. mm -vsmaetMN r, WW'IWWH "?m( WKDNB8DAY, JPIV 18, 1SS1 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON r- ia six ..,. 3HU M0M -, ? ' Pergonal Mention Mrs. A. B. Chrlstonton and two children, who have bean hero rutt ing Mn. Chrlstensen's brother, La-wrence Phelps, lett thli morning for their home In Alameda, Califor nia. ' ' MIm Lucllo Marehall, who re turned from a camping trip the first of tho week, left thU morning for Chlloquln, where Bho will visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bowman for a few dayn beforo returning to her homo In Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mack ac companied by their daughter, Miss Donna, were in town yesterday from their ranch near Spring lako. Mn. George Chastaln Is spending n few days In town from Modoc Ponlt, aa tho guest of her daught er. Miss Mo fa. Mrs. Charles Lew, who has been in Portland for the past few weeks because of HI health, returned homo last night and is reported as feeling better. Elmer Stukle, who operate a ranch near Merrill was a ouutyi seat visitor yesterday. Walter A. West, Klamath Indian agent, is In town today from tho agency attending to matters ot buslneaa. He waa accompanied Into town by the Reverend Mr. Cook Ingham. E. Dennis drove Into town from his ranch near Hljr yesterday to at tend to matters ot business. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Epperson, who have been visiting In Iowa for (he past several weeks, returned home last nlghi. Miss Lottie Fischer returned homo last night from Oakland, California, where she attended college this win ter and spring. Mr. and Mrs. George Walton and daughters, Catherine and Beatrice, are city visitors today from their home at Merrill. Don Zumwalt, city engineer, lett yesterday for the Klamath marsh where he will remain for a conple ot days doing some surveying work. . Charlea Campbell waa a Klamath Falls visitor last night and today from MacdoaL " William Tlafes, returned last sight from aa extended visit to Ban Fnacfcteo. T. I. Chapman left for Crater lax tbJa morals. Re. waa accom paaled by BUI XeMUUaa. Mr. tad. Mrs. George Watt and family left yesterday afternoon for Eagle Ridge to spend a few days' vacation. Miss Isabell Lorlng Is a , guest at the horn of Mrs. H. D. Newell. Miss Lorlng Is her from .Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. George Stephenson aad smsll son, are In town for the day from Dorrls. William Briley and K. Newbury left thl morning for Slsson, Cali fornia, after a tew days here on matters of business. William Morrison, a lumberman from Portland, and Mr. Tcxworth of Alabama, who Is Interested In one ot the biggest lumber com pan ics wot tho south left this morning after several days spent hero look ing the timber prospects ot Kla math county over. ' Daisy Harden, 'who has been here from Marsbflold for the past week visiting with friends and relatives, returned home this morning. Miss May O'Brien and Miss May Rohrer left for San Francisco this morning after a vacation of several days spent here and at Crater lake. Mlrs O'Brien was here ten years ago and was quite surprised this time to find that the Baldwin ho tel was no longer the center of town. Mrs. B. C. Morgan ot Pelican city was a passenger on the morn liili train bound for Medtord and Aberdeen, Washington. Mrs. Mor gan la a resident of Pelican city Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Coffman, Clark Williams and Pat Blake are all registered at the White Pelican hotel from Portland, Oregon. Charles Norton is a Klamath Fills visitor from Detroit, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McMillan, Miss Barbara McMillan and Mr. aad Mis. W. D. McMillan are tourist brre from Eureka, California. Thy ate stopping at the White Pelican hotel. John Shook ,a pioneer rancher from Dairy, vas In town yesterday on business. He reports that tin equipment for drilling has been moved onto the Dave shook ranch vand be is confident they will hart 11 la the Dairy country some time soon. Mrs. J. W, Siemens and son, Hoi. ly, have returned from a two weeks motor trip to California which car ried them as far south as San Diego. On their return trip they were joined by Captain Slemen's two neices, the Misses Mitchell ot Upland, California, who will spend the remainder of the summer here. Miss Nan Siemens, ward ot the