The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 13, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Ml Willi
Tim lioxnic '"UN tiuvn mniln many
eompllimiiitnry rcmiirliH ulun I tho np.
polntmont of n pormiuioiit doxliiK
commission fur this city ami nnom
morn thnn satisfied tlwlt nny liout
which In vIhoiI liy thn commission
will Ihi wull worth nttomtliiK. For
a cniiiiiilimlmi to Kiiln such h ropu
tatloii comes only nftnr n demon
MriMlon thiil they know u "card
when limy mm iitm" nnil now thn
question Ih bvliiK nHkint, "Whan do
(n nn another real nhow trot out
your boxori wo hml a kooiI tnnto,
now nllp im soiim morn will tho
nest battles bn im InlorcMlnic as tho
last how nlmiit that flRhtlni; chink
when nrn wn to know?" '
Hut imp ot tho real itinstlotis auk.
oil which will Imvo qulto a tienrlni:
upon tho proKrmit of thn Rnmo bore
In, whut kind ot prlcos will tin
chanced at tho nnxt bout? Arn
thny koIiir to bn roiuionutiln and
within our pursn llmltii or do wn
liavn to tako un nlrplann to Kiln
admission?" "If thn bluu sky In thn
limit, count inn out an I urn not
miklnic a fortunn at my job tike I
war last, yi'iir, but I would llkn to
nnn somn good rardn lit prices within
my nmrh," Iihn Imh'ii tlm ntiitoimmlM
matin by many (and and tho tail
day of thn limine tournament
hnuld fitvn thn promoter fair
Idea of about what price ilionld
bo charRcd to Kccuro attondanco.
A number of top notchur can ln
brouRht hero In tho futaro boutn
onco tho Rnmn Rota on Its fret In
the propor mnnner mid an Rammy
Oordon linn iprrad thn news ntnonR
Fortland honors that thin city In u
Reed f Intel whnro finn treatment !i
accorded nntninti, Klamath Falls
has had nomn Reed words mid for it
wlioro wordn count for something;
In thn boxInR world. Dabo Dlao ban
advertised thn city In letters to box
ori In thn oast and also nil thn way
from 1'ortlnnd south to Ios An'
Thern hai born many, questions
asked regarding (leorglo Ioo. thn
flRhtlnc Chinaman of Hacramento,
and much local Interest li ihown in
having him brouRht hern boforo tho
fan matched up with n boy an fast
as hn In. Krankln Vlerrn of Sacra
mento In nnotlicr faat boy who has
made a namo down south ai thn
cnn'iuoror of tho fighting Chink nt
tho California statu fair (ant year.
Rddln (lorman of 1'nrtland I an
other Ind who thn fans hnvn bad
their attention directed to, Then In
thn heavier clam. Hilly Huff ot
Chlloiuln In Juit Itching; for an
other go with lomo fait boy. Hilly.
In In thn pink of condition and
ntaten that hn In ready to tako on
whatnvcr mnteh can bo mada for
From thn Indication today, It Is
ovldont that n card will Ihi propon
ed within a ferw day to tho commis
sion for Ihelr approval but a state
ment comen from tho commission
to thn apart writer that that "tho
cardn must be tint class, and, thnro
must bo no flukes or poor material
Club Standing. .
$.-5(l,0(M),(MI(l POOL T HTAUT
WASHINGTON, July 13. Bocro
tary Mellon announces, thn $50,000,
000 bankliiR pool which has boon
formoil to hnndln HvoHtnck loann
will bn ready to IiprIii makliiR loans
thin wnok.
It In understood that all dlffor
oncoH lmvo been satisfactorily ad
JiiBtod and that many applications
for loann lmvo boon mndo and will
bo actod upon durliiR tho wook.
'Tho coinmlttoo oxpoctn to mako ad
vancon uKKreRatliiR nt toast S 1,000,
000 tho first week. MnnaRcmont of
tho pool will bn under direction of
M. I,. McCluro In thn Cmitlrnntnl tt
Commercial Nallnnal ba'it; building.
