W" ,: I.. V , 4, A Class Ad Will 1 Do Iteralli Today's News Today Member of the Associated Press, Flftw-ntli Yonr. N. .1471. KLAMATH FALLS, OJllvOON, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1021 PRICK F1VK CENT! eh ii$tsftta K 3 Passenger Carrying Plane from Oakland to Yoiemite Falls 600 Feet at Modes to, California. MODESTO. Cat., July 14. A nix pirn songer munopjiine "blaring trull" for eommorclul flying botwoon Oak Und and tlio Yosomllo vlloy, crash ml hom today, killing the pilot, "Hud" Coffco lint! throo passnngors. Tho machine struck n lilicli Innalon wlro In falling, setting It afire Tlio uccupant wnro liurnm! m badly they could not bo recognized The piano win (inn turned out by tho Zacuzxl Brothers Alrplann com ynny, a firm operating In West Berk eley. Dosldog Coffee, Dm plane con tained olio niuinbr nml two employe of tho firm. Tlio plnno Ml COO fort. N OTHERS IN O "llud" ('iilfi'o was wll known In tho wont for lili) spotless aerial re rord, hU fearlessness nnd bin not nbla achievements In tho air. During tho war ho win flying Instructor for ' thn United Kin ton army ut tho North Island field, Kim Diego, California. Ho wan (ho first to fly n pan-oncer carrying piano Into tho Yosnmlto park and mado tho first nlKht land In In California Ho wan only 23 yearn old Tho moat roront achievement of C'offeo wan thn piloting of thn nowa. y paMir Enterprise association piano, carrying tho l)empsey-C'arpentle,r fight picture from Hock Springs, Wyoming to Han Francisco, 800' mllei, between dawn and ahortly nf Sir.oon, -Tiilrl Home 2UnJ'Lc: turen woro'prlnrod In tho Herald on July 0. In tlila fllltbt Coffen competed with thn United Htatnn mnll plnno and tho Mount piano carrying fight picture. Thn mall pjano was clou at tlm finish but thn Hearst piano hopelessly outdistanced by thn N. K. A. flyer. Mnko that Idln dollar K'ik! Put It In the bank. m Bandits Grab' $25,000 In Seattle, and Flee SEATTLE, July 14. Two bandits, ahortly after 10 o'clock thl" morning, stole it bag containing $2li,iiou In currency from n mofjionger for tlm Northwest Trust nnd Hufn Deposit company, Tho bandlla escaped In an nutomobllo pursued by u taxlcnb driver, who wim called by tho mos enRor. Tho pollco worn also nutlfled nnd took up thn chaso. . Tho moKsongor anld thai niu of tho bandlla gripped him around tho nock nnd puahliiR u pistol against his oar told him to "Drop It," which he did. HUES TO COLLI.CT H,IM0 ALLEGED DUB ON CATTL,!.. A Hitlt has been fried In tho circuit court by Charles B. Drew nRalust J. C. Mltcholl, alleging that tho dofond ant Iium not paid for C4 hnad of cat tlo purchased Novombor 30, 1020 for $3,040,86 and plaintiff nska pay raont with IntoreVt at 6 por cont from that dato. Mnko that Idle dollar rkt Put It In tlu bunk. LOCAL MAN MIIKTH HISTKK P1HHT TIME IN 10 YKAIW George Grizzle, owner of tho lo cal Granlto Works, wont to Ash land Saturday on n happy, errand, a meeting with hlH slstor, Mrs. Charles Ilnynlo of Lincoln, Nobrna k,i, whom ho had not soon for 13 years. , Throo other filHtors rosldo In Ash land nnd n happy family reunion wan colobratod with li plcnlo In the Ashlnml park Sunday by brother and Bisters. Monday Mr. Grlrzlo ro turnod, 'necompanlod by Mrs. Hay nle who will visit another sister, Mrs, li: D. Morrison In tho Mt. fLakJ district until Friday, when nho returns to Ashland for u weeks' fur ther' visit before returning to liar home In Nebraska. ' Attempted Wreck Of Express Fails; Million on Board CLEVELAND, July 14. An nt tmpt to wreck an American Hallway I Kspress train, carrying a million dol lar rargo, was mado near WIIIourIi by, Ohh), today, according to report of railway offlclala nflnr discovery or tho plot. -More than 1 f spikes wore pulled and thn plates removed from several rails, Thn splkoa worn pulled with tools stolen from ,n railway t"ol house. Thn train jumped tho truck but no earn worn overturned I), II. WorthlnRton of Ilelolt, Wis consln, arrived hern last evening for a brlof visit with rrlonds anil to re new old acquaintance. Mr. Worth Ington