rial twucib 1 ...x.'-s THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, JULY !, 1931 The Office Cat ANDROSS-GLOVER STYLE SHOP 707 Main St Phone 341 W mm ey M wsisssslelM'aVVMVs Every Blouse in stock reduced to Vu price. AstaAakAaamsatasVVswVfVa Sport Coats $C 91! actual valuM up to 112.60. $9 70 actual vnluss up to 116. 76, Colors Scarlet and Green. ' AIDING IT v IIY JUNIUS WHAT All4 18? TImi ku Old Hoys. Baggy rides JJooin Ba cigars Whiskers. 110 suits Boots Hani blondes 10c shaves IlUlltM Tintype Corset Hlctn saddles. Nickel car rides 3c n. H. faro Freo luncchM 'oot itanclns Dollar watches Town pump Korosnno lamp Pants patches l.ploco bathing suits Coat to burn Celluloid collar II a ilar holnls Natural complexion Home-made bri'nil Btarched collar Cotton stocking Mustache cups Largo families Longhand letter Crayon partrnlti. TITO World TmUjr Movies Flivvers Jsxz Hand ooc haircuts Two-bit shnvea 811k shirts Low necks Bolshevists Sugar shortage Coat shortage flklrt sbortano Bilk liosft Tho shimmy. Wrist watches 6c fares 1100 suits Cafeterlss White mule 6'hour dart 118 shoe Jamaica ginger Teddy beam Manicures Oolf Plucked eyobrows. Joy riding TlRbt HklrtH Bridge whist Skyscrapers I. W. Wl's Divorce Jteforniora. Tltny'ro after lilm Keno, July 16, 1931. Pear Junius: The Klamath Falls power ptant must be figuring on Increasing tbo force, as J. 11. Hooch Is rocolvlng loi ters from fouf ladlos matrimonially Incllnod. Correspondent. J. T. Perkins says some magaslno covers should bo from tbo males. of the barred NOTICE OF IMPOUNDING Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, Poundmaster of tho City of Klamnth Falls. Orogon. did. on this 12th day of July 1021 at the hour of 9 n. m.. tako up and Im pound In tho pound of said City tho following described animals: 1 black homo about 10 years old wt. about 1500 pounds, No braud Visible. 1 Day homo about 10 yearn old. Wt. about 1C00 poundB. No brand Visible 3 head of cattle brandod 0 undor bar on loft sldo, mnrkod swallow fork In both ears. There are othor horsos In thi pounds, with undecipherable brands. Parsons having horsos missing should call and soo If their stock Is among them. H, 8, WILSON, Poundmnittr 14-10 Prospective early railroad buy ing nixiinn to forncaiit thn passim; of thn moHt prolonged period ot ex tritnin dnpriiKNlon over known to tbo Wat Ciiasl lumber Induntry, says the wookly rnvlow of thn Wont Const Lumbermen's nsnoclnt'nn, Willi a resumption of railroad pur chases, a gradual Improvomont Is anticipated In tho fall -with prob ablo return to normal by spring, providing further freight rnto read JuMmenln rentorn compcitltlVR con dltlonti for Wont Coast lumber In eastern markets. Tho government has Plain well advancod to disburse about r.no..i. 000,000 to the railroads at the j Rfltnn limn ftiniflni. n1l..nit l..t..l.i' " '!. ...... .M.l III. I'JHl- iKliKtan to tho government, there by temporarily relieving thn mil mads of their burden of ilnlit to the government, while placing In tho hands ot tho roads an Immense amount of rash with which to ro hnbllltato properties und equip ment. For this purposo thorn Is now In tho United State treasury a sum of 1200,000,000, with nil ill ilnnal itpproprlutlons nvallablo without tho necessity of onabllng legislation. The government cuali. bv nermll- tlug the roads to resume purchax-i lug activities and redeem vouch ers. In expected to provide a sub. stantlul stimulus to builneas gen erally. In tbo meantime, however, pro duction In western Oregon and western Washington. continues heavily under normal by reason of light demand, restricted credit, and heavy slocks at tbo mills. For tho week ondlng July 9th. which Included the mld-soason hoi. May rloso down, production was only 48 per cent of normal, with 104 mills reporting 34.639.110 foot as sgalnat a normal production of 7S.B70.000 feet. i Now bualnosn and dollverlos ern likewise depressed, orders for tho week totaling 38,46S,06S foot and shipments 36,218,167 foot. I In the trade calling for