captain ( and Miss Cleo Siemens, a granddaughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Sie mens, aro expected 'hero soon from Portland to Join tho happy house hold on Conger avenuo for tho sum mer. 3. II. Mltcholt Is In town from his cattle ranch In tho Bly country. Miss Frances Beatty nnd Ml is Ruby 8mlth -wore at Crater laVo Sunday. Miss Smith wont from Cm tor lake to bcr home In Gardener for a visit. ' A Plafall, an enterprising merchant from Malln. was In the city yester day looking after business mnltori connected with his store. Besides furnishing tho ranchers In IiIb dis trict merchandise, Mr. 1'lasll has nn Ire plant which provides Ico for Mn. lln residents, nnd ho also manufac lures tho electricity tor his electric lights. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Coreroll nro horo on their honeymoon from Corning, California. Mrs. Corcycll is n niece ot Joo Moore, of tho Weatorn Transfer company and it is at his homo the newlyweds nro staying whilo here. ' Don Colvlg, or tho California-Oregon Power Company, expects to loavo for Medtord this evening whore ho "will visit with his family. Easterner 'Approves 'Klamath Climate Mrs. C. S Morris and daughter, Helen, aro spending July with rela tives hero and enjoying tho outdoor life ot Klamath county. Mrs. Mor ris is a slstor of Oscar and Wltlard Peyton, local fuel dealers. She Is elated over tho discovery of n cli mate .whore the days aro full ot aunshlno nnd tho nights aro cool and restful. Sho finds tho local cllmato n decided contrast to that ot her homo city, St. Louis, Mo. Barring ono or two experiences she finds the western lite perfect. She "Is not craxy about,1 sleeping out all night without even a tent for cover, after one trial, and she thinks If she again should have to take, the outside in passing a car on Topsy grade, she will dismount nnd keep the Inside track. v'HMf I In UJBlsWJssaBBaSy JLmy' JbW fflffl iSTHKvMyR! j I Regular $3 Regular $4 K. JPvW'' LAKEVTEW WANTS WATER SALEM, 'Oregon, July 13. The city ot Lakevlew has applIM 10 the state engineer tor a permit to nnmnHiln watnr front Tllirnt erorL- i .. - anu trom mrwj springs jur nsniujuc use. i Herald classified afls pay yo. Shirts! There arc wonderful shirt values on sale here Thursday and Friday; here arc three good reasons for it: (1) New style collars, the short and long points on soft shirts, (2) New stripes and colors in the soft cuff shirts for attached col' lars. (3) Prices less ' than pre-war prices. Chirk ' Loraine cord, fibre stripes, woven colors, madris 0111115 shirts with or without collars On Sale $1.75-3 for $5.00 anil $4. 'ill Oniric English woven colors, Russian cords and heavy dim ,pi.JV dllll lb aoveIty woven color8( with or without collars On Sale $2:45 each, 3 for $7.00 SEE THE SHIRT WINDOW. SUGARMAN "I Ain't Mad at Nobody" :- ,"-1nr sgggiasf litoliial J3ooih IMMpp Ml TJSimSsssssbWv aft nBSnrr &BrK0x IF you are a professional man or a family man who wants the utmost in a moderate weight, compact enclosed car, or if you are a woman of exacting taste who prefers to drive her own car, you should find out for yourself the kind of comfort in the new Scripps-Booth Coupe. The very lines of this smart car radiato comfort. There is in this model a low ness which obivates side-swaying, a wheel-base of sufficient length to pro hibit pitching and still permit a very short turning radius for easy maneu vering in congested streets, and a source of energy in the six-cylinder valvc-ln-Stead motor that is powerful, dependable and economical. " EWAUNA MOTORS CO. tounswick "'tires tubes taa 4TH. TIRES' TUBES "YOUR CTIEDIT 18 GOOD" PHONE 00-W (Ml) -- - riiiirpirvnjanjuirLnru NORTHERN AVWAAiVMWWVN MMWMWVMWVMMWY c L CALIFORNIA o. OIL 00, MvMWVMMMVMMMMMVyM WAMVMSAWMMMMfWMMWMMVM THOSE BETTER SHOES ARE CHEAPER IN THE LONG RUN J. E. Enders & Co. Are you going to Help Drill a Well ? NOW7 IS YOUR CHANCE Write, Phone, or Call us up. Nortlmrn Cnl. Oil Co., Klamath Falls Oro. Kudosed ' check I for which ploaso reserve for mo- Sharon N, C, O, Stock at 11.00 per shiiro, for which 1 agroo to xubicrlbo upon recoipt of subscription blank. ' Namo Dato MAAAAAAAMAMMWWWMVWVMW N. iVVVSVwVvvvvyvNVV NORTHERN c CALIFORNIA MAMAAMAMMWWM fc"""i"innnrvyvxrnjxrLnj 0MAMAAAMAAAAWWWVWWM o. 1 iVWWVWMW Oil CO. fMMMXWWWMWWWMWA OFFICES 532 MAIN 5T. TELEPHONE 577-J .