Is one of thn big newspaper men of the mlddln west, his paper, Tho Ilelolt Nnws, being one of tho loaders In that section whoro real ability la necessary to oven keep up with tho procession. Much of Mr. Worthlngton'a nowspapnr training whs secured hern In Klamath Kails, whom as ndltor-prlntor of n demo cratic weekly bo was as often called upon to back up bin opinions with hla fists a,hn was with his pen Hosld ents of his day who still llvo In this city arn always glad to wolcomo "Dave" back and recall with him nonxt of thn stirring events when Klamath Kails wan Mnkvllln and con. slated of llttlo moro than thn bridge, i blacksmith shop and a store Any man who could kenp a dumo catle paper or any other kind of a pa per going In thla city was too good a newspaperman to bn lost In obscurity and Damn Fortuno beckoned him to larger-fields. Her wUdotit la fully de monstrated In tho auccess that baa followed Mr. Worthlngton'a efforts at Ilelolt, whore ho boa -built up a printing and publishing business that Is recognized throughout the country as a model and for which ho refused a quarter of a million soma tlmo ago. Ho will probably remain horo about a week. The $16,000- damage ault of J. W. Siemens. Q. W. Mattern and Jbh. Wntklns, Jr., against the California Oregon Power company, has boon remanded by tho U. S. federal court at Portland to tbo local circuit cuort for trial. Tho caso grows out of alleged overflow and damagn of plulntlff's mint crop on tho Up por Lnko, cuUBCd by a crib dam erected by defendant in Link Ttlva'r last yoar. Tho plea for. removal of tho suit from tho local 'court to tho federal court for trial was basod 'on tho diversity of citlxonshlp of parties. In remanding the suit, tho district court bold that tho admitted fact that tbo parties woro cltlsona of throo different states was not suffi cient to compulsorlly give It orig inal jurisdiction. ,, ' Tho dtclslon ombrace's somo vory flno points of, law and Is said b lawyers to establish a. procedent In regard to dlvorslty of citlxonshlp as ground for transfer suits from stato to fcdoral courts. Cattle Mortgage Trial Is Nearly to Close Tho suit of tho Smith brothers ugalnnt W. 11. Johns, tho Bank of Montagun and A. W. Ktto Is being trlod nnd will bo finished, It Is thought, somo tlmo this afternoon In tho circuit court. Following this trial, it Is said that Hoy Patch charged with auto theft; A. B. Huntington with for gery, apd Ed Jones with nuto theft, ;vlll npponr In court to ontor pleas. Witnesses and Jurors In tho ensos wero dismissed from sorvlco by the iherlff, and tbo assumption Is that ill throo Intond to enter pleas of lullty and throw thsmio.m on the merer of no court, HO EDITOR HT DISTRICT COURT REMANDS SUIT 51 10,000 SUIT IT BI 25.000 COUNTER SUIT Kfforl Is being mado to combine tho trial of tho two pending caae of Phenegor ft Bailey, log glng contractors, against tho Ewau na Hoi company and Ewauna Box company, against Phenogor ana Halloy, a suit and counter null for daatages, and securo their removal from tho Siskiyou county, Cal., and Klamath county court to the feder al court In Portland for trial, It -was said today. The suit against tho local box company grows out of alleged vio lation of a contract to take' logs at a stated prlco from 480 acres, which plaintiffs, under contract with defendant, started to log lost yoar. Tho contract waj executed last April. Because of failure 'of defendants to keep tho terms of thn contract plaintiffs claim they were damaged to tho extent of $110,000. This suit was filed at Yrcka recently. In tho counter suit, filed In the local court, tho Ewauna company asked approximately $25, GOO, of which 18500 Is alleged, duo on a note, $1000 la attorneys fees, $8, 628,60 an allegod overpayment and $8,320.70 alleged damages for viola tion of contract. Tho tranafor to the federal court Ls sought by tho logging contractors, and 'will bo baaed, It la understood, on the ground of.dlvetslfy of cltl renshlp, one set of partloi to tho litigation bolni; cltltem of Califor nia, while