W. li. 1'ct
Jnwnl ...... 3 2 .000
Oopco .' 3 3 ,C0O
I'lumbolm ... . 3 3 ,C00
lwauna . 2 i ,333
Thn city litagun linn had another
proffer mucin them for two Ramon by
llv C. Wattn, of tho Husnnvlllo, Cali
fornia team. It In miRRented onn Ramo
bn played hern and thn other In Hun.
uiivlllc, notun time In August.
Tho chnllnnRii wns convoyed to
Klaiiiath Kalln In u telegram sent
yostordsy to Flold MnnaRor Hay
Crawford by Wattn, rending, "Advlso
quickly If posnlliln to nrratiRn two
Karnes with you, onn horn and tho
other In Klamath Kalln nomo tlmo
during AurunI," and It Is thn hope
of Crawford, after a conferencu with
thn SoaRiin manaRiirn, to answer In
thn itfflnmitlvn to Ibn challeriRf.
It will bn remembered by tho ball
swatter hern that It. (!. Wattn Is a
former Ktnmath Knlln ball player
who wan on two highly successful
local teums nomo yearn ago nfid ono
who Is 11 master nt tho Rreat national
pastime. It will li remembered, too,
t lint Wnttn boro tlm reputation of ho
Iiir a rooiI sportsman, and plnyn tho
(imn from thn standpoint nf clean
I'rnvlous to thn Fourth of July
Ramos hero, Wattn In company with
tho mnnnRnr of thn Husnnvllle mllln,
madn a spoclal trip to this city In an
endeavor to arranRn Ramnn between
Rmanvllln and Klamath. Falls for the
celebration but for nomo reason thn
plan fell through Now, thn challenRo
In ngnln conveyed to this city, and
knnwInR what friendly feollnR thern
urn existing between Wattn and a
number nf, thn local baseball men, It
U plain that Wnttn deslron to brlnR
a team to this city which will wallop,
or try to, "tho old homo town."
Watts Is very proud of bin aggrcga
tlon and for tho sakn of food sport
desires to bring his "boys" over and
nhow tho locals some "California
atyln baseball."
For thn benefit of tho local mem
bers, (It mlRht b Indiscreet to say
no, tho writer has stronR beliefs that
Wattn nnd a number of other cx
Klnmath Falls players on tho Susan
vllln team nrn plnlnR to visit homo
folks an a real matter of fact, but
wish to dlsRutso thn visit behind the
tnrm "buslneiH to attend to over In
Klamath Falls."
From a atatomont madn by Flold
Mnnsgor Crawford, tho homesick
folks over In Susanvllle will very
likely have nn oportunlty to do as
they dcslro and tho proposition In
boliiR entered Into relative to signing
up for tho two Raines
OHKaON Tonight and
day, fair.
S II I 'I I I I -
Yivitordny In Justlcn nughn
Rons court, tho caso of the State of
OroRon against Clalro Rlchlo, charR
ed with tho theft of n 21 Jowol
Hamilton watch valued at 160. a
gold chain and locket valued nt
MO. a pockot knife and 30 In cur
rency tho proporty of Alfrod Mnlo
was dismissed by tho court on tho
trounds of Insufficient ovldenco
Charlotto (lenrtson In vInKIiik her
. aunt In Portland.
Onrl KlRor hud his arm broken b
low, tlm elbow Saturday ovonliiR when
bo wan crnnkliiR IiIh Ford.
yni. Nlomnn Iuih been busy tho
. lHutj couple of weokti puttltiB u liny
dorrlckn for tho nelRhbors.
L, F. (loortson and Miss Norn
(leortson wont to Klamath Falls Sat
urday. Mr. anil Mrs. Walton and dnugh
toriV willail oil tho Klgnr's Sunday
Kntln Klgor linlpod his undo John
Harmon put up hay uoar Merrill last
' week.
Mr, and Mrs, Jim Stevenson odd
children spont tho Fourth at Dly,
Swank nros. aro hauling lumber
from tho mill noar 8ponror creek
and It tho weather romalns good
thoy will finish tho hauling In
record tlmo. '
Soavors and sons aro cutting hay
and have a flno stand mi a result
ot Irrigation with an electric pump.
