tho court. Aside from the Warren Brothers patent en so, prbbuoly 'ho nuat Im portant of thies 1 tho controversy In I'oly county which hn grown out of routing of th- Wert Side. Pa clttc hlghw.iy. 1 Two contrw.i wuro cntoicd Into by the commlMlon nnd tho Polk county court. Ono Involves the con struction of tho mad from Mou mouth south 10 a point ne.ir l.urk tAmute rive-. Him Is bcln graded by tho commUiloii for tho county and Is bolng pnld for by tho coun ty with market rond funds, tho road being designated as a market road. Tho plaintiffs, Ernest Zllcsch and others, seek to onjoln this and challcngo the contract as illegal and void. They claim tho road roust be built by tho county court. Challenge Contract The other contract Is grading from the end of tho aboTO-mentloned road to connect with tho Benton county line, grading of tho road from Rlck reall to Holmes Gap and tho finish ing of grading on tho Salom-Dallos highway. The county has tho money to tomploto tho grading and part of tho monoy for tho other two roads. . Tho county .court Is borrowing money from tho stato under a re cont legislatiro act to complet tho work. The plaintiffs challongo this contract as Illegal and void on grounds that it Involves tho con tracting of a dobt by tho county 'In excess of 15000, which It is claim ed is n violation of tho stato con stitution. Also tho nlaMtllf chnllengo the. authority of tho highway commission to build thnt rond or the markot rond ou grounds thnt It Is part of the Pnclflc hlghwny nnd Hint tho route selected Is different from tho route designated by tho legislature. It In a erred thnt tho commission li with out nuthorlty to chango tho routo. Moody Take Appl Another Important enso Is thnt of tho highway commission ngatnst Malcolm Moody of Wnsco County, which Mr. Moody hns appealed to tho supremo court. Moody seeks to enjoin tho commission from locating and In proving on uli land a .otincctln road to glvo access for tho now brldgn across tho Dcschutet river which was opened Inst September. "The opening of tho rond mnkes It unnecessary for travelers to pny tolls to cross a prlvnto bridge ownod by Moody and his clnlm Is thnt ho will bo damaged. Judge Wilson held against Moody In tho lower court and ho appealed. Daiimkv Asked A damage suit by J. W Morton nnd children of Hood River wns In stituted In Multnomah county against A. D. Kern, a contractor, and tho commission, but haa been transferred to Hood Illver county. Tho plaintiffs claim damages of 13,725 because earth and rock cast outsldo of tho right of way alone a portion of tho Columbia Illver highway hnvo dam aged their property. Tho coso Is now In tho circuit court for Hood Hirer county. Tho commission claims tho lnnd Is not of great vnluo and that If it Is damaged at all, tho damago is slight. Morton and his children nro de fendants In a condemnation suit by tho commission In Hood Illver coun ty to p roc tiro additional land along tho right of way of tho Columbia Rlrer highway to widen the road and retain Its slope. Lone Iind'Xcodod In Lans ojiiv a condemnation suit has been Instituted against Try Copying This Oncl Here U n. charmingly frosh tltue summer uri-ss which your diessmaker cnu copy for you from this photoirwph. You m Uh even try It yoursolf It iu arc clover with sclsnorn and needle It l chullls frock with orgnndlo under-dress sot off quaintly with bows of plcot ilWxm Tho tiny rosebuds nro tho some slindo of pink as tho frock. The vent Jin n shirred cent lop nnd puffed slecvus loo tho elbows finish tho short klmoim aliwcs. Hotly Cnrpenler of I'M amount Pictures Is wtnrlng It m ISrS if 1 V i Tr if y.vtil-! A - Cnrponlcr ot imnmoua k Hs ir SWlsaP1P,"VBBr r BSs )i jvlvu j . i As!i Srrr ItrJl i. slBV wM isW El i sVV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBTaBT HKCItltt'AUY 1H3NHY COMINU WUHT AIIOUT AUO. I. WABIHNOTON, July 'J6 Hocro lory of tho Navy Detiby. who Is In visit Portland, Asturlii nnd thn Col umhlik rluir, ns well as tho niivnl busu alto neiir Aslorln, hns