the box company Is an Oregon corporation. Collier and Collier of Yrekn, Joo Mooro of Grant's Pass and V. C. Van Kaon of this city roprese.it 'he contract ors, whlto Stone and Wjost and II M. Manning of thla city are alter t,eya for ttie Ewauna cOxapany. n The allo-Mtlons of damage mal by I'honeger and Hi I ley r0 ab surd, aald Mr. Wlc-t last evening, and their contention cannot sUud tho tost of fair trial in any court. As a matter of fact, he said, tbr falluro of tho contract was due to their Inability to cirry It out, and reiultcd In serious damage to hU clients .who wero forced to so.k logs from anothor a'.nrco, and jv.' a higher prlco to. them, which I tbc roason for the dr.magea'aiVel In the countor suit. Mstko that Idlo dollar work! I'ut It In tho basic. . SHERIFF AFOOT WHEN CAH IIIIEAKH ON ItOAD Sheriff Low was tho victim of an uutomobllo accident tbls morning, whon tho wlshbono of his Ford car broko and landed him In tho ditch sovoral miles from town on the Mer rill road. Due to tho fact that ho was driving rather slowly no serious dam ago resulted, nsldo from tho slight Inconvonlenco of getting back to town. OIL LURES NEVADA MAN, MAY IN'VKHT IN IOOAL FIELD. II. W. Miller, of Reno, Nevada, and party aro in the city on their Lway to Crator Lnko. Klamath county has moro than a passing Interest for Mr. Milter for ho Is one of tho for tunato Neradans who have "struck It In oil," and naturally anything of an oil flavor secures bis attention While ho has mado nothing moro than a superficial Inquiry, ho; ea I pressed him as intending to puroun tho subject further and may become ono of Klamath's coal oil Johnulea. STORK VISITS OHIO OOUPLKIN THIS CITY On July 7 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Emmol became tho happy parents of a baby boy, born at the Klamath Gonoral hospital. Tbo little fellow has been christened Phillip Henry Mr. and Mrs. Emmel aro vIsltlnR hero for tho summer from Liberty Center, Ohio, as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. nvonuo. Hlnes on Crescent MARKET REPORT PORTLAND, July 14, Livestock steady; eggs two cents higher, buying price 28 and SO cents.sslllng. uslocti. 80 csntsj butter firm with hither Undinoy, S. P. PROPOSES RUSE IN , CUT IN lEGOll BAN KHANCIflCO, July 14. -Tho Bouthern Pacific Is to petition tho In terstate commerce commission to equallxo tho rates between California and southern Oregon points with thoso between Portland and theso some points, J M. Mulcahy, traffic export for tho company, told the com mission today nt the bearing which wan called to bring about rate ad justment. Tho commission will be asked, Mutcaby said, to remove tho dis crimination betwoen rates for theso hauls, .n qrder to effect this a re duction In Oregon and an Increase In California, totalling 1C percent In each Instance, will bo asked, he said. Tho commission also will bo asked to cancel the through or "water cn- forcod" rate between Portland and San Pranclsco on thn ground that it Is unnecessary,' as tho water carriers are gottlng tho bulk or this through trade. Representatives of Ban Francisco, Oakland and Stpckton chambers of commerce opposed any addition to the California rates. Hake that Idln dollar work! Pot It la tho bank. V Grant County Cattle Man No Pessimist Henry Trowbrldgo, a large cat tle owner In tho 'John Day district, a rant county, stopped last night In Klamath Falls on bis way home from San Diego, California.' Mr. Trowbrldgo whllo here visited an old friend, Marshall Hooper of tho First State and Savings bank. Tbe Orant county cattleman Is known 11 over tho state as one of tho shrewdest buslnoss men In tho stock growing Industry. In hlsi i Davenport and Mrs. Fisher opinion tho cattle market Is dun'' roost successful growers of this frr culck rocovcry. Underlying con-iiun of flower and are urging as dltlons arc sound ho says, and!many Possible to bo competitors readjustment of production cosIn with markot prices will bo a mattor of comparative rapidity. On advlco of tho district attorney no formal Inquest was held In tho caso of Nlta Carnnlnl, tho Pelican bay child, who died Tuosday even ing from injuries rocelvod when struck by a car drlvon by Wilfred Brookflold. Coroner Whltlock stated thnt ho had examined Brookflold and the' only two witnesses to the nccident and their stories agrood in nil the details, establishing a case un avoidable accident. It appoared that the llttlo girl roared automobiles and when sho had to cross a street she crossed on tho run, whether a car wqs in sight or, not. 