The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 20, 1921, Image 1

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Pp fEtienftuj Iteralil
!.e,T "
A Cla$B Ad Will
Do It
Today's N
Member of the Associated Press.
rlflocntli Year. No. .1(17(1
much nva onvrt
i l
Tho Ilrooklyn rsiietn touring
party, 30 members, will arrlvo horo
tomorrow evening, on routo to Cra
ter tako park, according to a mes
iiRn riiielvml tills morning by tlio
locnl audit from Chnrlcn Foe, gen
ornl passenger agent, nt Hun Frun
Cisco. '
Tho itiirly, under nrrntiRoinont
with tho Ilrooklyn newspaper. Ih on
ii tour Including Bcoiila spots ot tho
United states, mill tho llnwalUn Is
land Thny cnnm wrst ovor tho
southern routo, visited llnwall anil
nro now starting hack over tho
iiorthorn routo.
Tho orlKlnnl plan or tho party
was to enter Cralpr Lake from tho
Medfnrd side iiml one by tho niiinc
routo. At a rirint conforpmn horn
btitwoen F (' Lnthrop. uielituttt
Ronernl pnssotiRor BRont ot tho
Southern Pacific; W T Loo. local
inuiiiiRcr of transportation for I tin
Crater l.ukn company, K. II Hull,
picsldcnt of thn chamber of com-iir-rco
,aiut J nines Mllnn, resident
mniiacnr of tho Whlto IVIIcnn ho
tel, slops worn tnkun to hanKO
thin nrrntiRomnut it ti il routo thn
party through Klamuth I'alli .Mr
I.nthrop wns delegated to pi I sunt
thn matlor to Iho tourists and ap
parently his arguments with entire
ly successful.
It Is hopml Hint tho party may
ho prevailed to romuln fur a ilay
In Kliimnth, renting up for the trip
to thn liikn Itn personnel comprint
inuny Influential rllliuns whose ,
vlsli will result In thn sproail of-'
valuable pulillrlty for Klamnth
An InlelllKont survey of tho rav
Kun of thn plnn bielle hug upon tho
KOTornninnt forests In this district
wun described In detail by A. J.
Jannlcko of tho United Htates for
estry service nt tho forum of the
chamber of commerce this noon.
Korum Ipnder O I) lltirkn Intro
duced the npenkcr of the day and
In a few minutes the "bug" was
described uccuratnly and Its des
tructive work detnlled In this com
munity Tho lumbermen of this
district present worn In InrKo
numbers an this subject wns ono
which Intorested them IioIiir In linn
with their occupation, nnd from tho
clear manlier of explanation, tho
ordinary person, as well as the
tlnibormnn, wns nt nnrn nbln to
rrasp tho effect that would tako
place in thn timber In this section
unlenH ndeiiiato protectlvo ninnsuros
worn used to check tho pest nt
once. i
Blue and Gqrdon
To Fight at Med ford
'(? Advices have been recolved from
Hob Dickson of Medford Hint on Au
gust 4, thn fight faim of that city will
wltneHK ii bout between II a bo line
of Onklnnd nnd Hnmmy Gordon ol
Tho roronl Hint tho boyn made
linro In tho Fourth of July event war
heralded nil over tho Medford region
And tho fiiim thorn worn liislstniil that
n hout botween thmn ho arranged
TorniH wero wired both men nnd nc
copied, ami thn hout is scheduled foi
- ten roniulH, Ilnbn 111 no biiRnlii train
Jng Monilny and "III leave for Med
ford Homotlmn thlH week to become
nccllmnted In that Hectlon
Electrical Store
Changes Owners
A deal wiih fully completed yestor
day hatween I.. I. McDaulel nnd W
I), Coburn, innnngor for tho Como
Electric company, for the purchusi
nt tho MoDnnlol Klortrlo company.
Mr. Coburn Ih nu oxporloncod oloo
trlcal man having boon In tho olectrl
cal hualiiosj) for a number of yoaru.