F. T. Nelson lias completed his
alfalfa cutting and In now busy
hauling It to his barns. They have
a flno crop and It Is a good ex
ample of sulphur an a fortlllzer.
It. W. Towor and sons aro busy
cutting ryn for hay and havo ono ot
tho best stands In tho community.
C. h. Smith and family of the
Keno power plant motorod to Kla
math Falls Sunday and spont tho
day thoro.
Tho fishing In tho river below
Koun la not bo good as In the past
sonsona owing to tho large amount
ot fish food this yoar. '
Tho mountain llllos aro In blos
som and may bo found in tho hills
noar Keno.
Tho Keno folk nood no alarm to
awake thorn as the rattle ot the
loose plank when cars cross the
bridge keep them awako all night,
Can Again Send
Money to Central
Europe by Cable
Tho Western Union Telegraph
company announcon that arrange
ments bavo been mada to Ireasuno
direct money transfer eervloe to all
points In Austria, Hungary, Cxecho
Slovakia, Jugo Slavla, Itoomaal
and llulgarla on July IS. This aw
vlco will bo supplementary to its
present direct cable money transfer
service to Ureat Urltaln, France and
ether European countries. This rear
run sed norvlce Is on an entirely new
hssU In thnt remittances lor par
roiib In Austria and the saw states
formerly comprised In tho Austrian
Ktnplro as well as for point In
Koumnnla and Bulgaria, be made
In United States legal Uader,. dol
lars. In other words $100 cabled' to,
nay Vienna or Prague, will be paid
at destination In United States ctr
rency Instead of an equivalent
amount of kronen as la usually the
caso In these countries. It 'la point
ed out that since tho payee abroad
will rocelvo American funds ha will
bo In a position to convert them
Into local currency on the moat ad
vantageous terms sine tha banks
In those countries will give a mora
favorable rate of exchange than la
nvallablo on this aide.
In thn event of non-payment at
destination tho amount to be re
funded to tho sendjr on this aide
will bo the same as tho principal de
posited, which Is anothor advan
tage In thn en no of a depreciated
foreign currency which Is dwlndllns
In value.
Thn Western Union Telegraph
company believes that' the opssJns
of this now norvlco should bo ot
considerable convenience to people
desiring to send money cheaply,
quickly, safely and direct to their
frlnnds or relatives abroad.
Wallace Reid
"The Charm School"
A Genafse Btaea Chaser
He thought he knew nit about
women until auntie willed him a
tin's school. Fifty dainty, dlmoled
darlings who thought be was lust
The famous Now Tork stars suc
cess In a whirl of laughter.
Anita' Stewart
uOld Kentucky"
WASHINGTON, July 1."! Judge
Oeorgs E. Davis, of Vale, It Is re
ported in political gossip horo, In
slated for appointment ris federal
Judge in Alaska, and tho samn
sources go so far as to state, that ho
will probably bo assigned to tho
second division at Nome. G-oorge M
Lomon, ot Nomo, is mentioned for
tboi United Statos Judgeship at Val-dez.
LONDON, July 13. RtotlnsT oc-
cured In Vero street, Belfast, today,
says a dispatch received hore. Two
constables wero Injured and three
civilians taken to the hospital with
gunshot wounds.
DOItHIS, Cal., July 13. Albert
Langor and son Jerry of Mt. Dome,
worn Dorrls visitors yesterday on
J. W, Kerns, who is interested in
thu machinery business In Klamath
Falls, was In tho valloy yesterday,
having driven down by automobile.
Tho Dorrls Basoball Club guaran
tees another overwhelming success
ot tho danco to bo given hero Satur
day evening, July 16. Tho affair has
boon widely advertlsod and a good
crowd Is assured.
Mrs. J. P. Bowman doplrted yen
tnrdny morning for Sacramonto
whore sho will spend a few days vis
iting. Mr. Cheily Stow bus returned to
his homo at Watsonvlllo after spend
ing a tow months hero visiting with
his daughter, Mrs. William O. Ihgel
stein. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mltcholl wero
In town from tholr ranch In tho Ok
lahoma country Monday.