'At tbo tlmo of the accident sho had handod a letter to tho driver of a truck to mall. Immediately she dodged round tho back of tho truck, running, and ran right In front, of Brookflold's car. Brookflold said he did not seo tbo girl until his car was upon hor,( His mothor was with him, and she is prejudiced against fast driv ing, he says he was going less than 15 miles an hour. Tho truck driv er and another wltnosa placed tho speed at about 16 miles. ' The funeral of tho Attle girl waa 'held toddy. DEER LEAVES WILDS AND INVADES COTT BROOKFIELD IS HELD BLAMELESS SEATTLE, Wash., July 14. A stray deer, quitting his woody re treat on Mercer Island, In Lake Washington here, swam almost Into the heart of the city of Seattle re cently, Tho crew of a lake steam er sighted the fugitive and ' gave chase.' When the doer had nearly reached a city dock, a lassoo thrown from tho boat caught him. He was turned over to the munlolpal too " . ....ASaf' Japan Will Discuss Armament Limit But Not Far East WASHINGTON, July 14 , -Japan' acceptance of President Harding's suggestion for, a world conferonco rn the limitation of armaments was re ceived at tho state department today It mado no reference to u discussion of the Par Eastern question. Formal unqualified acceptance by tho Cbln'eso government was also re ceived. , The stato department official made no comment-on tho form of the J a panose reply, which was, not mndu public In text. F Much enthusiasm Is boles arous od over the coming flower show, to bo held In tho chamber of com merce rooms Thursday of neit week. Tbe only fear of tbo coin ralttoo I ncharge, Is thnt the rpacu will bo too small to accommodate entries and visitors. Each flower to be fcitured is be ing sponsored by ladles who -have had 'great success growing It, and are most anxious to sco It In overy garden, and, to show 'all just what Klamath can do In its cultivation. Tho Shasta daisy Is being boosted by Mrs. Frank yard, whoso former home boosted excellent specimens of the town flower. Mrs. W. O. Smith has long been rocognlted an authority on sweet pea, cultivation, aa grown on Con ger avenuo and she Is urging all swoct pea growers to send in as many entries as possible, for It ls at this time that tho , flower la just coming Into its- early bloom, and shows perfect specimens. Although the rose season has passed JU height, all r4sw growers know the Iato individual 'blooms aro often most perfect, and Mrs. with them Mrs. Fred Baker perhaps knows our local wild, tlowors as well as anyone in the county and sho Is most anxious that there should be wonderful exhibits of all which are in blossom now, and it is mountain Illy time, and nothing excel Is tho mariapoa tulip .which is most pro- fuso tbls year. Mrs. Elliot will boost for tho nastersturn. Mrs. Whltlock urges all to show what can be dono rais ing perennials. Mrs. W. O. Rob ertson wishes all to provo tho an nuals aro most numerous and Mrs. Newell Insists on "old fashioned boquot with as many flowers as possible annual or opcrennlal, will make all aware that thoro ls no reason why every Klamath yard should not have a flower gnrden. Bonq meal will be In great de mand, also water force will bo low, this coming week, while nil cholco blooms aro being pottod. Mako that Idlo dollar work! Put it In tho bank. Oregon State Fair to Get Speedy Action Herald Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, July 14 Chair man Porter of tho foreign relations commltteo of tho houso after a conferonco with Senator.McNary, has assured. Wm tbait tho