IMM MX TVESDAT, JrtJI.Y 1, I Ml " THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Pergonal Mention Mrs. S. 0. Eastwood and har ulster, Mm. William Chcyno while out there Hor Orora nnd J. F. Oooller nro away ori week's fishing-trip at Diamond l.nkc. Mrs. Arnold arrived latl night from Portland to vlult with old frlondi horn. Mrs. Arnold reMdcd In Klamath Falls (or n number of years. C. V. Holmes, who camo Into town this morning from Malln said that ho was making plans to moro to Klam ath Falls In order to glvo his person nl supervision to tho operation ot ho Klamath Cash grocery, which ho nvm. Mrs. T. N. Cunningham was a coun- rcajy untH Thursday. ty seat visitor, yesterday afternoon iukkhv ohwimi delayed. Arrnngomcnt. tor Installing an electric bakery nt Anderson's groce teria have been postponed for a day, on account of delay in tho electrical connections. Tho bakery was to bo operating tomorrow but It was an nounced today that It Mould not bo from her homo In Pine Grove. Mrs. Frank Stowart and Mrs. Rob ert Choyno wero making purchases from Klamath Falls merchants yes terday. Mrs. 13. W. Short was attending to business affairs hero yesterday after noon. Charles Qray made a trip Into town yesterday from his ranch In the Pine Grove section to get supplies for his haying crew. M. P. Crlslcr, brother of C n. Crlsler of this city, left on tho morn ing train for his homo in Kansas, af ter a two days visit here. Mr. and Mrs. C.,B. Crlslcr accompanied by their daughter Mrs. Barryhltl and Mr. Barryhlll, have Just returned from a two weeks camping trip at Diamond lake. Mr. and Mrs. Leo lleck and two children, were passengers on tho out going train this morning for their homo In Colorado. They have been visiting Mr. Deck's parents tor several days. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Turner left this morning for Lowlston, Idaho after a visit ot several weeks with their sons, David and John Turner ot Lan gel! Valley. It. C. Spink Is In town today from Idlcrest on Spring Creek attending to matters of business. Mrs. Rex McMillan, who was Miss Joslo Lour before her marriage, Is here from Weed California, for a short visit with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Low. G. D. Coxad accompanied by his daughter. Miss Verda, C. J. Mcintosh of O. A. C. and Colvln V. Dymcnt, Dean of the school ot Liberal Arts, lfl this morning for Lakevlew. From there they will go to Bend for tho Editorial convention. George L. Holbrook, a sheepman of this county, was in town yesterday. Mr. Holbrook said that ho had sold all his wool, but at a much lower price than In the past. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Mills arrived in town yesterday via Crater lake from Portland. They will visit here with Mr. Mills' brothers, Lyle and Fred Mills, whom Mr. Mills has not seen for over 15 years. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mills accompanied tho visitors ont to the Lyle Mills ranch this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Coryclle, who have been hero on a two weeks hon eymoon, left on tho morning train for their tuturo home In Corning. Whllo hero they were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mooro. G. A. Hansen and children ot Med ford were passengers on the stage thla morning bound for Crater Lake M. E, Olsen and E. L. Kltcb. who have been enjoying a vacation outing la Klamath County, lcf.t this morn ing for Orand Island, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Glen O. Knight are regtste'red at the White Pelican Hotel from San Francisco today. J. W. Day arrived last night from Portland, Oregon, and is stopping at the White Pelican hotol. C. J. Hubbard of Portland Is spending a few days hero attending to business affairs. T. H. Batson, attendant from tbo stato hospital, left this morning for Raim with Fred Ramsoy, a drug addict, who will be treated at tho institution. Roy Fouch was a passenger on this morning's train bound for Weed, where he will bo occupied with busi ness affairs for a couple of days. Everett Griffith who oporates a ranch below tho Lost River dam, was in town yesterday purchasing sup plies. Charles Swingle is visiting old friends here from his home in Yam hill. Edward Gowen was in town from Chlloquln yesterday attending to business