MONDAY, J VIA' IN, 1011 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'AOH TWO The Evening Herald J. MU1UIAY. FRED HOVhK - KdJtor -.City KdJtor Published ally except Sunday, by The Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at 118 Eighth Strcot. ntored at tho postofflco at Kla toath Falls, Ore., for transmission through the mails aa second-class attar. MKMIlKlt OK TIIR ASSOCIATED I'HI283. Tho Associated Pro -a ts excluslToly ntltlcd to tho uso for republication of all news dispatches crodltcd to It, r not othorwlso credltod In this paper, and also tho local nows pub lisher herein. MOMIAV, JUIiY 18, 1021 OK CI.KAX IIOXIXQ OYom Sacramento Union) This agitation against boxing by the International' Reform Bureau, personified more or less by Or. Wilbur K, Crafts, docs not appear exactly logical. I Crafts affirms that boxing Is de bauching and demoralizing, that It consists of an assault by ono per son on another and thus Is unlaw ful. Strange it Is that during tho war famous pugilists and "well-known amateurs appeared throughout tho United States on behalf of tho Y. M. C. A., tho Red Cross and tho Salvation Army. Due to tho efforts of these boxers large sums vraro raised for the soldiers. In addjtlon tho services of other famous pugil ists were retained to teach tho army boys tho rudiments of boxing. The moral status of a sport does not change over night and furth ermore boxing Is an oxerclso tend ing to develop tho most desirable qualities In a youth. Ability to take a stinging right handcr on tho Jaw and still smile; will pow er to contlnuo a fight when tho birdies are beginning to chirp or generosity toward a defoated op ponent, are qualities which nro in valuablo In over)- activity of ljfo and form tho basis of a truo chiv alry. That thero aro plug-uglies, rut flans and various disreputables con nected with the boxing gamo Is ad mitted. Theso gentry must bo dis carded. ' However, the presenco of such Individuals no moro constitutes an argument for tho abolishment ot boxing than tho mombershlD ot An ftccaslonalunJcaJrn'bio la, tho court- House, for Instance, Juitlfles con demnation of tho cntiro personnel. Good, clean bot'iu Is .1 heulth and character asset ot tho first degree. Stockings (SnaaH BBBBBBBBBBassaaw Mushing bclso Is the very newest effect in silk hosiery. No wondor the stockings blush, you say, tho way they aro exposed to the public srase. llut be that aa It may the very latest thing Is beige with tho faint blush which gives the stocking, when In, action, tho effect of flesh. Every woman knows that she can not bo well dressed unless her ffJt are properly shod and stockinged. Tho black satin sandal pumps and thin black silk hoso in tho picture aro always good form, for afternoon and avtiUoc wear. I WEATHER RECORD I 3 0 Hereafter The Herald, will publish the mean and maximum tempera ures and proclpltatlon record as tak en by tho U. S. Reclamation service tatlon. Publication will cover the day previous to tho paper's Issue, up to 5 o'clock ot tno uay. Max July 1 73 July 2 .. 67 July 3 79 July A S5 July 5 85 July 6 90 July .... 7 91 July 8 90 July 9 SS July 1CL .......... S6 July 11 July 12 July 13 ... ,July 14 I July IS July is July 17 . S3 89 89' 88 87 87 90 Mln. 46 36 36 42 4G 47 S3 55 .63 54 i5-4 64 55 51 48 53 54 Pro-clpltatloo NEW TODAY v Kodak finishing Is our business. Not n side lino. Bllnson Photo shop, 18 7 passenger nuto leaving for Port land nt 7:30 a. m. Tuesday morning. Can hnmllo 0 passengers D. 11. Mansflold, Hotol Arcade. 18 LOST Herald carrlor collection book for Klamath Ave. Routo. Pleaso return to this oftlco as It In n groat loss to tho carrlor. 