Portland, Or., Exposlt'ionjolnt resolution which has already passed tho senato, will bo re ported favorably 'and tlmo to go in tho calondar for passage not laterithan July 18 to 20. From tho conference Senator McNary la assured quick notion In tho commit tee and believes thoro will bo no great difficulty In tho house. Congressmen Aro Active. Congressman ' McArtbur who at first thought the meaauro could not bo pnsaod before tho regular session in December Is now convlncod that monsuro can bp passed within a fnw weeks and will" do everything possible Congressmen Slnnott and Hnwloy are also actively engagod In assisting Congressman McArthur In getting tbe bill through. Make that ldle"dollr work I Pnt it la the bimk; B M NT T M ENGLISHAND IRISH LEADERS E De Valera Say Out. look for Peace Now Brighter Than Ever Before in History of Ireland. LONDON, July 14. -Eumonn do Valern arrived at Number 10, Down ing street at 4:30 o'clock this after noon for a conference with Promlor Lloyd George. "Tho outlook for a 'lasting peace In Ireland is brighter than It has evo.' been In the history of that country," said Do Valera earlier In tho day. "I am sure that tho atmosphere In both Ireland and England ls right fo peace. The only thing necessary now Is for us to' get down to rock bottom. After tho conference one of Do Valcra's aides expressed satisfac tion' with tho results of the initial conference. Tb evasions will be resumed tomorrow. . Sir Jnmcx Craig, ntstcr premier 'has' been sum moned to London trofa Belfast. Mako that idle dollar work! I'ut It la tho bank. Rock Creek' RSadll i wmneDi Tom pkon, countyfrpad supervis or,' reports- that the jaMTJ band of sheep to be taken over j.ae Rock Creek road were driven through yes terday. Due "to the fact Jthat about 30,006 bead of sheep hare traveled tbe Rock Creek' road thlsf summer tbe road has been in badcondltlnn, for ktttolats'sjeBJse.oI the rock4hat tbo animals rolled down off tbo hills In order to remedy this condition Mr. Dixon put a crew of men to work " tho road Ibis morning to clear tho rocks out and It is hoped that travel will bo easier after this. Many Cases, Civil And Criminal, in Tfie 'Justice Court Justlce Gagbagen has been buay for tbe last few daya and for tbo balance of the -week will have a number of trials for hoarlng. Yeatorday evening, Ben Borbom also, proprietor of the Pelican City pool oom was tried on the charge of having two bottles of "moonshine hootch" In his possession and . on pleading guilty, was assessed a flno of $50 and coals. This flno was paid. A. W. Finch was arraigned last night on tho charge of driving a car whllo Intoxicatod and pleaded not eullly. Trial was set for Thursday. July 31, nt 10 o'clock. This arrest grew out of the wild ride down tho "hogback" east of thla city. Tuesday, and the warrant was sworn out by Stophcn Horllby, who alleges Finch was Intoxicated nt tho time. Finch was released on $125 cash bond. This afternoon tho continued case of Henrietta C. Laughton against N. B.'Drow, cleaner, for alleged damatro to wearing apparel was started. This suit, it is said, promised to bo Inter esting ns both sides wero "prepared" for trial with many witnesses. Tomorrow R. Loom I a will ho tried on two ehargos. one a felony nnd the other a misdemeanor chnrco. Loomls Is alleged to have passed three cheok-i for smnll sums nt tho Mars pool room Juno 18 when ho had neither funds nor credU to Issue cheeks. The folonv charge Is the otftt-rowth of alleged onssing of n forged check mado pav nblo to "Frank Smith" a!cnod,hY Harvey Hill for $5.75 drnwn on hn First National Bank given to Fred McCormnck, proprietor of the Wilton Rooms, Loomls ,1s allegod to lfnve fled town nnd oassod other worthless checks nt Ft. Klamath, Bend nnd t Albany. Loomls was taken Into cus. tody nt Albany by Constable Mcrley, Julv 10. Saturday Gus Sodorlund willx bo tried on two charges, ono of obtaining goods, niid money tinder fnl?") pre tenses from W. Vt. Ross on two ehsoki, and a'lio for passing a. bad, check on 7o1n Vale for msrehtridlt. N fi od