The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 16, 1921, Image 1

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Stye mnthm IteraUi
A Class Ad Will
Member of the Associated Press,
fifteenth Yoar No. IHttfl.
nuoit sura tiMii
Mm. 0 A Krnuso, who In III
chargn of publicity for tho flower
, Dhow to bn held In tlin chamber
of ronimorro room on Thursday
morning nnd afternoon, wlsho to
provnll upon nil flower gnrwor,
whether uinutcur or profesnlonnl, to
send In nny -xtilbltn they may
have. Everyone rannot win prison
but thny run mid to tho attructlvo
nniii anil success of tho ihow by
their entries. Old fashioned flow,
art and assorted blossoms of morn
choice roil pi are to bo given equal
attention. Tho wild Klamath coun
ty flowor l to rocelve IU ahare of
attention at tho ihow Thursday. It
I hoped that thn different parta
of town will ahow thn apeclal
flowor feature that may bo grown
In their noil Anything different,
auch a tho atraw flower, will be
I'eopln wishing to exhibit old
faihlonod mixture of blossoms
ahould sea Mr. Jack Hlater, who
haa full charge of this division of
the ahorw, and anyone with flnwera
for thn decortlvo and sortod bo
queta will bo Instructed regarding
their exhibits by Mrs. II. 1). Newell.
Mr. Krauim Is particularly anxious
that all Klamath Kails poopln who
have any Shasta Dalalc will be aura
to tend them In because It la fit
ting there should be a profusion
of tbn rlly'a chosen flower.
People, who ham flowers to ex
hibit are asked to bring them In
or to notify Mrs, 8. E Martin and
they will bo called for. It will bt)
necessary for people, to furnish IhW
own container.
Una. Frank McCormlckand Mrs.
' Wastrj' Applogaie 'have "vsry "keau
tffnl "an J well cared for gardens
which the committee expect to re
celve some very choice selections
of flowm from for Thursday's ex
hibit. Brookfield Arretted,
Manslaughter Charge
Wilfred Drookflold, alleged to have
run ovur and killed Nlta, the Infant
au(hter of Mr. and Mrs. I'oter Cam-
nlnl at I'ellran City on July 12, was
arrested yvsterday evening by Uliorlff
I.ow rharged with manslaughter. Tho
complaint was sworn out from Dis
trict Attorney llrnwer'n offlco lain
yesterday afternoon.
No Inquest was held oxer the body
of tbo Infant by Coroner Whltlock
on advlco of tho prosecuting attorney
.but two witnesses and Drookflold
were examined by tho coroner on
July 14 and nil evldouce was said to
point to unavoidable nccldont. Drook
flold wan roleasod from custody until
last night. J. II. Hlbbard and Jack
Nolton of Pelican city wero secured
a bondsmen for Drookflold, bonds
being net at 11,500. W. H A Ilonner
was retained as Ilrooktluld's attorney
Cascade Cutoff to
Be open August 1
EUGENE, Or., July 16. With, tho
repair of a bad grade on the east
aide ot the summit of tho Cascade
mountain tbo old military wagon
road "up the Wlllnmette river and
over the aummlt Into Klamath coun
ty will be ready for through traf
fic, by August 1, said N. P. Mac
duff, supervisor of tho Cascade na
tlonal forest, who haa lust return'
ed from a trip Into central Ore
gon and to Crater lake natlonul
He said the road will not be a
pleasure boulovard.
fokmhh ranker nimn.
P. M. Koldy, formerly vlco presid
ent ot tho First Stnto and Savings
bank of this city, nxtonslvo property
ewner, now heavily Interested In
California sawmills and box factories,
arrived horo last evening for a brlof
buslnosa and pleasure visit. It has
been sometime slnco Mr. Reldy was
here, but ho Keeps In cIobo touch
with business development lit this
, torrltory nnd was prepared to soa
tbo splendid development that lias
token place alaco his last visit. ,
Drug Addict, Back
In Co. Hospital,
Attempts Suicide
Fred Kamsoy, ngod 25 yai, I
Mid to havo attnmptod to commit
plldiln at tho county Infirmary
Thursday night after ho had boon
returned to that Institution from
bis escape last week.