matters. Mr. Gowen operates a general store in tbo reservation town. Pa'nl Wamplor made a business trip into town yesterday from Odessa. A. R. Campbell and wife visited in town yesterday from tholr ranch east ot town. Mrs. Clarence Harris made a trip Into town yesterday afternoon from her ranch borne at Pine Grove to purchase supplies, Jessie 'Drew was in town this week from ber home at Hlldebrand. Mrs. W. H. McPberren spent the week-end at Mt. Lakl, where she sang two vocal numbers for the church affair Saturday evening. She' visited OOXTINUK PHONE IIEAIUNQ SALEM, July 19. Tho Taclflc Tolophono & Telegraph company hB fifty witnesses gathered hero for tho rate rehearing, Including experts from the east. Today's testimony dealt largely with tho tolophono users resistance ot the Increase. Two days nro expected to bo de voted to technical testimony. NEW TODAY FOR SALN Cheap, llulck roadster, good condition. H25 Crescent Ave 10.22 If von hiivn trlotl for 8 vunr to set i Ruim lui'iuru, irj- nuiiaim. ly A good bod and a good bath nt Colonial Rooms, 11th near Main St. and at Colonlnl Annex, 741 Walnut Axe. All outsldo airy rooms. IV Dressmaking, guaranteed satisfac tion. Voiles nnd housn drosses n specialty. Phono 461. 19-25 ROOMS FOR RENT r.Oc up. All rooms nro clean outsldo rooms In cluding bath. Home Rooming House, 920 Klamath Ave. Last houso on right hand side of Klamath nvo. 19-25 Furnished bed room for rent. Unth. hot and cold water. Call Dr. Lamb. 19-21 Editor Sells Paper, On Vacation Now Colonial one -room cabins for housekeeping. 11th near Main Bt. and 741 Walnut ave. 19 George H. Flagg, accompanied by i Mrs. Flagg, arrived nere last even ing by auto. Mr. Flagg was editor and publisher ot tbo Condon Times for several years, disposing ot It recently to other parties. Before again embarking In the newspaper business ho decided to tour Oregon and become thoroughly familiar with Its varied resources. His visit here Is part ot that tour and when ho leaves Klamath county It will bo with an Impression that will always make him a bellovcr In Its re sources and a lover of its wonder ful scenic panoramas and beauty spots. From hero Mr. and Mrs. Flagg will go to Lakevlew, north into Mal heur county and other sections of Eastern Oregon. "PATMAItCllB ATTENTION" Installation of officers, Tuesday Evening. July 19th. Banquet, after wards. J. H. HOUSTON, C. P. 19 CIIAITEII MAHONH Regular communication ot Klam ath Chapter. Numlior .16, R. A. M. to night nt 7 o'clock nt Musonlo Tmnplo, A short business sosslon. J. E. MUTTON, Secy., Ily ordor of High 1'ilont lit m i Unionists Term De - Valera Visionary BELFAST. July ll.-Tho return to Belfast ot Sir Jam oh CiuIk, Ulster premier, nnd mninborH of his cabinet from London, must not ho taken ns a sign ot rupturo of negotiations, said Colonel Spender, socretnry of tho peaco delegation, on arrival here. Tho delegation may ho rocnlled to London next wook. Do Vnlora W regarded as a visionary nnd tho I'ntonlntn fcol that thcro Is no discussion posslbtn until he modifies his views regnrdlug the Irish question. yWVWWWWWWWWWVMWWXyW . Ei..T WKW V. S. EXPENSES N1MJ BILLION l.KBH TIIA.V lUUO WANTED Cook for ranch. Leave nnmo and address nt Lawrence's Cigar Store. PACIFIC COAST MINT COMPANY 19 WASHINGTON, July 19. lovorn merit expenditures during the fiscal year Just ended dropped off by ntn billion dollars as compared with Inst year's expenditures. WANTED Woman for all round work In Hand Laundry. French Hand Laundry. 123 N. 4th St. 19-21 FAIIIVJKW TRANSFER Will save you monoy on your trans ferring, also Block Wood, IS.50 per cord. Phono 209R. 18-25 Pine Beetle Talk At Forum Lunch The forum of the chamber of comi merco at the lunchoon tomorrow will bo In charge of O. D. Burke, vice president ot the First National Bank, who will Introduce a speaker, A. J. Jaenlcke, of the entomological de partment ot tho U. S. Forestry servlco ot Portland. Tho subject will be "Checking tho Ravages of the Pine Beetle." Mr. Jaenlcko has mado an exhaus tive study ot tbo plno beetle , and, knows the pest as It exists in this county. It 1s expected that a largo number ot the tlmbermen ot this sec tion will be on hand to listen to his discourse. FOR RENT Nicely furnished down stairs apartment, ono block from Main, G22 Klamath Avo. 19 Family of threo desires a four or 6 room houso must bo modern and close In Reliable pooplo will glvo references. Address Box II. M. Her ald. 10-23 FOR SALE 1920 Ford coupe. A-l condition, four now tires. Box R. care Herald. 