delivery, by rail only 979 cars ot new bust, ness was added to tbo order files, whllo only 816 cars worn loaded out by the reporting mills. In both In stances tho business was about 1,- oo cars short of normal. The un shipped balanco of orders for rail delivery has reached a new low level at 3,913 cars as against a nornnl of 13,000' cars. Tho un sblppod domostlo cargo balanco Is 93,737,730 fott. Tbo unshipped ex port balance, 20,320,366 feet. Old Time Gun Men Not Used to Movie Director Stunts I1IBIIKB. Arlx.. July 18. Making of moving picture is rathor a novol ly In tnls part of tbn country nnd Ulsbee roaldont havo difficulty In netting used to seeing gaudily dress, ed wostorn 'bad men" rushing around with "artlllory" strapped on their bolts. Soma of the real old-tlmo western ers aro apt to Jump at tho wrong conclusion when a "movlo westornor" goes on thn warpath. For this reas. on, a moving plcturo company, plan. nlng to stngo a boldtup scono nt thn dopot nt Osborn, olght mllos south of hero, bnd the trnln crow warn pas songors no toss than ton Union before reaching tho station that a "movie train robbery" would be staged. In splto of this, several old tlmors on NOT1CK TO IIIDDEUH Boalod proposals will bo rocolvod up to July 10th.. 1921 by Bchool District No. B3, Klamath County, for tho construction nt a bcIioo! building and for the Plumbing nnd Hoatlng of samo. Dlds must bo accompanied by a certificate chock to tho amount or 5 per cent ot tho bid or tho samo shall bo rojectod. to bo made pay able In favor ot Wm. Skeon, clork of thn said district, to bo roturnod to bidders upon signing of contract nnd to bo rotalned if micccssful bidder fulls to onter Into contract as spocl tlod. Plans nnd specifications may bo ob tained from a. R. Wright, Archltoct, Klamath Falls or Wm. Skeon of Chll oquln, nnd a doposlt of $10,00 will bo required for snrao. l'ropossnls may bo lort olthor with Wm. Blcoon, nt Chlloquln, Orogon up to 7:30 o'clock, or with a. R, Wright. Archltoct. Klamath Falls, Orogon, up to 12,00 m. July 19th, 1021. The board rosorves tho right to nccopt any one bid or roject any or all bids. Dated at Chlloquln, Orogon, this 8th. day of July, 1921. (SlfPtd) WiM. 8KEEN, Clerk. 8-18 Hey ma! ,iA THI3 OLD TfclM VSsssfl VJORm HAVING Ti "W L cieANep Jm r-l- i w BKm. sd i tho trnln renchod for their hips when thn bandits" appeared nnd had to bo rnnvlnntd by fellow passengers that thn bold up wus not tho real thing. M"k" thlt ''"' H"r workl Put U '" ' ' DR. L. L. TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phone, 407 Night Pbone, 8 Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C. E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabiott Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine Klamath Falls Plumb ing & Heating Co. 1178 MAIN HT. PIIONK B4S-W Concrete for Permanence Take advantage of the low cost of construction and build now. Porter can do the job. ouis K, Porter 1140 Main St. Phone 540-W KX4ERVICE MK7T, ATTENTION Klamatb Post No. 8, Amorlcaa Legion meets at tho City Hall on the first and third Tuesdays ot each month. Hx-iervlce mon are Invited to at tend ths meetings. For membership cards or Informs, tlon or-iorvlco men are requosted to seo or wrlto tho following efficers: J. II. Carnsbsn, Commander. Roy N. Foucb, Tost Adjutant For relief of omploymont see or write the Chairman of Tho Hellof and Employment Committee, Francis Oldi, care Lakeside Lumber com pany. J. O. CLKOUORN CIVIL ENOINBER AND SURVEYOR Phono 192J 133 B. Riverside Household Furniture OOODS OF ALL KINDS OUR PRICES RiailT ' Wo Buy, Belt and Exchange. Cor. Sixth and Klamath Ave. DICK'S CO. KUmath Lodge No. 1S7 i. a o. f. Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, 5th and Main streets II. H, Oglo . .. N. a. Chas. Newman ....... ............V, O. O. II. Mangue . . .- Secy. W. D. Cofor ....... ..........Treas. ENCAMPMENT J. II. Houston . ............ .....C, P, II. V. Brown ............... B. W. L. J. MeClure Bcrlbe E. J, Mayer .. .....Treaiurer PELICAN BAT BUS Fare S5o each way Leaves Rex Cafe Leave Pelican City 7:45 a.m. 8:00 arm. 13:45 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p. m. 6:30 p. m. Reckard Heat Bervfc Phone T7 ae-tt Advance Autumn Apparel MILLINERY Indescribably lovely are the new fall hats. They are designed expressly to reflect the varying hat modes for fall. Hats of duvetyn felt, and velvet, as complemenent to the street suit, or perky taffetas for afternoon and evening wear. Canton Crepe and Satin Frocks Revealing advance fall style tendencies. Models of pleasing simplicity. EVERY WASH FROCK IN STOCK Reduced 1-2 Price and Less VOILES, ORGANDIES, SWISSES, GINGHAM 0 20 DISCOUNT On all Gray Silk Hosiery ONLY. Sizes 8& to 10 20 MMAMfWWMWWW ywwWWWNVVVAW Every Wool Sweater Reduced to Half-Price SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY FOR SPECIAL VALUES. Andross-Glover Style Shop DENTISTS Dr. E. & Witecanrer PHONS SM Dr. P. M. Noel FHOlOs 4 Over Pef oosTs Bveatk aad Msia Street CHIROPRACTORS DRS. MALLETT AND MALLETT OFFICE OVER UNDERWOOD'b Plione R30-J. Soventli & Main IGLOVER MAKES Your Watch Keep Time. 511 Main St. Klamath Falls L. D. Gass, M. D. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT GLASSES FURNISHED Warren Hunt Hospital Phono 407 Rm. White Pelican Holi-I. Pbnne S Klamath Falls Cyclery We are here to sorve you, and aim to serve you right. Motorcycles and Bicycles, Ports and Acessorles, Tires and Tabes, that will stand your Inspection, as wo carry the best In our line. Ropslr shop In connection with Harley-Davtdson Service. Phone 079 1010 Main St. Klamath Falls O. E. BIRMARK DR. T. C CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I. O. O. F. Building. Phone two Residence Whit Pelican Hotel RefttMtce Plione f , SHOP IN KLAMATH FALLS es Suits, Silk Petticoats. FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Phone 4S4W. X.Rar laboratory Loomk Bldfr, Klasasitti IWU Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 OCR CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRLNO WILL MAKE XOCB CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW HATS KEBLOCKED Goods Colled for and Delivered 481 Main Street KUmatk rail WILL Take oat Cellars or Fill in Lots CON MURPHY 017 Mortimer St. Phone 51LW 832 Main Street Upp's Auto Phone 91-W Service DAY AND NIQHT SERVICE Experienced Drivers New Can Klamath Falls, Ore. DR. & A. MASSEY i Foarth and Pine St. In Warren Hunt Hospital Off. Phone 417 Res. Phone SIM VVW00W0lr'im i DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist L O. O. V. Bmlldtni PHONE 61 FILZ' SCHOOL OF POPULAR MUSIC I have constructed thru years ot experience tho only course that teaches you to play ' tho piano by NOTE and by EAR In 10 to 20 les sons. Write for particulars, 701 11th St.. Klamath Falls. Pro. Phono 367R. NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY Tut Your Duds In Our Such" PHONE 154 Corner Main ant) Conger W'M'MMVVVVVMMVMMMWMafVWWMWVWWVat 20.?DISCOUNT ON Kayser Silk underwear, Crepe de Chine under wear, Gloves, House Dress- Kunonas, Bathing fMAAMAAAAAWMAAMSIWWMWWVMWMWWVWWWVWWS DR. J. G. GOBLE The well-known Optician now located In K. D. Block. 1313 Main. Phone J51-M. r AAA0Wt Office Phone 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Sanrsoa White Balldlng Klamath Falls Oregon 'The Best Insurance for Every Need' CALKXNS.DONELSON INSURANCE AGENCT WINTERS BUILDING Phone SG0-W. We can serve you lnsuraneewls. CLARA B. CALKINS, MOLLIS S. DONELSON. Excavating Teaming Let us make yon a price on dig. glng that basement, or other ex cavating you contemplate. ( We also do team work ot every description. Phone 426-J E. D. LAMB fHYHIUIAIV AND HUBOBOIf Phones 17W 17R Rooms 1 and S White Building SAW BULL ENGINEERING ' CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern saw mills, planing wills and box plants. Dredging. Pile driving. Phone 486-W Offioe Corner Spring and Oak Near S. P. Depot DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence . Phones 321 I. 0. O. P. Temple 'm i v u urn -Wf i ' I j J ' v