Ramsey In allogod to be addict
ed to thn uso of drugs and Thurs
day night slashed his throat wlti
two safety raxor blades. Doforo
Superintendent Bhort could secure
incdlral services, Ilamsoy almost
Uld from loss of blood. In what
way Hamsoy carao Into possession
of thn blade Is not known.
Ramsey's llfo was deapared ot
until this mnnilng when attending
rhyslclana said that he had a chance
to recovor. lie la at present In the
hospital ward of tho county Infirm
ary Kamsuy originally camo from
Tho Northern California Oil com
pany's well on tho Churchill ranch
In Hlsklyou county, Cal., six miles
below Merrill, will bo spudded In
about July 34, according to present
plans, said W. C. tollman, mana
ger of thn Northern California and
Crater Oil companies, who was In
town today.
Home delay has boen experienced
In the preparations of spudding In
owing to delay In (he arrival of the
englun for thme well but news
was received today that It wan ready
for delivery.
Work on rigging up U progress
ing most satisfactorily, according to
Mr 1-ohniMi. nnd ho la mrrrlv
awaiting thn opportunity for fur
llior exploration of this Klamath
Bln for the 4 groat oir bod fas
"which he believes are hidden un
der It.
Work I progressing steadily at
tho Crater company's well, half a
mile north ot Merrill. Visitors who
wero at tho well, thli morning re
ported that tho drill was churning
right along and apparently down
400 feet, or better.
Thn water In tbo Siemens' well will
be pumpod out Monday and thla task,
It Is said, will tako the better part
of 24 hours. Tuesday, If the water Is
all removed, u drill will bo started
upon this capping and In all probabi
lity, according to oil experts, anothor
24 hours may elapse before tho cap
ping wilt be penotrated.
S. P, Station at
Midland Closed
Tho Southern Pacific station, nl
Midland, closod Jul)' 7, will remain
closed permanently, as far aa can
,now bo forenoon, said tho local office
of tho Southern Pacific loday.JThoro
Is absolutely no business from Mid
land at present It was said. Perhaps
later In tho yoar, during cattlo ship
ping season, tho station may bo open
ed for tho convonlonco ot stock ship
pers. It In, one ot loading stock ship
ping points In tho county.
Suit was filed In tho circuit court
this 'forenoon by tho Ashland Fruit
company against tho Modoo I.umbor
company for tho collection of an un
paid bill allogod to aggregato 8754.
Cr due March 12, 1921. Tbo principal
and Interest from March 12, 1921 at
six per cont Is nskod f6r by tho
Personal Mention
Mr. Emll Storx. who haa boon
horo visiting nor brothor, a. C. Lor
enx far tho past tow days, returnod
this morning to he homo In Califor
nia. E. E. Mlchuol, superintendent ot
the American Hallway Express com
pany, Is In town from San Francisco
uttondlng to business connoctod with
tho company's office hero.
Miss Mollssa Davis lott thU morn
ing for her homo In Frosnn nftor a
brlof visit with Miss Paulino Hotch
kins of this city.
Mrs, Jano Dnvls, sister-in-law of
Charles Humphrey, left this morning
for her homo In Duhsmulr after n
brlof visit here. Mrs. Dttvln wan ac
companied by her two ima'.l sons.
S. P. ITEilir RfllSES RITE
The Southern Pacific company has
"experienced a chango of mind'
slnco thn January rato hearing in
Portland, ti stifled J. II. Mulcliay as
sistant general agent for the rail
way, at tho San Francisco hearing,
Thursduy. Tho result 1 an offer or
a Keneral loworlng of ratoe from
Portland, San Francisco and Inter
mediate main lino point Into Kla
math Falls, and a slight lowering
of rates on tho Klamath Falls
Weed branch.
Tho railway company, It appear
ed from tho testimony, will stand
firm In Its demand for higher rates in
California, and a loworlng ot Ore
gon rates, which Its representa
tive urgo Is necessary to establish
equality of tariffs In tho neighbor
state. j
M. A. Callaghan, local traffic j
manugrr, sccurea a copy vi wv,
proposed schedules, af footing Kla
math Falls .from which tho roller
Ing comparatlvo rates are taken:
Portland to Klamath Falls
On January 18 at Portland the
Southorn Pacific proposed the fol
lowing reductions In rates from
Portland to Klamath Falls: First
class 7 cents; second, 24 M; Third,
39; Fourth, 38.