llo Btntea that tho pruneut locatlor
will bo rutnlned for u tlmo, hut will
380,000 Pounds of
Wool Shipped From
Klamath in July
Thn final shipment of KJnmath
County wool purchase! from tho pool
offnro.l hy thn Klainntli l.lvoatoek
MnrlKiiRn rompniiy on July 1 wns
iwnl out from Dnrrls, Montnguo unil
Klnintith Kails yesterday, tho ttlilp
ment comprising t80,00(i pounds Tho
nntlrn lot offered hy thu pool except a
small amount was secured hy Charles
Diitap anil (InorKo Watt for J Kosh
Inml & company of lloslon, thn ner
iiRn prlcn pnlil per pounil nhout IG',
Thn first shipment of 200,000
pounds left Klamath Fulls Jnlv in
for Hun Francisco hv mil mi.t then !" ,,'w ,,"', l,r'0" hn Iiiih thn money
"i nun r ruucimo oy ran ami lliencnr.,.,, ,, , ... . . ,.,... . i.n
for lloslon hy way of tho l'unamu
canal hy boat. This shipment will
probably luiwi Kan Francisco on
AtiRiiHt 7, according to lloslon ad
vices. It la not slated whan tho
shipment sent yoslordny will leavo
Han Francisco for Its eastern distilla
tion. jaca.mihi: hmxiutki
iito.M r.h, ii:m). iii;i,is
TUIII.OCK, Calif, July 20 A
Konerul exodus of Jnpnnesn field
laborers from this district took placo,
following thn deportation to Kuyos,
flvo miles north of here Inst nlKht of
CH Japanese muln workers by whlto
A petition addressed to thn excctl
tlvo committee of the Klnmnth
! tSinirlsmpus' assoilntlon Is being clr-
culcfd by prominent fishermen and
hunters of this city seeking nluu
toem who will servo without pay ns
iliorlal-depuly gnmo wardens for the
lmprnomont ot game conditions In
this county.
Tho object or the petitioners Is to
assist In the dissemination of know
ledge of tho gnmo laws, holp In the
protection of tho gamu resources, nnd
hy education, sae many nn Innocent
person from becoming entangled In
tho meshes of tho law for unwitting
ly vlnlntlng certain rules.
The petitions nro being filled rap
idly with nnmes of reliable parties
who nrn Intorested In this subject
and within a few dns, the tinmen,
after scrutiny lo thu executhn com
mltteo of the sportsman association,
will ho forwarded to A. K. Ilurghduff,
Into gamo warden at rortlnnd for
Thn Klainalh HportsmeiiH' associa
tion has received n ropy of the TCth
biennial report of thn Callfomln state
fish and gaum report, Issued recent
ly. Tho report Is tho gift of Charles
A, Vogelsang, executlvo offlcor, of
3au Francisco, who was horn on tho
recent Inspection of tho Crooked
Creek fish hatrhery by tho Oregon
Ball Player Says
Series Was Square
After Third Ggime
CHICAGO, July 20. Chicago
whlto hox phi) cm, after ugreolng with
thn gambling cllquo tn throw tho
1919 series to Cincinnati for $100,
000, became Blck or tho donl whon
not paid tho bribes promlsod, and nt
11 mooting boforo tho third gamo de
cided to play Ibolr best and win tho
sorlos. lllll Hums, nccompllco in tho
alleged deal and Iho stato'a star wit
nous, testified today In tho bnsobull
Fooling they hud been crossed by
tho gnmblors, they doiiblod crossod
their brlbors by tolling them they
would loso the third game, but In
stead won it U to 0, with Keor pitch
ing. Make that Idle dollar work! Put
It in tho bank.
undergo n complete romodollng nnd
when complotod ho oxpocts to linvo
mo of tho most up to ditto oloctrlcnl
iturn In Southoru Oregon.
Mr. MoDanlol nnd wlfo loft this
norulng ror California, whoro thoy
will tour and visit for u while boforo
deciding whoro to locnto.
1I iin digress from our propaganda for thn homo consumption and
rimclopmnnl of Klnnuith product Iouk ninli lo put In n word for Um
puynicnt of Klmmitli debt. Thrrn Iihh grown up during tlio past few
months n practice that slioultl slop rlKht hIkto It is today. Tluit In tlio
piinent of hills ownl outsliln of Klanuitli county, wlilln llm cnxlllorM at
homo limn to wait. If (Ills pollry with rnTcrsftl for two works, (hero
would lm n rmt clinnRo In financial conditions here.
Ami It should hn rrTerwtl.
It In simply Inking ndtnnlJiRo of Iho fart that ou know tho man at
Iioiimi will not sun joii, wlillo you nrn afraid tlio outsldo creditor will.
Vou feel that oil ran ro to thn friend nt homo with n hard luck story
and cK tlmo, wlillo jou nmkn nor' Nnrrlflrn to nistln tho money for tlie
man uhroad. You want to keep jour outside credit all right, while yon
trust to friendship to satisfy the man nt homo.
While you nm doing this you urn forcing him to stand off thn nuin
IkiIIi Item and abroad '
If ctory man will pay his home
r.. . .V VI JH.I -..1.t,1, ...nil v. . ..
nt homo barely keeping within reach
ing up.
