SATUKDAY, JUIiY S. 1IWI. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'AdH FOUR The Evening Herald J. BfUItRAW. VBED 80UL13 .... Kdltor ..City lCdltor Published Jally eicopt Sunday, by Tka Herald Publishing Companr of Klamath Falls, at 110 KJgU'.h Strcot. ntored at tho pottotflco at Kla Math Falls, Ore, for transmission Urongh the malls aa socond-class matter. MKMDKW OK T1IW .sSOCIATKD Tho Associated Pro 'a Is eicluslvoty Mtltlod to the use (or republication of all news dispatches credited to It, tr not otherwlso credited In this Mtor, and also tho local nowa pub Usher horeln. MM S ENGLAND IDLE, SB WE R SATURDAY, JltliY a;i, IWiU Warren Co. Work Here is Ordered Discontinued Today if' ' "" A lone distance message- from tho Warren Construction company nt Portland this afternoon to Jno. Showry, local representative, gavo flrcat lirltaln "aa Idle n a painted ship upon n painted ocean," Germany humming llko u dynamo such Is tho condition of affairs found In Europe by A. C. Kottcrolf, freight traffic manager for tho International Mor en nt I Hi Marino Company, who has re' cently returned from a survey of tho shipping situation. Now that peace has been declared between Germany and tho United State ho predicts a great Influx of German-made com modltles Into this country, and he finds that already Germany Is ecllp sing every other European country tu sales to us, whllo tho Industries ot Great Urltaln arc virtually at a standstill. "During my trip abroad, I visited tho port ot Hamburg for tbo first orders that all tho force ot workmen. ozcopt one or two wcro to be Us-1 time," said Mrs. Ketterolt, "I found barged from servlco this evening Mr. Showry was Instructed to re main here until further order reach ed hlra. Oakland "Heroine" Hands Metropolitan rj.'i it A D L JCUKUr rUKKUffK Mrs. Lydia Sturtevant, Oakland grand opera singer certainly knows the avenues to publicity. The San Francisco Chronicle recently "fell for" this story." accompanied by n photograph of the heroine, which was labeled "Daring Bxplorer": Madame Lydla Sturtevant. Berkeley grand opera singer, is the only white woman ever to reach tho waters of Crater Lake, in tho Klamath Reserve, in Ore gon. This became known with the return -to Berkeley yesterday ot Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Sykes, 77 Domingo road, with whom Mad ame Sturtevant went to tho Kla math Reserve for an outing. The singer narrowly escaped death on tho hazardous climb, and sustained a painful Injury Just below the right kneoiwhen a great avalanche of loosened rock rolled down upon the party. According to Madame Bturte rant, it Is necessary to descend a distance ot 1700 feet from the rim of the crater to the edgo of tie lake, the descent being made down a trail that Is almost per pendicular. Tho footing is mushy snow and melting Ice, which adds to the danger. Inasmuch as the trip down to tbo lake is ono of the features of the Germany seething with activity, the ' Industries operating night and day. ' Thorn ifinmnil (n ha tin nvlilnnrn nf tho workers being In tho grip ot the Bolshevist faction, but, on tho con trary, It seemed that tho nation, hav ing gotten tho best terms that It could from tho allies, had decided to buckle aown to worK. At mo present lime Germany Is shipping more goods into tho United States than any other na tlon, now that Britain Is sutfcrlnc acutely from the effects of tho min ers' strike. "On tho other hnnd, production In England is virtually at a standstill. Whllo I was in London the sky was perfoctly clear. It seemed that there was not a factory or mill operating, owing to tho shortago of fuel. At Manchester and other cities I ob served virtually tbo same conditions. Inasmuch n tho Industries wero not in a position to bo ablo to guarantee deliveries or to know just what It would bo possible tor them to pro duce, tbo British havo not been able to mako contracts. With tho export machinery dislocated by this situation it will take several months tlmo be fore conditions will bo anything like normal. The worker do not ccm to care, and It appears that they aro welt In tho grip of tho radicals and agitators." Something of the effect ot radical labor on British industries Is reflect ed In tho recent figures of American imports from that country. In May we Imported 119,000,000 worth ot goods from England, Scotland and Ireland, (the United Kingdom) compared In Ye Olde Home Towne - .