18-30 Trucking 'nnd ntorngo. Central Transfer & Storage Co. 155V. 15-31 FOR RBNT 3 room houso partly furnished, screened porchos. ISO per month Mrs. Nuto Ottorboln, 901 9th A Lincoln. 18-10 WANTKD TOUNQ WOMEN FOR' TELEPHONE OPERATORS NO EXPBRIKNCB REQUIRED SAIAHY PAID WHILE LEARNING APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR THE PACIFIC TEI.EPHONH AND TELEGRAPH CO. 16-18 FOR RENT Furnished two room npartment. 527 Klamath Aro. Phono 461. 18 FOR RENT Nicely furnished npart ment, ono block from Main, $30 per month. 522 Klamath nvc. 18 Trucking and storngo. Control Transfer & Storago Co. 155W. 15-31 Will tho two young men who call ed upon tho operator nt tho Star Theatro about March 5, 1921. to learn oloctrlclty, kindly address Roy Q. Tatch, Klamath Falls. 18-20 Trucking and storage. Central Transfor & Storago Co. 155W. 15-31 RANCH AND STOCK FOR SALE 1675 head of sheep and lambs, 20 head of cattlo, C horses. Stock run In 4 fenced pastures, plnro furnishes feed all year around with room for moro stock. Running water In houso, 600 bearing fruit tree. largo Irrlga tlon plant, and farm machinery, hay on hand nnd growing crop. Prlco 125.000.00 with torms. M. F. Cop pock, 18 miles south of Mnlln, Ore 18,22,25,29,1.5., In Ye Olde Home Towne mxTVw ib iwsr crFicr A, MAN. 7) fNO-NO JSt! WW 1 AM COW.DAJT Jthavcliak; I my renr Lew I I HOME , a IJ'JMi. ftr& M3 Si - "JJJjjgsMitowS the LaasflM I CSiJlffiJlfflKniNttliVt-ANISAKe: I tSSSJSJSSSk1,gSSSSSS JU3riNTMt I iJSSsMaaaaaaaaal Tt IU1AT" I ft7L HP5WBgPBrirM oit I (v. i.iij CMtvrw.. 1 iiisrLxB v . i 1 iTi- ratih tniT nr.." s 1 - s&imaua .vjy 'wsuzjf m """" jj, sfti Nni:.iH ''ill w mi n sh j- u N?v mh.. SlCV llllW WANTKD , School District No. 1, will re cnlvn smiled bids up to Mondny, July 20th, from contractors for tho ores ton -of nn addition to (ho Mill Hclmol mid mi addition to the Kulrvlnw School. All bids must ba ac compaitlcd by t'ltlioru certified chock for C per cent of amount of bid or u bidders' bond for 6 por cent amount ot bid. Address bids to Ida II. Mam yor, dork, Plans inny bo obtained from tho dimlgnur, Charles Conolmom. Ida II. Momynr, Clerk Dlst. No. I 10-36 - I yt 1 &2k;- TMAS 0CFFr3OH JACKSON, WHOOAVC UP MlS P05MICW A3 HORTTR AT TC CL'MTfVU. MOTKU TO JOM A MIMSTNCU TROOPC SOMB TIMU AGa RETURNCD HOMH TDCAV wmsSi . NOTICE OK I'lNAI. SiriTMCMHNT Notlca Is hereby given that she tindurslitned udmlnlslrator, with Ike will annexud, of tho ostnto nt (loorge Engwlcht, iluroasod, lian filed In Ike County Court nt the statu of Orogoa, for Klamath County tho final ac count of his administration ot said estate, and said Court ban fixed Aug ust 1st. 19X1 at 3 o'clock p, in. as tho time and tlm Court room of thk Court ns tho pliiro for tho hoarlng ot tho said final account nnd for tho Kotlliimeut ot said estate. Dated: Juno 25, 1021, R, C. Oroesbeck, administrator, with the will annoxod of tho ostato ot (loorgo Engwlcht. de ceased. 27-4-11-18-aS FOR BALK flood shack, 10 x 12, with store, springs, mattress, ull In tlno condition for f 50.00 cash. Ap ply at Lakosldo Lbr. Co. W. A. Skol ton. 18-19 MAHOMO MKKTINd Stated communications ot Klamath Lodge. No. 77 A. F. &. A. M. Mon day (tonight) evening. Thero will bo Important business to attend to, also work In tho M, M. degree). Como and bo thero promptly nt 7:00 In Masonic Hall. 409 Main street. 