On July 14 at San Francisco the
Southern Pacific proposal of reduc
tion from existing rates to the In
terstate commerce commission,
stands: First class, 62 cents; Sec
ond. 82; Third, 71; Fourth 86.
H. V. to Klamath Fall
The San Francisco to Klamath
Falls rato reduction proposed at
tho Portland bearing waa: First
daw. 13 cents; " Second, 16 4;
Third, 21; Fourth, 26 H.
On July 14, for the same haul,
the Southern Pacific proposed re
ductions ef: First class 64 cents;
Second, 61; Third, 49; Fourth, CO.
Sacramento to K. F.
At tho January hearing, tho fol
lowing cuts In Sacramento to Kla
math Falls rate wero propesed:
First class, 10 M cents; 8ocond,
24 M; Third, 26 tf; Fourth, 29.
On July 14 the proposal was
raised te: First class, 68 cents;
Second. 66 H: Third. 61 H; Fourth,
62. '
Medford-KlasaaU Falls
From Medford to Klamath Falls
tho January proposed cut was:
First class, 4 cents; Second, 8;
Third, 17; Fourth, 16 cents.
Tho July 14th proposal is: First
class, 36 H cents; second, 35;
Third. 40; Fourth, 35.
Slight Local Cut
Tho proposed reduction of local
rates en tho Klamath Falls branch
Is comparatively slight, tho cut
from the existing rato between
Weed and Klamath Falls being:
First class one halt cent; Second,
5 cents; Third, n cents; Fourth,
13 cents.
Great Interests Involved
From a general siting up of tho
situation by those Interested In tho
Trial of Indian
Policeman Today
Austin F. Flegol, Jr., assistant
United States attorney, ot Portland,
Is hero to appear in behalf ot Port
Summers, Indian policeman, alleged
by Alva Cox to havo retalnod a rlflo
belonging to Cox, at tho time of Cox'
arrest, May 12, by tho pollcoman.
The caso was sot for trial this after
noon in the circuit court.
Port Summers nppearod thin aft
ernoon nnd the defense is rosdy for
trial according to Mr. Flegel. but It
Is understood thnt a continuance will
be askod for tho dofondants.
Make that idle dollar work! rut
It In tho bunk,
Assistant United States Marshal
Willis arrived horo ltiBt night from
Portland and will return to thnt
place tomorrow morning, taking
back with him Ed. McDonald of Dor
rls, an alleged runner of moonshlno
whiskey Into this city July 3. Mc
Donald was arrested on the Link
river brldgo by police officers and a
trunlrtul tit liquor selted.
hearing, It appears that Klamath
Falls profits through the rivalry of
Portland and San Francisco, and
other California marketing and dis
tribution centers for tho trado of
this rich territory. California com
munities combined In a vigorous
fight to prevent any Increaso In
California rates. Kan Francisco feels
entitled to a better rnto to Klamath
Falls, because of being 100 miles
closer to this city than Portland,
with an easier haul and unpad this
point at tho hearing.
Tbo easier haul featuro was forc
ibly brought out by Attorney Mann
for tho San Francisco chamber of
commerce, quoting testimony ot
Southern Pacini witnesses at a
fonnor hoarlng. '
Portland No Kasy Hi ml
Portland ha no Idea of re
linquishing U efforts to giln trade
supromacy In mo Klamath tMi,
and consequent ,y tho str f.elo be
tween tho to .big ccnt-ir.i 'uvors
Klamath, and regardless ot the part
played by local rcprcsentitlvcs. U
tho big factor In bringing about
any reduction that may bo ootalned
In other words this community, be
cause of Its great rcaourcci, Is a
pawn In tho game of mightier forc
es, and conditions of the contest
are at present such that Klamath
derives all the benefit from the
rivalry ot tho larger Interestsi
The San Francisco hearing was
attended by traffic and transpor
tation experts from both states.
Stockton, San Francisco, Oakland,
Sacramento, Klamath Falls, Med
ford nnd Portland wore among tho
communities -with vital Interests at
tako, 'andwtth.vepresentaUTea on
hand to protect them.