hud to dolny his trip to tho Pnclflc for sov oral reason. Ono of Iho most Import nnt Is tho series of hnmhliiit tests, now coming to a closn, which nought to tost tho rolnllvo inipnrlorlly of nlr- crnft nnd vnrlotiii typea of wnr von nolN. Ho will not return to Whittling ton fur n day or two, nnd will not bo uhlo to ntiuomico his Itluornry for sevurnl days of tor thnt, Ho plans ton tntlvoly lo louvo Washington about August I, but thnt dnto Is imbjool to cluing" A Parisian Joittnal hns orrornfl pair of ormlno slippers valued nt I, (100 franca to tho French woiiinn who In ndjudgod to hnvo thn protttont foot. Fresh Green Vegetables Made Appetizing for the ChiMren ssMssMsssVMfrsSsjsWMsjssWsjsssssWSjssSis COSSIFIEDADVEenSEnENr WBsVssBliWJsJ1' MISCELLANEOUS Furnlturo for sale. Phono 2G8R. 23-:c FOR RENT Ono room man. 438 Wash. St. for gentle-23-26 FOR SALE Household furniture, by lot or by the pleco. Phone 353W 230 "N. 9th St. 23-26 W. O. W. Tuesday night. July 26th. Election, Installation, Refreshments. Come. H. O. Shldler, C. C. 23-25 FOR SALE 1020 Ford, Four Speed shocks bought last Sept. First Class condition. Phono 268R. 22-21 Ladles Outing Wear In Khaki Wool Serge. Corduroy and Kamplt Cloth at K K K Store. 3tf FOR SALE One S pusenger Dodge, Price $600. Klamath Falls Auto Co. 224 Main. 23-30 Do your feet trouble youT Foot specialist at your service at K K K store. Free examination and advice. 3tf Trucking and storage. Contral Transfer & Storage Co. 16SW. 15-31 FOR SALE Oakland Six roadster. Inquire at Apt. 301 Winters Bldg., after 6 p. m. ' 22-28 FOR SALE New Remington type writer. Bargain If taken at once toaulre 121 N. 8th St. 22-28 FOR SALE Bed springs, dressers, range, heating- stove, dining set, rockers. Bargains. Leaving. 1426 Orescent Ave. 22-29 FOR SALE 320 acres land, 80 acres in timber, in Swan Lake, south side mile from school Big house and barn, chicken house and granery. 160 acres fenced. See Wm. Streubol at Poor Farm. 20-30 FOR RENT Front bedroom close In. Call 144J or 317 10th St. 21-27 DRESSMAKING First class work guaranteed. 2 Main St., Mrs. Jef ferson. 20-30 BOARD AND ROOMS for gentle- mon. Closo In. Private family. Call 30G Pine or phono 358. 20-27 Trucking and storage. Central Transfer & Storage Co. 1CSW. 15-31 Men's Duzbak and Kamplt outing wear at K K K Store. 3tf E. R. CARPENTER, paperhanglng and painting. Prices reasonable. Phone 270-W. J22-25 Saddlo horses ana pack horses for hlro to Four Mile, lako and Rogue river points. Phono M. H. Wamplor, Odessa, Ore. 12-30 Frank Turner, near Divide, wnero ad ditional ground Is needed to widen tho Pacific highway nnd to tako caro of slides. Tho latest doclopmunt of tho War ren patent case Is Judgo Wolvorton's overruling a motion of Osknr Hubcr. t dofendant In tho case, to hno the caso transferred from the equity to tho law sldo of tho court vrhoro tho caso could bo heard beforo a Jury. An ' answer Is now being prepared In the case by tho defendant. I Further condemnation proceedings ' aro In prospect to obtain additional . ground In tho program of conserving sconory along tho rights of way oi stato highways. TO EXAMINE lOSTMASTi:ilS WASHINGTON. July 25 Candi dates for postmnsters nt Centrulln, Klinn and Raymond, Wash,, will bu examined on August 19 Qn notion creamed asparaaus 1'rcpnro tlio nnpnrnplts, either fresh or conned, in tlio uatinl woy. I luvc toust ready, put nspnrnsun over litis, and cover witli this white snuco in quantity desired. Melt 2 tnblespoonfuls of butter in sauce pan; when bubbling ndd I tabic spoonful of flour, nnd stir until well blended. Pour in, very grndunlty, Yi cup of Carnation Milk mixed with Yi cup of wnter. Add J4 tenspoonful of salt nnd n dnsh of pepper. Dent until smooth nnd crenmy, Srnd far Carnation Cook Rook rontalrdng IOO practical ImImI roclpas. Carnation Milk Products Co., 022: Railway Esclianga Bldf ., Portland. '1'eiulcr, Juicy, lucmlriit freth Vtqetttitlri c7il7 ititii Wke if ri hrit err ii me if. Utr Carnation Milk for rkhncti and add the food vniif of pure etnei' milk to Vie veffelaldri. lie member it ii tu-tce at rich at oni niiry milk. All Groeert. "from Contented Cmet' L. Make that Idlo dollar vtnrk! Put It In tlm lunik. 