18 LEM L. OAOHAdEN, Secy. in F SALLANT FIGHT IlVrnM Wellington Iltirrjtu WA8HINC.TO.SV July 18. A flat tered brats- speaking trumpet tak en from tho hand ot Captain J, Mayhew Walnwrlght as bo lay dead on tho dock ot his ship, tho U. S. gunboat "Harriett Luno" in Calves ton harbor Jan. 1, 1862, has Just been presented to Assistant Secre tary Walnwrlght of tho war depart ment, descendant and namesake ot the gallant officer, by R. O. Duft ot Houston, Tex., In whoso family It has been presorved as a war relic for half a century. The trumpet was given to Duff's father by O. F. Itaddatz, In lattor years connected with the Daltlmoro city collogo, but who as a member of tho confed erate forpo which boarded the "Lane" after tho ship was shot to pieces In tho fight, took It from the hand ot tho Lane's commander, dead at his post. In recalling to Secretary Waln wrlght tho talo of tho old battle, when tho Lane, shot pounded by two confodornto vessels ut short range, surrondorcd. Mr. Duff told also of another tragic incident on tho deck of tho batored craft. Cap tain Walnwright's cxocutlvo offlcor, ho said ,wns Lieutenant Lea, whose father, Major A. M. Lea, command ed the confodorato forco "which re took Oalvcston In tho counter at tack. Major Lea was first to stop iiboard tho Lane, ho said, adding: "It fs said that one ot thc first objects that met his sight wai tho body ot his son, lying on tho decl: of the Lane mortally wounded 11;o lieutenant died In tho arms of his father a fow moments lator and tho mat day be and Cap tali Waln wrlght wero burled In tho samo grave, Major Lea conducing tho fun eral service." ' NEEDED HELP TD N I E PORTION!) WOMAN W,V DOWN IN 11KD WITH RHEUMATISM LS NOW IN PERFECT IIKAITII. "I am now going on sixty-six years of ago and for a long timo J I was hardly ablo to walk; but by the time I finished my second hot 'tie of Tanlac I was out In my gar den hoeing," said Mrs. Jennlo Root, 1409 Powers St. Portland, Oregon "For years I sutferod torrlbly with rheumatism and would often bo down In bed for days at a tlmo. In tho last five years thoro was nevor a time that I didn't feel those rhoumatlc pains all through my body. About two months ago, however, I got very much worse, and my arms and logs wero so bad I was almost help less and couldn't ovon hold a pen to sign my uamo. I bad no appe tite at all, was so weak I couldn't do any housework, and oven to walk a fow steps would tiro mo out completely. I couldnt oven sleep, and for a week boforo I got Tanlac I was so bad off I couldn't move at ull without hoi p. "My son got mo' to try Tanlac and beforo I had taken one bpt tlo I hardly folt llko tho samo por son and now I feel Just fine. Why, I even walked up four flights o! stairs In an offlco building wbcro tho olovator was out ot order not long ago and stood It fine. Tho fact is what Tanlac has dono for mo scorns almost a miracle. X bar gained fourteen pounds in weight nnd all my strength has come back to mo nnd thoso aches and pains havo disappeared. I will pralso Tanlac as long as I llvo." Adr. WANTED TO RENT Furnished house, reasonable rates. Should llko possession by last ot Aug. Ad dress M. H. Mtchaclson, Hlldcbrnnd, Oregon. 18? Can Count Only One Bank Failure SALEM, Or., July 18 Although Oregon has had three banks closo In recent months, tho stato really be longs In tho samo class with nix other states that havo had but ono bank falluro each nlnco November 22, 1920, according to a report received by C. Ilramwoll, state superin tendent ot banks, from the federal resorvo bank nt San Francisco. Mr. Ilramwoll explains Hint the closing ot tho Crook county bank at Prlnovlllo was a real falluro. Tho closing ot tho Hank of Jacksonville Armistice Car Goes to Museum SsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBv '.rV J, 11, ' '.Sfl fKMnfessEJsBm'V IHMSHsaXlEsViHktoF 'Jtjb" Is attributed to mismanagement and tho First Stnto A Havings hank ot Klamath Falls was reopened March 14 last. NATIONAL C. OK .'