Hal. F. Wiggins, rato expert for
tho Oregon public sorvlco commis
sion and Fred Williams, chairman
of the commission wero representa
tives of that body. Charles E. Hall,
of this city, president of tho state
chamber ot commerce, was a wit
William McCullough, of Minor,
Teal and Wlnfree, Portland rate at
torneys, conducted tho case for tho
Portland and Klamath chambers
ot commerce.
William Bald-win, local hardware
man; M. A. Callaghan, local traf
fic manager, and E. O. Hall, pres
ident of the chamber of commorce,
wero other Klamath represents'
tivos. '
The city ot Oakland was repre
sented by Uishop and Bahler, San
Francisco rato attorneys, who un
til tho retention ot 'the Portland
firm by tho reorganized chamber
ot commerce, had long represented
Klamath Interests.
Clyde Ii. Altchlson presided at
tho hearing for tho interstate com-
merco commission.
Tho hoarlng closed Thursday
afternoon and the commission has
the caso under advlsomcnt. A
ruling, establishing tho now rates,
is expocted within 90 days.
Three Charged With
Cattle Rhstling
Fred and Waltor Hood and Itnn
somo Cowon, three Indian lads wore
schedulod for arraignment betoro U.
S. Commissioner Bert Thomas this
afternoon at 2 o'clock charged with
cattle rustling, alleged to havo takon
one boet steer, from tho resdrvntlon
ran go on May 27, 1921, the proper
ty of Wilbur Eggsman, an Indian far
mer near Cblloquln.
The lads were arrested July 3. One
ot tho defendants, Fred Hood was
formerly charged with a similar
crime and Indicted by tho foderal
grand Jury at Portland In May, His
trial will tako placo In tho federal
court in October.
A marriage license was Issued this
forenoon to Win Slceen and Lena
Vaughn nnd within ton minutes
Judge Gaghagon had united them in
wedlock. The ceremony was perform
ed at noon.
Make that Idle dollar work! Pat
It In he bank,
Prosecutor Annoyed
By Interruptions,
Leaves Courtroom
Hearing on demurror In the case
ot Oust Soderlund, accused by the
stato of passing a worthless check
for $44', on John Vale was' enliven
ed thla morning In tbo Justice court
by a tilt between District Atttornay
Drower and E. L. Elliott, defend
ants' attorney.
The prosecutor, endeavoring to
prove that the case -was wilful fel
ony, cited various authorities. Each
citation wa met by Interjoctlon
from defendant's counsel, taking
tho gonoral form of:; "Now that
isn't so. and you know It Isn't so."
Finally the district attorney lost
patlenco and rapped out a coeiar
atlon that until the court could give
him a hearing free from constant
Interruption ho would withdraw. He
accordingly gathered up his books
and papers and left the room.
Tho vicinity of Ninth and Main
street yesterday afternoon -was troat-
cd to a series of sharp explosions
tbreo distinct times and all Invest!
gatlons failed to reveal the cause of
the disturbance until Quy Oarrett
woa caught In the act ot sneaking up
on his Ford coupe which was parked
In front ot the Central Hotel.
According to eye witnesses, while
Oarrett was near(nls machine, the
left front tire blew out during the
heat ot the day. -Repairing this, Gar
rett drove up again to the hotel and
parked aium. Just as he-atarted to
enter the hotel, bang again the
samo uro oiow up
Onco more the machine was taken
to a garage for repairs aad this time
'when Oarrett-weat' Into the "hotel, ha
heard a loud" "pop" outside and re
marke'd, "I supposo that left front
tiro has acaln blown out!" It had
and Garrett simply left it tsay blown
out. Garrett remarks that the old
legend, "Lightning norer strikes
twice In the samo place", Is all bosh.
"Hut he added, 'what else could you
expect of a Ford!"
Make that idle dollar work! Put
It In the hank.
Eddie Cassldy. a young man from
Klamath Falls, was sentenced by
Judge Taylor this morning to spend
flvo days In the city prison for being
Intoxicated on tho streets last night.
Ho says he got drunk by drinking a
certain patent medicine. Tho city
prison sentence was Imposed because
ho was without funds, and In order
to give tho authorities tlmo to look
Into his record. Medford Mall Tri
Joo Garsla was given a hearing bo
fore U. S. Commissioner Bort Thom
as yesterday afternoon on tho charge
ot being In possession ot liquor and
Importing Intoxicants Into Indian
lands, also on the charge of assault
ing Port Summers, Indian police
man, on July 8, and was bound over
to the federal court at Portland.