44444-444'4'444-44'tVtv44j I OLD RECIPE T DARKEN For' Indian. Day' FAJRVIEW TRANSFER Will save you monoy on your trans ferring, also Block Wood, $5.50 per cord. Phono 269R. 18-35 Dressmaking, guaranteed satisfac tion. Voile and house dresses a specialty. Phone 461. 19-25 ROOMS FOR RENT 50c up. All rooms aro clean outsldo rooms In cluding bath. Home Rooming House, 920 Klamath Ave. Last bouso on right hand sldo of Klamath ave. 19-25 ' Trucking and storage. Central Transfer & Storago Co. 155W. 15-31 FOR RENT mtKAMLA.NI) PAVILION Monday, Tuosday, Thursday and Friday nights. Terms roasonablo, ap ply to Bert McDonald. 12tt CITV GARBAGE When you want garbage removed, call 10F.S3. See that 6121 Blue serge Suit at K K K Store for $35. Written guar antee with every suit for wear and servlco. 3tf Slake that idlo dollar work! it In tlio bank. Put Birmingham, Ala., has a business and professional women's club of 1, 400 members. ES9 VBsal 'BBaBaBBH r5g WKm! MbbbbI VfMv! 0-" iM M i V4bbbT Ha go Tea Gray, and Kulpliur Turns Fmkd Hair Dark and Gloany Almost ovoryono knows that Sago Tea nnd Sulphur, properly com pounded, brines back tho natural col or and lustro to the hair when faded, i streaked or gray. Years ego tho only ; way to get this mltxure was to imako It nt homo, which Is mussy and troublesome. 1 Nowadays wo simply ask nt tny drug store for "Wyeth's Saga and .Sulphur Compound." You will got in Inrgo bottlo of this old-time, roclpo I Improved by tho addition of other 'ingredients, nt very little cont. Ev erybody uses this preparation now, becauso no ono ran possibly tell that you darkened your hair, nx It docs It ao uaturully nnd oronly. You dampen n sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through jour hair, taking ono small strand at n tlmo; by morning tho gray hair disappears, and after another application or two, your hair bocomoHO beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look yenrs younger. Adv. ALTURAS-SUSANVILLE STAGES Leave Union Taxi office 8 o'clock Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mornings Phone 424-J for reservations Large cart tt a 4-4 Chief Buffalo Bear wants a na tional holiday set asldo as Indian Day. So he called upon President Harding with a peace pipe and pre sented him with a headdress like tin ono he's weeing. Mrs. Anna Slaght Is assistant man ager of ono of tho largest hotels itt Chicago. have just received a carload of fine monu ments and markers, all new designs. Stop and look them over. G. D. GRIZZLE Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Works 1040 Main St M To Vto VottT -"" I N H -r-rt. Voo Coucf Ms. J bbbbH . tice STtzOrXG V J -kVilOlHCJ Bert oft J BW T Saarr VACk 2 .-" BBBW I II ." roNs. vvtLi&. Kodak Work (LeayeYour TTilttvg 'More 9 OclocK-Your A.ri. pictures am ready at' 6 p.r 0r imwwn raaiMY 'S AlirirAl n rALL UKtUUn TflrrT V I WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE I Ipyqirr. BUY THtIR DRUGS iaccuwacyI DOINGS THE DUFFS OF JJaBsaisMMaLM1- 4 rrr - ' " -' " 'W. - t ' ' . ' " -I WEBSnSk IF HELEM WANTS TO GOON OH.HELEN,l HAVE A-5UGGC5TI0WTO ' VfiT " A VACATION I BELIEVE 111. OFFER ABOtTTVOUR VACATION! ( W-X LETTHEM GO WrTHOUT ME HELEN, OH HELEN! HUH, ( WT THI5VEAR! IU STAY HOME NOBpDy HOME! - I AND BATCH IT FORAWHIL&! WHAT '3 THE PIG IDEA? j H Vjl I BBBLPBMaff ' aBMsBBBBBBBLH It Didn't Take Torn Long to Change His Mind BY ALLMAN TOM DEAR MR GREV INVITED fc LITTLE OLD HAM .SAtJOWirn I H . US OUT TO A UTTLE PICNIC AMP , H THE MORE I LOOK AT Vou 1 WE MAV NOT GET HOME VERY EARLV-' JOf" THE MORE I'M CONVINCED YOU'LL FIND 30ME COLO HAM IN THE J Pu THAT MY BACHELOR IDEA I ii ICEBOX ND THE CdFFEE POT 15 fjj W BPSO - 5 THE BUNK' NOT SN L OM THE5T0VE- HELEN-; g jB 6oNOTg . atlsiaBBK J-BBBPMWSlMBMIPMB J-j i aaasL jl I J . ytlFP SS i i ' r ' ' ' II . - ZSTt?fVwt' 1 A 4