Jet us roMtltn today lo go otrr thn bills payable and placo tho one
dun home peopln at the top of tho list. Wrilo to tlio outaldn creditor
and tell them they will hare to wait n few days longer. Then aw fast
ns you ran, pay what yon own here, so that your creditor may do tlie
same thing and thus get a nlmbln dollar circulating throughout the bnal-
ncM district Instead or the hard lurk, hard lime story that you so qftea
hear, l'ay your homo hills now, own if they nrn not due,
Ktcry I lino you pay n bill at home It means tile starting of a tnoTC
ment Hint will not end until that money romrfi bark Into yonr pocket in
Hie pnymoiit of long past dun minimi from debtors who had to stand
you off Ih-cuuio Hie homo Jicoplc Hint
unit owed you.
Imu'l forgrt that Hilt Is your town. Don't forget that thn people who
llo here are your frlendi, your neighbors, your associates. Don't for
get that if you get Into difficulties Hint Uicao urn Iho pooplo you turn to
for holp nnd conNolatlmi. Don'l lot-get that to these you owe your first
duty and consideration. Don't forgrt that every' tlmo you do something to
help n man ut homo you nro helping yourself, for the succena of the
community In thn aggregate? succe
you. Therefore, don'l forget to pay
jou ran, but first anyway.
Ol that money out of your pocket luul put It in tho bonk. If you
can't ue II, someonn elan ran. Olts him a chance.
e e o
In sixty day tho limn that elapsed between the publication of tho
financial statements of Hie local banka deposit increased nearly
quarter of a million. t us make (be lncrcao for the next sixty day
twice that sum. Tills ran roally lm donn If everyone will do his duty
put that Idle dollar in Hie bank.
Final urrunRementu for tho flower
show tomorrow at tho chamber of
common o rooms, wero mado by tho
Committees this afternoon. Tho la
dles in charge ot thn affair nro
very pleased with tho enthusiasm
which has been shown by Klamath
Falls pooplo and they aro sura thoro
will bo a profusion of flowors on
Anyono ho has not been per
sonally asked to bring tholr flow
ors In, -whether thoy have prlxo
winning blossoms or not, Is urgod
by Mrs. Q. A. Krauso to bring them
All entries must bo In by 2
o'clock tomorrow rftoraooa ns tho
show will opon at 2:30 Initovt ot
In tho morning an previously plan
ned. And pooplo woro reminded again
to bring thoir own contnlnon.
Mrs. Chnrles Martin will bo In
thargo of the ten which will bo 11
feature of tho afternoon Music
will bo f urnltl cd in tho attrnom
by a victroln, which Goorrj A.
virtr has pr'.fcrtod to tho Imiics
for tho day, nxd 1c tho evon ng the
Ucnl orchestra -win furnish iho
music. '
Anybody whu wlsho thcK flftr
era returned to thorn attor tbo
show ahould speak to tho com-n'i-teo
In chnrgo ,or their wVhlta
wIM ho taken to tho hospitals.
First Lumber Cut
In New Dorris Mill
DOnillS, Cal., July 20. Camln
ottl & Illnohart, u trucking con
corn, hauled tho first load or lum
ber from tho Bamuols & Mthonoy
mill nonr Dorris yestordny nftor
M'on. Messrs Rumuola nnd Ma
honey recently took over tho mill
hlch wns formerly known us the
Clark mill but was nevor operated.
Tho new owners havo contractnl
thu lumber cut tn the Associated
Lumber & Box company of Do-r'.J
end Is bolng luulc to their trot
yuds. Tho lumbei consists p..t
clpnlly of u ,o)l ot pin.
hi'kciatj u:aiox mektixh
A spcclnl mooting of tho I.oglon
will bo hold Friday night at 8 o'clock
In tho city hall. Important matters
aro to bo discussed and an urgont
call It sent to all nnsmbrs to be
hills first, It will lm hut a matter of
to pay thn hill h owm on the ouU
i,i,.... .i.i..m .i. w. ,l..m
....... ...., ...... ...V W", t,"
of the (Jig end without ever catch
you owed could not pay the debtor
of all, nnd that Is sure to Include
your home creditor flrat today if
Tho plan to pump out tho Sic
I'icns oil well Monday was not com
puted ns scheduled duo to tho ce
ment falling to net proporly nnd
when work commenced on tho
pumping, a break occured allowing
an Inflow of water. Tho drillers
Bet to work cementing tha fcroak
a onco nnd woro engaged this
morning patching up.