. FOIlKrVr HOARD TO MKKT, WEED. WEED, Cat., July 18. A meeting of the United States chamber of com merce committee on national forest policy will bo held hero on August 2nd. This was docldcd on at a moot ing ot tho body In Now York City on Juno 27th. The meeting will bo for tho purposo of Investigating forest conditions In this vicinity. Other points on tho Coast nt which meet ings will ho held nro Spokane, Seat tle, Portland and San Francisco, Fiction Is fnlsohnnd dono In colors. NOTICE FOR l'UIII.ICATION (Publisher) Dcpnrtmotit of the) Interior U, S. Irfiml Office at Itkevlew, Ore. Not Cnl l-ind. Juno 17, IWII NOTICE Is hrroby given that !.esllo L, Maxwell, ot llonansn, Ore gon, who, nn July 26, 1916, made Homestead Entry Number 09183, for NU SKU SV4 NHU NsHt MJVi. Soc. It SEU HM14 WUSEU, Soc. 2, Township 38(1, Range HE, Willamette Moredlaa, has filed notlro ot Intention to make final threo year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovu deserlbed, boforo J. O. Hamaknr. P H Com mlsslonnr, nt Ilonantn. Oregon 011 tho 30th day of July 1921. Clnlmant names as witnesses: K. I. Hold, Thoi llreshears, (J. W. Elliott, Richard Dixon, nil of Honan ia, Oregon. JAH, F lltJItllKHH, 21 28 6 12 19 Register. Mnkn Hint Idle dollar "rk! It In Im Imiik. Pal It's Jurt an ordinary French dining car, but It juu becomo famou. enough to bo placed In the Invalid.. mumm at JartiT ItwTSeJo that tho allies nnd Germans signed the annlstleo. l The Kind of Gingerbread that makes you want more! Half tho people In tho world are unhappy because they can't afford tho things that make tho other half miserable. Made with Carnation Milk and topped with whipped Carnation 2 cups flour, Yi tcaspoonful soda, 1 tcaspoonful ginger, Yi tea spoonful cinnamon, pinch of salt, I tabiespoonfui lard, z cup sug ar, 1 egg, 2 tablespoonfuls Carna tion Milk, 6 tablespoonfuls water, Yl cup molasses. First. oift flour, nnd then measure two cups. Add soda, ginger, cinnnmon and salt to flour, and sift twice. Cream tho lard end sugar, and odd the well beaten egg. Beat this mixture thoroughly. Mix tho molasses with tho diluted Car nation Milk, and add alternately with the flour, a little at a time. Daks in one layer. Serfs with whipped Carna tion. (For whipping recipe see Carna tion Cook Book.) Send for Carnation Cook Book containing 100 practical testad recipe. Carnation Milk ProducU Co., 622 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland. Ohl-fathioned foodt such at g!ngerbretul and tornbreml are bet ter mcule thentvtf fathioned xcay with Carnation Mill;. The added richness of this pure cones' milk brings the invit' ing brown to cah es, cookies and all baited foods. Use it in any recipe calling for, milk. All Qrocirt Htll Carnation Mttb "from ConttnttU Cows" Are You Prepared? FLY-TIME IS HERE We have a large stock of SCREEN DOORS in three designs, to fit all regular door openings. These doors are made of clear, kiln dried, California white pine cov ered with the best grade of rust proof, galvanized wire, and put to gether with hardwood wedge dow els a patented process -7- which makes an exceedingly rigid door. "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" BIG BASIN LUMBER CO, "Everything to Build With" Phone 107 Main & Spring Sts "LET GEORGE DO IT I" , "WATCH HOSPITAL" GEO. METZ, Jeweler 622 Main St. Phone 72 ttTHtTtHHttt'H't'ttrtW' ALTURAS-SUSANVILLE STAGES Leave Union Taxi office 8 o'clock Monday, Wednesday and Friday 'Mornings X Phone 424-J for reservations Large cars :; O. K. TRANSFER CO. If It's Loose We Will Move It 124 S. Sixth St. Phone 87 .. k . 1