- 1 lM CLAD N. 5 n, VT S-Sinl I-T , j i Win (&) 1 HirPu :. MCI TO pniu ruwME icit a cooplc or A wBmm& $' m -'N VtWt GOCUVNATLR MELONS TdPAV fTB ' tWF SALTON SEA IS IN RRAWLEY. Cal Juiy 23. Tho Salton Sea, California's great sink In tho upper Imperial Valley, thirty miles from tho Mexican border, Is shrinking by evaporation at the rnto of two Inches a week, according to observers at Holl's Kitchen, a point on tho short ot the sea. Tho sea Is now moro than 330 feet below sea level and Is considered ono of the most unique formations in tho coun try. Epicureans of tho 1'nclflc Coast, particularly In San Francisco 'and Seattle, it is sold, may read ot the shrinking of tho Salton Sea with hor ror, for tho water of tho basin are tho haunts ot tho inullot, and sum mer cruises in quest ot theso deni zens of tho Imperial waters are said to bo qulto dlfforcnt than ordinary fishing. Burning rays of tho sun not only mako it a torrid experience for tho fisher, but exposure of the mullet to tho rays soon robs them of their lure for epicureans, and tho power launches of tho fishermen aro equip ped with refrigerators, into which tbo mullet aro hastily whipped from tho flshllne, to guard them from the sun. Tho scorching shores of tho b.iiiiI Islands within tho Salton Sea furnMi soma unusual reversal of nut urn In habits of birds frequenting these Is lands. The birds do not go near their eggs In tho hot numuior tiny, but let the sun do their work ot hatching As soon as tho shelU crack and thn feathered bits emerge Into a hot life, artist must havo stretched a bit to' evolve .the 1700 feet straight down." Aviator Forced to Land on Crater Lake Island? , 031,000,000 for tho 1920 SAN FRANCISCO, July 23. Tho experiences of Raymond O. Fisher, forest service pilot, who secured aid by wireless after being forced to land on the Island In Crater Lake, are at tracting Interest hero as tbo result of publication of tho story by thn air servlco authorities. Fisher wai foired to land, by need of spark plugs Ho sent a wireless call for aid and anoth er aviator dropped plugs from a parachute. visit, and taken by most people, the unique perils' experienced by the wth $4(ooo.OOO for May. 1920. Our lady have doubtless been hared by a j toU, mporti from tne Unlte(1 Klng. ccmplo of thousand folk thus far this , Uom ,or ,ho n montbs of th0 fIiCa, season. Most of them are fortunate year cm,ca May 30, ,0 3i3.. enough to oscape barking their shins. ' 00o,000. compared with $474,000,- wv..., fi;u imw iuiu6iuutiuu ut an inn -- h mUnc TiAPlnil Ifln n - .w. -u . ..... . .-., - decrease of B0 per cent. The United Kingdom took $80,000,000 worth of our goods last May, compared with $152,000,000 In May, 1920, and $1,262,000,000 for tho 11 months period of 1921, compared "with $2.- period. Sales ot American raw cotton for tho 1921 period, for example, totaled! 