Dlue Shale at Orator
Tho work at the Crater Lake
oil well was reported going nicely
today and tho drill has entered into
a bluo shalo closely allied with tho
variety found in Montana opera
tions. A holo has been punched
through tho shalo for 350 foot and
it is not known how much deeper
this formation will run.
A talk with officials of tho com
pany HiIh morning found them en
thusiastic oor tho bluo shalo for
mation nnd Its depth, for it oil
donees to thorn tho fact that no
water can como through this cap
ping, neither could oil soop through
It, and as It's similarity to tho
Montana formation whoro oil bus
boon found lying underneath, Is
considered very encouraging. Tbo
drlllora aro pushing tho work as
fast ns they can.
Farm Loans Are
Approved by Bank
Word has been recelvod Jioro by
tho Klamnth Falls National Farm
Loan association, that many ot the
loans havo boon approved by tho
national land bank of Spoknno, for
which tho appraiser was hero ap
praising lands two weeks ago. Ab
stracts ot titles nro bolng forward
od to tho Spoknno bnnk this week
and If thoy aro satisfactory tho
monoy will soon bo forthcoming.
Tho hind hank Is asking that
all pooplo who aro interested In
holplng tho farmor invest in farm
loan non-taslblo bonds, at this
tlmo Insteatl ot putting their monoy
in other chanels.
Mako that idle dollar work! Put
it In tho bank.
PENDLETON, July 20. Uklnli
cattlomen intend to ship a tralnload
of cattlo, 33 carloads, from Pilot
nock today to place on tho Portland
market, according to Dan Clark, live
stock ugent of the O-W, R & N.
company ot Portland,
Hundreds Barred by
Lack of Room From
Roseburg Inquest
KOSKDimo, July 20. Mm. It. M.
Ilrumflold wag recalled to tho stand
this morning wbon the Inquost ovor
tbo headless body found under her
husband' automobile was renamed.
Tho courtroom was crowded and hun-
dreds wero unable to enter.
District attorney Nouncr question
ed her closely regarding tho dentist's
activities during tho week prior to his
disappearance. Hho declard ho said
nothing concerning a trip, or made
any Intimation ho man planning mur
der. Dennis Russell's brothers (Ratified
they had examlnod tho body and woro
cortaln It was their brother. Tho
liusenbark brothers of Melrose,
friends or Ilrumfleld's, testified the
body wan tho dentists.
Coroner Hitler 190k tbo stand and
stated tho hair found on tbo scalp
clinging to the body, which was cut
by him ni evidence, resembled Drum
field's hnlr, whllo tho hnlr on another
largo plcco of scalp found near the
wreck was similar to Itunol's. lie
produced two boxes of evidence In
cluding burned bib overalls, n watch,
fountain pen, letter, card, gnn,
cooked ear, two ploces of human
scalp with gray and black hair and
a vest. Tho watch was Ruisel's, ho
testified. Ivan Calhoun testified the
body was Drumflcld's.
Lillian Ucnnlngton was arraign
ed befn-o Justice Lem Uaghagen
yesterday ovonlng at," ( o'clock,
charged with pasting a had cheek
upon Chris Diana ot the Arcade
hotel last week. In the hearing, the
defendant cleared herself of the
charge and was roloased'frotn cus
tody. A. C. Frlsbee. charged with clr-
Ing .1 cheek for $35 to tho Square
Deal drug company which was
turned down by the bank upon pre
sentation, was scheduled for ar
raignment this afternoon at 2
o'clock. At 11 o'clock, this fore
noon, Frlsbee was without legal ad
vlco and a continuance was grant
ed until 2 o'clock to enable him to
socure an attorney. The check was
mado good to the drug company
earlier In the week.
At 10 o'clock this morning, Ed
ward, Roy and Walter Mallory
wero to be arraigned In the Justice
court on a chargo ot "wanton in
Jury to personal property." Thoy
woro accused by Ocorgo Duke of
Crescent. Tho plaintiff alleges that
tho threo men dug a holo In tho
public highway noar Crescent on
May 27 and when Mr. and Mrs.
Duko drovo along this highway,
they allege, that they drove their
car over a pile of brush which con
cealed tho holo and all were pro-
clpltatcd into tho pit, Injuring tho
mnchlno and straining Mrs. Duke's
back. No one of tho parties -were
present at tho trial but a tolephono
message stated that they would bo
on hand sometime this aftornoon.
The defendants aro out on $500
ball each.
Tho last scheduled case on Jus-
tlco Qaghagen's docket until July
'6 Is sot for tomorrow morning at
10 o'clock when A. W. Finch will
bo nrralgnod on a chareo of nl.