"Tho first thing Tsnlac did tor
mo -was to give me a perfectly won
derful appetite," ssld Mrs. O. B.
Johnson, 442 E. Sherman St., Port
land, Oregon.
"For several years I Just dread
ed for mealtime to come because I
suffered so afterward. Everything I
ate would sour .and gas formed and
kept me bloated and miserable for
hours. I had sick headaches and
nouralgio pains that would start in
tho back of my neck and go up into
tho top of my hoad. I was so ner
vous I could hardly stand any noise
of any kind, and had neuritis in
my loft wrist so bad I could hardly1
uso that hand at all. I
"Well, Taslac has changed things
right around for me now. I can
hardly eat enough to satisfy my ap
potlto and I enjoy every mouthful,
for no mattor what I eat or bow
much I never have a touch of in;
digestion. In fact, I feel as strong
nnd healthy now as I ever did in,
my life, and Tanlao is the cause ot
U." Adr.
HOME tlmo ngo
1 WE played "King Spruco"
AND you all liked It
AND havo asked for it
l HO mony times
THAT wo bring It back
AT Tbo Liberty
A,ND big "Mitch" Lewis
IS Just as Ilkablo ,
A lumberjack
AS he was the first time.
THATB funny isn't ItT 1
AND after you've soon him
FOIL tho Tllllan
IN tho last act
YOU'LL laugh at tho comedy,
"A Waiting Maid"
AND you'll enjoy
THE Visual News
OF All tho World."
AND when you leavo
WE know you'll say
"THAT'S a Good Program."
H. W. P.
Your Satifaction
Im Our Success
Tho fact lhat wo devoto
ourselves exclusively to tho
sclottflc oxamlnlon of tho
eyo and tho furnishing ot
glasses, "with our moderate
prices, up-to-date methods,
and a most porfoctly equip
ped room for examinations
has mudo tho words "Sat
isfaction" and "Success"
Federal Power Com-mission.
In compliance with tho Federal
Water Powor Act (41 Stat., 1063)
notice is heroby given that the Call-'
fornia-Oregon Power Company, 607
Montgomery Street, San Francisco,
California, has filed an application
covering power development on Kla
math River, located approximately
between a point in Section 31, T. 39
S.. R. .? E.. and a nolnt In Section 8.
T, 41 8...R. 6 E.. W. M. Any objection
io sucn application, or request mr
hearlne thoroon. together with any
briefs. roDorts. or other data for
which consideration is desired, should
oe aaarossea to ine necuwvo nutnc
tary, Federal Power Commission,
Washington, D. C.
1,S, 10,39,0, 1?, SUliH
Are You Prepared?
We have a large stock of SCREEN
DOORS in three designs, to fit all
regular door openings.
These doors are made of clear, kiln
dried, California white pine cov
ered with the best grade of rust
proof, galvanized wire, and put to
gether with hardwood wedge dow
els a patented process which
makes an exceedingly rigid door.
"Everything to Build With'
Phone 107 Mam & Spring Sts
Mr. Auto-Kno Says j
F'riastattce, jroa say, "Well,
I don't often bavo battery
trouble." Bat why have
any, vtlies! a Philadelphia
Storage Battery cam bo bad
at tbo Electric Shop, mad
your troable la solved?
Ci Smm
i! The Electric Shop
CltAS. D. OAHCKIiO.N, Prop.
123 So. Sixth St.
Phone 127
il Cooking Electrically
the ideal method
Electrically equipped kitchens 'hold
no terrors for the housewife. They
are cool, cozy, and comfortable in
the summer. They eliminate the
drudgery, the grime and the nerve
racking tension caused by wood,
stoves. The expense is surprising'
ly low Let us tell you about it.
The California Oregon Power
"Let us be your servant"
t i , ,ir
BaBB3MBtgag-3IJ II I I H ,1 1 , ,l'.TffT3
J. E. Enders & Co.