1,575.812 bales, valued at ri99.000 000. compared with 3,251,070 bales worth $C67.000,000, for tho 19201 period. Tho Southern cotton planters I havo sufforcd severely from tho bol- shcvlk rlgadoon which tho British laborers have been dancing. But trade with Gormany Is march ing right along. Wo imported $3C, 500,000 worth or Gorman goods dur ing tho 11 month of 1920, and, $84, 000,000 worth ending last May; whllo exports Jumped from $182,000, 000 for tbo 1920, to $351,000,000 for tho 1921 period. Now that pcaco is established tho imports from Gor many may bo expected to mnke a spurt. But meanwhile Gormany Is, and has been, laying In heavily of American raw materials. Tho Repub lican tariff will bo ready to tako command of tho situation when tho time arrives. The importance Of Glasses Is often overlooked by many who subject thomm'lvcs to h o a d a c hes, nerrousueis, etc., which may readily bo ovurcomo by properly tit ted glassm, H. J. WINTERS GRADUATK OPTICIAN ?0 MAIN HTRKKT Note As far as Is known tbo boats aro running on Crater Lake. Why the parachute? And, because of tho crat er in tho island, It's a poor landing field. Landing there was "some feat." Hounds from this distance llko Fisher was trying to perpetrate a little hoax on the public. ffo - ike Mother used fa nfdke! .eno pyl how deic sous' with 9Pipina ftotcvp of Coffee and pure cream Make TheOREGON Your Hotel WHEN IN PORTLAND HymHUMHHflL4 the mother bird must bn on constant watch and shutter them undnr Us wings to provutit the hum friini Incln orating thorn. Mud geyser Mini hHmuii HprlliM nearby ami Imhhto arising through thu surface uf tho Sulton 8m Indicate fUMiio powerful mililonimmii iircsitiro beneath thu surface ot this Inland, lowland body and gooloKlhtM recent W exploring the regions declared gusen from mineral oil urn thn raune (' prnHiuiro which rosullod In selumla disturbance recently In tbls rcgli. HAIIIMNM AM) I'UIIONDrl ON (WMI'INO TIUP WAHHINGTUN, July 23. Preal dent Harding tod'iy loft to Join n raniplng party cotintstltiK of Harvey Flri'Mloiin, Henry Ford mA Thoina.i A. Kdlson on Licking Creek, near l'eckvllle, Mil,, Thoy oxpectod to spend tho night under canvas and return tato tomorrow. - POPULAR 0.PACIOUS LOBBY At the Center of Everything I WEATHER RECORD I o o Hereafter Tbo Herald will publish tbo mean and maximum tempera- tiros and precipitation record as tak en by tbo U. S. Reclamation service tatlon. Publication will cover the day previous to tbo paper's issue, up to C o'clock ot the day. Max Min. July 14 88 51 July 15 87 48 July 16 87 53 July 17 90 54 July 18 89 52 July 19 90 48 July 20 87 48 July 21 94 52 July 22 94 58 Precipitation FIRE ENTIRELY DKSTHOVK OAH OWNED IIY LOCAL FIRM. A Chandler Six, owned by Mar Weiss and Sam Rosenthal, took flrj last ovenlng near Fort Klamath whllo Rosenthal was using It on a business trip to Fort Klamath, itrd burned to tho ground. Tho car was purcbasod from Fred Garlch a couple of months ago and bad been thor oughly overhauled. About $500 worth of repairs and accessories had been added In the last few days. In surance of $1500 was carried with tho J. II. DrlJcoll agency. 7&ke Home a Dogen highnus 3Qt BROADWAY nt STARK 'ST. Wo suggest yo write, phono or wlro for reservations Arthur H, Meyors, Manager Great Leaders ' -'- -sLbmmmm itLVVVPH -wswssssw-r iv -- i ,v Theodore Rooaevelt "A Squat Dial for Eviy Man" PSiq Give you n square denl for your money be cause they ore honestly constructed of sound materials by expert tire builders. They benr n nnme which for 70 years has stood for quality products and fair dcalinjj with the public. All "Teddy" asked was a square deal. All Bixtiswick Tires ask is u fair trial. Try them. Keep yourown record of their performance. You will find that they live up to their reputation. h EWAUNA MOTORS CO. I2U ITII. "YOUH CREDIT IH MOOD" PHONE no-w "LET GEORGE DO IT!" "WATCH HOSPITAL" GEO. METZ, Jeweler 622 Main St. Phone 72 Are You Prepared? FLY-TIME IS HERE We have a large stock of SCREEN DOORS in three designs, to fit all regular door openings. These doors are made of clear, kiln dried, California white pine cov ered with the best grade of rust proof, galvanized wire, and put to gether with hardwood wedge dow els a patented process which makes an exceedingly rigid door. u THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" BIG BASIN LUMBER CO. "Everything to Build With" Phone 107 Main & Spring Stt If It's Loose We Will Move It O. K. TRANSFER CO. 124 & " Phone 87