19-20 Mako that idle dollar work! Put It in the hank. m Most men aro too modest to admit tho size of their faults. STAR THEATRE Tonight Elaine Hammerstein IN it Pleasure Seekers A story of plnln county folks and a plcturo that proves that tho great est joys ot II fo ore found In thu simpler things. MMMWWWWWWWIWVHWWMWW -o I WEATHER RECORD o o Hereafter The Herald will publish the mean and maximum tempera- urcj and precipitation record as tak en by the U. S. Reclamation service tatlon. Publication will cover the day previous to the paper's Issue, up to & o'ciock or tno day. Pre Max MIn. clplUtlon July 14 88 July 15 87 July 16 87 July-17 90 July 18 89 MIn. 51 48 63 54 Councilman and Fire Chief Clash (Continued fiom rage 1) an admission from all the council men that bo had accorded them courtesy but wound up with tho stntcmont, "All except him and ho Is not entitled to it for he does not extend it to anyono," all the time pointing an accusing finger at Councilman Vollmor. Mayor Wiley tried pouring oil on tho troubled waters by remark ing that tho council was getting no place and this quieted the af fair. On a motion made by West and seconded by temporary appointment of Jack Wldby was passed ,all vot ing favorably except Councilman Vollmer who did not vote. In tho plcturo tonight At tho Liberty Uncharted Seas" They stage a battlo ' On board the "Sturdy" A historic sailing vessel That has seen service Off tho Oregon Coast For halt a century And the ship Is wrecked And goes down In tho ley wators And It's one of tho best Marine pictures We've ever seen ' And pretty Alice Lake Is tbo star. And our old friend Art Acord Adds a few thrills In "Tbo Wblto Horseman" And added to this A good comedy And a beautiful scenic Make a dandy program. H. W. P. ! iii'ii-v'v-(i-ij-u-mj Wednesday Monte Blue in "The Kentuckian" $3,200 7-Room House Two bed rooms, dininjg room and kitchen. Completely fuirnfished. Four lots 60x120 each. All completely fenced. Two poultry heuses: and yards. Large garden, growing nicely. Thirty fruit trees in lull bearing, and loaded with fruit. Sixteen apple, 6 cherry, 2 psar, 3 peach, I apricot, 1 prune, 1 plum. a. Sixteen large Poplar shade trees, 4 Locust trees and 4 Lilac bushes. In tho "Warm Hell" on tltn Wrt Hide, II biota (mill Mnln St. nty nntrr plxil for Irrigation. tlraull fill ! of rlty, lako, rUrr nml valley. A roI thing ciiii Im mntlo on tills plant nlth poultry, fruit urn! gar ilmi. lliiiiHslinlo ihmmwiUiii ghm. Terms will be arrange! to Milt nny rrfMMUlbto puiflutiKT. , SEE PAUL BOGARDUS SWANSON BLDG COOLEST THEATRE IN TOWN The Strand THEATRE Hbo VtorfT ictjfi AKMoce Honey vwouoenwue mi, IbeT Bermtcr Ji 5am. w: 7w ;k HJBSi K--tfL MM? TsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsssTr L, 'Jrl ii Formerly the Mondale 1180 Slain Ht. Tonight Entlro town burntng In "Hells Hinges WITH- William S. Hart And all star cast Including Loulne Olaum and Clara Williams It it's action and thrills you -vant tho no tion and thrills In this plcturo will make you hold onto your seats, also Hallroom Coim.cJy, rnilcd "MOVIE MADMW." A ure fire laugh producor. Two shows 7 and 9 o'clock. I F KLAMATH was as interested in OIL as it is in "Moonshine," our capital stock would be oversubscribed before daylight tomorrow. . If we could put as much "KICK" in N. C. O., as there is in some noon-shine, the whole, power of the U. S. government couldn't keep the . public from buying it. We are sorry to notice that many ' people would rather buy moon-shine ' than N. C. O. Accprding to latest quotations, one share of N. C. O. is worth about the same as one drink of moon-shine. Buy "Moonshine" and help dig a grave Buy "N. C. O. and r Help Drill a WelP Phone 577-3 or call at 532 Main St. I Northern Cal. Oil Co., Klamath Falls Ore. Enclosed check I for which please reserve for 'ino sharos N. C. O. Stock at 11.00 per sharo, for which I ngrco to subscribe upon receipt of subscription blank. ' Namo Address Dato 1 IWJWgiuwiaasagMtgwgWMMwiiwiMi'iMaijiiMiiiiOTatiM lNMfahMMMM nwnm.itwmi.wmi, MwK.amaju t t)-i vtm-' i