Garsla Is at liberty upon 8750
bonds for his appearanco at tho next
October term of court.
A Baettlcber, former bellboy at
the White Pelican hotel, wbb arrested
at Ashland Wednesday, but releused
when he paid ten dollars, owing tho
K. IC K. store here. He purcbasod a
traveling bag the day before, telling
Roy Durbln, (who waited on htm, that
ho was going to Eagle Ridge. Durbln
learned lafer that Baettlcher was no
louger employed by tho local hotel
and had left for Portland. Telephon
ing the chief ot pollco at Ashland, he
succeoded in apprehending tbo man.
L. A. Davison was granted a di
vorce from Clara Davison yester
day In Judge Kuykendalls' court
snd the decree was signed today.
CLEVELAND, Jily 16 Mrs.
Eva Catherine Kafeer was today
found guilty or murder la the first
degree, but with a recommenda
tion of mercy, by the Jary which
tried her on the charge of plotting
the killing of her hmsbaad, Daniel
F. Kaber.
1 She was sentenced to life Im
prisonment in the Ohio reformatory
or women at Marysrllle. Under the
Ohio law these Is no hope ot par
don under the verdict.
Mrs. Kaber waa is a stupor all
night, attar having been carried
from the eoartroom.
The Jury began balloting Jast two
years from the time Kaber was
subbed to death by asss sains, al
leged to have been hired by his
For two years Mosos Kaber, aged
fathor of murdered man, dogged
ly kept working, on the mystery
with the aid of private detective.
Finally brother of Mrs. Kaber
was brought laas a ruse aad her
mother, Mrs. Mary Bricks', who
was suspected of knowing much
about' the murder, was led to be
lieve her son was to bo charged
with the crime. ,
The ruse worked. Mrs. Bricks!,
to save her son ,1a alleged t to
bar confessed, implicating her
daughter. Mrs. Kaber; Miss Marian
MeCardli, Mrs. Kabsr'a daughter,
herself, and others.
Make that Mte dollar work! Pat
tt ta the ksuUc.
Circwnetmntial Cassr .
A9jmnmty BrumHeU
JCeathmej f Grow
ROSEBURO, July 16 While a
coast wide search waa underway to
day for Dr.'R. M. BrumtleM, den
tist, beneath whose wrecked auto
mobile a headless body. Identified.
as that ot Dennis Russell, was
found Thursday night, local ottl- n
cers continued to gather and piece
together further details ot circum
stantial evidence on which they
ba their claim that Brumflsld mur
dered Russell.
A Bertllllon finger print expert
from Portland arrived today to
make an examination of the body,
which two brother ot Russell' have
Identified aa their brother.
EVANSVILLE, Ind.. July 16
Dr. Brumtield, Roseburg dentist,
was formerly superintendent tit
schools at Owensville, Indiana. He
is an Indiana university graduate
and 1909.graduato ot the Uni
versity of Illinois dental college. .
telegram from Mrs. B'nmfleld to
her fatner, Dr. G. B. Beresford, of
Owensville, Thursday, said B rum
field had been killed In an auto
mobile accident. Ho and his wlfs
and three children left Indiana II
yoars ago.
Make that idle dollar work! Put
it in the bank.
Legion Still Fights
The Link River Dam
The American Legion ot Oregon
has launched a tight to prevent per
manent Inundation of land in the
upper Klamath Lake district. Resolu
tions wero adopted at the recent state
convention when the matter waa
brought up by Klamath post. It Is
hold Chat the land Is valuable for
agricultural purposes and Is subject
to the soldier prsferentlal settlement
right and entry for settlement and
development by ex-service men.
Tho matter has been taken up with
tho national legislative committee of
the legion, Oregon senators and rep
resentatives, the secretary ot the In
terior and Governor Olcott. The In
undation would be caused by the pro
posed dam across Link river to be
built by tho California-Oregon Power
company, according to the complaint
of the legion. Oregonlan.
PORTLAND. July 16, .Danny Ed
wards won the decision over Geer
glo Leo In last night's bovt.