If Red careless driving whllo on n
journoy to Kirks ford. July 12. The
complaint was sworn out at thn
Instance of Stephen Herllh, who
olIogcB lhat his wlfo and children injured when tho marl -nn
driven by Finch crashed Into a
spring wagon containing Mrs. Hor
llhy and two small children.
Wattenburg, Lorenz
Get Chiloquin Job
U. K. Wattonburg, local contrac
tor, was awardod tho gonornl con
tract for building tho now school nl
Chiloquin by tho directors of tho dis
trict last evening. Tho plumbing anr"
heating contract was awarded to the
Lorenz Plumbing company of thlr
Tho total cost ot tho building If
estimated at approximately $25,000
Tho general construction will cos'
in tho neighborhood of $20,000 anr"
tho plumbing contract Is between
i,ouu ana $a,oou jou.
The freo market nronosed hv
Chris Dianas ot the' Arcade hotel I
to be tried out as quickly as a num
ber ot farmers who hare nrodnca
of any sort to dispose ot In this
market, which temporarily will be
in the basement ot the Arcade ho
tel on Slain street, can be induced
to bring their stuff .there says Mr.
Mr. Dianas stated this moraine
that he was sure of barer to anr
sort of fresh vegetable or market
produce for the Initial trial of the
market and all he need mow 1 th
names ot farmer who will call or
wrlto him at pottofflce box 477,
Klamath Falls at once telllna- him
on what date they will bring tkelr
stock m for disposal. Mr. Dianas
would Ilko to start Saturdar If It
could bo arranged, and is now bend-
Ing every effort to that end.
As an evidence that tha tnarkat
can bo triod out. Mr. Dianas sUtes
that bo haa already made arrange
ments with a set of barer who will
tako caro of the commodities
brought in, The question now Is
will tbo farmer supply produce.
.Mr. Diana also state that n
roductlon In price In the fresh Tog
otable lino can be bad without a
trial and while the results of the
market will not be felt o much
tbi year, nez season the farmer
will benefit for this free market
will create a demand far th.
farmers' produce and eventually
jviaraain county can raise enough
green stuff to take care of all .it.
needs, and $200,000 which to sow
oaring mi county yearly can be
kept here for borne development.
Mr. Dianas atitM ! k. .
will try lo aecara newspaper yuMlcr, --
Itv tnr Oil. - JH..I... :'" .. .1 I
-- . .M.a w urjivL db mi nan
when "produce will Nbo in and that
uy tarmor wno Has only a small
nmount of material to dlsnosa of.
even If only enough for one sale.
win no wclcomo to como and use
tho freo market for his purpose.
Tho buyers will come to th0 mar
ket once that It Is started Is the
firm belief of Mr. Dianas.
Tho labor organizations favor a
trial plan, he says.
Former Shippington
Man Dead in Cal.
News was received yesterday of the
death In a Redding. California hospi
tal, of William Allen, until recently
of Shippington, Mr. Allen sold his
Shippington storo recently and went
to California, hoping to improvo his
health. Hospital authorities found a
First Stato and Savings bank pais
book in his effects attor his death
and notified the bank hero. Mr. Allen
was aged about 50 years and un
married. Ho is not known to have had
rolatlvos hore. Fred Qarleh Is investi
gating and hopes to learn where thu
doad man's rolatlvos reside on tho
roturn ot Fred DcChalne. a close
friend, now at ltornbrook.
Shanahan Brothers
Asks Courts to End
Financial Troubles
Don D. Shanahan and John Shana
han, owners of tho Shanahan Dros.
ranch at Dly, Klamath county, Mon
day fllod a voluntary petition ot
bankruptcy' in the federal court at
Portland. Liabilities of the firm total
$74,672.54 and asset $81,235.10,
according to the petition.
Tho petition alleges that suit fllod
by John P. McAullffo for tho fore.
closure ot a mortgage ot $17,666.80
Is causing all othor creditors to
clamor for payment of claims, and
that relief can ho obtained only thru
bankruptcy procedure. Tho suit was
alleged to have been fllod July 9,
192, In tho circuit court of Klamath
county. Another mortgage of $14,000
Is hold by Spratt Wells, of Ashland
Or., tho petition alleges.
Ot the debts contracted by tho
firm,. $'34,166. 89 is in secured claims
and $31,676.61' In unsecured claims.
Ot tnOjUsBots; a total, ot;$50,000 Is
In roil! tjstt'te and $23,7pO In stock,
consisting of 3000 head.-